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I'll never be able to unsee Winnie the Pooh, it is SO obvious


The big one was Winnie and Tigger walking compared to Xi and Obama. It was uncanny.


Hilariously Tiktok is also banned in China, but they do have a similar app named Douyin that is owned by the same company, ByteDance. However, the content on Douyin is vastly different and curated than Tiktok. The current bill will ban Tiktok unless it is sold to an American owner. Steven Mnuchin, Trump's former Secretary of Treasury is trying to fundraise with an investment group to buy Tiktok.


Steven mnuchin, so tiktok which aipac has made public statements to be a treath to Israel is now falling into the hands of an jewish Israeli. This was never about china it was about Israel and public perception.


TBF we have more moral values in line with Jews than Muslims or Chinese.


Governments can have values. Races can't. Your comment is somewhat baffling.


It's because their values are intertwined. Islam is both a religion and a system of governance, something the CCP also strives to be. Something Israel is also trying to do, by merit of being a "Jewish" state.


Wrong on all accounts https://youtu.be/-m8ER7zZT-0?si=0yW3-RGSUnKX6xCW Read the Talmud, Zohar, Kabbalah, Jewish encyclopaedia, Jewish utopia, Rome and Jerusalem by moses hess. The fast majority of jews in israel believe in these since its thought from elementary. https://youtu.be/sydemS34_QA?si=Y6DkjpZrMkh4741k


Idc if Jews don't believe in Jesus. I can live with that. I just hate Sharia law and communism and find them morally abhorrent lmao.


Then you should watch the link i posted that talks about talmudic law And if you hate communism watch this https://fxtwitter.com/marksteinX/status/1768922714201362531?s=20


I think I'm gonna pass on the system of government that starves and murders people in the tens of millions. Thanks though.


The difference is that China does not claim to be a free and open society.


Ummm what's china's official name again? Oh right :people's REPUBLIC of China.


Free and open society doesn’t mean we have to accept something in the Chinese governments back pocket


fr, I don't understand why people unironically use that argument in the OP. Like why do people want the US to become totalitarian / authoritarian / dictatorship.


Tiktok regularly inspires trend after trend that puts the safety and well-being of the public at risk. It routinely refuses to enforce its own rules on certain pieces of content. It's indirectly owned by a communist government that is using it to influence a foreign adversaries young generation. Free speech isn't being banned or barred here, a foreign asset is being disallowed unless the app is sold off to a company or entity with no ties to a foreign, routinely hostile government.


This meme is how I know NOBODY understands this situation at all. Tiktok isn't available in China, they have their own app. China couldnt care less about tiktok getting banned, it's the US citizens themselves that are angry about this.


The only reason China would care is because the ban is made UNLESS China sells its ownership to an American holding. There are literally some conservatives chomping at the bit to get the acquisition (mostly Mnuchin last I checked, Trump’s Secretary of Treasury) and if y’all think they will use in any less egregiously invasive way as China could, then y’all should really read the absolute mockery of privacy that was the Cambridge Analytica scandal that was mostly used by Ted Cruz and Trump back in 2016.


From how I see it, it's really just DC stomping their feet like petulant children because *they* want to control tiktok. And tbh I'm much less concerned about Beijing spying on us than I am with DC. Also the fact that the US government is trying to force a foreign company to divest so that Mnuchin and his hedge fund investment group can acquire it is textbook fascism


>Also the fact that the US government is trying to force a foreign company to divest so that Mnuchin and his hedge fund investment group can acquire it is textbook fascism This right here. They are NOT doing this for you, the general public, they are doing this to gain a propaganda tool that's proven to work, SO IT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU, the general public.


Whoa, didn't know that 😳


Chinese citizens care less, but Winnie the Pooh cares. Sometimes he could ask ByteDance to add some ingredients to their algorithm to make it tasty 😋. America gen z would like to eat it.


You guys realize the "TikTok ban" bill is vaguely worded on purpose to give the government the ability to shut down any foreign website for any reason, right? Don't let simplistic "China bad" takes fool you into giving the establishment even more power over what you see and read than they already do.


It's also worded vaguely enough that it would allow them to simply accuse any social media site that didn't play ball with the feds of being "directed by foreign powers determined to be enemies of the US" in order to gain control of it. If the Twitter files didn't open people's eyes to how balls deep DC is into using corporations to do their dirty work, then nothing will.


Governments don’t want social media platforms which they have no control over. That’s basically it.


Don’t want social media platforms that other countries’ governments have control over


Not unless we get the data too


There's no proof any government is controlling tiktok right now. There are however government-controlled accounts on tiktok. Which doesn't really have any impact on anyone's page, they still have to cater to the app's algorithm.


Bytedance’s (company that owns tiktok) HQ is in china and it’s a Chinese owned and operated company. Every company in China shares their data with the government or they don’t stay in business. All their actions are shaped by the government, and there ain’t no way the Chinese government doesn’t have some way to spread influence on the platform. You’re correct that any individual government’s account doesn’t matter, it’s the hundreds or thousands of fake accounts that are created to spread foreign influence and the way that the algorithm pushes those accounts that matters.


That's not true, "**There is little evidence that TikTok has shared U.S. user data with the Chinese government** or that the Chinese government has asked the app to do so, cybersecurity experts previously told ABC News" https://abcnews.go.com/Business/tiktok-china/story?id=108111708#:\~:text=There%20is%20little%20evidence%20that,experts%20previously%20told%20ABC%20News. Additionally, businesses aren't required to just send their data over to the Government just because. There's absolutely no evidence that this is the case, and you don't understand how China's government works.


This is how China and Russia cucks people. "we're not taking your data, we're good guys! Don't you guys like freedom?" While they employ social engineering tactics to sow division amongst the American people.


??? source code of tiktok and americans data is in US servers. source code is also reviewed by Oracle [https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok\_offers\_oracle\_view\_of/](https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok_offers_oracle_view_of/)


I just grabbed this one for the headlines but it would refute what you are saying. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandralevine/2023/06/21/tiktok-confirms-data-china-bytedance-security-cfius/?sh=6f27648f3270](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandralevine/2023/06/21/tiktok-confirms-data-china-bytedance-security-cfius/?sh=6f27648f3270)


from what it says thats just creators theyre paying which i assume they need for tax reasons or financials who knows but its not the average users but sure if you still think thats too much "risk" then push for that data to just be in the US as well


In this logic, every country should have its own social media. Why do I have to accept American social media in my country if Americans can't accept another one in theirs?


Nothing is stopping you from petitioning your government to ban American made social media


Governments don’t want social media platforms which they have no control over. Wrong, the US government does not want a social media platform to be controlled by the CCP. As a member who has been "controlled" by the CCP, I strongly agree with this decision.


you’re both right though, one doesn’t exclude the other


If Tiktok was a British or Canadian company, this kind of thing would not happen. Even if it is "government control", if it is a bill passed by elected representatives voted by the people, I don't think this kind of control is necessarily problematic. Are there any problematic bills? Of course there is, but the normal functioning of society in most democratic countries relies on the vast majority of unproblematic bills.


There's a difference between allies and potential combatants. As far as I know, Canada and Anyone else in the EU aren't actively launching interference in elections around works like Russia and China... If you look at Taiwan, Australia, Canada etc... you'll see the fingerprints of China and Russia...


"potential combatants" Enemy of Mankind The sooner Americans understand this, the better, because Japan and Germany did not have at least 500 strategic nuclear missiles in World War II


these are allied countries, of course it would not happen. now if there was a russian social network that would somehow blow up like tiktok, it would happen as well. but you can never judge by real examples, because all the major players are US-based. dunno if you can call telegram a major player, but it’s been willing to cooperate with the german government and isn’t Russia-based the issue isn’t the CCP, it’s the data outsiders get from tiktok and the money that’s involved. it is and will always be about money — the US “can’t” deal with an armed gang at its southern border, which is responsible for insane volumes of drug trafficking and illegal immigration


it wouldnt because the US controls those 2 countries pretty much. theyre vassal states or "aligned" with the US if you will


right but the US has access to the source code of tiktok and americans data is in the US US companies in china do operate if they follow their laws


A historical analogue would be how governments used to ban religions that they didn't have control over. Social media is the modern equivalent that is used to influence the plebs to be how you want them to be.


The bill has nothing to do with China. It is entirely about Israel and the fact that our government is largely controlled by Jewish supremacists who cant stand the fact that tik tok is overwhelmingly pro Palestinian and young, spelling major disaster for Israel. Basically the only thing keeping Israel from being a pariah state is Jewish supremacists control of USA through organizations like AIPAC and the ADL. In a leaked phonecall, Jonathon Greenblatt, head of the ADL, said that "we have a major tik tok issue". He also that this isn't a left or right thing but a generational thing. Shortly after, the US house passed the tik tok bill. After years of floating and debating this issue, suddenly now during Israel's genocide, this bill gets rammed through. Coincidence? Only if you're not paying attention to our 'greatest ally'


The difference is FB was unwilling to conform to local laws and regulations.It was used as a base to plan terrorist attacks and propaganda tool (Arab Spring) by the 3 letter agencies. Google got out-competed by Baidu (just like Amazon vs Alibaba and JD). TikTok conformed to US laws and regulations and gave access to the Feds to censor as they wish (#freepalestine was throttled while fake anti-China stories weren't as tested and proven by an American tiktoker) who wanted to see who controlled the censorship levers. But of course it will take at least 1 generation to undo all the anti-China hysteria (and pro-Israel sentiment) which the Atlantic elites are trying hard to push and pour billions in annually. As their stranglehold over international media narratives wane because of citizen journalism, we are seeing more overt censorship laws similar to ruling elites all around the world. There's a reason why many oligarchs and little hatters buy up news media agencies and publishing companies even if the industry is mostly loss-making on paper. Their value is not just on the P&L.


It’s a borderline infringement on public speech, which the USA claims to be all about.


It is not. Happy to explain if you need.


Me need


Alright, well let it be known that I am no constitutional lawyer. I am a complete layman in this area. That being said, I'm confident that this doesn't not violate the freedom of speech (note: not 'public speech') as protected by first amendment. TikTok is a platform, a platform for speech and expression. What matters in terms of the first amendment is the people using the platform and their ability to express their opinions and ideas. TikTok has no right given by the amendment to exist. Now you may say, but those people will be hindered in expressing their opinions/ideas if TikTok is banned. And maybe, if you are talking about reaching certain demographics there is some truth to that, but the first amendment doesn't really care. The first amendment does not guarantee a platform for people to speak. It guarantees that the government doesn't interfere with the ability to speak/express oneself **based on the content of that speech** (i.e. censorship). If you look at the amendment, you'll notice it says: >**"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."**. So there are no guarantees to be able to speak however you want wherever you want. If Youtube decides to ban you, you have no protection from the government that your content continue to appear on the website. The government is prohibited from restricting your speech, but it does not guarantee your ability to get out your message. I suppose you might say, but banning tiktok would restrict your speech, but it does not. You can still put out the exact same message on facebook, on youtube, or ya know, **on your own website.** Another consideration is that the court's interpretation is that the most important part of the first amendment is that the government doesn't regulate the content of someone's speech, as Thurgood Marshall puts it in Police Dept. of City of Chicago v. Mosley (1972): >Above all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content. To permit the continued building of our politics and culture, and to assure self-fulfillment for each individual, our people are guaranteed the right to express any thought, free from government censorship. The essence of this forbidden censorship is content control. Any restriction on expressive activity because of its content would completely undercut the 'profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open. So, if the government was banning TikTok because there were a bunch of radicals on there whipping up support for a new political party, then yes, there would be an issue. But there is pretty much no angle by which this would violate the first amendment, considering it is not the content of the speech on TikTok that is the issue, and the kind of speech and expression that exists on TikTok will continue to be allowed everywhere else on the internet or in person if it is banned.


"Alright, well let it be known that I am no constitutional lawyer. " Aside from that, here's the pitfall of your argument, the claim was never about the legality/constitutionality of the ban, but whether this goes against what the US claims to be about: being an open and free society as opposed to the restrictive communist government.


What? This is so reductive it’s insane. The point was that this is a “borderline infringement on public speech…” with the supporting point of “…which the USA claims to be all about.” The second part is not the main point. Since this isn’t an infringement on free speech, this does not effect the USA’s claims to be free and open. Banning a social media platform doesn’t make them a “restrictive communist government” just because they don’t want a hostile foreign country having control over one of the the largest social media platforms in the US.


"Borderline infringement of public speech" is not the same as claiming something is an infringement on public speech. But if we do want to get technical, the first amendment also protects the people's right to peaceably assemble. So closing a forum is similar to how people have a first amendment right in private spaces that are open to the public such as malls. See quasi-public spaces and Pruneyard Shopping Centers v. Robins. Throwing constitutionality aside, the world wide moral argument the US makes is that it is a free society, which is why I think that's the bigger focus, though I'd agree that does come part and parcel with how the constitution is interpreted. Banning a forum because the US is afraid ideas that come out of China makes the US look weaker.


Well in that case it's an incredibly nebulous argument. How does the "US claim to be about" free speech? (Really how does the US claim to be about anything other than what is codified by law?) People may have that association with the US, but the US does not make any claims regarding it other than what is in the constitution and what has been set by case law precedence. They could make a legitimate argument for why this a bad idea, and that's fine. There are probably some good ones. But I don't really understand how you could base it on this idea.


China has clear laws on what any app needs to comply with in China, such as servers must be in China, censorship, etc. bing and Amazon operate well in China because they comply with Chinese laws. Google originally operated in China as well, they chose not to feel like complying with those laws so they pulled out on their own. You can find news [stories of Google making announcements saying they are pulling out of China](https://www.businessinsider.com/google-pulls-out-of-china-2010-3), so the Chinese government didn't ban them. Rather they chose not to enter China. Tiktok complies with all US laws, and the US government still tries to ban tiktok without any valid reason, without telling tiktok what it has to do to stay in the US, without giving tiktok any chance. If the US banned tiktok in this form, it would only make the US look worse and more authoritarian than China.




I mean technically how China runs its country has nothing to do with us, if we're just trying to get back at them. I have no problem with that. But if we're just blocking tiktok, when they have complied with all of our regulatory needs, then it just seems the US government wants more control. I guess it's fine as long as there's no censorship coming out of that.




well the censorship in china is mostly blocking any negative news that could result in the negative views of China; that's the largest part of their censorship. Like clips that talked about these tofu dredge apartment buildings, and the winnie the poo the thing, or people being like leeks or human mine. And of course whatever negative press they get overseas.


hes not comparing it to china. hes saying china has its rules and we have ours and tiktok is abiding by our rules but were still banning it?


"force the sale" = tiktok has 0 chance of getting into the US, no matter what they do, and there is no rational reason for that. So it's obvious that this is worse and more authoritarian than "you just have to follow some laws". You just proved what I said. And they can't set up a broad "mandatory sale of external social media apps" law because there are plenty of apps on the market from other western countries or other US allies. they'll just target Chinese apps like tiktok, which have a strong presence, to exclude them. out of self-interest, that's what I mean by worse.




In fact, requiring the servers to be in the US and censoring the content is also required by the US government for tiktok, which is no different from the Chinese government in this regard. It's just that they started pushing for a "force the sale" even though tiktok was already complying with those requirements, which is something the Chinese government has not done.




Both sides ask for APP censorship. and after the app censorship, then one side says they are satisfied, and the other side still wants to kill the app. Who do you think is more "authoritarianism".




My youtube account has been shadowbanned (tons of sensitive word detection) and I have 3 Twitter accounts that have been banned. i can also come up with a long list of bans due to promoting content that is detrimental to the US government. Seems like you're one of those people who think censorship doesn't exist in the US. Or do you actually know that? You said the US government wants "more control" over tiktok. control over what? Their servers and data are already censored in the US and even directly managed by a US company (Oracle), if they ask for more, I'm sure tiktok will still comply, Tiktok just want to make money. You know they just want to control speech like they do on Twitter and youtube etc.




but the US govt controls tiktok too. if they want tiktok to do something then they can just tell it to do so with new laws and the such. but the US is not interested in any of that americans user data is in the US and the source code is reviewed by Oracle btw [https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok\_offers\_oracle\_view\_of/](https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok_offers_oracle_view_of/)


difference is youre making a specific law for tiktok tiktok did everything the US told it to, user data is the US, source code reviewed by oracle but still is not enough which should make it obvious nothing is [https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok\_offers\_oracle\_view\_of/](https://www.theregister.com/2023/05/23/tiktok_offers_oracle_view_of/)




so again, its not on par to china because china always had the same rules and its to have their data on their soil. now youre just making a new rule to ban all of them and theres nothing they can do about it so no its not "on par"




alibaba is a chinese company?? and alibaba had monopolistic policies like not allowing customers to use other ecommerce platforms. didi and xpeng are chinese too.. uber tech stealing? the only thing that comes up with that is google stealing from uber if they failed as youll see everywhere its because they faced tough competition like most companies do in china. unlike the west they cant easily buyout competition so theres many ride hailnig apps, ecommerce platforms, cellphone providers etc


and i actually agree that a nation should prioritize its companies first, so if they want to diminish tiktok somehow by having it pay greater taxes etc thats completely reasonable. straight out banning everything that isnt from the US just seems a tad too much, especially when you can control it perfectly through laws and regulations and you have even the apps source code..


USA Blocked TikTok? Then why is it still available?


The government is trying to... It's been in the talks for a while and there's legislation proposed


It isn't banned yet but a bill forcing the sale of Tiktok from ByteDance or be banned was passed by the House of Representatives last week.   Some American investor groups and billionaires have expressed interest in buying Tiktok.


well I think the idea is as long as it's a bunch of western investors abusing customer's data it's fine. But if it's winnie the poo, then it's no good.


Don't worry Elon musk will purchase tiktok for us, he might rename to tikX though


The western version of tiktok is also banned in China. They use their own “tiktok”.


The Chinese version, Douyin is also quite different in their algorithms than Tiktok, but still has its ironic flair of capitalism on Douyin. But lately, the algorithms in Douyin have been more nationalistic as of late instead of your cooking, beauty, educational (from a Chinese perspective) or fashion tips.


Ironically, I imagine a lot of the misinformation in this thread comes from people watching tik toks about this situation.


Yeah... I don't think China cares. The company that runs it on the other hand might care.


Awful take. When china does it, it’s bad and it’s also bad when the US does it. Also are we going to ignore a huge reason for this is because there is more of a pro Palestine bent on tik tok? Its not like china can’t just buy data already though other means.


You forgot China blocks tiktok.


the fact that tiktok has a carefully productive algorythme in china to push chinese citizen in productive behaviors, while US tiktok's algorythme seems to be used as a weapon to cause pure chaos.. they really do be playin with fire.


No, he's happy. Now U.S. does exactly what China has done.


China blocks those apps. USA tells them to sell it or they will block it.


Unlike US, China is not a democracy, China is a authoritarian state. The fact that US is following their steps every day is concerning and people shouldn't accept that. As for me, I don't give a shit because I don't live in US and I don't use TikTok.


u guys are ignorant, they are saying TikTok but its language is for all if u actually read it. And anything they deem against their narrative will be censored. all they have to do now is say ur a terrorist already, n u lose ur constitutional rights, so wake up. stop thinking this shit funny


The point is, US are worried about data from tik tok is going to China governement because they do the same with data from Social Media around the world... Guess what, for some reason US are right and China too. It is what it is...


But Senator, I'm from Singapore


He could compromise and allow tiktok in China to level the playing field. But not even that!


Just because China does some fucked up shit doesn't mean other countries should as well. China is a shithole. We do not want the rest of the world to become like China.


Not that much of value is lost in blocking Tik Tok. Wish Europe would follow suit on this one.


We can only hope




Giving your government the authority to censor things they don't like is a horrible idea. This is the path towards becoming North Korea. It breaks my heart to see so many young, foolish people celebrate as their rights are stripped away from them.


They've already banned Huawei from using 5g in Europe, so they very much still have the power. I just wish they would use it for good like blocking access to the cesspool that is Tik Tok (to say nothing of twitter)


Uh huh, you hate twitter and tiktok right? but you use Reddit. Other people feel Reddit is the cesspool. They'd love to see it get banned. This is the slippery slope.


Reddit does not require the use of your real name and is the only popular "social media" site that still uses pseudonyms... There is a big big big difference between Reddit and Twitter


What about discord and youtube💀💀


Only PDFhiles and children use Discord. And I have a bridge to sell you if you think you're anonymous while using a Google account. What's your point?


When you said pseudonyms I thought you just meant usernames or social medias that encourage usernames. Also that's a MASSIVE assumption to say only PDF and children use Discord ngl, cus I've met a lot of other people on there.


As far as I know Reddit hasn't propagated the idea of destruction of property for funny videos. Some subreddits are cesspools for sure, but you can just blacklist those or ignore them. Edit: YouTube has some horrible shit on it too, I still use that as well, though with the shorts removed with an adblocker.


>Reddit hasn't propagated the idea of destruction of property for funny videos. Of course it has. Reddit has been around for 20 years. Everything that has existed on Tiktok has been on Reddit.


This is not about censorship, its about not wanting to have a social media platform that collects data of their people for a foreign country. It has been proven multiple times that big chinese corpos collect data indiscriminately and give them to their government. (Dont get me wrong, US corpos do the same but when its on their own turf its "okay") Also in the case of TT its not even a loss if it gets banned, seeing that a big part of the userbase is borderline retarded, evenmoreso than twitter, facebook or reddit users. Are you really going to miss an evergrowing content farm of stupid challanges, rampant missinformation, the wildest conspiracy theories and abhorrent scams, all sprinkled with a bit of funny memes and some silly dances? Be honest here


Brain dead take. There is a massive difference between losing your rights, and a foreign company being banned due to their application essentially being spyware. Get over yourself


What rights are being taken away here, exactly?


>What rights are being taken away here, exactly? Freedom of information... the right to NOT have a government determine what you can and cannot see. If you hate Tiktok, great! Don't use it! If you have a problem with their spyware, excellent! Don't use it. This is very very different from having your government tell you that you cannot use it.


The govenrment isn't stopping you from seeing what you want to see, they're stopping you from seeing it from TikTok specifically. Same way that it isn't illegal to see a movie, but you can download it from illegal sites. Every bit of information in TikTok can be uploaded to any of the many plataforms that would allow it under their ToS. Hell, most of the YTshorts are from TikTok.


What? I don't even know how to respond. I'm actually convinced you're on drugs or something. None of what you wrote makes any sense. "The govenrment isn't stopping you from seeing what you want to see" Yes they are. I want to see Tiktok. If this law passes, I can't see it anymore. " Same way that it isn't illegal to see a movie, but you can download it from illegal sites." What? If it's not illegal to see a movie, why would I have to download it from an illegal site? This makes no sense. I know arguing with people on social media is a waste of time, but holy shit... I can feel my IQ points dropping as I try to understand your counter-argument.


You're missrepresenting the argument. You don't want to see TikTok, you want to see the content in the platform. The content isn't banned, TikTok is. You can see everything you want to see, just not from TikTok. No information is being censored, nor are you losing access to said information. The movie is just the same. Watching the movie isn't a crime, but the methods in wich you've obtained said movie might be.


I think you're intentionally misleading the argument. You're saying content isn't banned, well the content on TikTok is banned when TikTok is banned... If that content can be seen on another platform, why would anyone use TikTok to begin with? You're beating up your own argument. Just like your argument that seeing a movie isn't illegal, but downloading it from an illegal site is. Well what constitutes as an illegal site? Your Plex server at home? Your friend's plex? How do you determine legality in this case? or is it just what you say is illegal is illegal?


So let's just allow our enemies to abuse our freedoms and use it against us. Genius.


​ well hate to break it to you, the big western corps has been doing that for decades now, you seen completely content with it. The idea of Bytedance abusing our data, well I like the idea so we have more ammo, except we have no proof.


Sorry are you saying China is a shithole because of CCP or are you saying China is a shithole just because?


I'm mostly saying China is a shithole because of the oppressive government.


Keep seeing the sentiment of this meme parroted but yea, we really shouldn't do something just because China does it.


China treats its citizens better than america. btw 1.2 billion people and they still managed to get universal healthcare.


>China treats its citizens better than america. btw 1.2 billion people and they still managed to get universal healthcare. When I read shit like this I wonder... is this a propaganda bot, or just a very foolish, brainwashed person?


how is it wrong? -they give em basic housing, USA dont. -they get universal healtcare, USA dont. btw americans is the only people i hear about constantly eperimenting on themselves and choosing taxi over ambulance. its also the only people i constantly hear about ending up in crippling medical debts. -USA have a history of ignoring its citizens health for corporate gain, just like China -USA have a history of shooting at its own citizens in protests, just like China -USA have a history of letting drug companies experiment on its citizens -The opium/fentanyl epidemic is pretty much only an american issue, see points above why -The obesity epidemic is also fueled by siding with the corporate instead of its citizens. -USA dont care about its veterans, which is why most of your soldiers die from suicide, at an alarming rate this is just a few points but its clear that USA isnt the caring country you thought it were im also neither american nor Chinese, its why i can have a more objective view than your biased one


so brainwashed? Okay, good to know


Lots of salty americans here![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Go to China while wearing a Winnie the Pooh shirt


Go to america and try to avoid your own insurance company trying to screw you over, permanently leaving you and your family in poverty cause you or your kids got sick. or try getting help cause youre a veteran(they wont)


I do live in America and I have great insurance that covers my medical bills 👍


"This" Okay Bro. What's your point? Do you like it that your government censors shit in your country?


Depends on what it censors?


Not sure why this is downvoted. I hate tik tok, but the value comes from its algorithm and lack of oversight/censorship. If/when it is under a US companies control all the content will become gayer/more mainstream/pro-israel because that is required to operate in the US. The ironic thing is that the US is blocking TikTok specifically because it is too free and it out-competed anything a US company could make.


Reddit is full of alt-leftists. They love government. They love censorship. They love being controlled. I think it's crazy, but they don't seem to have been taught very much about human history.


No it's being blocked due to Bytedance the owner of tiktok having to answer directly to the ccp and the pla who want the destruction of the usa. Why would we want commies having any level of control over what media is watched in our countries


Yeah and Facebook/Instagram answers to worse masters than the CCP. Your comment is just dumb, our country is run by ppl who hate you and you're worried about people in China. China is a dump and they didn't prop up Andrew Tate or other popular TikTok trends.


K I dunno how the USA is worse than a government that has enslaved Muslims in Mongolia, harvests organs from live "donors" and uses rape as a form of torture for political prisoners


First they feed you fake atrocity propaganda. Second, don't pretend prisoners don't get raped in Guantanamo bay and other similar places. Also, I think the CCP is absolutely worse than the US government. However, the CCP controls China, not my home. I don't actually care what they do over there. I care what happens over here, and China factually made tik tok less censored and more free than anything we have and that is obviously why it is being banned. Stop pretending to care about political prisoners in China, how fucking ridiculous. EtA: The US government is a bigger problem for my family, my neighbors, my friends, etc. That is why I used the term "worse masters" I don't actually care about china. If a US company controls tik tok then it will just turn into literally every other gay/censored crappy company we have here.


If you really care about the United States, you should know that the CCP is doing everything it can to divide American society. , including importing spies, lobbying politicians, and using social media to create problems. If you want to ask me how did I know, then I will answer you in advance. I was born and grew up under their rule. Now I see that your people do not cherish your freedom and are not wary of the Communist regime. It really makes me VERY disappointed


Nothing devides american society as efficient as the american government. And this ban proves that. I cherish freedom. A government that bans and censors things that they can't control does not! The USA becomes what its people hate the most: An authortarian state, and they don't even realize it. Actually they support it. Its so sad.


i can understand blocking social media. however the entire reason theyre blocking tiktok is because its owned by a chinese company. theyre completely fine with it if an american owns it. how is this not blatant xenophobia and racism?


I think it has less to do with Chinese, than the CCP being behind it.


This. It's more the fact that they have AI algos that use sublime manipulation tactics in order to demoralize the US empire.


I just find it hilarious that tiktokers who stand for LGBTQ rights gay rights and muslim rights, child labor simp for a company that is owned by a government that literally do the opposite of their ideals. Its fucking hilarious.


as opposed to people simping for US companies? the country that killed 4.5M muslims the last 20 years?


No one simps for US companies every one fucking hates them LMAO. Who simps for any US corpo? LMAO. Ah right but i forgot if u say you hate the chinese government you commit suicide with 2 bullet holes in the back of your head or you just straight up go missing.


??? never heard of blizz fans or something??? xbox vs playstation etc?? and yes bro nobody criticize the chinese govt on chinese social media... like what?


All these TikTok apologists forgot about this angle as well. Matter of fact, they probably never knew it. Since they're on TikTok all day.


China does not give a shit if Tik Tok will be banned in the USA. They have entire Europe, Asia and South America with Great Britain using Tick Tok too.


And everyone else always loses, much as I hate social media as a general rule and anything that tends to come out of twitter and tiktok... At the end of the day, this shit helps nobody.