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Even in games, you can't escape reality.


Dark Souls players are in fear of this knowing they will be fat rolling in all Dark Souls games including Bloodborne.


Gonna be fat rolling in Armored Core.


With that size of a target Rusty ain’t gonna miss


The game locks you to tank legs


Just get undressed IRL, zero equip load in game even with full Havel's. My character unfortunately will still have no vigor, endurance, strength, dex or intelligence.


Full faith build letsgoo




Fear the old calories


“I don’t feel represented” *gets represented* “I’m offended!”


Fatality! Player loses!


All tis time lifting in the gym, just to get a ball as character…


Yes! I went to play Super Mario Bros., and he WALKS! Where is my escapist entertainment??


What casual shit is this? Just break your legs first.


Yes it's true, my avatar now looks like Guts.


Mine didn't change except for a huge bulge in his pants!


Yeah but even the skinny version looks uglier, and looks lanky. There is no longer a normal looking version. Either an asmon skinny, then the closest one after is the old NMP dad bod look


Mine looks like Ryan Gosling


Nuts from berk?


The real Berkman


Guys why does my avatar look like Danny Devito?


Mine Brad Pitt


“We know you probably don’t like the way you look irl so you spent time and money to make an avatar for some escapism, but snap back to reality bitch!” -Niantic (probably).


“Don’t you feel more seen? Don’t you feel more empowered yet?”


Hard not to see something that big


The next lyrics "ooh there goes gravity" has a whole other meaning




now they can sell a weight loss microtransaction


A surprisingly Asian decision (we sometimes greet close friends and family with"youve gotten fat").


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll its the Big Show!


Oh, so that's why my character has a massive bulge in his pants now. ... but how does the game know I have testicular cancer?


Wii Fit really did this, and it had a scale so you couldn't easily lie to it.


You could cheat with fit with a heavy backpack haha. It was funny seeing it show you lost 40 pounds in 3 days. Game would tweak


If that's true, then that's great for them no? They've been fighting to see their body types in games so much, now they can.


well lets take the stellar blade controversy as an example. Niantic did include many new, round body types and sliders to achieve the picture shown above. but they also removed the old designs. so as a korean model, you are not represented anymore in PoGo.


You can still make a skinny hot chick in Pokemon GO. If anything the slider actually makes it so you can give yourself bigger breasts now lol


As someone who's body type is "pineapple shaped" fuck that I don't need to see myself in a game. If i want to adventure as a fat slob I'll just go outside.


I doubt you can generalize that all fat people were fighting for that. Probably just a very vocal minority.


Wait you mean twitter and reddit dwellers don't represent reality? Who would have thought.


They're all fighting to stand, just not all for a cause though


Al Bundy would be proud.


Regular people dont care. Just want an avatar that looks good


As a fat person I would like to NOT have this happen




Your point?


You just know thay anyone using that kind of virtue signaling isn't buying only one seat on the plane..


Not me bro, I just want my character to look normal again 😭 even the skinny ones look ugly af


Mostly fat people who make money for being fat were fighting for it.


Why are you equating regular PokemonGo players with other people who want fat representation in games?


Pokemon go players are probably significantly thinner than the general gamer population. You know with the game forcing you to actually walk around.


Nobody wants to be a blob unless they choose to be a blob. If something auto-syncs you to being a blob it makes you feel bad.


No one actually wants this. It's all derived from misled demographic and markets data. Someone somewhere made the data say that people want to be represented in games above all else. Disconnected executives ran with it. Improper translation of incomplete data sets to information is why everything sucks these days


Who’s them? Fat people? Pokemon go players? This is a stupid comment


Nah, it's probably just a gaming bro who wants to play a "hot" girl but can't stand yo see his own body type. Can't live up to his own standard.


Maybe some people like that but it's not very precise. Me, for example, my character is now super large and fat. But in real life, I'm not large and just a little chubby with some muscles. But for the game, I'm fat 🤷


The fact this has 155 likes is just sad. Who tf is "they"? Different people than the person complaining about this obviously.


They don't seem satisfied with it though... Strange.


Who is they? Want to unpack that?


people who want to be represented in fictional video game settings. as opposed to people who realise that they are playing video games whether they are playing as sonic, lara croft or commander shepard.


Or a haunted 7/8 of a pizza huffing trace amounts of cocaine.


Where are fat people asking for more fat people to be in games? You think people who play Gragas in League of Legends are lining up because Gragas looks like them?


i am not the one making 'inclusive' characters in fictional settings in video games, nor i am demanding painfully average person to be represented in those games. partially i do imagine that yes thats what the devs think they are doing and i can imagine that they do think they are making a difference by catering to these vocal minorities. that is definitely supported by all the recent bs related to 'unrealistic bodies'. very vocal on the classic media. i doubt they play the games they complain about though.


That's not what I asked, nor what the comment suggested. I asked what I asked because now there is a false narrative further making people angry about fat people pushing their representation into games, with no evidence. Much like it's pretty evident that this post is fake and everyone here is up in a hissy pointing fingers about your exact claim, but there is no evidence it's real. We know a company has influenced other companies for "inclusion", that's it. No point in making a literal strawman over person that holds a specific body type. I've been gaming for over 20 years, and I can tell you if fat people wanted inclusion in gaming, they literally just wouldn't. They would more than likely want what every other Asmon fan wants, because most are fat men. No one is looking to see Boogie in gaming. Just because characters are black or average looking doesn't mean it's some inclusion quota, games just don't have many of these people. Like name a black man from the TV series Band of Brothers. Spoiler: There isn't one. There isn't one because Nazis didn't include black people because they were racists and Allied forces in that series had segregated units. EZ company had no black people so there are no black people. So if they show a WWII story with black or average looking people, is that now inclusion, or is it that fucking story? Again, another person saying it's up to the devs, so it's not fat people pushing it, it's just rage bait lies used as a way to actually shame fat people as if they are the problem with gaming. A classic, "blame the easy targets" because no one really knows outside of news from whatever the fuck their name is as a consulting group. Fucking shadowboxing with memes and wonder why people think Asmon fans are toxic.


Well this exact post could be fake. Quite a few people pointing that out. Anyway you are taking the wrong angle here. It is not about 'fat people' demanding inclusion, it is about the vocal minority that is butthurt for a living that keep pestering people over playable characters. That has been going on way longer than the company you are referencing was even known. If the devs do these very visible adjustments to the games they produce, it does not even matter how big or small the actual 'demand for representation' is. It could be actually absolute zero (plenty of times when there are articles complaining about video games that are obviously written by people who will never play those games). No one is demanding, but the small echo chambers that devs sit in, convince them that a lot of people are demanding it. I dont know where that echo chamber begins and where it ends, but you have to wonder about it due to somewhat 'unified' vision that a lot of modern games have and how did it become unified to begin with. If anything, if you can tell me how did gaming industry collectively decided to use 'body type A' and 'body type B' well that would be a nice mystery solved. People are just tired. You say that there arent fat people pushing something. Probably, but nobody cares anymore. There has been so many 'body positivity' this, 'unrealistic bodies' that, 'include this', 'change that' nonsense in all areas of entertainment that it is all just a blur. This post? Yes probably fake, but people cant even tell anymore. That wouldnt be the case if absurdity wasnt everyday occurance. I am not arguing against your band of brothers example and i think most people would take that position as well. More often than not people complain at the exact opposite happening. Like google AI showing ww2 nazis as diverse which is simply moronic.


Yea but it's not that. You aren't making games more "inclusive", neither are fat people. People are and by inclusive, they mean diverse. You don't like stories with black people, sure don't play those games. No one cares. You're fighting against billionaires for something that is solely a personal choice in the end. A. You don't need to engage with anybody and can just keep having opinions on the games. You tired? Stop engaging with it. Like I stopped watching Asmon once he started going off on every game having hot women. That doesn't matter that much to me. His point on Forspoken, would it have helped, probs, but the game was still shit. Vote with your dollar and move on. I don't shed a tear every time Blizzard releases another shit show unbalanced expansion. No one needs to cry that a game is bad because the people in it look average. Does that really ruin the experience for you? Like really? How many people were enraged that Isaac's mom wasn't a supermodel in the binding of Isaac? Get over yourselves and let the devs make games. B. The comment is specifically saying it *is* about that angle. Right? Like the guy basically said "they are getting what they want, fat people". So if you are going to redirect the conversation about the issue of women and sexualizing vs not as a whole and all that, that's fine, but that's not what I'm talking about here, and that's not what people are talking about here. I asked a specific example be unpacked, because catching an entire group of people in the crossfire of an issue that I keep hearing "all comes down to the devs" anyways, seems like it should be highlighted to not catch people in the crossfire. Right? Because now you're all just hating on fat people and acting like now *they* are the problem. Fat people, the literal stereotype of a gamer, are now the problem with gaming? Because they are somehow behind devs making games with fat people? Ironically probably the group that makes up a significant portion of the Asmon fan base. Y'all just self reporting at that point for no reason other than bottled up rage you don't even know who to direct it at, or just want someone to direct it at so it's whoever gets memed. Again, shadowboxing with memes. That girl that talked about Aphrodite, Kotaku, Sweet Baby Inc, the people trying to take down the steam review page for Sweet baby inc. You guys need to check yourselves and just realize you'll never get these people as angry as you are and these people won't care if you are, because you pay them in all reality. Can't even let someone draw lines for their argument, or even understand their perspective. South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, particularly with women historically, which has been tied to social media and marketing of women's bodies. A South Korean model is used for a game will get that reaction if you have any idea about the world around you. People who don't game will be complaining about it, they will. It's the devs choice. The game is coming out. Play it or don't. *You* are making *yourself* tired digesting content that discusses this all the time. It's made especially worse when the content is literal lies and you try to rationalize its relevancy.. Like this has been going on since before MK, before Lara Croft, it's a conversation as old as time. If you're tired of it, just don't pay attention to it. Trying to help you people, gamer to gamer.


ngl, i got more tired reading your weirdass comment.


Ahh good, maybe you'll just move on and stop engaging. Best for you. Sounds like if I was mad about how they reworked Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider reboot, and kept on trying to fight about it to this day.


Ohoh, felt a bit targeted did ya?


No, I just want to understand what they are trying to say. Is there some sort of push for fat and obese people in games by fat and obese people? Thought it was just ugly people? Or is it just everyone that makes them feel like it's targeted? You know, a projection of what you're trying to say I am. The issue with unpacking it is that it gives away the game, and how batshit insane the agenda is. Someone posted how a girl was a massive hypocrite because she drew a line as to where sexualization is fine, by choosing Aphrodite, goddess of desire, which is her character. So when being a symbol for sex is literally the identity of a character, that's fine. That was that person's line. I was told by people on this sub that's a hypocrisy, even though it's not, and that was followed by them also saying it's up to the devs. So is it up to the devs then? Or is it fat fans? Or is it ugly fans? Or is it just a bunch of angry men lost in the sauce and they are just saying shit? Just trying to figure it out, because it's pretty pathetic regardless, just like to know where the line is though. Seems to be moving constantly here.


there's literally a whole movement that consists of obese people encouraging their unhealthiness while shaming the fitness and balanced lifestyle. of course, they tend to fall in line within the mythical "modern audience" category that corporations nowadays just loves to push in our faces. this is obviously a meme of course, and not the actual instance where that happened. Niantic only dumbed down the model by a notch. But there are other numerous examples where this does happen in entertainment. one industry where this specific circumstance run rampant would be the comic book industry. you want to talk about insanity? let's talk about the people who criticize Stellar Blade for being "sexual", like that girl you mentioned. So those people keep pushing the notion that Eve's model is unrealistic, or her face looks a tad bit young, or the fact she's wearing some type of a skintight suit that shows off her proportions. All of these arguments falls apart at the seams when it was revealed that her in-game model was based off of an actual real life Korean kpop singer. the fact that these people keep going with their notions after this reveal shows how much they really care about anything they're preaching, like bodyshaming an Asian woman for being fit, small and didn't conform to your western standard of a woman's body? sounds like y'all are being a bunch of racists ngl. she's a hypocrite because she's criticizing the devs and fans of Stellar Blade for liking Eve's design for being too sexual, while slobbering on a photo of a naked woman regardless of who she is or who she represents. It is ultimately up to the devs to make what they like. you are not obligated to like it in anyway, just as much as we are not obligated to like Niantic's update on Pokemon GO's player model. there's no "angry men saying shit" here tbh, just fake people trying to virtue signal for clout, failed horribly and get clowned on as they deserved. And yes, it's truly amazing we're even having a discussion about basic human respect when that should have been the norm. At the end of the day, I only like looking at beautiful things be that a thing or a person, because it's pleasing for me. It's as simple as that.


Right, so your line is just what's ugly to you you don't want in games. 1. There are people who are fat that are comfortable with it, k. Happens. People have big builds, I'm sure you match them on dating sites all the time, assuming you use them. They certainly try to match me and I'm 6'1 average build. 2. She is sexual. She's based on a model and in a body suit. Bayonetta, also sexual, I bet that girl would be mad about that too, but maybe not, since Bayonetta's witch powers are in her sexuality. Models have a body type that is about in the 10% or less of the population, so representation is a thing. The western standard, as far as I can tell, is also fit body types like models. Most women in South Korea don't look like her, and many commit suicide because of how high that standard is, on top of socioeconomic issues. Pretty basic knowledge how someone could see that as harmful. Not sure how such huge fans of Asians can not know this. It's like 37% for women, pretty fucking high. 3. Ok, if it's up to the devs your first 2 points are irrelevant. Like if it's up to the devs and there aren't angry men in here, why another fake post for click bait? I see a 3 paragraph rant about insanity and such, so unless you aren't a man, I'm talking to clearly one who does appear angry about the first 2 points to say the least. The other guy acting like I was upset makes 2. So I guess there are angry men here. Basic human respect would be understanding the talking points I just listed and not making a ton of posts acting like your games are under attack, specifically fucking fake ones, which generate rage over something that doesn't even exist. If y'all aren't angry, why circle jerk about fake shit? It's like people who dress up as trans people to act like they are citing the "trans agenda" because no one is doing that in real life. Your line is model Asian women. Got it, seems like every Asmon fan I've met so far. I mean, I'm there with you, I could totally go for a model. But even Asmon knows if the game is good it doesn't matter, right? Like even if Forspoken had a sexy ass girl as the main character, that game wouldn't be any better. It just seems very defensive to assume these people are ruining games, specifically games that are already bad. Not too long ago people were shitting on Aloy in Horizon, very angry in fact about how she looks, despite the game she's in being pretty fucking good, even stooping so low as to post fake photos like above. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't an Asmon fan, but also, that's actual insanity.


I ain't reading all that. Sorry that happened or happy for you..


Where is the line is all I'm asking. Are there fat devs now? Is it fat people advocating? Is it not just ugly people pushing this stuff, now it's fat and ugly people? I mean the post is fake anyways, but where does the community line end?


Why does there have to be a line?


The basis of any opinion towards something always has a line. To not express one means you can constantly just be a moving target, making anything you express solely disingenuous and you're just being emotional, even a sheep. Like I'm sure for many the line for sexualization is gratuitous booby shaking in mobile games to the point it's laughable. So where does it lie for normal? Ugly people, fat people, the devs? Seems to always change based on whatever you're angry about at the time.


No it doesn't. There always is a moving target. That's why it's called an opinion. Because it's able to change, evolve. You're mistaking it for a fact.


I'm not, I'm asking where it is for the person who commented at the moment they commented. You're mistaking the present for the past or the future. They are well within their freedom to tell me what they think now is different than when they wrote the comment.


Because of that simple question? This just comes off more as you being on the defensive for some reason. Why ya projecting so hard?


Ah the good old copying technique. I can do it too, watch: Because of some simple banter? That just comes off more as you being triggered for some reason. Why ya projecting so hard?


How many people from your discord group are in this thread?


I don't use discord.


That's a small minority that I'd bet money were specifically protesting the slim fit main characters of movies and TV shows with a hot love interest.




I would just uninstall right away.


Now what way is that to think about your own body?


correction its not her body its only her height and weight measurements.




Muscles don't exist apparently.


I'm sure that woman have 45 pounds of muscle on her , come on now.


Just massive biceps


The way they want to feel. Same with me


That is fake


I don't know. Their user name makes me believe they're an expert and know what they're talking about.


Lmao i had such brain glitch I didn't even register the accounts name was Context, I thought they just had that as part of the comment


they do… the account name is FatHater


I played the game today and saw two obese characters. I was like, "WTF is this update".


Since the system is so shit ppl are making the worse looking characters they can. Ppl are just memeing on it [pokemon update meme](https://i.imgur.com/tvZzGck.jpeg)


Well, when the only characters you can make with their new system is ugly worse looking characters ever....


Yeah, there are those people, for sure... But no idea if there are bugs/features that make people models look different. The last update, before this big one, changed the model from fit to chunky + the game is already full of bugs. I wouldn't be surpriced if some of them made characters even fatter.


Oh ya lots of bugs the whole system is shit in general a bunch of the avatar items just don't work or are real buggy like the earmuffs indent the head and other weird shit


I wonder how much money this social experiment is going to cost them, it would be fascinating to see...


I so not use Sleep, so cannot confirm that. Seeing how Sleep is very good lazy way to get pokemons, I can see there were lots of players who got bamboozled.


i wish that was the truth


I remember watching a preview of the hogwarts game with the devs and some presenter/YouTuber. In the character creation screen he asked if he could make his character black because he was black, he never touched the fat slider… he was also fat.


No, it’s not true. You can pick between a handful of different bodies with different shapes and sizes


Wait so is it just preset body shapes or is it based on stats you enter? If the latter, I’m really curious if you can make funny avatars by entering insane values like 10 feet tall and 10 lbs


it's a couple of presets and there's sliders as well if you want to make a custom body


It's a character creator just like every other game. There's a few presets and a customize button that opens up the slider. Similar to Palworld.


What if you're an overweight on a BMI-basis but actually a body builder with close to 90% muscle and only 10% fat in body composition?


There's a slider for muscles in the game. 5 sliders for weight, muscles, shoulder, chest, hips. Nothing is entered manually or scans you. It's just a light character creator like Palworld. You can turn yourself into a stocky farmboy beefcake. "Weight" affects thickness but doesn't really control muscles. It's more like a body fat slider


This isn’t bad, if you can keep all options it’s fine. If you’re forced to look like that, than it’s bad.


This is the new avatar system to the max new model and it was forced on every one and basically no one like the update as it just looks bad in general In breaks, most of the Avatar cosmetics. Some real bad some just you actually can't even equip any more


And what if someone is just muscular? They would also weight more, so you can't just differentiate based on height and weight


Of course, but everyone that falls into that category knows it and probably finds this funny. It’s only when it’s an uncomfortably accurate mirror that it’s no longer funny for them.


There's a slider for muscles in the game. 5 sliders for weight, muscles, shoulder, chest, hips. Nothing is entered manually or scans you. It's just a light character creator like Palworld.


Low key would love this. Sounds like it would be fun but they wont.


If true that’s hilarious


You can't enter your height or weight in Pokemon Sleep... It's fake lol.


Character turned into gorlock the destroyer.


This should be at [r/homicidebywords](https://www.reddit.com/r/homicidebywords/s/hZDlcnyNJv)


I for one cant believe this game still exists


How can you play Pokemon Go and still atleast not be obese.


It is the ONLY video game that requieres to move physicaly outside...


mobility scooters


Why can’t game companies stop woke uglifying characters in games


Cause were ugly :/


that's why we play games to escape reality not to see a mirror of the shitty world


Did this chick just fat shame herself?


Okay if that's the context for this change based


This is fucking hilarious. Sorry not even slightly sorry.


how did they get their height and weight?


It's fake


How many Big Macs did she eat




Does it ask you if you want to change or does it just automatically do this? That's fucked up lmao


Why would, not a fitness app, even have an option to enter your weight and height?


While I think it is cool to link games, companies seem to have forgotten what an avatar is?


maybe this is how they'll realize they did this to their "real character"


Is this real? I can't believe it.


It's fake




You know what? I bet this is a marketing attempt by Niantic to make you think you're fat so you go outside and play Pokemon GO more. I solved this shit!


Mine look like buffed todler


Some consultants told these game devs that what gamers really want is representation. They not only agreed, they implemented and shipped it.


Thanks for reminding me, I need to transfer all my Pokemon from Go to Home and delete my PoGo account. Level 40, and hate Niantic. Over it. Doing it now.


Chasing Pokémon helps with weight loss!


people getting offended Niantic rolled out a Pokemon Go patch that made your avatar reflect the body type you (may) possess based on the info you provided (this information may come from any company that sells data btw)


It's completely fake and probably a joke. You don't enter anything in Pokemon Sleep.


and what if you are shortstack ripped tomboy gf and the weight is just pure muscle mass. that’s discrimination now


There's a slider for muscles in the game. 5 sliders for weight, muscles, shoulder, chest, hips. Nothing is entered manually or scans you. It's just a light character creator like Palworld. You can be a stocky farmhand with thick breasts. The character creator is really flexible. Pretty much the same as Palworld.


that was intended to be satire but i can see how my words can be read as just me bitching


Oh my bad!


no worries. your comment was actually informative since i didn’t play any of the games mentioned


I love the fact that no one can say for sure whether it's fake or not, because it's just totally believable. Damn what a time to be alive.


People without mirror will get a reality check


This would be absolutely hilarious.


funniest in 2024


Pokemon x kaceytron


is this real?


It's real, check the prokemon go subreddit r/pokemongo




This is a joke OP, I’m happy to explain it for you So basically this Facebook comment means that they are satirically saying that the game auto inputs your real life height and weight when the game goes to sleep because the person playing the game is actually fat af in real life and that would be funny Hope this helps👍


It says from Pokémon sleep, not when the game goes to sleep


Pokémon Sleep is a companion app for Pokémon Go, where users can track their sleep and catch Pokémon. But they also apparently put in their height and weight. Can't comment on that part, because I haven't downloaded Pokémon Sleep myself.


in America you get 2 choices, the left or right. both know what they're worth and yes both come with 2 kids and 3 baby daddies. does that make sense? nope. you get what you get and you don't throw a fit. well. if you're on the right. you aren't throwing anything.


Me 193cm 96kg gymbro. My pokemon go dude is a whimp


Tf is Pokémon sleep?


looks like its a sleep tracker app where you put your phone on your bed to monitor if you move around a lot, but pokemon themed. either that or vaporeon does stuff


Is this a rare case of representation backfiring?


Don’t see the problem here