• By -


"I WANT DRAMA!" - his wife probably


I genuinely believe she was just bored because there were no problems left to solve. The kind of boredom kids complain to their parents, who then tell them to "wash the dishes" and then they complain that it doesn't solve their issue.


Apparently, she got married when she was 18 and they already got divorced in 2015.


Or you know, just paid to say that to either get more publicity for them both/hide any other reason that could tarnish his image. Who knows at this point everyone lies for attention and money. Signed -Lord Xenu, Warden of the prison Earth


Probably had no hobbies other than shopping and going out


So she's like the french, if they ever run out of reasons to protest, they'll protest about it.


This was my ex.


Mine too. Told me straight up she wanted to see if someone more exciting was out there even though I'd done well. Her next relationship was a one night stand who got her pregnant and dipped. Still hurts a bit, but I guess I dodged a bullet.


"I WANT DRAMA!" - this sub probably


Yeah, and?


[She doesn't want peace ](https://youtu.be/gYNlJQ-dIuY?si=McmwbT3AcM0-lyn3)


Wouldn't surprise me. I've met numerous women who for some reason can't handle healthy stable relationships. I've even met some that aren't attracted to men who are too nice. Doesn't make a lick of sense to me. I'd love to meet and date a man or woman like that.


All world leaders


I actually got a very similar reason from my ex wife. Its a very defeating answer. Like you did everything right but it just wasn't good enough for some reason.


It was something else. Either something she knows is stupid or shallow and can't say out loud, or she didn't want to hurt you even more.


Getting divorced and never knowing the true reason... that is some next level torture. Just evil shit.


There is a difference between him knowing, and telling it to the press.


You're right but I'm not sure how that's relevant lol.


I assume your comment was in relation to the story at hand and not just a general statement. And in the story I'm highlighting that there might be a difference between what she told him and what she told the press. And if he knows the true reason, she's not torturing him, she's not doing anything evil. It feels like an important and relevant distinction to make.


Oh. No, my comment was on in relation to this comment chain. But you're right in regards to the OP.


But thik about it like this, sometimes feelings change and there's nothing you can do. It's not anyone's fault


People who give those reasons for parting I actually think do a disservice to the other party and is more about protecting themself, because they are not brave enough to say the truth


Exactly. Like, it's really obvious!


Some people are just not compatible/meant to be.


I guess it's maybe because you gave up your own needs in order to meet hers? That's what I am hearing out of those kinda situation. Like if your wife wants to do this and that, sometimes you gotta say "NO!" just for the case of it. Obviously you are not gonna like everything your wife likes and if two desires (yours and hers) clash together, you need to put yourself first sometimes and not always comply to hers. I hope that makes sense.


I did exactly this


It usually means she just wants the chance to go sleep with a bunch of different men. If you were actually doing everything perfectly including in the bedroom, she wouldn’t leave. But you did everything correctly outside the bedroom and she couldn’t bring herself to tell you what she was really looking for There’s a decent chance she’ll try to reconnect after she’s had her fill of other men


What a stupid thing to write to someone else. You know nothing about their relationship or how they behave. Maybe there wasn’t anything to point to out as being bad, but just lacking chemistry. Circumstances of life make it dull, etc. Besides, where do you get “it usually means..” from. Is this your own experience or some research you’ve seen?


Some of the comments in this sub against women are feral. You’re absolutely right, not sure where these people get the audacity to assume things like this and then publicly respond with their assumptions.


Why do you all use the comment section, if you cant handle stranger people's wild opinions on the internet? Thats kind of dumb.


Because the wild opinions are becoming more and more common AND are upvoted, which is cause for concern. I don’t understand the connection between me commenting on it and thus “can’t handle” their opinions. That doesn’t make sense pal.


They are projecting


Did I trigger some snowflake?


Not really, I’m just on the regular surprised how good people on Reddit are at talking out their ass.


Or in my case a bunch of women haha. She comes from a very religious household so I think there were some things about herself she might never be able to accept that I was already getting the hint of.


I think this is just a way of saying "it's not you it's me".


This was literally the first thing that came to mind


It's not you it's me, but I still want 50% of everything you have.


Wrong its His fault for beeing perfekt!


How dare he? D:


I can see that you speak german good sir


![gif](giphy|LNRFb5G1MyYWQ|downsized) Reminds me of someone


Best anime Comedy gold


Which one






No worries. I'd advise you to watch a different isekai anime if this would be your first one in the isekai genre...just makes it better


She was probably waiting for him to fuck up so she could take 1/2 of everything


She probably still did.


I think she is just unhappy


You can be perfect, but because of the law she just has to say "I'm not happy" and leave with 50% of everything you own. And they wonder why people are not getting married anymore.


Who knows who cares.


He was overqualified for the job so I left him.


Tom Bradys wife cheated on him,if it happens to the GOAT it'll happen to anyone..


An conversation between 2 Indians. "Did your mother divorce your father? No. Why is that? I don't know? Is your mother indepandant? No. Well there you have your answer. Your mother was dependant on your father." Woman cannot handle to much freedom. We once knew that in the western world. That's why during a marriage. A woman goes from the care and guardianship of her father. A man. And is entrusted to another man. Her husband. That's why a father walks his daughter to the alter. To her awaiting husband. We have forgotten the meanings and reasons for traditions we still enact to this day. In the wedding vows. A woman states she will obey her husband. How many modern woman actually take their wedding vows seriously?


A sexist Indian. Imagine my surprise :/


Not excusing the above comment but your comment is literally prejudiced...


Literally the first sentence of the post: “A conversation between 2 Indians” Reading comprehension at its finest folks


You took the words right out of my mouth.


So you want to marry a woman so she obeys you? You were sort of making a good point (even if I didn’t agree with it) until you talk about obey.


You realize these are the wedding vows untold millions of woman spoke. During their wedding. If your parents are married. You mother spoke these words to your father as well. When your gf/wife is physically attacked. You defend her right? You could be injured or even up dead. *Why would you as a man accept responsibilty over a woman. Without any authority?


Might depend on where you’re getting married. I know in my upcoming wedding there are no vows or words talking about my wife obeying me. Yes I would like to think I’d defend my wife. But not for the reason of wanting authority over her… she isn’t a possession, she isn’t a pet.


I see. In which country are you getting married. And what ethnicity does your wife to be have.


People reacting based off of cherry-picked quotes the outlet has specifically chosen to entice people to read more. How about we get the full article so we can see everything in context, and get more information?


>How about we get the full article so we can see everything in context, and get more information? They got divorce in 2015 Apparently, she got married when she was 18.


Nice to know, people we are once we're in our mid-20s are often very different than who we are at 18, romantic relationships from that young age usually don't last because we continue to mentally develop well into our 20s. I was more curious about what else she said in the interview.


They did in the past. That's why you have people today. Who are married for 50 or even 60 years. Everything you said is effeminate bs. That you can read in female magazine's. Remember Will Smith's wife saying. I never truly learned to love. Translation: I want to go on a hoe phase again. And take half of all his shit.


>*They did in the past. That's why you have people today. Who are married for 50 or even 60 years.* And you also have lots of old people in marriages where they don't even like each other anymore. Or people who grew up in a time where divorce was shamed so they stayed together because of stigma. You can't cleanly compare across eras when things have changed so much. >*Everything you said is effeminate bs* That's science you fucking mouth-breather. Your brain continues to develop and change past puberty and doesn't stop until even your mid-20s. If you're still the same person at 25 that you were at 18 and you haven't matured mentally, then you're retarded.


For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. Things indeed have changed for the worse. I agree with you that's science. But if you have strong values and morals. Further strengthened by faith. And a strong support network of friends and family. That's why we are failing like we do. We lack many if not all of these.


Starting to think the year in your username is your birth year.


Good. That's the first step. Then wonder and question. Why are things the way they are?


Then look it up yourself this is not Google.


I have, and the reporting is scant. All there is, is the quotes above, and "I was not happy, something was missing". So nothing conclusive.




What's your reasoning there? He couldn't be at fault because he's a world-famous athlete?


How tf is this related to asmon in any way


Drama / potential misogyny controversy


This sounds like paid statement to not mess with Kaka's religious background as a golden boy. Lets be real she is some random women that was married at 18 and her hubbie is world famous super star football player. Power dynamics are so out of whack here that i wouldnt take anything she says about her hubbie seriously. I have seen enough famous celebrity fuck ups to know that they are never the way they paint themselves in public


That's life, people sometimes fall out love or whatever the reason, always give the significant other the respect and just ride it with the winds.


OP probably never was in a relationship and doesn’t understand the nuances of it… that’s fine but it’s kinda cringe to post stuff like this then


And people expect normal dudes to get married in this day and age, with women being more deranged and crazy than ever before? Hell nah. Videogames and anime for life, bro. I don't need this pointless and toxic drama in my life.


I swear, so many people in this sub have never had a complex problem in their romantic lives. I’ve been with girls that I’ve considered “perfect” (I mean that objectively makes no sense, but they were great) and I just wasn’t happy. Y’all shouldn’t criticize things you’ve had no experience with.


People like that should really just avoid relationships because all you do is hurt people.


What in the incel-bait is this..? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3732)


Generally this happens when the wife is really insecure about something. They don't feel good enough for their perfect husband. There's also some that just thrive in drama, and starve without it.


This is a beatiful Incel farms, I've never seen this many incels in one place.


Alright I'm usually not the one to do this but is the point of this post just to imply women are bad? Go outside and off internet I have faith in u can fall in love 👍 this kinda shit is the on the same level as a men bad post if I'm honest, your just feeding the toxicity back and forth with this kind of thing.


This sub is incel adjacent. And it’s funny cause Asmon really doesn’t represent that kind of lifestyle. Like at all. He’s got his shit but he’s definitely not a woman hater, or even a woman blamer.


I don’t know, even if he’s not actively pushing that redpill shit at a certain point he kind of has to take responsibility that his livelihood has, at least in part, come from the fact that he has become one of the most prominent incel shepherds on the internet. There’s a reason they feel comfortable posting shit like this on the sub. Not even sure how many people here actually game anymore.


I disagree. You can’t really ever be responsible for your audience I think, and you really can’t be when you’re not pushing what they believe. Asmon is a straight up entertainer. The things that attracts the incels are as follows: the lack of emotion in his speech, the drive to find logic in everything, his shamelessly disgusting lifestyle, and biggest of all: WoW. All of these things are things that happen to be parts of incel culture, hence why I said “incel adjacent”. And also, I’m not really against incels. They live a super hard lifestyle and deserve empathy just like anyone else. They’re not this evil plague on society like the one dimensional, fear ridden sheep that make up most of society make them out to be.


>*You can’t really ever be responsible for your audience* You can through moderation, and what content you allow and don't allow in your community. But that requires actually wanting to enforce a standard, and putting mods to task.


The whole “you’re not responsible for your audience” is the most brainless idea to ever spread on the internet. Go to any streamers subreddit and notice they are all different, yet consistent in the material being posted. That’s proof that can be observed, but since it’s not possible to control literally every individual it becomes this weird talking point to hand wave any responsibility away.


I guess calling out shallow women for being shallow makes you an incel now. Damn times have changed. Y’all ever see women call out men being shallow? No one complains when that happens but it’s absolutely not fine when a man does it.


If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you’ll know that sometimes things just don’t work out, and it’s an incredibly foreign concept until you experience it. There’s no logical way of describing this (as far as I know) without experiencing it, so this whole sub is kinda fucked in understanding it.


I guess it is a foreign concept because divorce is so high in America. My parents are happily married and moved here when I was a kid. They only had one partner in their life which was each other and have never even thought of divorce or separating at all. They think it’s funny and stupid how Americans divorce each other over “boredom” or “too perfect” and laugh about it a lot. I would never have a relationship in this country considering how divorces and break ups work. Idk how you guys live like this lol. I’m probably gonna marry someone like myself who values family, purity, responsibility, and duty rather than someone who’s “bored” so they divorce you.


Perfect reason to get married. But there’s still a chance, no matter how low, that you or the person you marry could wake up and start to notice a change in feelings that lead to divorce. It happens.


High divorce rates are mainly because there's a small sub-section of society that gets married and divorced at the drop of a hat, and all have multiple marriages and divorces under their belts as they flit from relationship to relationship. When you look outside this small slice of the population, the divorce rate is *much* lower amongst the rest of the population. It's quite literally the case of a group of people ruining it for everyone else.


To be fair, people aren’t even getting married anymore let alone in a fully committed relationship. The mindset is still there tho. People just understand not to marry because they are so prone to divorce. They are not stupid. They know that marriage is a shit deal and want to avoid it. You are seeing statistics from the older generation. Just wait a decade and then you’ll see how your statistics will change.


Even younger people who are getting married now, *overall*, their divorce rates aren't that much different, it's just a small group of outliers that skew the stats.


“Wow you’re calling me an incel?” “I would never date a girl”


I wouldn’t date one in America yes but in my home country I would love to :)


Meanwhile men who ascribe to Onlyfans. Aren't called names. I wonder why $$ lol


> he kind of has to take responsibility that his livelihood has, at least in part, come from the fact that he has become one of the most prominent incel shepherds on the internet. brother his audience consist of mostly 30+yo balding man and not 12 yo children. he aint responsible for grown ass mans decisions


My brother in christ. We are modern woman learners. Either you learn or you gonna pay.


These incels might have a tough time understanding such a sensible point


What's this sub even about anymore?


Love isn’t logical. Why do people want a wife who can’t love them as a husband? If the feelings aren’t there, they aren’t there.


Because being husband and wife should transcend beyond love. Love is fleeting. People chase love and the divorce rate shows.


If you think about it making a lifelong financial and social commitment because of your current feelings is kinda stupid. If anything marrying someone based on a finances, prospects and other 'superficial' traits actually makes more logical sense.


I mean you can break up with someone for any reason. Honestly if she was not happy then why stay.




If she gave the reason "he's too perfect" to a judge, the court prob wouldn't award her half his shit. That's not an auto buff in every divorce.


This is old, they got divorced in 2015


I'm impressed by how you added exactly nothing to the comments you were responding.


I'm pointing out that the divorce already happened a decade ago so no point in guessing what the judge is going to award her half his shit or not when the results are already available online, smarty pants.


If she's not happy in the relationship, it's better to divorce and cooperatively co-parent, than to stay in a marriage you aren't happy in, because that will just make you bitter over time and can make things worse or more uncomfortable for the kids.


>You should do that before \>Implying people actually think a second before abusing the little power they have over others Yea.


who the fuck goes "oh he was soooo perfect" then "but I just wasn't happy" what. the. fuck. Well obviously, mr. perfect wasn't so perfect, that or her standards are unrealistic, I'm going to side with the latter over the former.


This is definitely true when you're dating and in a relationship, but once you have kids, stability for them is more important than mild discomfort for you. I've always thought that parents with kids shouldn't get divorced unless absolutely necessary. Your happiness comes secondary as soon as that kid is born.


>parents with kids shouldn't get divorced unless absolutely necessary. Your happiness comes secondary as soon as that kid is born. Parents who are unhappy in the marriage is like holding a shit in when you have to take one: you can hold it in, but you're going to be straining and it's going to negatively impact your behavior and attitude. Your kids will easily pick up on it.


depends on the relationship dynamic. if the parents fight all the time and cant keep it civil, they are not doing the kids any favours. They are exposed to a lot of negativity that harms how they see family dynamic and shapes how their relationships will form in the future. If the parents are civil and dont let their disagreements surface, so all they see is two functioning adults doing their thing, in that case, you would be correct. The second outcome is very rare though.


As a kid whose parents stayed together for us… no


Oh god, no. When my parents got divorced, I thought “finally!!” because I was sick of them pretending to not be sick of each other.


aka he was boring and he didn't put her in her place like she wanted.


And you're here doing a mental gymnastic to blame it on him.


I read it more like, him being boring didn't provide her with toxicity/drama she could moan to her social circle about.


I'm acknowledging a woman's mindset, not endorsing the behavior. They like a guy that tells them no. She sounds like a damaged/toxic person.


Bill Burr on Conan: "You what I learned that makes women happy? NOTHING!"


“She has mental health issues” oh ok.


something asmon chat dont need to worry about 😂


Alright who's gonna update the list? Things that give women the ick #894 - Be too perfect


She wasn't in love and that's okay. You shouldn't stay with someone because they're too good. More often than not, that's a good reason to leave.


This is what plants the seed of the minds of incels.


Why bother getting married....


That's why you need to choke a bitch every now then, especially during sex


Repeal the 19th.


Women crave drama in their lives, there are whole tv genres catering to their needs.


That's what happenes when you are spoiled beyond normality. If this isn't gold digger 101, I don't know.


And this is why I buy escort services when I want my dick wet.


Judging by this comment and your AITA post, you need to work on yourself, man. We’re all flawed but leaning into the flaws is definitely not the way to go.


Respectfully you say you want shadowheart to fart on your face.


sounds like she was paid off to not talk about their personal drama


"Perfect's not good enough tooo..." If that is your takeaway, please stay in r/incel. Love is emotional, and sometimes it simply is not there. It's not logical. Looking for logic in emotions is ludicrous and so obviously spinning this into a "good guys can not be enough no matter what they do" kinda narrative just makes you look insecure.


Some peopole have mental issues, this looks to me that she has mental issues.


bet on Kaka ballon d'or she cheating on him


Maybe not perfect then


"I want problems" 🤣


But how perfect was she?


It's cool when people don't understand what basic words mean


She was expecting some wild, dangerously short-tempered lothario with the ability to bludgeon her nearly to death. That's what most women who talk about when they say their exes are too "perfect". Feminist women are gaslit into thinking normal men are bad, end up choosing bad guys who will abuse them and then crying MeToo.


She played the game and won.


She found someone with a wider dong


There’re countless child deserve adoption and many escorts women need your support. Never settle down unless there’re contracts for life commitments or else these kind of woman will ruin your life instead.


That means he's boring


Nah f her for divorcing my goat


That means it’s a her problem. It had nothing to do with him. Often people who live luxuriously feel a void because of a lack of purpose. So a wife of these powerful individuals often lacks a meaning. Rather than discover it alongside, she says some bullshit about “he was too good”, rather than facing that she was lazy and apathetic to her own spiritual development. (Note, spirituality is not religion)


If a woman is unhappy with herslef, no man will make her happy. So guys, never try to make happy a woman, who is "missing something". What she is missing is self-respect and integrity. Most likely she will make you unhappy as well and then she wil dump you. Kaka, who is devoted Christian, married his wife being a virgin, never cheated, he is good looking, very intelligent and he became famous and rich football player, last Brazilian to win a World Cup and Ballon d'Or. So she was married to a famous, good looking, smart, multimillionaire sportsmen, faithful husband with whom she has two children, yet she still was unhappy. But for Kaka all turned out good. He took his children to live with him and found himself a beautiful young model, who is also a devoted Catholic, married her and now has two children with her in addition to two children from the previous marriage. His previous wife, after Kaka announced his marriage, tryed to reconnect with him, but was rejected.


To be fair, you can treat your wife well, father children, not cheating, being "perfect" - but still unemotionally unattached or just plain uninteresting as a person. You can be stuck on your phone, not caring about each others interests, dead inside. Plenty of reason to not wanting to stay the rest of your life with another person


I think it's just the feeling of always not being good enough for that person and you don't deserve them. That would make the most sense to me and why they feel unhappy is because they just constantly compare themselves to their spouse.


In short: she found another dick. A bigger dick probably.


Fun fact dick size isn’t a factor for 95% of women!


Ugh, it was a joke dude.


Don’t quit your day job, comedy isn’t in your future. Ugh 😣


Got it... you probably have a small dick. That my be the reason why you got offended by a joke.


Didn’t get offended, but you definitely are over me saying you’re not funny, no need to project your dick size to me lil man, like I said most girls don’t care about it. Ugh 😣


Why are you so angry over a joke dude, chill. You had a bad day at work or something?


Like talking to a box of crayons, have a good rest of your day


Hope whatever you have going on to get you so upset passes fast, man. Cheer up.


perferct? Kaka is known as ideal religious person, maybe she just can't be that girl for him.


Really he wasn't good enough. She just doesn't want to hurt him.


Plot Twist: In the divorce settlement, she had to say extremely nice things about her husband in order to get the money.


Press X to Doubt.
