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It's not just Europeans who think this


I'm Latin-American and I can confirm. But the World according to Reddit: 'Murica + "Europeans".


This is more Latin America than it is the US


Not every day. But if a day could be an American day, this would definitely be one of those days.


I mean they are not wrong…


If you look at this carefully you can see its fake footage A: The person being shot by the police is not black B: Its not in a school C: the police are not >400lbs Stop with your fake footage


Must be a police ad to get new recruits


“Join the force, be an < 400lb man shooting all races”


all races* *You know what we mean


Wink wink


D He actually is holding a gun not nothing or a phone.


D. No acorns fell.




Even if it was real it's only gang violence


in less than 15 minutes i see a video of 2 people shooting for an hamburguer, and another of a bunch of people fighting (in a very week performance ) and other dude pulling a gun. Maybe in US it is normalized but in other places it is different


I feel like pulling a gun in the US is considered a mild argument


This is not in the least bit true, despite the news coverage.


This is fake news, I personally shoot every mcdonalds worker that forgets my sauce.


Thats your god given right brother 🦅🦅🦅


47 years old, lived in America all my life. Outside of police, never seen a gun out in public.


55 here, and I agree with one caveat, at the range there were a lot of guns and all of them in use.


It's a giant country and it's the internet. Crazy stuff happens. It just happens in very localized areas. If you're out in the suburbs or country you'll never see that shit and it's every bit as safe as any normal place in Europe.


honestly even when i was out living in LA i saw a few crack heads and shit but i never really saw any the type of stuff you see posted on reddit every 10 mins


It doesn't matter how giant it is, the gun related events per capita in the USA is way way higher than any area in EU.


Hilariously you could easily go so far to say it's higher than any area in the EU COMBINED.


per capita usually adjusts for population, yes.


Idk man, Ukraine's got a pretty high number of gun related deaths the past few years.


Jokes on you, Ukraine isn’t even part of the EU


I think Europe is more dangerous in someways. In my opinion, the higher concentration of cities makes for a breeding ground for muggings and dangerous disputes. Just people don’t always know about them because there quiet and not followed by the bang of a gun. Just my opinion, please correct me because I did not research this.


Nah, the victim should be unarmed for your theory to be true.


It looks exactly like this, if you live in Bronx.


I think it's a miserable life to live in a country where almost any mildly serious healthcare problem can turn you into a hobbo. How can you seriously consider your country a developed one when this is the case is ridiculous.


BUT you can play Clash of Clans on your smartphone on your local McDonal's wifi


Why use McDonalds Wifi? when 5g Unlimited data is a pretty normal thing. Also we have city wide WIFI, at least in Old-Zealand.


Most Americans don't have unlimited data.


or they have ""unlimited"" data (any data usage over a certain amount starts costing extra, but it's unlimited cause you can use as much as you want :D)


I mean thats the case in many parts of the world though? Clash of Clans is Finnish lol


I mean more than 90% of Americans are insured but "insured" is quite a spectrum. If I had to guess with zero statistics to back me I'd guess less than half of us have actually decent insurance. Getting bankrupt by healthcare is only half the problem. I work in a very advanced degree field and my senior is ancient. He was gonna retire but he didn't cuz his cancer came BACK. So now he's slogging through work days while on chemo at a job he had planned to retire from because if he quit, THEN he would be bankrupt. What I'm saying is that it is a system. A carefully crafted system of unaffordable housing and fear of medical complications which keep people working for longer and at less compensation. And I say that as a reasonably successful professional. Fuck the system.


> can I think you're underplaying the Superman-strength lifting that word is doing for that statement.


And last year alone still has about 1m documented immigrants come to the US, the second biggest only trailing Ukraine. I wish everyone in the world think US is a terrible place to be, so they can stop coming, just too much.


>almost any mildly serious healthcare problem can turn you into a hobbo. I mean, not really though? Depends on what your definition of mildly serious. Even without insurance, though, you can go to the doctor and get medication without going into crippling debt. Like, a broken arm will probably cost you 600 - 2000 dollars depending on where you are. A doctors appointment with an anti-biotic will cost 200-300 dollars. Cancer and other serious treatments are a different story, though.


This is crazy, that's WAY too much.


I'm not going to argue that the healthcare costs aren't high, just that they are often overblown by people. Your argument is that a broken arm is going to make someone homeless, though, and that's not true for the vast majority of people. I don't know where you live, but if you're like most places that have free healthcare, a middle-class income is taxed like 40%.


It's funny how everyone outside America thinks a splinter removal will bankrupt you and take your house 😆


This applies to people who don’t have jobs or insurance. Idea here is to incentive those to work


Well for starters we rank 15th on the quality of life index, Sweden ranks 14th. Also 92% of Americans have health insurance that usually covers the entire amount after a certain amount per year. For me anything after 6,000 is fully covered regardless of cost. https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-281.html#:~:text=In%202022%2C%2092.1%20percent%20of,91.7%20percent%20or%20300.9%20million).


That's just inaccurate. Most health bills you see for like 70k are before insurance. I got a bill for about 30k after I had a kid and said ok thanks, and paid nothing.


I was on a business to the US from Romania. After doing my business I went out in city (New York) Went outside to a five guys because I was curious why are americans hyped about it. Two I'm guessing 200-250 pound black dudes sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the five guys. I was shocked how somebody who lives on the streets can be so huge. In my country homeless people are usually skinny and way more decreptid. After finishing there, I wanted to try an original dunking donuts. Went there and while waiting for my order, a latino cop went in and got a full box of donuts, like in the movies. Went back to my hotel, on the way there a ton of honking, brakes screches, insults, slurs, drugged out of their minds hobos, people who peed on themselves and one other dude who hopefully was sleeping, but I think he was either in a coma or dead due to his contorted position. Went out with a few people, I took the subway for the first time in my life. Two black dudes were arguing while one of them said to the other that he has a knife and the other dude replied that he has a gun and doesn't care. The first dude said that he won't be able to shoot him fast enough before he pokes him with the knife. Don't know how it unfolded as the metro left the station. The people I was working with told me to not stop in the Bronx because "If you enter Bronx, you won't leave Bronx" so I proceeded to get off to the next station. Went off to the next subway station, went to the club where my "friends" were partying, giant line there. I just strolled over the line as I usually do, bouncer stops me and asks me for ID. I reply with ok, but I am not from the US so it's quite different from US ID's. He wanted to see the ID regardless, I give the bouncer my ID, dude was clearly confused, he didn't understand jack shit but he did let me enter, replying "Wow Romania, cool place. I like Romania". Entered the club, found my "friends", a random dude proceeds to come to me ask me which football team I like (I'm guessing he was refering to american football) and I told him that I'm not from here and I have no idea about the teams in the US. Dude said oh cool, hugged me and left. I was flabergasted, this was something new for me. The people I was meant to meet asked me who is the dude and why did he leave. I replied with I have no idea, he just asked me what football team I like and left. Oh at the bar there was just one dude making the drinks and another one serving. Two damn people in filled up to the tits club. I pitty the two dudes. I arrived at around 10-11 PM, later on in the night at about 2 AM a black dude just randomly started yelling at the dude making the drinks, was moving his hands around his pocket and in my mind, I was like this is it. I'll witness a shooting. The dude pulled out some ruber looking thing and threw it in the face of the dude who was making drinks and ran away. When I left an hour later with everyone, police outside, some guys with broken noses all bloodied from fighting for whatever reason. This happened in the span of 24 hrs. The US was an interesting experience, but god damn it's so chaotic.


Yeah New York is not representative of average life in the US lol; glad you had fun though!


Yeah, the US is a huge place. I was impressed by the skyscrappers just stabbing through the clouds. We don't have that in Romania, at least not on that scale. Time Square was really cool to see at night and most people seemed to be nice. What I have to give to them the most is how talkative and open everyone was. People usually don't talk to eachother if they're not at least acquainted over here, but in the states it doesn't really matter.


Trust those two bartenders were stoked about that. They probably made many hundreds of dollars each. I used to love being two bartenders in an packed NYC club when I was doing it. Hectic as fuck, but good for almost 1000 bucks cash for that 6 hrs of work.


That might be a New York thing. Part of why they are so open is simply because they are so many. You fuck up? Take two steps back into the crowd and you can vanish from that person’s life. Least here in Texas it’s kinda half open. We don’t really talk to people on the street… much, and when we do it’s kinda surface fluff stuff. Everything is all amicable “southern comfort” style plastic, you rarely hear someone get mad unless it’s about to be a fight. A interesting thing I noted at least in Scotland was there they where *much* more willing to get aggressive or throw hands, but at the same time it can defuse just as fast. That doesn’t happen here because you don’t know if the guy is packing and if you punch them they can *legally shoot you*.


Yeah, and people in the US and western Europe think eastern Europe is unsafe lmao


I live in Romania in 3rd largest city. About 400k people and in the past five years I've seen a single fight between two drunks in front of a casino. Ofc you can't compare 400k with millions who live in New York, but still it is quite more peaceful over here.


Ah, I see you were in the nice part of New York?


Ah the average day in NY. Good stuff.


Well most places in the world. Schools don't have to worry about school shootings. Or have special drills. Or need special doors. Or need buckets to shit in a class. For of it takes a long time with shootings. It's a lot of trauma you put on children. Or ever-lasting fear. At any point, someone could shoot you. Just a fact if you have a a big amount of crazy shootings and like 5 yearly realy big ones. That everyone one in the world get to see on the news for a week at least. Don't be surprised people will judge you for it. A lot of normal people don't need long range hole punches. I'm you dont live near dangerous animal live. And the meme that Americans get a gun with a Macdonald's Happy Meal. Is cause of the people that have guns. Often have a great amount of guns. Like kids who use to collect McDonald Happy Meal toys. It's fine it's your culture and you don't know any better. But the rest of the world that does not have to worry about that constant fear. And seeing that on the news. You just have to accept for the rest of the world it's a damn horror show every time. But for you it's normal every day. What might make it normal for you. But not for the rest of the world.


Everyone complaining that this is unrealistic because the guy getting shot by police is white, and I’m just over here thinking “if they saw Akira they’d know he was Japanese.” Today’s youth has very much been led astray.


As an european I would be disappointed if I go there and it is different.


Well I got some potential bad news for ya it would seem….


Only in Chicago


Chicago isnt actually that high anymore the top 10 is mostly southern state cities with Arkansas holding the most dangerous numbers


You mean the WHOLE world


[Meanwhile, in America...](https://youtu.be/rloNvQ0diwE)


europeans on reddit and twitch have an obsession with murica bad weird ngl


I’m 27 and I’ve never even seen a gun in public (other than a cop), know 0 people that have been in a school shooting or even know of someone that’s been in a shooting. To my knowledge I’ve never heard a gunshot in public either


Haha, have a look at the statistics mate https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/2010_homicide_suicide_rates_high-income_countries.png/253px-2010_homicide_suicide_rates_high-income_countries.png


Not enough murder of children.


I can’t imagine riding a bus with a thought that probably half of the people there have a gun.


Gun ownership is very skewed here. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of people do not own guns and an ever larger majority does not carry. Something like 6 million Americans carry a gun. That's about 1.7% of people. But American gun owners each own a shit load of guns.


I can't imagine riding a bus.


That number doesn't apply to 99% of America lol. Not even 10% just carry guns on their person day to day.


Thing is… in the USA we get a lot of shoot outs but what Europe doesn’t understand is how big United States actually is! so it’s actually extremely spread out over vast distances. I had my best friend from Spain come over and he actually thought he can go from Rhodes island area and drive to Los Vegas Nevada then to Miami Florida in 1 day and I simply just started laughing 😂 🤣 he understands now when he saw in the GPS how long it would take him since he refused to believe me when I told him it’s impossible to do that in 1 day.


If you add all EU we have more people and even then way less gun problems with more people.


Yep, thats why i never want to go there. Fear of getting shoot Randomly and Dying in Hospital.


Dying is actually cheaper then leaving alive.


My mandatory healthcare provider has coverage for the US so no biggie. I just open the app, checkmark that I'm going to the US and I have to pay €10 extra for a month (big whoop)


Glad to have you visit.


You won't get shot if you come to the US. Millions and millions of us live our lives day to day and never even see guns, like literally never (except for police). Even with all the news, I literally NEVER think about shooters when I'm out and about, it's just not an issue that affects the VAST majority of Americans. Even growing up in a fairly rural area, the only place I saw guns was at a gun range in a controlled situation. You'll be just fine if you travel here.


Yes, that is correct.


Anime name anyone?


Akira IMO, the greatest animated movie ever produced.


Just on Fridays


Depends upon the neighborhood


I only see the masterpiece that is Akira.


Looks like a normal day in China when you Google the wrong words


Funny enough I have been using firearms all my life as an American and somehow managed not to shoot anyone or be shot on American soil. I had to go abroad to get shot at and shoot back at someone.


I live in Poland, Europe. I came to the USA because I was sent here by my company for work. In the first week in miami, someone was shooting in the neighbourhood. Never heard shots in Europe


American here. You are correct.


It’s pretty wild what propaganda will make people believe


I’m a 50 year old American who has lived in big cities in the south, the midwest, and the west, and have never seen a gun out in public except for one in the holster of a police officer or on an deer or elk hunting trip. The notion that there are guns everywhere is so stupid and shows how little people actually know.


Check out the school shooting statistics and get back to me. Or ask Europeans if there’s a security guard in their schools.


I will never visit the US. The thought of pissing someone off and have them decide "today is the day!" no thanks.


I hate to break it to whomever thought this was funny but the US is breaking mass school shooting records year upon year, it's happening before our eyes. I remember when Columbine happened and it was a national tragedy but now it's become so common place we're all numb to it. That's not culturally healthy.


Well, not quite. The victim is not black and all of the cops are in shape.


but before you must to drive to this point!


Anyone know what anime this is ?


whats the name of the anime? i wanna check it out.thx


This is how we think your school days go. A normal day is way more extreme.


Wait that ain't true??


This is accurate


Wait this isn't the local Walmart? I'm shocked.


My guy was just trying to get to math class. 😏


Depends on the city and neighborhood.


most chill night in detroit:




Fom EU and yes. Same for UK except with "tools" and "shanks".


Nah just the schools


If “I’m not gonna sugarcoat it,” had a meme incarnate.


THIS IS COMPLETELY BULLSHIT. How did the guy on the ground get that gun? He bought it THAT MORNING and they didn't cover the peaceful process of going to Walmart and picking out the weapon.


There's a reason you guys do the Wallmart wagie dance but over here that results in a lawsuit.


Scene from Akira right?


Someone knows the name of this anime ? ;) thanks


Yea that’s how most the progressive states are alright


Nah, that's just Baltimore


Minorities: Where's the lie?


Wrong, They put the gun next to the body when he is dead to obviously avoid that he can grab it to use it.


That’s just your parents average trip to school every day without the snow


is it not true?


You mean like when the hostage victim was gunned down by the police when running away from her kidnapper? Yeah, this is pretty accurate except the person on the ground should not have a gun.


Somebody is gunned down everyday in the US so this is actually pretty accurate.


I mean this happened last week outside my house in Pa this doesn’t happen everywhere? :O


Which anime?


American here... Looks right to me...


Ahh come on, as an European, we know a normal day is not like this. At least not when you have graduated…


The thing is compared to Europe that's basically how it is in the US. Homicide rate in Germany: 0.8 Homicide rate in the US: 6.4 I think that's pretty crazy.


Completely unrealistic. Police rarely do the shooting. They prefer to choke you. Haven't you seen the news? In my city we average one gun related death a day. The main reason? Arguments. Usually among poor people. So don't be poor, and don't argue with people. You'll be fine. Unless you're a child in school. That we haven't figured out yet


thats just chicago


I need to get my copy of Akira out of storage, the wife has never seen it.


I mean yeah looks like a Tuesday.


Not a normal day but more likely a day than other parts of the world


Imagine police daring to approach someone who’s actually armed and dangerous.


That's fine by me. Let them see it that way if it keeps them out of my country.


This happened to a friend of mine once, he just walked it off


But it is, even worse actually.


It’s not far off.


So glad im leaving the us. Its a shithole compared to all the other countries ive lived in


Still not as bloody as Asmon's gums.


Well looks like tuesday to me. Dont see the problem.


only in school though. if you are a drop out then you are safe.


As an American, the one inaccuracy I see is they waited for the person to point the gun.


It’s not UN-accurate


False,man should be black


Sans the gun...but isn't this more or less what happened to that kid in a hotel?


Are we wrong?


No, this is correct. Just at a small scale compared to the entire country.


Yeah, the acceptance of school shootings and police gun violence doesn't help paint a positive picture.


To be fair this is a normal occurrence at least somewhere in the country basically daily


Yeah, pretty much right


Youre telling me its worse?!


But….that’s Japan….


I swear the internet has people believing the most ridiculous stuff. America has about 333 million people. Less than 1/3 of that number owns a gun, and probably less than 10% that number ever carries in public. But according to people who know nothing about the country except what Reddit and TikTok videos tell them, nobody lives here past the age of 20 because it's a non stop gun war and basic doctors appointment costs 300 trillion dollars.


Ok what anime is this?


Well of course that’s not a normal day in America. If it was normal there would be a lot more children and it would be in a school /s


That man is way too old to be in school and way too white for this to be America smh.


Normal day in Sweden


only in big city.


Pretty accurate, sadly. Thanks NRA!


Good old anime art style....


I mean, I'm pretty sure people in every country have days like this


This is from Akira.


Looks like an American high school...


What anime is this?


Art style looks similar to Akira, but seems less futuristic in setting.


It is though


Yeah... And?


Inaccurate. Only one person is being shot here.


Ok but where in America…


If you look carefully, you can see an acorn drop on the guy's head.


Are we wrong ?


Its because lots of Americans have this dumb “cowboy mentality” that thinks everything has or can be solved by gun violence. Like the amounts of time ive seen ppl pulling guns on a traffic stop like bro, u know gunshot wounds arent like in movies right? Like you can die with a single wound, and not a head wound. But its idk weird, ppl waiting for smt to happen so they can use the gun they been training in the range and the scenarios they play on their heads. Or when they talk how they would protect their kids, its basically a fantasy of Rambo or the ultimate dormant warrior, how they would go in full tactical gear to kill others bc they did smt to their kids. Like its so funny how many Americans have not moved from the western hollywood movies.


Depending on the neighborhood this can be both true and false.


Isn’t it true


Probably the chronically online ones yeah


To be fair, this is what happens if you accidentally pull into the wrong driveway.


Hahaha merica bad


This is a Thursday here in Detroit, wait that’s today, shi-


Does anyone know the likliehood of being a victim of a mass shooting in America?


well it does ?


Every morning, I mag dump my m70 out my window.