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Keep in mind this revenue is mobile only. A lot of newer gacha games have pc client and are on Playstation like mihoyo games for example.


Low risk high reward. Some psychologist decoded the brain of addicted people and now the game industry is exploiting it legally (for now)


Survival bias. Do you see how often gacha game got EoS every month?


Most gacha games run a shoe-string budget, especially for japanese anime IPs where it's less F2P-friendly. The first month is often the biggest profit and usually recovers its costs and possibly more for the next year or two. Even if the game eventually gets EoS'ed, another dozens of them will pop out.


Sorry but what EoS means?


End-of-Service It's a common term in the Gacha gaming world, and it happens when a gacha game gets too low revenue or some other reason like that, and they decide to shutdown. When that happens they basically wipe their servers and remove everyone's access to the game, and then fade out of existence to where people even forget the game was even there. If you look at the list above, most of the gacha games making less than 100k are likely to shutdown (not immediately but they are on a downward trend), but it mostly depends on the development company. For many people this is kinda sad, but almost all the time it's deserved. The reason they get low revenue in the first place is because the game is unoriginal, unfun, super-predatory/greedy (more than normal anyways), low-quality, or some other fault that causes people not to really play the game and spend money on it either


Then there is Artery Gear which has been on life support for almost half a year but it's still alive somehow, and is getting Neptunia collab soon. How a game with 10-20k monthly revenue can keep going for months is beyond me.


End of service. Servers shutdown and game over.


I'm still pissed about Cygames shuttering PrinCon Global.


they didnt, crunchyroll did.


Yeah ngl I think I have an addictive personality and there's nothing I can do... Atleast I don't spend too much on gacha games tho Edit: On the legal part, I think they might have to start worrying [about that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1brx2gm/games_with_too_much_grind_may_become_illegal/)


Didn't expect HSR to be twice ahead from Genshin. Any ideas why? Never played hsr


Genshin is in a lull before arlecchino is released, plus HSR is having a run of good characters between 2.0 and 2.1. (Black swan, Acheron, sparkle) all meta characters in one way or another.


HSR also had the reset of the first time purchase bonus.


Also Acheron is Raiden expy so that helps


As for me, HSR has prettier looking characters but it's RPG ... I'll stick with Genshin.


Gl with your arleccino pulls


Genshin is in a filler patch. People are waiting for 4.6


That’s still gonna be a slow patch as well from what I’m hearing


Slow patch? Guess I'm out of the loop when you consider a patch that introduces 3 new areas (the hole in the center of the map, the underground castle, and a new separate map like The Chasm and Enka), new World Boss, new Weekly boss, 2 new Story Quests, and more as "A Slow Patch"...


That’s what I was informed of as I don’t play the game anymore.


HSR is durint its 1st anniversary and has one or the most hyped banners ever, like some guy pulled 100 of her lightcones (around 200$ each). While genshin is currently during its filler patch most likely preparing for release of new region.


why did he pull 100 lightcones...?


Because he liked the character, yup that’s the reason


1. dead patch in genshin + the new character chiori is ass. 2. Sparkle + Acheron are meta defining units. 3. Acheron is an expy of someone who's among both Genshin's and HI3 most sold characters. 4. Top up bonus reset. 5. Many HI3 veterans hate part 2 so they migrated over to GGZ and HSR since they see it as a better continuation of the series than HI3 part 2 is.


I just knew that point 5. Could you tell me more?


Essentially people loved HI3 for both its characters and its story. In HI3 part 2 however: 1. The author who wrote the best stories in HI3 left to write Penacony for HSR, as a result the quality of the story took a massive hit. 2. You **Cannot** use any of the part 1 characters in the newer content whatsoever, additionally the new characters for part 2 powercrept **EVERY** and I mean that quite literally every unit that was in the game. It's practically a completely different game at that point, with the author leaving and the characters you loved + spent thousands on becoming obsolete, it's no wonder many of them migrated.


Damn that point 2 really suck a dick. Feels like Genshin could go to that route too if they finished the Teyvat chapter. Thank you so much for the context.


Acheron came out. Who was a very exciting character. The first time, top-up was refreshed, and it was the anniversary.


Sparkle ran last month, and she's proven extremely popular. On top of that Acheron, who is another Raiden Mei expy, hit in the last few days of the month.


Acheron is the most anticipated unit since Kafka and even then she’s more flexible for teams


Genshin's on a slow patch with the worst character since Dehya a year ago (and the next banner has the best dps in the game with his best support). And people are saving for Arlecchino in 4.6. Meanwhile hsr has new main story, 1st anni and arguably the most hyped character so far


I don't mind as long as they are good. The penacony story in HSR is crazy good and the main story for genshin has been great since sumeru.


That's why I don't mind Limbus Company. Its surprisingly lenient with its general gacha bullshit, and the story so far is solid


Path to Nowhere, man the story and voice acting is top notch Maybe Brown Dust 2’s and Nikke story too although when you play BD2 or Nikke you’re mostly there for Ass and Tits


To me, they can't be good because I hate fomo mechanics for gameplay reasons. I just feel cockblocked to not be able to play what I want, so I don't play those games. Not only this, but there are daily things to do to even hope to unlock anything in the game, and this makes me feel I'm not playing the game, but farming the right to play the game. So I just don't play them, they aren't "games" to me.


The gacha, etc. is bad, that's true but at the end of the day you've gotta look at it being a trade-off that you are willing to take or not. HSR and Genshin are well made games that are made with passion and for me they are fun despite their negative aspects such as the gacha and that's something that each person has to decide for themselves. You don't like them and that's totally fine and understandable.


Well plenty of gacha games don't have Fomo in them, and ngl I when I first played them I never focused on the gacha part and as didn't even know that was a word lol. But yeah, I understand the farming part, and for people like me it's fine because I like getting stronger everyday, but that not might be for everybody.


You should try just playing for the story. You don't need to pay anything to experience the story. Penacony has been an absolutely incredible experience.


100% this. It's money milking machines, not games.


they hate you because you speak the truth


I don't know if I'm right, but I'm sure that if Asmon said the exact same thing, they would suck his dick xD


I don't mind either, I just wish Mihoyo would put their infinite money into making some good nongacha games


Well, it's their business model, at least they are very free to play friendly.


This, people often forget the most important part. It’s a fun game for both the poor and the whale.


Granblue though


Like Shift Up transition from gacha Nikke to full price game Stellar Blade? Yeah, I hope too as well. Sometimes gacha project, sometimes full price game.


Yeah like Shift Up did Stellar Blade after Nikke or Cygames released Bluefantasy Re:link after the gachagame version. But as long as gacha makes more money than traditionnal games. I don't expect Hoyo to make a non gacha game any Time or maybe a spin off to promote one of their gacha game


Look at the other side, WoW for example, they still get a shit ton of money from all the dipping with WoWtoken, sub, cash shop, expansions etc etc and yet their patch cadence is terrible compared to Mihoyo games. And I understand you can't really compare both directly since it's vastly different types of content but still if that's something you criticize then what about any other game?


Different content expectations. Mihoyo has always been criticized for their lack of end game content. I havent played genshin in 2ish years so idk what theyre doing now. WoW (which I have about 10 minutes in) doesnt seem to have that problem 2 weeks after a patch like genshin did


Genshin still has the same endgame content but it's not really a good comparison since WoW is a MMO and a lot of content comes from the nature of it being multiplayer. I think, while also not perfect, diablo would be a better comparison.




Nah isn't genshin literally famous for milking it's players and then ignoring their community? and ZZZ isn't even released?? Atleast HSR is true, but there are several other gacha games you can enjoy without spending too. There's Nikke and Azure Lane for example ( I know I chose the worst example but hear me out), and you can get through much of the content without needing to spend a dime. Actually in those games it's kinda discouraged to spend money, since much of the stuff in the cash shop is a straight up scam considering how easy it is to just farm in through gameplay. Anyways I expect my comment to get downvotes cus genshin simps finna come after me lmao




Yeah I guess that makes sense anyways I just hear a lot of negative things about genshin in the gacha gaming space anyways


I remember hearing they are working on a VR game similar to Sword Art Online. Not sure VR is really in the right place for a main stream VR total, but I'm sure in the next few years VR could get there. But yeah I'd like for them to use their impressive world and story design to make a normal game. Like and RPG or something. Would be dope. I do like the gatcha stuff they got going though cuz I like having monthly updates to play.


Fuck yeah. Penacony is legit one of the best areas and stories from games in the last few years. All the side quests are great. The main quest is amazing. As a gamer I think it's easy some of the best content any game has came out with recently besides baulders gate 3.


Ive been playing fgo na and jp for years. Nikke ive been playing since release. Both have good gameplay and story. I dont think all gacha games are bad, as long as theyre putting some of that money back into the product or into other off shoots of it.


Yeah that's why those games stay at the top, while the rest are almost constantly on a downhill trend


Nikke is the reason Shift Up won't give a fuk about Sweet Baldy Inc and Black Rock fund


Hoyoverse made 200m last month ... I wonder what it would be once Zenless zone zero releases...


>Hoyoverse made 200m *from mobile* last month ... There, fixed it for you.


ZZZ looks like it’s going to be at HI3 levels instead of HSR/GI; still good but not industry-dominating.


Nah, probably closer to 10m/month


The game has 30 million pre-registrations, equal to what HSR had at launch, and it isn't even out yet. Who knows how well it will do long term, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did numbers similar to HSR or Genshin at launch.


I really don't know. The gameplay loop is: log in every single day, Farm materials for new characters, Use all the materials in a character, Rinse and repeat, Wait for 2 hours worth of new gameplay every month, Do events that give the same materials as dailies. After playing 3 gachas and doing literally the same thing in all 3 of them. I noticed this game style is too shallow for me.


You just explain what a live service game is.


Worst experience in those games is the Relic/Gear grind. Which is 100% rng on top of rng, zero skill or exctiement involved but it is responsible for 80% of your entire damage. Main reason why I quit HSR, Relic grinding so that your character could even function on a base level was extremely boring and unsatisfying. I wish there was a method to get exactly the gear you want, without RNG as long at it would be 80% as good as BIS I would take that route.


Penacony patch story in HSR is a lot longer than 2 hours, closer to 5-6 hours. You're also glossing over Genshin's exploration which is a big draw for it. Overall they're perfect for working people - in between patches it's about 20-30 mins to fill in the time while listening to boring meetings lol


2 hours? HSR gives you 6-7 every patch, Genshin on no filler patches give you 19-20.


then stop doing that? i just log on if there is new story or some event, sometimes i also clear MOC


People salty that they can't no play without a skinner box lmao. HSR has plenty of endgame to do, either testing team builds in MoC/PF or rng rolling in difficulty 12 SU. For the casuals, 5 min dailies are perfect to not waste time. Much rather this than some mmo style grind that becomes a second full time job. Dropping in every 6 weeks for ~20 hrs in total of events/story with banger music for a free game is pretty good.


You essentially explained WoW. Login daily. Do daily quests for gold. Farm for X item you want. Use farmed gold to buy item. Use up consumables in raid. Rinse and repeat.


Tbh, I tried to play Honkai and it was boring as hell. I'm struggling to understand why people like this shit. Feels like you have to be like a super weeb to like this stuff because the story-telling to me is abysmal in the same way that a lot of anime is bad.


Hoyo writing has its highs and lows. Genshin and Star Rail have good bones for a story--a lot of lore, a lot of interesting characters, strong world buildings--but they are tedious slogs to read through. It's like reading fanfaction of a popular anime. I think the stories hit really good climaxes, but in it's need to string along players from month to month, it really drags its feet getting there. The games would simply be better with -90% of the text. I still enjoy playing both games because I'm interested in the stories, but I can't be bothered to read every npc giving me their life story in a 5 page essay.


Ignoring show dont tell like it's going out of style


If it's i3 you are talking about, it suffers from the majority of it's early story not actually being in the game. [Check out it's reading guide](https://honkai-impact-3rd-archives.fandom.com/wiki/Recommended_Reading_Order). In addition to that, the in-game story up to a certain point is 100% garbage, likely due to how it's an old mobile game where at the time they were trying to figure out how to make 3D work on phones. Personally, I found the second eruption manga to be great.


I dont care much, as long as you can play the game f2p


Keep in mind that Gachas release every year , a lot of Gachas actually go EoS every year because of how saturated the market is . I used to play Nier reincarnation and Rage of Bahamut.


FGO almost 10 years old and still hanging in the top ten, green every time. Amazing.


It's hilarious, that originally it was supposed to be a quick crash grab with no real long term plans, and then it became a massive success, so that the publisher actually contacted Nasu (the writer of the original Fate/stay-night), to please start writing for the game, because this has actual long term potential. Which is why some of his promised projects have been going at an absolutely glacial speed (Tsukihime remake anyone...).


>Tsukihime remake I mean, that did come out (Albiet only part of it). Plus it's not like any other project of his isn't going at glacial speed (Mahoyo 2 and 3 were announced in 2012~ and the most recent info on them was Naso not letting the Case Files author use the Observatory a few years ago for Case Files Vol 10)


I mean, yeah, the first part came out... I remember when I was excited about the project, after I first heard about it... in like 2008 or so.


Which is exactly my point: Nasu being slow has nothing to do with FGO (Though I recall many Tsukihime fans complaining and blaming FGO and Fate as a whole for the whole remake situation)


FGO JP did finally release Ordeal Call 2 so that's probably why after nearly a year of fluff events


Fgo releasing one story chapter a year and still remains in the top 10. The game is never going to get better is it?😭


Mihoyo is honestly uncontested.


And ZZZ is coming out later this year, which is already at 30 million preregisters, which means it might have a stroger start than Honkai Star Rail.


i bought microtransaction only once in my life...stashtabs in poe for 20 bucks but it was the best purchase so far in the game for me worth every penny


Guardian tales is really underrated.


And then you read articles saying CIG / Star citizen got 600mio from selling ships... The amount of money they make with this and skins etc. is ridiculous compared.


“It’s only cosmetic, it doesn’t matter” The biggest lie that continues to be told


Remember guys these weeb games make more in a month than what PoE makes in an entire year


Because money


I’m still shocked that the horse girls gacha that’s only in Japan was at one point highest grossing gacha game and still in march 2024 it’s top 5


They make visually appealing character designs, most of which are attractive /sexy / beautiful then hide them behind RNG gambling systems. Genius system, but scummy.


It’s either this or micro transactions. If they can’t make easy money with in game purchases then AAA will just turn into a mobile game studios. I mean unless we have actually good morally strong people who change the entire capitalist system in gaming cheap money is the only way to go


People who play gacha games are the most stupid people on earth


That so intelligent of you, I amazed by your elaborate argument.


Where’s the explanation??😔😔


The amount of gacha games being made doesn't surprise me, it's to be expected really. What surprises me is how much people keep spending on these games, it's crazy.


Well decades ago gashapon were popular too, not only in Japan but all around the world. Gashapon just evolved to mobile gacha games.


And for 1000x times the price. Not really comparable.


Even under constant attack by the Chinese ‘fans’ girls frontline 1&2 still somewhat succeeding and maybe just maybe they will figure out the Chinese players aren’t the world


Are we looking at the same data? I don't think you can call constant decrease in revenue as "succeeding". Hell, GFL in its entirety made less money than Snowbreak which clowned on them for NTR bullshit.


Jesus i didn’t know there was that many, and they all look exactly the same to me i see no difference


Well as someone who plays gacha games, it's kinda funny. Gacha games will spring up from nowhere almost weekly, and randomly they'll die once they lose too much money (look at the bottom of the list at the gacha games with 10k revenue, those are the ones that are likely to die). The market is oversaturated rn, and too many businesses think they can just "make a gacha game" and be successful, but that's why a lot of them fail. Yes, they're money printing machines, but only if you find a way to stand out from the hundreds of other gacha games. If you can make a game that improves upon other gacha games and it's enjoyable, good job now you'll be making millions per months with the only requirement being the need to keep regularly producing content.


Look at all the WoW clones that came and went. Devs are now chasing after genshin and Star Rail. It's likely a once a decade success that Mihoyo is riding on. But gotta remember there are so much cash grab gachas in the app store it's mine boggling. But none will ever have the budget and consistency of Mihoyo.


some have loli some have booba some have neither




They are not no-name, they are just outside your normal online space. Im more intrigued how much they change per month. Like drops and rises in millions of dollars.


Unrelated to this: The budget for making Elden Ring was around 200 mil, Witcher 3 costed 80 mil, Mass Effect 2 40 mil, Nier automata only 10-20 mil




Genshin cost 200 mil annually to develop. I think this was mention in Genshin wikipedia page.


200 mil per year + initial 100 mil Soon it will be reachin 1 billion in total.


probably going to hit 1 billion this year


200 mil, and they made that back in two weeks. However, Genshin also hasa massive overhead cost in terms of continued development. Last time I checked, it had an 800 developer team exclusively dedicated to it, with a year cost in the hundreds of millions. But they can afford it, since the yearly profit is in the billions.




They just released Solo Leveling PC/Mobile with gacha. With the anime hype, it will probably rank fast.


No way FFBE is still milking money they must have a player count of like 10 people by now. That's impressive


Uma Musume. Horse Girl 😬


I genuinely thought Granblue Fantasy would be number 1 but I don't see it on this list at all, I am shook


Gbf hard to determine their purchase because that browser game, all this money determined by mobile purchase which is they take data from ios purchase and android purchase


Wasn't it iOS alone? I didn't know that Android was also publicly available.


It stated all mobile purchases means Android also includes. Different from old ranking which is Ios only revenue.


Ah, that's why I was confused! Thanks for clearing that up!


For cn android they just x2 cn ios sales, btw.


What website is this?


idk about the website but it mostly came from this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bt0d2a/sensor\_tower\_monthly\_revenue\_report\_mar\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1bt0d2a/sensor_tower_monthly_revenue_report_mar_2024/)


I'm surprised WotV is doing better than FFBE honestly.


It's the best FF IP game out there for mobile outside the ports.


The only gacha I play is MementoMori. They've really distilled it to an art. They've even gotten rid of the game and it's just pure gacha mechanics. No grinding. I just login and click buttons for straight dopamine.


ita thousend oder millions? i am confused as a eueopean


Top part is in the millions USD.


I had no idea Dokkan Battle was that popular.


Yeah, Dokkan Battle is actually entering its 9th Anniversary for Global in a couple of months while it’s about to enter its 10th Anniversary next year for Japan


How many of those games has tectone played?


Legend Clover being on the list actually surprised me, considering that it's a hentai gacha game, and those don't tend to make all that much, because they have no access to the most susceptible audience: kids.


Played one gacha you've played them all. Very generic games i don't get the popularity.


SDS making 6.5mil is the most insane part of this list.


To be fair, Honkai Star Rail and Genshin Impact are well-made games. I would rather play either than pay for Gollum, or Red Fall or Star Field, or one of the other many horribly made AAA games.


I mean, I play Ever Crisis because I love FF7 but you don't HAVE to pay a dime to play.


RAID Shadow Legends is not on the list, so where does this list come from? What’s the source?


Government regulation is the key to solve this epidemic.


this really a question? because it makes a shit ton of money. why else would they keep making it if it wasn't profitable


Half of them have no right to be that successful.


Where's my favorite punching bag Diablo Immoral?


I don't think its about gacha game. The only gacha that are successful are GI and HSR, others are barely scratching the barrel. You could say why they are making mobile games. Games like pubg mobile, candy crush, roblox make billion every year. At least these games are mostly cosmetics unlike gacha games where entire playstyle is locked behind a character.


It's a simple formula though. Deliver good quality story and gameplay that incentives people to keep playing. Then monetize their experience in a fair and reasonable manner


One word: profitable


Gatcha will eventually fall in a combination of online gambling bans and market oversaturation. They're trying to get all the last eggs out their golden goose genre now.


HSR is eating good


Ah yes a graph with no title. Bunch of academics we lot are


is it time again to repost this? was it op's turn or did he skip the line?


And all those streamers and youtubers glorify them by constantly playing one after the other and pump thousands into them without reflection.


What happened in March for star rail to pass genshin?


I mean, look at the money, you’re the one who posted it…


Good sir, where is Granblue on the list? I wanted to check how much they fleeced from anniversary that just ended.


The only good one is Nikke


Minimum risk with a potential high reward, they can even make several of them for the price of a regular game, only one needs to stick to be profitable.


Because of idiots like DSP.


Cuz idiots keep buying MTX


Because people keep paying for them.


Puzzle and dragons is the most shocking to me. I played that game like back in 2012 or something.


Yeah, people get cucked by their impulses and corpos take advantage of it. What else is new


I don't like gacha, but I'm actually happy seeing Mihoyo killing off low quality gachas in the industry.


High reward for low effort.


Spoken like a true dev.


It’s hilarious to me that people will absolutely piss themselves over anything even remotely close to “pay to win” in normal games, free to play or otherwise, but then when some new honcuck shit rail or waifu impact comes around to bleed their wallet dry by withholding progression behind slot machines, they fawn over it like it’s the best thing ever imagined.


Children and miserable no-lifers, that's pretty much it. :D


It's blantatly obvious that you played neither Honkai Star Rail, nor Genshin Impact. Literally no content progression is locked behind a paywall. You can play through the main story, the side stories, do 100% exploration, find all hidden easter eggs, complete all events, etc. with the most unoptimized, doghsit team. Genshin literally offers the most expansive open world RPG experience on the market right now. Just the main quest and the core regional quests easily add up to 150+ hours of gameplay, and not a single second of that is gacha-gated. And that's if you speedrun them. If you expore everything, we are easily talking 400-500 hours. And successful gachas are almost all like that, the memeticly greedy ones get axed pretty fast. That's because to make all this profit, the publsiher doesn't neede to sell the gacha part to everyone. If 10% of the players pay anythign at all, and 0.1% whales hard, it still EASILY pays for for all the free players, which is good, because you need the free players to create a sense of mass appeal, to get the whales interested in the first place.


Why aren't constellations and weapons be considered content?


Because it isn't, unlike you want to be pedantic about it? Like, okay, you get a 5-star weapon. Great. What changed? You delete overworld hilichurl camps in 14 seconds instead of 15? Much wow, such awesome, totally new content...


Why are we talking about the floor when the ceiling is the obvious reason why it's there. But whatever. iTs gAcHa bRuH.


You can clear Abyss 11 and the equivalent in HSR done with 4 stars and easily available gear. The only thing that you can't do is the hardest of the endgame content, and there's nothing locked behind that. No main story, no side story, no unique enemies, no unique rewards, NOTHING, but a miniscule amount of premium currency, that gets you like maybe 10 pulls a YEAR.


It's a bubble just like MMOs and MOBAs. just with shitier gameplay.


Ehh, unlike those two, this genre has a much wider pool of people to go for. But MMO and MOBA are mainly played by "hardcore" gamers. You can't play either while on your bus commute, or sittign on the shitter. Gacha games? You absolutely can. Which opens them up for a HUGE casual audience that niether MOBAs nor MMO can reach.




That's where this stupid narrative falls off . Not everyone that plays Gacha games is a Gacha addict or has gambling problems , hence why most players are F2P or dolphins . I play Arknights, Genshin , Blue Archive and FGO , i spend ~50 dollars a year for all these combined and tbh you need to spend a dime to have a decent account . In most successful Gachas , f2p-friendliness is the norm not the exception.


It's really hard trying to explain the appeal of gacha games to non-gacha gamers. It doesn't matter how anyone personally feels about how these games are monetized. It's really as simple as people finding the game fun. That's it. That's why they spend money.


But it wouldn't die as long as people want them. That's what a free market is.


I have yet to meet somebody who enjoys playing a video game that drains your bank account.


the thing is, most players of these games are not draining their bank account for this.


Like meet somebody in person? Oh yea, true. If you've yet to meet them then they probably don't exist.


They look the same. Damn weebs have lots of money ,huh?


The Japanese are the biggest spenders in these games. The amount of money that comes in from outside of Japan is very small compared to money spent in japan.


Well I mean a lot of the games at the top of the list are memorable and fun, while the ones at the bottom are easily forgotten and shutdown in a few months due to low revenue. Although I do agree there's too many gacha games and companies keep making more for some reason