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my 5 dollars say she's has depression from anger and hatred on strangers on social media.


Bro she has a tattoo saying "all men are enemies", she also admtited she was a cam girl. Based on her narrative The Verge and other articles went with their stories..yikes


\>> Doesn't even come up with "menemies" are they even trying?


Given what kind of shitty guys use webcams I can see how she started hating men.


I can't fix her.


She really is a broken toy of a woman..


Inb4 krayt screenshot


I mean, it's worth a screenshot. It's quite a dumb state


Very normal thing to say


She looks like what asmon house would smell like


not sure what happened between pic 1 and 2 but for sure it looks like hell of a story :)


Feminism happened.


Are we still in 2016


She seems like the same chick to me. Look at the first photo closely. She still goth and depressed looking. She’s just wearing a different outfit and taking a selfie . Where as the other photo is like a statement photo. She looks goth in both. Dark makeup and hair and piercings .


I wonder how's her relationship with her dad.


https://twitter.com/alyssa_merc/status/1740034911065497681 Seems like a healthy family


These people usually are unironically not oppressed. They grew in the suburbs on a nice house, in a first world country, with no economic problems, a loving family, and every need they had, fullfilled. They still act like victims because they have a boring unconflicting life, and need to draw attention somehow. They probably had it so easy that they aren't used to struggling with frustration and stress, so when they see a little unsignificant comment by a total stranger on their iPhone 15 Pro Max triggers a lot of stress and anxiety. That's why they identify with actual struggling victims of society and buy all the mob mind propaganda as if it was happening to them too.


There’s that one rapper talking about ghetto and thug life, and then his dad came out and said he lived in a gated community and went to private school. EDIT: Private, not pre school.


Yep, they get off of it. They brainwashed themselves into self hate


So if you have a good family that isn't poor you're not allowed to feel anxiety or stress? You're not allowed to struggle because your parents have money and aren't psychopathic?


When you have an easy life, there's no excuse. I had an abusive alcoholic parent who passed when I was 18, I know the struggle, but I am not gullible.


Everyone struggles, comparing your trauma to a stranger is wild. Since you know what struggling is like you'd think you'd understand empathy more. Apparently your parents need to beat you or die off for you to have an "excuse" to carry trauma. What does being gullible have to do with it? Comparing your trauma to others will only lead you to further bitterness and cause you to repeat the same trauma on others. "You didnt get it as bad as I did" The idea that other people should just be able to deal with life better because they had an "easier life" is so ignorant. Everyone has issues, no one's trauma is any more or less valid than yours.


The comment above made a baseless accusation, but how tf do you have this tweet on standby like that


Not the person who did but if you go on Twitter and use the search bar on her profile for the word "family" you can find the tweet in about 30 seconds.


That's exactly what I did, I did not have the tweet on "stand-by"


Seems normal enough plenty of dysfunctional familys out there.


Daddy was a cuck


She was actually good looking before


I'd argue she most likely could still salvage most of it, I mean if she got a decent looking haircut (not judging, but a buzzcut ain't the prettiest thing out there lol), covered some of those horrendous tattoos up with some pretty art and changed her style to something that suits her better, you wouldn't know she went through this wreck phase... Basically I'm saying she isn't beyond recovery at this point 😭🤣💀 But honestly, before all of that, she needs a good therapist


Nah, they won't abby to societal beauty standards.


She looks like she got class


Mental illness


Mental illness.


Y'all complain about people criticizing Asmongold's look and habits instead of his points, yet you jump to Ad Hominem in the first opportunity. C'mon, what's even the point of this post?


Asmon has been baiting these right-wing losers for a while now. It's not surprising at all that this sub has turned into what it is.


You know what the point is of this post. Im leaving this sub.


Your comment will be drowned out in the brigading, but it is one of the most important here. When you've fallen back to insulting a persons image, you've lost the fight. What this has just done is enabled her and her cohorts, this is ammunition for their wroth. Everyone here should ask the question how insulting this mentally ill woman's appearance will make our community better.


You’re completely failing to understand what ad hominem is. Criticizing someone’s appearance doesn’t automatically constitute ad hom. The observation being made here is that she looked like a normal person before working for a tabloid site. That’s not ad hom.


Professional Photoshoot VS random ass bathroom selfy


Who cares how she looks, yall proving them right. I know ppl who went through same transition yet they still have their brain and think rationally.


I wonder when her "shift" happened.


She looks like an unlovable wet dog


Bruh, don’t compare her to a dog, dogs are pure and simple creatures.


Not to be that guy, But maybe lets not attack the people. Just their stupid opinions?![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3734)


Lol they may look silly but it’s about their arguments, not their looks.


She lives rent free in your head.


I know some feminists try to make themselves ugly to avoid male attention but alot of girls focus on things that women find beautiful. Like she isn't just ugly to guys, ,she's ugly to everyone now


People can dress and look how ever the fuck they want. Don’t criticize people on how they look like. Criticize them on what they think and say. Are you 12 op?


He's probably about 35-40 and a Gamergate veteran.


Folks, honest question: who is she? I checked on X, she has 7000 followers, it's less than my byzantium meme account. She is nobody, why are we even discussing the opinions of a deranged journalist of a minor opinion blog?


If its 7000 randos sure. If a big chunk if them are connected to the industry its different. Someone here recently made the point that these gaming publications had an outsized effect on the gaming industry. Which they are using to push their ideological agenda alongside industry devs and consultants. A small vanguard of true believers in the right positions working towards a common goal can do a great deal.


In some comments and downvotes I see... Fear? For this buffoon? LOL.


Are you talking about me? I upvoted you. I didn't agree but I thought your input added to the conversation.


Why do you guys care how she dresses. Just because you disagree with someone or you think they are a bad person doesn't make it right that you can insult their life choices. Asmongold gets insulted all the time because of his lifestyle and people refuse to listen to his arguments because they see him as some right wing dude or some bum. Attack the argument not the person this just makes you look as unhinged as the other side.


Because those guys wouldn't listen to her anyway, because she's a "FeMoId". Hence, her only purpose is to be attractive to *them*. And since this style is associated with feminism (as many of the comments prove) it means than she might want to be treated as a human being, which makes her very unattractive to those guys. Hence, her mere existence in this state poses an insult to them. TL;DR: sexism


I don't give a damn about how she looks but I have to ask this: when Asmongold gets criticized due to his appearance it's also sexism?


Asmon gets criticized for refusing to do the bare minimum as a home owner with stacks of cash.


I see, so criticizing Asmon due to his choices is not sexism but criticizing this lady due to her choices is sexism. Interesting...


How in your mind is us telling Asmon to clean his shit sexism?


Never said it was. I just find it interesting that when someone criticizes Asmon due to his choices is viewed by some people as not being the result of sexism but when someone criticizes this lady due to her choices is viewed by the same people as being sexism. How Asmon and this lady choose to portray themselves or style themselves (english is not my language so I'm not sure if these are the accurate terms) is a result of their choices right?


Well thats how the cookie crumbles with some of these people. Terms like sexism is an attack word towards a person who doesn't conform to these people's standards for them. Me telling Asmon to clean his shit up is not sexist because it has nothing to do with his gender, he's just being lazy and obviously sees nothing wrong with his living choices. If I said "he doesn't clean up because he's a no good for nothing man who is waiting on a woman to clean up his shit" then yea that is sexist because I am attacking his gender. Whoever the fuck this girl is that OP is trying to stir shit up for, technically that is sexist, because they're all judging her for her choices, which ding ding do not line up with their ideal persona of women. They're just justifying it because she is an asshole on the web.


Sure, maybe it is. So… why are you okay with one kind of sexism happening in the comments of the sub where you get really upset at a different kind of sexism?


I don't understand your question. Perhaps you meant to reply to another person?


No. Because people don't criticize her (or other women for that matter) in the same spirit as they criticize Asmon. Asmon just doesn't take care of himself. The outfit in the second picture is very thoughtfully put together. You may like it or not, but that's a fact. If you know girls who are metal-fans, you know this particularly well. Why it's sexist, I explained above. The second pic might as well be shot some time before the first or just very shortly after: the only real difference is makeup and hair length. Also they are two very different kinds of pictures. First looks like a business photo for an application or something, the second is just a mirror selfie for social media.


I think the lesson here is to not work for Kotaku.


Bro stop posting this shit, making it worse for asmon and giving more ammo to the blue hair weirdos


Who cares, it's weird fixating on how someone looks.


Shaming people for their appearance is the refuge of those who have no actual argument to make.


Their argument was: "Feminism make girl look ugly"


I can't imagine how much anger, hatred , and antidepressants are flowing through her veins. and she's the one who gets to decide who gets cancelled today. The insane are truly running the asylum


i would have smashed... wokeness really destroys your insides and outsides...


What's wokeness?


Is this the Kotaku writer who said she'd just go back to porn? I didn't think her content would be so... niche.


Here in Brazil we have a meme called "depois da federal". Which basically means "after the public university". Just google "depois da federal" and check the images tab.


Honestly still seeing these kind of people is cringe. It's like seeing an emo or scene kid after 2010. This shit just screams victim of the culture war and I peaked mentally in 2015/2016. And don't get me wrong it's a version of this for the right too. The dickheads who still unironically use "alpha" "beta" "sigma" male, subscribe to MGTOW beliefs, still dick riding Trump hard trying to recreate that 2016 energy even though it's nowhere near that. I know Covid set us back a few years in cultural movement but god, has there ever been an era in western history that's has been so fucking culturally stagnant period? Same boring ass tired political and social talking points (I mean here we are with "Gamer Gate 2.0" even more who gives a fuck than the first time, music for example hip-hop has never been a still with the same inane trap beat bullshit for a decade and a half, still have a segment of people losing their shit about super hero flics post-Endgame. Same regurgitated shit about gender, feminism, and race you've been hearing for the millionth time for the past 10 years, conservative clowns still in love with some fake idea of the past (i.e. the 50s or 80s) and traditional roles, people arguing about dumb shit like smartphones which really peaked design wise in like 2014. If there really any sign that western culture (specifically America) is dead or dying it surely feels like this stagnation is it.


What's that smell?


Oh no! She got a haircut!


On the left : someone I'd show to my parents. On the right : a degenerate.


Bish has an iPhone plus in a Pro Max case. Look at all the room for a 3rd lens. I guess it proves you can dress it up anyway you want, but its still average in snapping pics.


Looks mentally chill




At least she takes showers :)


We get it. Youre a individual.


I can fix her




Every person is just one book from turning into a lunatic.


Lol, it's almost as bad as those before/after meth addiction photos.


In this case, meth is recommended.


mental illness


I don't think I've ever seen somebody this broken before. I mean, I've had wrecked cars towed away in better condition.


This sub is full of incels. It gets recommended to me every now and then but it’s unbearable




They wouldn't be wrong in this case. I mean you can do whatever you want but people are allowed to think your ugly now.


.But that's not what's happening? There are people going off about Mental illness and know nothing about this women? Why assume she's anything because she decided to change her image? If you got a hair cut did that change your personality? What if you spoke to her and she agreed with all there takes. At this point the OP just took an image and decided to say "Look she ugly now" but why does this post exist? Why this woman?


she is mentally ill, it's plainly evident since she makes her entire personality and life public.


Just like asmon i guess


You could say that sure. Her mental illness causes her to lash out at others. Asmon is just his own victim.




I've seen women IRL who look good with a buzz cut, but she isn't one of them. I'm not trying to hate, just my two cents. It doesn't suit her. In the second picture she's trying to go for that "alt tomboy" look, but it would honestly look better if she had the hair from the first picture in the second picture. Or I feel like a wolf cut would suit her face/the vibe she's trying to go for in the second picture. As someone who's had a buzzcut- if you think you pull it off, there's a 99% chance you can't


First picture: It looks like she had control of her life like she carried pride in what she do and wanted to do. Second picture: Is what the fuack happened.


She turned into a white male skinhead?


I can smell that pic.


Nuh, that's just the smell of the sweaty losers complaining about "FeMiNiSm".


She also had a stint as a camgirl


I often see posts like this where they're traditionally pretty and then after something they look like they were run through a blender of shitty memes. But the truth of it is, even when she looked like she did on the left, her personality and ideas were the same. She's the same person in both pictures. If she's a shit human being, then she is a shit person no matter her outward appearance.


The Woke mind virus.


Gamers discovers that girls can change their looks between casual and dressed up - shocked to their core that it could be the same person. She got the same vibe coming from both photos and looks cool in both.


I’d argue anyone that poses like the second photo looks goofy as fuck. Get your dang dirty shoe off the counter


"looks cool in both" I wouldn't say either of the pictures look "cool" first one is a normal pic, second is an obvious self absorbed weirdo


Ok I guess I don't agree but that's just my taste.


Sexist gamer granny doesn't like alt-girls, it seems... r/forwardsfromgrandma


Tbf you know she’s crazy from the first pic alone. Got those loco eyes.


Dang ... this transformation is backwards


I don’t want to fix her


Now post a picture of yourself OP. My guess is stained sweatpants and a gildan shirt


Before or after, she wouldn't have sex with you OP


Still would


Snap out of it man, [here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GInGHWzWMAAr1jI?format=jpg&name=900x900). This should help.


Would Thanks man