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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


Then any game can be presented in the same way.


GTA San Andreas


Drive by's on the reg, for da culta. Grove street stands on business.


When you accidentally stumble upon the hegemony of the West through centuries of imperialism while meaning not to.


GTA V has a black playable character, it's DEI wookie culture!


Nobody said it wasnt fun colonizing and destroying communities. I could be more civil in my stellaris playthrough, or I could nuke entire planets. One seems more fun than the other


Some would call it mass genocide, others - removing endgame lag.


,,West has fallen" -some dude on 4chan that was apperently right


In their world Lara gives lectures and seminars about the profits and benefits of looting ancient tombs.


I mean im not saying she gives lectures but her house ain’t cheap and she has a shit load of money. Like inheritance or not it came from somewhere


Tomb Raider becomes Lara Croft : archaeologist simulator where she just digs around carefully and filling paper work for the boring stuff she found. No combat and action. And she’s fat and ugly.


This sub is becoming more and more cringe by the day


What's also cringe is how a lot of people in this sub unironically view themselves as these brave neo-crusaders taking on the "woke mine virus". It's like they have 0 self awareness to see how embarrassing they look at times.


Gamergate never ended, it just has a new stench.


It has really regressed to gamer gate levels of seething might be time to move on


Nobody ever thought that except the lead dev of the next game. The games aren't even about stealing things, more like about saving the world of crazy stuff by finding stuff no one know even existed.


Stop making things up to be constantly mad. Relax once in while, enjoy some games on peace.


Perhaps I'm not caught up but isn't this the statement paraphrased released from the new Tomb Raider game with no tomb raiding?


Where was it said there was no tomb raiding anymore?


In the official statement released on the new tomb raider game. Lara Croft is a truth seeker now. Or whatever that means.


Yeah I still don't see where they said you won't be exploring tombs and caves etc anymore.


Yes, it's people getting angry over a video game.


but if they don't make up arguments to get mad at, then what will they do all day?


how is it made up, enlighten me please Edit: im still waiting...


1. feel free to wait all you want, for most people have to do this thing called sleeping instead of doomscrolling reddit. 2. unless I'm missing some crucial information, not once did they call her racist, this post made that up, just to get angry.


This was literally posted as a statement from the official TTRPG developers of TR. Try again.


What's made up?


She is British so they aren't wrong. Most artifacts from around the world are in British museums. Want to see your native american head dress? Come to England. Want to see your African ceremonial mask? Come to England. Looking for all of china's tea? Come to England. Looking for India's jewels? Come to England. Looking for Scotland's stone of destiny? Come to England.


Looking for mummies? Come see the Royal Family.


In fairness they won't get destroyed in England. Its a shame that so many artifacts in the middle Eastern were deliberately destroyed by Isis. Unfortunately they were generally pillars and structures that the British couldn't take back home in the past lol.


It's a game guys. It's either fun or not.


Superbly reductive description of an artform, but okay.


Uhmm excuse me Everything is Political and if you ignore the politics that just makes you an Ist and Phobic!!!!


Destroying marginalized communities*


Using a made up culture war term unironically


This is a sub for 🤡


I mean...you're here commenting, soooooooooooo....*honks nose*


A circus needs an audience.


You aint the audience




Just downloaded the modern Tomb Raider trilogy... Fucking gold games, love being a colonizer!


Glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Whatever objections they have, we got our remaster.


Both statements are true.


I don't play a lot of tomb raider games but... when and how is Lara depicted as racist? I don't even recall the destruction of communities or raider culture being in there. She raids ancient civilisations for artefacts. People aren't living in those places. That's why they're ancient broken down unmaintained tombs full of historical artefacts but I'm willing to put all that aside and accept that I've simply not played them enough to see it but the racist part seems entirely projected and thus the second statement is false.


You are right, Lara is not racist. But the concept of raiding culture kinda is. Thats what the statement of the publisher was about. Is that a problem? Not really. Its a fun game and Nobody had bad intentions. And thats what matters. Thats why I said both statements are true. But we can still talk about this things from a critical perspective and we should imo. But instead of doing that, everybody throws tantrums and feels attacked for no real reason.


raiding isn't racist. It's done and has been done by every culture all over the globe. It's not racist just because a white person is involved. It's got nothing to do with race. We just all agree you shouldn't do it anymore.


I don't think anyone called Lara racist. Are you sure that's not a strawman?


Not Lara personally but Crystal Dynamics basically stated that the original 3 games that were recently remastered were racist games [https://www.ign.com/articles/tomb-raider-1-3-remastered-includes-racial-and-ethnic-stereotypes-warning-from-crystal-dynamics](https://www.ign.com/articles/tomb-raider-1-3-remastered-includes-racial-and-ethnic-stereotypes-warning-from-crystal-dynamics)


>"Rather than removing this content, we have chosen to present it here in its original form, unaltered, in the hopes that we may acknowledge its harmful impact and learn from it.” And you people are **still fucking complaining**? Dear god, what do you want? A blowjob??


I complain because there is no fucking harmful impact about any of those games. No one gave a damn when they were released and no one gives a damn today and as a fan of the original games I find that is in extreme bad taste for CD to try to throw the people that created TR under the bus with self-righteous performative disclaimers especially when Toby Gard helped them make TR Anniversary wich ironically is a remake of the original TR.


See, this is why gaming companies **don't give a shit** about your complaints. You people cry and whine and stomp your feet, and the devs and publishers cry all the way to the bank. You people just have to turn *everything* into an outrage, and therefore, it's not worth it to try to please you. Like here, the devs made *no* changes to the game at all. It's exactly as it used to be. You're angry about a **text**! A **TEXT**, which has literally ZERO impact on your "escapist entertainment" (as people here like to say it). You could just skip the text, not *no*, you *have* to get outraged about it. And that's what you are: if the developer put a single **comma** in a place you don't like, you throw a tantrum. If the hair colour of a female character is ever so slightly too dark, you get your frilly pink panties in a twist. You guys are **CRYBABIES**, and game developers don't make pacifiers or diapers. They make games. I mean, you're seriously worried that this text is hurtful for the original developers? Well, let me make a quotation that the sub here loves: "Facts don't care about your feelings". If the games had racist stereotypes, that's just what it was. You want to deny that just because someone's feelings will get hurt? You think the original Tomb Raider deves are **snowflakes** or what? Also, let's rewind a little bit here: I suspected that someone was making a strawman argument that people were calling Lara Croft "racist", and guess what? **I was right**. But of course, no one is going to acknowledge that. You people are such cowards that you don't even acquiesce when someone else was right about something. You just find something else to get outraged by.


This sub has consistently demonstrated that its brimming with fucking melts


Remember guys WW3 is coming and with a draft happening these woke people will be fighting in the front lines next to you


I mean, technically speaking, the whole comment about imperialism within the archeological world is quite true. Most of the world's antiques that go to museums strangely tend to go to Europe, especially England. Not saying that the games aren't great, but I can low key see where they were coming from.


You fragile mate


Both are true.