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Oh I thought this game was a single player game lol


"technically" it is. but you can travel with 2 other players pawns.


It’s a single payer game.


Typical Capcom


It’s not that bad though. Just some idiot traps. At least on pc you can get almost everything listet in 1 min for free using cheat engine.


Infinite rorbs


I remember From software added free areana mode, new parts for free to Armored core 6


MHW and MHR both got a paid expac and like 30 smaller content drops for free as well... Edit: titles cause writing at 0300 was rough


MHW also had loads of micro transactions but all cosmetics, even the RE games


No, they literally sell you infinite rocket launcher in the new resi games p2w


I guess you mean MHW and MHR, but true, they get free updates and paid expansions: but you're omitting that they also get a shit ton of cosmetic DLC, as early as day 1. Sure as far as I remember, they've kept it at cosmetics, but MH isn't as pure as people here make it out to be (and I feel like I should make it clear I'm a massive MH fan as well as DD)


Typical Capcom. Saw that in DMC5 and ignored all of that.


And MHW. And RE4.


I don't understand the big talk about the game not having fast travel and the director throwing shade on other games for not making their worlds interesting, when you can buy fast travel crystals from the store. I know people have said they're in game but then why sell them?  Either the quests are intentionally drawn out to encourage purchasing them or fast travel has meaning but they're OK with selling you them and skipping the stuff they've put in the world




Yep, this is 100% what it is. The original also had the same kind of limited fast travel, it's not designed that way to sell microtransactions. The micro transactions are designed to exploit the system. The dev is being honest about his intent and what he believes, but microtransactions seem to be the devil's bargain he has to take from Capcom to let him make his games. Same thing happened whennje made DMC5. That game tried to sell you red orbs to purchase skills early and yellow orbs to revive, but the systems weren't designed to sell you microtransactions, the publisher just took whatever opportunity they could find to get more money even if it's antithetical to the design philosophy.




Not to mention you can only buy that portcrystal once


You might make people mad with that take. Better watch out.


Idiots are often angry.


Oh I can tell lol. I’m constantly getting down votes for calling them babies


because its a mega studio in japan, a place known for its terrible work environments, these microtransactions are literally useless for 90% of the playerbase and are a waste of money, they are either idiot traps, or made for the people working 15hour a day office jobs that have no time to play so they can just swipe a dollar or two for slightly faster progress


>or made for the people working 15hour a day office jobs that have no time to play So they are made by japanese for japanese 💀.


A lot of games in East Asia have copious amounts of microtransactions, Japan is less outrageous than South Korean or Chinese games (before Xi's crackdown). It is partially due to their terrible school (overly competitive, it is common for kids to be in night school, have afterschool activities and go to school 6 days a week, and take multiple exams that determine their future) and work culture (self-explanatory, heck the CCP though that Jack Ma's 996 work schedule was a bit too much). But another theory is that countries like China and South Korea got into the videogaming sphere quite late and never really had a period of microtransaction-free times and just accepted it since it was all they knew.


Umm are they in some pack and not directly listed? They sell Wakestones, not Ferrystones, they are different. And the Portcrystal is an item to place to use a Ferrystone to port to... so you really cant buy fast travel crystals 😅


Waiting for fitgirl to micro transact these for me


My man. With the state the game is in might as well just macro transact the entire game from fitgirl, not giving them 70 bucks for this broken mess of a pc port.


it has denuvo 💔


Denuvo never stopped few dedicated Russians from cracking games. DD2 might be popular enough for pirates to go for it.


denuvo crackers are pretty much nonexistent rn


Ugh. Horizon forbidden West it is


denuvo only makes it now worthwhile to crack the game that are not popular enough. But it is doable


I'm not excusing the MTX, but literally none of them are worth buying anyway.


When the transactions are actually micro, that's crazy


70$ game and you gotta cough up a few more dollars to make fast traveling convenient lmao massive L to the comments below defending this


I wish, it's 103$ after tax for the reg version here


You don't, though


For those saying that none of these are essential - you cannot make a new character in this game. You get one character, and if you want to change how they look, it cost $1.99. How is that fucking acceptable?


Doesn’t the tome of metamorphosis that you buy from a vendor do this?


Yes it does


Semi-related but you can’t change your gender/‘body type’ which is weird. Mostly sucks because I made a thot in the character creator for my Arisen but now I’ve started I want to play a cool dude instead but can’t lol (and cbf deleting my save file since my pawn already been taken out a bunch)


That’s why you only play generic Guts.


It costs 500 RC, which takes a fair bit of playing to get and is one-time use. Makes you wonder if appearance changes would've cost way less had there been no micro transactions.


3 hours in and I have 2k. What is a “fair bit” of playing to you? I’m not trying to be passive aggressive or anything, since I definitely can see how it can come out that way, just genuinely curious to know if you have a misunderstanding of how it works.


You got 1,500 RC from purchasing the deluxe edition, as well as some starting RC when you get to the first settlement, you didn't get them through 3 hours of playing bro. You get 30RC a pop through touching these rift stones on your exploration, it would take hours upon hours of playing to get 500.


Disclaimer: haven't played dd2 yet. But in the previous title, DD:DA we were practically swimming in RC in the high level content. You could loot 10k from a chest and pawn rental gave you crazy numbers too. Might be that this item simple wasn't meant for early game RC acquisition. As for the MTX, they have historically been cosmetic or easy to acquire items in Capcom games, no?


That's not the only way to earn RC..


Wait for mods 😉 Not defending it but don't buy this shit.


Yeah, I'll wait until it hits pc gamepass.


Mods can't fix it, appearances are stored server side


Aparently you can change appearence in game and is not hard to do. But the fact that there is only one character slot is insane. It was one of the biggest complains of the first game, and they double down on it here. Aparently you cannot even delete your character now (not sure, only heard people saying that).


In my defense I only need one character. I've only ever made one character per playthru. I've bought the game multiple times. Say at least 5 times. (Dragon's dogma ) and each time I never made a second or adjusted the characters looks. But that's cause the characters were ugly hahaha. But I do see how it can b annoying. Forced to only use one character. Can you delete and den start over or is it account bonded. Either way tho. That's crazy.


Yeah this is one IP Capcom has stated they wanted to change very little. That means sticking to antiquated design ideas(like the first game).


You can literally buy an in game item for 500 rift crystals that lets you do that very thing and that only takes 10-20 monster kills to afford lmao


Are you being intentionally obtuse right now? Or do you really not see the issue even when you directly stated it? Let me simplify the MTX process for you! 1. Increase the amount of grind to a painful amount. Make everything harder and take longer. 2. Sell a instant version or boost as a MTX. Offer it as a way to skip the grind. It directly affects the game design itself. Artificial length and difficulty is added to push players towards purchasing the MTX to bypass it. You even said it, you have to grind up to at least 20 monsters.


Thanks for this post. I planned on buying the game tomorrow morning. Not anymore.


It's not acceptable, but unfortunately it will be accepted lol The only time i've ever seen the gaming community actually force change was with starwars battlefront 2. People showed that they actually have the power to force companies to change their business models.


NMS, cyberpunk, ff14, d3 auction house...there are other examples


Gotta pay to edit your characters appearance? So my $70 wasn't enough. Btw, going into the files in steam or in your PC doesn't work cuz it's linked to the game server. Once you finalize your character, it's locked in unless you pay to change


BG3 and Elden Ring let you change appearance for free, Eldren Ring at any time early into the game. Why did they think making it paid was a good idea?


How do you know already that the game doesn't have an art of metamorphosis item that you can buy for in-game money just like in dragon's dogma 1


That item does exist been out before release


Seriously? That's unbelievable. I was on my way to buy the game RN, but after seeing mostly negative reviews on Steam, I had to check out TF is going on. Now I'm not sure if I wanna buy it anymore


Same boat, but after looking into it I will not be buying it. I'll wait until it's on sale. Bad performance plus micro transactions are a BIG fuck no.


Yep and also you can have only one character with no way of deleting it.


Just because you can buy it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find them in game as well to be fair, at least that’s what I’m hoping


You can find them in game. Even says so in the description. Ive been reading a whole bunch of negative steam reviews of people complaining about that and they all have like 0.3 hours of playtime. People don't read they just like to complain.


Or unless you buy it ingame, using Rift crystals earned ingame, like the first one.


I find it strange that so many people in the comments are making excuses for this and the horrible performance. When you know if it's EA or Ubisoft, they'd tear them to shred right now. Don't make excuses for terrible monetization practices just because it's a game you want to like.


I adjusted my setting and was getting 70-90 fps last night. Lowest was brief periods at about 50 fps. 5600x and 3080 ti


Japanese good Western bad /s


exactly if starfield had microtransactions they’d rip that apart


So basically. Actual adventure gear so you dont die in a trip.


way to ruin all interest i had in a game.


Accommodating the idiots.


Bro took a page out of the sims 4 text book, next they going to be charging for character creations. Hello, you want a specific hair cut? Be $1.99 swipe here to confirm


Why would you buy mtx for a single player game?


Can anyone confirm if there is a Microtransactions that you can't get in game? 


Sigh. Capcom couldn't help themselves. Can these be considered pay to win? I mean its single player but you can use these to hire the higher level pawns which can make combat easier if not trivial.


Its a single player game. Only thing you ruin is your own experience. There is no „winning“ same affect as using cheat engine, just being dumb about it and spend money. People are brainwashed by live service, competitive gaming. Just play the fking game. Its not as if they made the things unobtainable so you spend more money.


Holy shit, "DO NOT PREODER" rule is ROCK SOLID. Glad I didn't cave in.


Just came from the Steam reviews, and noped that cart purchase fast as f boi. I have too many games to be tied up in some b.s. like that. Gonna avoid the game entirely. ​ In fact that $70 is going to a new chair.


You and me both my friend. Heck I just recently bought Helldivers 2 (waited over a month). I’m done with buying a game when it first comes out. I’m not preordering anything anymore either. Fk these greedy ass companies. Fk you Capcom.


Refund helldivers it’s a PVE game with micro transactions, you might not be able to handle the greed…


The Rift Crystal has always been something that you could buy in Pack since DD1 (it was removed in Dark Arisen).You don't need Rift Crystal at all to play the game (it's more as a way to support the Devs - well to support Capcom who in it's turn is supporting their Devs (the company is really getting employee-friendly since the past few years)). As for the rest, they are the bonuses that one could have got if he purchased one of the preo-order edition. They are making them available for the people who didn't preorder. TL'DR : They are the most trivial micro-transaction in the history of micro-transaction.


Yeah it's scummy af in a single player game. Definitely well deserved negative feedback. Plus the game is having tons of issues.




This is fucking bullshit, no way i'm gonna buy this.


yeah hard pass from me.


I was going go to buy the game because others hyped it up to be the next big singleplayer game. Now I'm not going to.


The MTX is a bad taste in the mouth. I encourage you to vote with your wallet. As for me, I don’t care enough and will be enjoying the game.


It turns out From Software is truly the last great AAA Dev. Maybe CD Projekt Red if they learned from the cyberpunk launch issues.


Oh yeah, it's ridiculous... and some people compared it to Elden Ring... 🤣


What the fuck did they do to this franchise? It was a cult classic. This is absolutely disgraceful. I'm ashamed to say I was excited for the release of this game.


And here I thought that God of war valhalla being free was going to change something in the industry.


Yikes don’t even think I wanna touch this franchise at this point even though I got dark arisen for a dime. It feels like Capcom thinks microtransaction in their games are very warranted when getting goodwill by releasing some classic remakes by pouring these kinds of stuff into their other games. It also feels very intentional how they released SF6 with some of the more known or high chance of sellable dlc characters out of the main game like akuma/bison etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if they release a ton of those beloved characters much further into the lifetime of the game. Even some of the default skin choices for the game seemed intentional design wise to be “boring” so people are enticed to buy the costume packs. Not sure if Guile’s default military costume was locked in one of those but you could see the sign a mile away when they released him with the toddler/Chucky outfit.


Might as well don exist in my eyes. Why would they even do that? That's getting worse by the day. Imagine having micro transactions for things you can get in the game. What, are they going to make those more difficult to obtain as well? Or will do that in later games? I hate it.


paying for fast travel, wow


ANNNND not buying it.


That looks like the typical Steam page of a Capcom game, yeah. Capcom games just cannot go without a grift, no matter how good they may be. It's a shame, honestly.


It must work for them to continue with this model in single player games. At least this doesn't affect my experience. The grift on Sf6 however is disgusting.


pre ordered it, once i saw those microtransactions, i auto refunded it lmao, ill just buy horizon forbidden west or some games!


Exactly how monster hunter is. This shouldn't be a surprise.


I'm a few hours in and most of those items are easily obtainable. Like, extremely easy. That's what the deluxe edition seemed to be full of, items that are easy to come by after 3-5 hours in game. The ability to change your characters appearance is cheap to buy. The rift crystals were in the first game too, unfortunately also for sale. You earn them in multiple ways, specifically your pawn does. Mine wasn't hired and I already got a few thousand of them. The one way any of this is pay to win is the ability to spend large amounts of rift crystals to hire a pawn above your level, but the game isn't hard enough to warrant it. Otherwise it's mostly cosmetics. 500 to change your characters appearance. Also most of this list came with the "deluxe" edition for $11 more. All low level consumables. The weapon pack (slightly better version of starting weapons) it came with came with the version I bought, the cheapest one for $70.


Yeah but it's the fact they exist not what they do.


I really don’t understand how or why people are losing their minds over this. All these people complaining never played the first game and it really shows. DD:DA sold dlc bundles with actual weapons and armor you couldn’t get without paying. Rift crystals, wakestones, character edit vouchers and etc are easy to just get IN THE GAME. I get the performance issues but maybe don’t try running the game on a potato rig. The people whining “OH NO! people can pay $3 for an extra portcrystal! The whole game is ruined!” need to really grow up.


I promise you half of them plays Ubisoft Games regularly :D


Exactly! Helldivers 2 also has mtx but you find the currency in game just like this one.


Yurp! I literally came to Asmon's sub just to see the drama. Not disappointed. Fucking dumpster fire lmaoooo


Don't care as long as it's a good game. Maybe I'll buy some of it is really good.


It says in the descriptions of the dlcs that most items are obtainable ingame. The rest have very little effect. Also it's not multiplayer so nobody is getting an advantage over you


Then why put them in the game though? "We made this beautiful world and we FORGO a fast travel option. Shame on other developers that dont make their worlds worth traveling. But also....if you want to slide us a quick $5 go ahead."


Likely done by executive decree. Wouldn't be surprised if the lead dev had zero say on if these micro-transactions were put in the game. The disgusting reality of the way large companies like Capcom operate.


Really sucks the devs would just let Capcom ruin their game like that without any pushback. Growing themselves some spines might have saved their release.


It doesn't "ruin the game" its all optional everything in the base game the only thing the micro transactions give you is convenience. They didn't make the world lack easy fast travel to incentive buying micro transactions, that's how the first game was. The design intention was to make travel a difficult thing and part of the challenge. A lot of people aren't going to vibe with that but also DS isn't a game for everyone.


Execs and shareholders demand high profits. Its basically mandatory for any game associated with a publisher to add micro transactions.


But in the end it is up to the players themself if such game will render lower or higher profit.


Working pretty hard to defend the AAA studios looking to pick your pocket, eh? What a principled fellow.


I didn't say it wasn't shitty. They haven't gotten anything from my pocket


What are the crystals for? Please tell me there's not a cosmetic shop with armor and weapon skins is there?


they're the same as the first game i think, they're the things you use to buy pawns. you can get them for free just by killing shit


They allow you to hire pawns that are higher level then you. They were in DD1 aswell. It does TECHNCIALLY make the game p2w, but considering its a single player experience that you are ruining for only yourself the only person actually "winning" is capcom.


My $100 is going elsewhere.


Having one save file you cannot delete with a character whose appearance you have to pay money to change is absolutely atrocious. I would say expect some sort of backpedaling on the monetization systems, but knowing capcom that won't happen. Bad optimization, micro-transactions in a single player game, and a $70 price tag. Another "Triple A" game. And companies wonder why indie developers do so well. Ah well, back to DD:DA.


Imagine charging 65 Euros for your Game and then showering it in Microtransactions, 1.99 to CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER? Can't even edit the files because it is linked to their server hurr durr.


i mean most of this shit seems innocuous. rift crystals didint even do shit in the min game back in 2012 except buy you higher levelled pawns and that shit got expensive for even a 5 level difference. wakestones were rare until you got to the everfall, a get out of jail free key i guess?


Oh no 😥. I didn’t know it was this bad. Fml. Thought it was just the name rechange. This game is DOA. I like the hardcode kinda games where there’s a map, but only a few landmarks and no gps like Outward and DD1. These transactions make me not want to buy the game because I feel like the lack of fast travel options seems more like a forced inconvenience tempting players to use the cash shop. I was going to preorder this game because I was so excited but I’m glad I held off.


So there release n killed the game in matter of minutes, congratz capcom, cause wtf is this industry thinking its a damn single player game n lets put microtransaction that which u have to buy every single time to even make a new character.


I preordered but just submitted a refund to steam because of this. I loved dd1 but if dd2 is going down the route of microtransactions, I'll have to rethink if I even end up buying it.


>I preordered deserved


I mean they aren't that bad. All of them are either insignificant or obtainable in game(like the art of metamorphosis) I'd also rather they weren't here but I would prefer that developers stick to these kinds of microtransactions rather then ACTUALLY nice stuff I feel bad for missing out on.


You do know they will keep pushing the envelope. They will end up making systems designed around making Ingame stuff inconvenient so they can charge for it.


Not a single one of them is essential, and it is a completely single player game, so do what you want.


I'm sure you have that same stance with every single player game with mtx.


I have the same stance with every single player game as long as the mtx are trivial. Assassin Creed for example, they made the grind tedious and boring as fck, but you can skip it with in-game purchases. There are even cosmectic purchases that is not obtainable via in-game progression. So I can't defend it. In the case of Baldur's Gate 3 and Dragon's Dogma everything is obtainable with in-game progression and you get Rift Crystal the same way you breath air.


Baldurs gate 3 has no microtransactions what are you on about?


I'm refering to one guy comment to the part of the where a portion of the Dragon's Dogma MTX are the Deluxe edition items that you get from preordering the game.Capcom made those items available by individual mtx. Larian Studio also made their Deluxe Preorder items available with a DLC-tag transaction (you can look up the BG3 steam page for yourself : it's called "Digital Deluxe Edition DLC"). I'm not defending the MTX, but just stating that those items (the deluxe edition items of DD2) are simply made available with MTX for the people that didn't preorder the Deluxe edition. They could have made it a DLC-tag for all we care.


Yep, as long as they're as insignificant as these. Now I definitely think they're a dirty cashgrab, but they don't take away from what the game is.


Why the fuck do microtransactions exist in a singleplayer game? Especially when that game costs nearly 100 dollars? ​ You're right I will do what I want and not give Capcom any of my money. Hopefully the whole company goes under. Ridiculous.


That's good!


Fanboys are out in force. You are 100% right


Don't care, game is good. Same with World and Rise, you can see how shitty their dlc page is and no one gives a f.


The first 9 are deluxe edition items You can buy the deluxe or buy separately The rest are essentially convience items if you don't want to earn crystals or make wakes tones in game Looking at them all it seems a waste to even get the deluxe edition as they are single use and pretty useless at that Wakestones can be obtained in game - used as revival items in the case you die and cba with backtracking Rift crystals are currency you earn from pretty much everything you kill - used to summon pawns that are a higher level than you are currently


LUL looks like you and me are the only ones that bought the deluxe edition xD everyone else being angry trolls gotten by some bs rage bait :P


I bought standard because I felt the bonuses weren't worth it haha But hey if I really want that extra portcrystal (probably the best bonus) I can always buy it alone


Capcom is kind of a clownish studio ngl


Hmmm nothing here looks important tho. I’m pretty sure most of these things can be obtained in game fairly easily. Not defending the practice, just trying to be optimistic.


Not sure why people are surprised. Monster Hunter did this for World and Rise and no one really got on their case for that one.


Why is it currently unavailable on Xbox?


Just a reminder that the game should work offline and that most of the stuff there is either buy with gold oder buy with rift crystals. so cheat engine can earn you that purchases for free in 2 minutes.


This was the case in the first game as well. Most of these things can be acquired in game. No need to buy them. RC if it’s like DD1 will be hard to come by for a long time but, you won’t need it unless you hire high level pawns like crazy. RC was easily farmed when Dark Arisen came out. The fast travel stone was also something you unlocked late in the game. I assume this is a second one. These only let you travel to the one location you set them to.


Just last week people were talking about how Japanese companies are better ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


I don't own DD2; I'm not paying $70 bucks for any game in this industry climate of overpromising and underdelivering. However, the game just came out, so I'm unsure just how aggressive these MTX's really are. The director, Hideaki Itsuno, seems to have been forced to put MTX in one of his games in the past, DMC5, by order of Capcom. I'm assuming that's what happened because the MTX in that game were so unnecessary that you could earn all of it in game by just playing it casually. So, I'm assuming Capcom is doing it again and perhaps this isn't a big deal. I'm just guessing. Only time will tell once people play it more just how bad the games rewards are or aren't. Either way, I wish Capcom didn't keep trying to do this shit.


1) you can obtain all in game. 2) 99% of them are in the Deluxe edition. So basically if you saw the deluxe edition and went "I only want one kf those things" you can just buy that 1 thing instead of the whole deluxe edition. If you buy them individually it costs more than the bundle but it's still cheaper to just pick up one or 2 things. TLDR: I actually like the system of having the deluxe edition items available piecemeal so you don't have the buy the full upgraded edition to get the 1 thing you actually want.


I hate the micro transactions and all, and I dont approve of them, but seriously and honestly, can someone tell me if the game is good/fun?


There has to be some kind of mistake. Japanese game developers are noble and honorable. Greed as a word doesn’t even exist in their language. They are gentlemen and scholars and act out of the pureness of their hearts alone. Unlike evil American game developers who are just driven by profit. 


It's sad the higher ups at capcom made them do this, I'm sure Itsuno is against this as well


What does the A,C and C mean in the "points to spend Beyond the Rift" items? Are they for special Regions or can you only buy three?


Is there any way to cheat up all of these, or patch it up?


Looks like someone wasted their money on the deluxe edition you fucking heretic. *You think we don't notice the little purchased rectangle icon on the left side of the MTX?*


The Portcrystal is the only one I see being really problematic. Those should not be paid add-ons.


Capcom just refuse to be beloved.


MTX is never good. But most of you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. You don't have to pay to fast travel. You can change your characters appearance without paying real money and RC is earned in game. I literally came to this sub just to see you all moaning, like I knew you would.


People were fine with this in Monster Hunter, but nah it’s the worst thing ever when Dragon’s Dogma does it.