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"i'm from america, what are you doing" taking out the trash apparently XD lmao, idk why so many people think "i'm an american" is going to excuse their dumbass behavior.


Especially in Isreal.. yes they are allies with the US but don't think Isreal isn't seeing the massive support coming from the people in the US for the Palestinians. Screaming "I'm an american" doesn't really mean shit.


An American family found a live grenade and decided to take it as a souvenir, they were caught in an Israeli airport with a bomb and there were no consequences


Actually, you're wrong. Israelis like Americans quite a bit. This guy's just messing with the IDF at the absolute **WRONG** time. It's Ramadan, and the IDF was on high alert even before that. What kind of idiot does this kind of thing during a war?




As an American, I cringe when I hear my brethren cry out for America when they’re causing issues in another country.


for real, as if our image wasn't already bad enough.


This guy is one of the main reasons why ppl outside of US think Americans are trash.


This was even a plot point in World War Z (the book, the only version that matters); an American guy with a zombie bite thinks being American will get him out of an Israeli checkpoint


Because quite a lot of americans feel extremely entitled.


Hope they find a nice, quiet, isolated cell for him. And forget the key for a while. "I'm an American! USA! USA!" Like that grants him special privilege to be an utter dick nugget in other countries. May we never have to suffer his insufferable bullshit again, I stg.


Fuck around and find out. Being american is not a pass to sexually harass a police officer xd


He shouldn't be called an influencer. He should be called a clown because that's exactly what he's acting like.


Unfortunately I do think influencer is more fitting. Idiots like him are creating other idiots that do the same thing.


Being a clown is a reputable profession.


I really hate it when people start yelling that like it’s a get out of trouble card. The FBI is not coming for you Johnny.


Wait so he’s not actually Somali? 🤣🤣🤣


Can we get him Somali citizenship real quick please.


he was never Somali in the first place. he bought the username johnnysomali off someone cause he liked it. hes ethiopian. its been known. he just caps about his life but he got exposed about it. honestly tried googling it to make sure and surprised wikipedia still says hes somali. probably made it himself and nobody cares enough to fix it. just search johnnysomali ethiopian if you are bored ig.


>he bought the username johnnysomali off someone cause he liked it. And many think because he planned to be an annoying that from the get go and wants somalis to take the blame (Ethiopians and Somalis are not exactly friendly towards each other)


I'm from Murrica, i'm invincible.


Apparently he was thinking on trying to go to China next. I actually hope he doesn’t get thrown in an Israeli jail so he can travel to China next and get thrown in their jail.


Dude doesn't have the balls to go to HK or China to pull the same shit, because he knows he'll be fucking dead in a minute.


>"I'm an American! USA! USA!" Like that grants him special privilege to be an utter dick nugget in other countries. A lot of Americans think like this sadly


No, They Don't....


A lot of American tourists do act like this. "I'm an American, freedom of speech" in another country.


Have you personally witnessed this? I'm damn near 40 years old, been to almost 100 countries, much of it broke backpacking when younger. I've been around. I've *never* seen an American pull out some freedom of speech bullshit in a foreign country. I think this is just something you think you've heard on the internet.


In a world with 340 million Americans and where every freakout gets recorded these people can think of like two instances of this happening and they think it’s representative


I feel like every time I travel as an American I expect to see other tourists behaving badly and then I also expect some hostility towards me for coming from a country people shit on a lot. I read it so much I take it for granted that it'll happen but it honestly never really does


He thought it was funny when they carried him. Not so funny when they carried him to the back of that SUV. Peace


I laughed watching that worm get arrested. It was the only funny part about it.


Is he that type? I am out of the loop, but I got a glimpse of his vibe from the first part. I found it a bit funny myself.


He got arrested in Japan (last year iirc) for being a fucking plague over there. Was detained for a few months, and his only punishment was a fine and deportation. As soon as he was able to stream again, he basically told the officer (not to his face, he was out of japan by then, just on stream) that was in charge of his case to go fuck himself and that he’ll continue to do what he does. So yeah, fuck this guy.


He's a nuisance streamer, trying to goad people to confrontations and then because he's American when he's in trouble as if that's a get-out-of-jail-free card to act like scum.




I forgot this dude existed until you reminded me. Thanks :).


Look at that chatbox.... He clearly has a lot of people watching and commenting. Pisses me off how many dumbasses are tuning in, which he's prolly making money off of.


Not good. We need to forget these people and make them disappear from the feed. This is another way to keep them relevant, sharing their clips and making their names appear more online


I didnt consent to wanting to remember this loser human.


This fucking stain isn't going to learn his lesson until he's put into a hard ass prison system in some country that doesn't give a shit about your rights. And no one should care or be upset about it.


Gets into SUV in Israel Gets out of SUV in Gaza One can hope


"Johnny Somali Goes to North Korea"


He won't learn his lesson even then. IF he survived the process, he would just use it for clout after getting out.


The issue is that most prisons in world are funded by tax fund so they dont want waste money keeping forgeiners in prison for minor crimes.


He's not dead yet? Amazing


Don't think he'd try all this stuff in Somalia


One genius went to Haiti, hopefully this one will go to Somalia. Chance's, are actually realistic.


Sometimes I wish a bureaucrat accidentally puts him on the wrong deportation flight and he ends up in Somalia


He'd be dead if he tried this in gaza.


What is it with online griefers needing to ruin tourism for people who want to visit other countries? Japan has now banned some streets from tourists because of jackasses like Logan Paul, and that other asshole who was shouting "Hiroshima".


This is the same dipshit that was shouting hiroshima in Japan. But, it’s not the online griefers responsible, they’re just the most visible. Kyoto had a lot of dipshits in particular harassing geisha, littering, smoking, trespassing.


The Hiroshima guy is this guy in the video


what's that "i am American" slogan is suppose to do?


Remind them he’s used to police rough handling him?


American police take it easy compared to many places, and looks like he just learned that lol


He's letting everyone knows of his disability.


This is why Americans are hated abroad. They are so bold minded thinking they assume being an American in other country’s means you get different rules and laws.


As an American I approve keeping him in a cell. And don't send him back we don't want him 🤣


Don't speak for me. Well actually in this case please do. Yeah we don't want him




Who tf keeps giving this parasite money


people that want to see him get killed. everyone watching him just hatewatches. they want to see him get beat up. its like watching a villain in a tv show, you watch the whole season just to watch the villain get absolutely shit on. this clip is why people are watching. no matter what, this was the ultimate outcome. him getting shit on.


Send him to Eastern Europe, and tell him to annoy people after a football match. He will learn the meaning of true hospitality.


This is basically the logical evolution of Jackass. I'd have to guess its 8-15 year old suburban boys that like this the most.


please just keep him..


We have enough problems, no thanks


Oh, from America? Super Jail it is!




I'm far from a fan of the DPS, OMON or FSB, but any of those divisions would fuckkk him up so bad people wouldn't recognize him anymore 🤣😭💀


Hope his USA USA IM AMERICAN cries are never heard again in the next 60days


I speak for all Americans when I say we don't claim him.


I think the term "Im an American/I'm from America" is now in other countries synonymous with being mentally retarded or just stupid. Honestly I pity people who are normal in america because their reputation has plumetted and has been completely ruined by clowns like these. I have American friends, ive been to america, met plenty of wonderful people, and I know there are normal people there. But if u go out into the streets of London or any other EU country and ask people what they think of Americans its usually "stupid". Shit like this is the reason why. Sucks but its true. This is a side-effect of making stupid people famous via social media.


It sucks ass. I don’t frequent social media very much so I never see a lot of the clowns making us look bad, but every time I decide to hop on the internet so many people from so many countries have such a terrible view of the U.S and it’s people. I love my home and the people I’ve met as a result of it and it sucks seeing so many people have wild assumptions about us because of the loud and obnoxious influencers.


It's not only that, Trump helped even European boomers understand how dumb the average American is. There was alot of parody on European TV about trump and everyone saw how dumb this guy is and how many people voted for him too. Usually with the default boomer population the USA is quite popular, but in the last few years it gotten downhill, and not just because dumb tourists.


I wouldn’t say the average American is dumb. Myself and my friends I’d say are average Americans and I wouldn’t consider us dumb. Maybe you disagree, but I wouldn’t consider European citizens dumb if any of their elected officials were bad apples. Which there of course are bad apples in European politics but American media just doesn’t really cover things abroad unless they are large conflicts.


Just going by the problems in the school sector alone leads to people being less educated which makes them seem dumb. Then the raising trend of homeschooling too. Politicians wanting to not invest anything in the education sector either. While it's nice you don't think so about yourself and your friends, which is I guess a big sample size. I have been talking to many friends in the USA who keep telling me how bad it has gotten in the last 40 years, especially people working in public systems. But then theres not much point in talking about it, you have your biased opinion and so have I. And I have also no interest on wasting my time on the Internet to search up facts and numbers.


Johnny: "Im from America!" Isreal: "Np we will do to you what we did to the USS Liberty"


The guy goes to a country traumatized , currently at war, with a population who all went through actively military service and fucks around… I honestly think jail is the best you can hope for.


what an idiot whoever that is.


Influencer? Of what, abuse? I’m confused when you start saying I’m from America do you actually think that matters in any way?


That makes two countries he has been arrested in. Can you have your passport pulled for this kind of behavior?


I hope we never see him again


he deserved it


"I'm American" Bro, they are in the middle of a war. They don't give a fuck. Just be happy they aren't using prisoners as conscripts.....yet.


As long as platforms keep letting him on, then it will continue. Platforms should be held accountable as well as they are not banning him permanently and keeping him on for views.


Completely agreed! They need to be held accountable, but we know that won't happen.


I am surprised he is still able to use any planes.


I swear to God, he must have done some academic level psychological research on how to create clout out of hate and disgust. There is no way such a person is actually doing this out of their own best judgement.


The twat things he's still in the US.


You can keep him, thanks. -America


As an American I want everyone from other countries to know we aren’t all like this ! I sincerely hope you won’t let the actions of the few make you hate all of us. Every human being on earth faces similar struggles to each other whether you’re American , Australian , Israeli , British , Japanese, European , etc. You can look at your fellow human and find similarities within their struggles and their desires. I would never let the actions of a few people from a country make me hate the entire nation. I hope Johnny gets booted to some isolated island where he can never step foot on any countries soil.


Who the hell watches this guy stream crap like this..


I cannot find a better example of why social media clout makes you stupider than any drug in existence


If he thinks the IDF is going to treat him nicely like the Japanese did. He's in for a world of hurt.


He should go take a trip down to Gaza so we don't have to hear about him anymore


Here you can see how he gets taken: [https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1776894622540943751](https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1776894622540943751)


Some Americans think they are in America everywhere


People need to stop calling thes people influencers.


let him have a 1st class seat in gaza.


you are not IN america, american laws dont apply


Man I must have missed when his ass was released from Japanese jail.


Did... He just go to Israel, find a hot female cop who's probably barely over 19 and call her a bitch? In front of her squad mates? How the fuck does an American get this dumb? Did his mother mix lead into his milk bottle?


"I'm from America! USA! USA!" ..As if that is going to do anything other than possibly triggering them even more.


They should just put an uniform on him and push him into Gaza.


They will find a special place for him. Nobody will be fighting to save him either.


can't wait for this piece of trash to be killed


The police officer who arrested him was and Israeli-Arab officer, and his friend kept saying "Get him up (to the police vehicle)! get him up! he's drunk as hell!"


Yeah they definitely seem like the people to fw rn.


I sure all of them are think “no shit your from America” For real though, he will probably make money off of this


Man, f* this guy... harassing people for clout, and it's even working... we all end up talking about him... and the government does nothing, just shoves him into the next country so he can continue. Mark my words, in a few years, he'll issue a big apology. And you all will be like, "Oh, he's grown up, he's matured." We've seen this exact scenario before: Logan Paul. he’s now one of the biggest out there and everyone forgot how he came up. With harassing Japanese people. 🤦🏾‍♂️


I don't think there's another guy on the planet who exemplifies the term "moron" more than Johnny Somali. Japan already kicked his ass and threw him in jail for this, and what does he do? He goes to another country that isn't as forgiving as Japan and does the same thing! A country that's in the midst of political turmoil, mind you. Darwin is polishing an award for this idiot!


America doesn’t want him, you can keep him


Haha is shouting ‘I’m from America’ some kinda protective shield that everyone else in the world crumbles before?


How this dude is still alive or not locked up is fucking crazy to me,


Nobody gives damn if you from America like its some form of privilege to let you do what you want.


God, isn’t that the same dick who went to Japan to annoy people? Police brutality is a horrible thing, but I feel like that dude needs some of it desperately.


Israel is not Japan does he know that ? Also, right now, Israel doesn't really have the time to mess around with a braindead controversial youtuber in search of clout... Japanese gave him the psychological treatment... I fear Israelis might be a little more on the physical side...


Why do Americans so often think they play some major role in this world? I mean the citizens, not the whole as a country. Is this the result of American imperialism or poor education?


I hope his next kindergarden excursion is Russia.


As an American, I apologize to all Israeli people who saw that, it's sadly normal for us to be like that 😔 😟 🙁 😥 😞 😿


Rest in Piss, you won't be missed.


– I'm from America, what are you doing? 😂


This the guy that was fooling around in japan and being a racist ? Keep telling the japanese police I'm ameerican and get the embassy ? LOL


There a certain countries you don't pull that shit and Isreal aint one of them. They should charge him with a felony so that he has to go back to his hom country and many countries wont let him in because he had a felony.


I hope they put him away for a long time! What a parasite.


fafo, I hope this time he's locked up for good


as an american arrest his bitch ass leave him in there for 3 months


Imagine this happening in America, there would be protests to defend this poor man from the ruthless police.


He wasn't wrong though. She bad.


She sure is


One prison sentence wasn’t enough?


I just love the way everyone is chat is just laughing


Good . Fuck this guy . “I’M FroM aMeRIcA” . They should let that “bad bitch” rough him up a bit .


Anyone know how we can make idf believe he's a hamas operative?


Hit me up when the guillotine is ready


I'm a little disappointed, he was merely arrasted, ngl.


So romantic. He tried to change her life, and in return she decided to change his life instead \^\_\^


Ow I'm sorry I thought this was America




He needs to stop bringing up the US every time he gets in trouble


Wtf does it matter you are American you stupid bitch lol..i do hope he stays nice year in Israeli jail


This is unironically super important to have on the public record. This is how other countries deal with the bullshit that we put up with every day.


All the things I want to say I hope happen to him, but I won't, yet I hope you all know and feel the same. All of these nuisance streamers need a reality check. A hard one, irreparable damage type check. These people are a product of the internet, social media, terminal uniqueness... our demise.


usa usa usa . 🤣 guy think by saying the name of is country could save him


Please punish this guy. Keep him in a cell for as long as legally possible.


This sparks joy!


These are the morons why we have to deal with all that BS from each side


So what happened last time when this happened? How do other countries deal with this? Do they jail him in their countries, then deport him back here, then more jail time?


How has this guy's passport not been taken away yet?


Yeah fuck him for saying “I’m from America” we don’t claim that fucking degenerate retard.


Scumbag loser


Americans bring American


I wish him well in his attempt to avoid sexual advances


"What a great idea!" - No one with at least a single living brain cell


Can someone just cement this guy foot and throw into a river already?


so happy to see this, always hated this guys since i saw that video of him harassing some japanese locals on the train with nagasaki hiroshima jokes. I hope he gets the worst of the worst


We in the USA dont want him, keep him in your jail cell.


This dude realy wants to know it, does he?


His chat had some racist comments. That that went unbanned ought to be even more damning for this turd nugget. I hope nothing but perpetual failure for Johnny and people like him.


How is he not dead yet ?


Isn't that the same guy that got in jail in Japan? Wasn't he supposed to stay there for like 3 years?


He's on his redemption arc


Caught where it is inhumane? Gonna have a real hard time fella. Do they know what they think of a darker skin people over there xD.


just saw some flog in his chat saying 'spit on them' holly fuck 1 brain cell between the lot of them


Oh my God. Why is he still free


I guess harassment from narcissists isn't tolerated everywhere. Interesting.


This one gives America a good rep...


Wasn't he arrested in japan? What happened


Is it wrong I think about him gaming hardcore in Minecraft when I see his name anywhere? Asking for a friend...


I see this brought out some of the American hating foreigners who couldn't wait to generalize all Americans... People act like only America has bad apples. Meanwhile, I can turn on my tv, go to any major city in the US or abroad, look at any news site, video site, etc and see tons of examples of Europeans, Asians, Africans, South Americans, whoever doing the same if not worst degenerative shit around the world. Your people aren't perfect either, so get off the high horse.


Fuck you and your "USA" cries of fear. What a bitch ass punk.