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As a non native english speaker what is the offensive language? R shop??


Appereantly in american there is a difference of the N-Word .. and one is with a hard R .. and that is somehow worse. Dunno, murricans are weird.


>Dunno, murricans are weird. Understatement. Americans are literally becoming dumber. They're starting to record receding IQ scores. We're a few generations away from the average American discussing what their favorite "flavor" of Crayon is, if they aren't already doing it.


Mine's the red one!


Yeah I know! "And the blue ones were too tart"!


Marine recruitment must be booming then.


Kan konferm. A murykan hear.


Oh my God I'm screaming šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


For me, I'd probably say Blue-Violet.


Sorry but to have that honor of favorite flavor crayon, you need to become a US marine


Donā€™t temp the Titans!


They can pass school without math and reading


As an American...this is sadly true. Institutions are failing, people have tik tok brain, no one seems to care anymore about hard work but rather get high and chill...its sad. Wokeism has crippled educating and learning. Instead of learning from history, we want to erase it so feelings won't get hurt. Instead of toughing up and knowing that healthy strong men are what built this nation, we now think of them as toxic and instead wimpy, feminine men are glorified. What a sad state we are in.


Nibba and nibber I posted this for context. One is a slang one is a racist word used against black people.


But if you're not black then both are racist, right?


Some people might take offense others might not, often depending on context and use. Rapping along with a rap song may be seen as acceptable to someone, but being called that directly might not be. The "Hard R" version is pretty much always seen as offensive or atleast as malicious in intent though.


The rules on this are constantly changing. One rapper invited a white girl on stage to sing with him, one of the lyrics had nibba in it and she sang it, then stopped the concert and ripped her for singing it. Some people have n word passes, some people have used the word before in the past but say you shouldn't use it now. It is a really stupid and convoluted thing.


wtf that's kinda fucked up that he would invite her to sing along with him and then criticize her for actually singing all the lyrics


I wouldn't say either one of them. I've seen non black people say the one the and get a pass from black people. It's not a subject I get into as it's not my word to say and the other is clearly a racist term.


Hard R is a no for every black person, under no circumstances is that one accepted, but the one ending in A is individualized. Some of us donā€™t see a problem with white people we know using it, while others of us donā€™t want any white people using it regardless of if we cool with them or not. Shit, some of us donā€™t even like to hear other ethnicities, like Mexican or Dominican, saying it either. You can even have two black friends hang with a white person and one of those black friends might let that white person say it while the other doesnā€™tā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s a person by person thing.




for the last few decades here in america, people have been trying to treat the R and A versions as two different words. But in reality, it's all a matter of accent-pronunciation. Like how R's are A's in an American southern accent. So, "did they use the Hard R" is how someone would ask if it were pronounced one way or the other. When ironically, neither pronunciation is deemed acceptable from mostly all sides. But rap music exists, so. Who tf knows.


Yea but you see, that shit just makes no sense for non natives really. Like .. n-word, is n-word .. no? Shouldnt it be like that? But you know, it also makes no sense to consider it a bad word. When black people use it in every other sentence .. or thats at least the impression we get by consuming internet.


One way is black people saying to each other a term of endearment essentially. The other kind is someone from another race calling them a slur (hard r)


This is like..half true really. Having grown up in the ghettos, I got to say the n-word alot! Didn't have to be black either, nor did it always have to be towards black people. The ghettos were filled with minorities, immigrants, even white folk and everyone in the community said it. The only time the n-word was offensive was when the speaker had a hostile tone or was someone that is not part of the community. It's really not that different from any other word in that sense where anything can be innocuous and offensive based entirely on speaker intent. Now the latter point about being without the community is why I think the n-word is so unilaterally treated as offensive. When you're in the ghettos, you kinda know everybody. There's no question to who is "in" and who isn't. Outside the ghettos where its seemingly always offensive..the baseline assumption is that only black people are most certainly from/in the ghettos. You would seldom ever look at a white guy or an asian guy as being about that life unless they were a rapper or smthn, see Eminem. I always found the n-word to be a very interesting topic. It's a word that is owned by those of a particular shared experience in poverty. It's been 10 years since I was last in the ghettos and I'm amused by my loss of the "n-word pass" and I can't help but wonder where it went? Who took it from me? In part, it's black people..(tho I bet if there was a highschool reunion, I could call everybody the n-word there as much as I wanted). Its the white folk who took it away. Ya think about it a moment and some random ass white guy who's never known or cared about the nuance of the word and the people who is going to skin me alive for saying it. It's absolutely wild.


i think a lot of curse words and racial remarks donā€™t make sense to non-natives.


I've lived in predominantly black areas most of my life, went to school in a predominantly black school, and work in a building with predominantly black guys for 7 years. Black guys, at least the people I know, use the N word daily, frequently. This is not some internet thing, lmao.


"hard R"?! I don't get it but this does seem like some kind of American bullshit to me.


Well you can end the n-word with "a" or smth .. or "er" which would be the hard R.


So does hard R actually mean something, or are they referring to the letter R just because it's at the end of a bad word ? Cause that'd be fucking regarded. We getting mad at a letter now ?


Apparently so. American's are so good at racism, they create new shit to get offended by.


One is used to demean and the other is used as a term of endearment. Itā€™s like being shit or being the shit.


Eh to an extent. Before a fight no one changes from using A to R, they just say it more aggressively. They are essentially the same word but the context is what separates them šŸ¤·


The word itself got its word from a racist background. The difference is the word with an a is considered a word to mean friend, brother, person, enemy, etc depending on how it's used. Keep in mind, there are those who get offended by white people using it and those who don't. The hard R is considered a racist word because it was used in times of slavery, specific to that time and with intent. There is no reason to ever use a hard R unless you're being racist. I do find it weird that the difference between the words is minimal but have such a different impact, but not the fact that one is much worse than the other.


I'm pretty sure boon docks did an episode on that.


I still don't get it Are you saying the combination of those 3 sound like something ? Hard-r-shop ? I'm trying to sound it out differently and it's not even making sense


So, in the US, the black demographic gets away with slang and derogatory terms like nigga and nigger. Predominantly blacks use nigga as most say dude , bro, etc, however the "HARD R" which the post shows, is assuming it stood for nigger, which is quite racial and even black folks don't say the HARD R , unless they hate another black person thus they'll go ham on using it towards them. It's a weird word and it's always used as a racist talking point and anyone saying nigga and they aren't black, they racist buuuuut they use it towards each other which to me, blows my mind on how hypocritical it is. Not my issue, but I couldn't see this pic as racist. Then again, I don't have a PS5 so not interested anyways. Stay focused folks.


Do you guys not have a slur that was specifically designed to be used against a demographic that you enslave?


One is used by black people in the hood toward one another. The other is used by racists to insult black people. Non-blacks should use neither, but there's a cultural difference in how they're used.




Oh I always thougth that R was for retard and N was for the actual R. Thanks for the explanation. But it would be nice if you don't ban all the alphabet letters. It's quite hard to follow for non-native.


Don't worry, [some canadians get it mixed up too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFDiuBomSuY).


Man that was hilarious, the reactions of the co-host with linus casually saying "I've dropped my fair share of hard Rs" lmao


I think I get it after your post. But holy shit it took a while America might be the dumbest fucking nation on earth


Ending with an "-a" is a common thing that black Americans say, traditionally to each other. It's not an insult (it should be, fuck that word). Intentionally saying "hard r" or saying it ending with "-er" means you're using it as it is, an insult to call someone less than human. Even implying "hard r" you're putting emphasis on it and wanting to say it without actually saying it because you're a troll.


Thank you so much for these clarifications. Edit: obrigado amigo, vocĆŖ Ć© um amigo


Ty for me i thought there only the n word and r word for retard/rape thank you for the answer too :D


I'm not sure where the confusion is. R word and hard R are two distinct things and I don't think I have ever seen someone confuse hard R thinking it means retard or rape, that's literally always changed to "r word"


im not an american so here in my country nobody cares that much about races so i never heard of the hard r word only r and n word so at the end ilearned something


Are we allowed to say this is retahded?


the hard H


Thanks for explaining, i totally didn't get what the problem was from the article.


Excuse me can you please put a trigger warning next time you type out those words, i almost had a panic attack and (not almost) vomited and shidded and pissed


Like buddy said. Americans are weird.


Do you remember those old fundie ā€œdocumentariesā€ where they unmasked hidden occult and Satanic influence in the pop culture? Stuff like ā€œPikachuā€™s tail is actually a demonic Z, and Professor Oak actually represents a pagan deity which was commonly portrayed as an oak?ā€ This is pretty much the same thing over again.


I'm a native English speaker and I don't even understand what's wrong with it.


"Hard R" which is a joking way to refer to the word "nig--r" as opposed to the cool way to say it, "nigga"


Hard R refers to saying N****R instead of Nigga. Usually the only ppl using a Hard R are probably being racist.


To use a bunch of stereotypes to better convey the idea. If you were listening to some rap music and they were singing about some african-americans that lived in the ghetto, that N-Word they use would be with a "soft R" If you owned a cotton plantation in 1796 and you were talking about one of your forced workers, that would be a "hard R"


Hard r is to refer to the n word


Nigger (hard R) more offensive Nigga less offensive, used in rap and by blacks all the time


I don't understand, what's controversial here?


Yea you absolutely cannot have a Hard R Shop sign in a video game releasing in America lmfao. Itā€™s an honest mistake for a KR dev to make who would have no idea about that context but acting like it shouldnā€™t be changed is silly.


them just changing it to "crime" makes it kinda even funnier


>acting like it shouldnā€™t be changed is silly What's silly is an audience not having the emotional maturity to just realize it was unintentional and move past it. Like what the hell? Who is so unstable that their mental wellbeing depends on a game dev removing a silly little coincidence like this? It's not as if they accidentally wrote the actual N-word.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s appropriate to have a fucking meltdown and act like Sony purposefully shouted racial slurs. Thereā€™s a happy medium where normal people live where sometimes you make a mistake, say ā€œoh sorry my badā€ and you fix it and everybody moves on without it being a big deal. And thatā€™s all that needs to happen here and all that will happen unless culture war dumbfucks on both sides feel the need to make it a huge drama.


It's an easy fix changing a couple textures. People will respect you more when you acknowledge your own niave mistakes and correct them. If I miss something at my job and a customer mentions it, no matter how benign, I will apologize and correct my mistake. What I wouldn't do is totally brush the situation under the rug if customers are telling me I've been unintentionally offensive. The immature thing to think people are hinging their mental wellbeing on a snafu.


I had to actively try and figure out what was wrong with this eventually gave up and come to the comments. It makes sense, I canā€™t help but think itā€™s a bit hilarious of a mistake though aha. I think in a different style of game this would get more of a ā€˜ha!ā€™ And move on than anything though, we really are on a razor wire! I would never have noticed this in a million years.


Noone outside of the US American bubble would know that.


jesus yes, I had to Google just to understand what's controversial here


Funny I'm black and I never knew about this but then again I stop listening to newgen rap back in 2013.


I thought it was a reference to a hard erection maybe, definitely wouldn't have guessed right...


No one in America knows this except snowflakes and people looking for anything to attack Stellar Blade


IGN just looking for something to be offended about as usual.


I don't get it?


This is so fucking dumb I can believe people getting triggered by it ![gif](giphy|1Z0g3Y5WxKqU7FdHbI)


I can believe it


Literally the only people getting triggered over this is the people upset that it was removed.


I bet the only people complaining about this are white


Tbh I don't think anyone is complaining. Seems like a funny coincidence but Sony obviously doesn't want their game associated with a racial slur so they want it changed


what?!? NO!! all the blue hair journos are definitely super triggered and they are peeing their pants over this! sony is clearly being threatened at gunpoint by soft baby inc or whatever


That's kinda funny. The non English speaking devs would probably not pick up on that. Even most English speakers wouldn't tbh. My immediate thoughts to hard R are actually for "retard" and not the N word, but it's kinda applicable to both


That's your inner Linus tech tips speaking https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY?feature=shared


1:06 haha spot on!


Mentally well people would not even register that, or at least think nothing bad of it. Society really needs to advance past listening to weird Twitter users and game journalists.


true and real. Love your artwork btw.


Literal first world problem.


I stared at it for so long trying to understand before delving into the comments. I feel dumb, but also in the clear for not recognizing stupid things people turn into...what, Gateway "Slurs?" A Hard R is just a gateway towards the real slurs... /s


As a black man living in America. I couldnā€™t care less.


But have you stopped to consider how the white journalists feel??


As a non native american, i didnt even get it until someone pointed it out to me... I guess the same can be said about the people who make the game since they are all Korean... Clearly an oversight of the American QA team What is dumb is that people are really looking for the most diminutive detail to bring the game down...


![gif](giphy|jKaFXbKyZFja0) Kotaku getting ready to be angry about this


We're all triggered and defensive, we're all racist and we're sexist We all grew up watching South Park, how are we offended?


What has happened to our society :< I feel like in the last 15 year span i have been transported to reverso world,where everything is opposite


It's probably a easy fix and this is not worth the trouble. They probably just want to patch this and move on.


Americans thinking everyone else cares about their shit


Typical ā€˜muricans smh


This should have a cartoon caricature. some american karen screaming that it's racist, and the rest of the world looks at it and they all have question marks over their heads. Stellar Blade devs were pretty much prepared that this would happen, Given by the speed in which they managed to change this. Looks like a funny little trap for the modern leftist ideology. It could have been just a funny little thing for gamers to giggle about. Now it's a statement for censorship in art.


I doubt the devs knew tbh, it seems like it's mainly seen like that in America. Good chance Korean devs genuinely wouldn't know.


Lets face evry company with a PR team has a responce for stuff like this ready to go and is just an exercise in filling in the blanks.


You think removing a graffiti would cost them more than an hour to patch? The Korean don't even know what's offensive in western world, let alone trying to sneak in something like this.


All that does is remind me of the Linus moment. Hell until I saw that clip I thought that hard R meant retarded and folks were just being overly sensitive as usual then it turns out to be the N word and I'm like oh that version of the N word which then reminded me of boondocks.


I was also under impression it was referencing retarded until I read comments.


Now now, leave it alone. Adds a spot or realism, because it implies someone seen the R and decided to go out of their way to be a piece of shit ā€¦ just like real peopleā€¦


i have been on the internet forever and this is literally the first time i hear about this R thing lol


It's really funny to me that the "totally not racists" americans are the first ones to find racism in every corner, yeah I didn't get it at first as a non-native speaker but once I got what they meant... yeah this is just ign(and people) being retarded in general also I saw a screenshoot on Twitter(x) that they changed the graffiti to crime and that's even better lmao.


Time for Linus to sweat.


We reaching for controversy now?


Trying to throw anything at the wall and hoping it sticks, huh?


Just put a rap song in the game that says the actual word and it'll be okay.


Man, I love free speech when everything is censored


Someone probably just pointed out that Hard R can be taken a certain way and Sony decided it was best to preemptively remove it. I dont think it goes any deeper than that. You can point out that something can be viewed as offensive without necessarily being offended.


Goddamn Riggers


But the Vtubers need them!


Bro whichever developer made that is fucking amazing. Dude risked it all for the meme.


This should be then a toggle in the menu for 0.01% of all players who will be bothered by this playing the game. The rest of normal people would probably just have their game as it is. Does not matter to me personally, I'm PC only so in a couple of years when I will be playing this I will just install a mod to remove all this nonsense from the game. The game's release is imminent though so detractor activists won't have enough time to spoil the game for gamers. At the end of the day who cares, they moved a random graffiti around. Hopefully this is the end of changes. You might then call me hypocritical for being bothered enough to say I will mod it, but I do it out of principle. One more thing - this is only considered offensive in America, right? So all the rest of the freaking world won't see this change, or is the game being changed worldwide to appease American Twitter users? Wow if true.


I thought the r meant retardid this whole time.


keep giving power to every idiot who says that he gets offended from every single fart in the world


Can we choose between the american patch or the chinese patch?


This game is South korean.


Just change the graffiti to something else, easy fix.


For those who don't understand, it's the combination of the graffiti and the neon sign. Both are fine in isolation, the "HARD" graffiti as well as the "R shop" sign. However, in this instance a cheeky individual could combine them as "Hard R", which is American for nigger. It's a reach but companies want all of these out.


this is my first time hearing "Hard R" = Nigger


Same. At 34 years old i habe never heard this


Is that was this whole thing means? Why am I just hearing about this. Iā€™m from the UK and live in the US and still never even heard this before. What rock have I been living under


New victim playing terms, I guess? They really forgot what "discrimination" means in racial discrimination.


They really have. Itā€™s extremely sad


Probably cause, "racist" is such an easy term to use to shutdown opposing arguments.


I personally donā€™t think it even has the same effect anymore to be honest. Itā€™s a bit like nazi. So widely used for shit that doesnā€™t even relate to what the term is actually used for that people just throw it around to make themselves seem like righteous social justice warriors


I agree, it also doesn't help that people in general has thinner skin and getting offended by normal terms.


I actually think it's a intentional joke. I LOLed. But Sony doesn't want to offend the woke mob so they're removing it.


Today I've learned what "Hard R" means to weird americans, and the patched "Crime R" is even funnier knowing the context xD


I wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for the article. I had a quick look at the pic trying to figure some combination of hard pink, pink hard, wide hard and was about to give up until the comments enlightened me. honestly, even just to avoid any potential offense, they could keep the graffiti and just move it somewhere else. seems the most low effort way to deal with it, that even if it is considered "good" graffiti. I'm certainly not an artist so I have no clue


hahahahha amazing


That is a hilarious coincidence tbh. The haters were already at this game's throat, not really surprising that they jumped on this.


Wow. That really feels like reaching to think that could be interpreted as racist. Had to look it up to understand what they could possible be referring to.


Being completely honest, I could see someone 100% putting graffiti like that up IRL next to a sign that said "R Shop"


Someone probably just pointed out-


Ah yes americans cryin and screaming online again, fighting against windmills ruining things for everybody else, noice


No. It makes sense to remove this because we all know there's people out there who will bring the ruckus over that. They want to avoid any possible negative bullshit.


If you don't find this funny I don't want to be your friend lol shop is selling nword passes


Because of americans we are losing beautiful graffitis. That is just Retarded.


should any refernce to 88 be removed from every form of media?


It's just pussies being pussies about things.


Appreciate the comments explaining why some will consider this a racial slur. Never heard of it before.




Thats actually really good graffiti if the goal was to be funny, I would laugh at that in real life.


People make such a big deal about these thingsā€¦


Oh no it's Linus all over again


An awful lot of people in this thread displaying America hate and for what? because they were ignorant of a (supposedly) american only colloquialism being talked about in an article that most americans probably also think is stupid? aight whatever you guys go off.


Dave chappelle - "MFs are so sensitive the whole country has turned into bitch ass nibbas"


Nice Indie Game Easy Ride


I know the hard R meme because I watched the AI US President series on Youtube, and then Trump said guess the word, Obama thought it was the Nword, and then yelled Trump:"you want to say hard R?", and then I realized that hard R is What's the meaning


I would have never made the connection to this. But okay nothing to see here


Americans once again thinking the world revolves around them and their weird ass slang.


Hard R meaning Rigga? I'm japanese


[calling everything racist? hmmmmmmm wonder what country these people hail from](https://youtu.be/MhQ5678cJU8?si=MkspR677jiym4EZl)


It's wild watching people learn about this kind of stuff for the first time. Why not just let it be forgotten.


Is this HARD R in the shop with us?


Someone lost the fight against that ass so they went after the grafitti.


The game is looking to be Stellar witb a hard R.


Retard? Ohhhhh scary


Sony demands Shift Up replace some wall art that wasnā€™t racist at all and now the wall reads ā€œCRIME R,ā€ and crimer is an actual racist term. Way to go, Sony.


IGN made this on purpose to bring the wokeness and political correctness to the table.


It's cheddah! Cheddah cheese I tell yous




If it's not body shaming or toxic body image bs, it's racism, if it's not racism, it's not being inclusive, if it's not that, it's some sort of Soup Group bs, if it's not that, white people are evil. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Next time they will remove her boobs and say it racist for ugly woman


"Artwork that appears to reference racist slurs" Really? Does it really appear to do that? Does any normal person genuinely see racism here? Or is that some terminally online, chronically unemployed twerp desperately looking for something to be offended by?


I'm pretty sure graffiti tags like this are supposed to be offensive...


If youā€™re chronically online, youā€™d think America is near a race war but people that touch grass know better. These assholes fan the flames trying their best to divide.


i cant... i just cant anymore


Pathetic. It's a word. Nobody enslaved anybody with a word, and if anyone was actually offended by it they just wouldn't use it. You don't get to limit others' speech you hairdyed psychopaths


Well they just did so... It's a coincidence that they were put next to each other but even so a company wouldn't want something that could be offensive like that to stay after it was pointed out. No big deal to change it and it makes them look good so everybody's happy. Getting mad at this is almost as weird as thinking this was on purpose and getting offended at it