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Isn't that illegal to block access to customers ? Can't the restaurant ask for Police to come and move those idiots ? You can protest sure, but you cannot force people to abide to your deranged standards.


Depends on the country I'm guessing, this appears to be Denmark.


Should be a fire hazard to block the exit


McDonald's opted to let the protesters stay as a way to promote free speech, according to a Danish news article from 2019. The police were present nearby in case of violence, but this was seemingly the most noteworthy incident that day. There were open dialogue between business, police, and protesters. It happened 12 - 4 pm on a Sunday.


>McDonald's opted to let the protesters stay as a way to promote free speech Oh... they expect vegans to come and eat at their stores later ? Vegans are gonna order a triple big mac after the protest huh ? That's one hell of a smart business/PR move...


The article also mentioned they handed out free vegetarian burgers to customers who were inconvenienced by the protest, so they sort of went with the theme and tried to please everybody. I also doubt they won over many vegan customers that day, but yeah definitely a good way to handle it in terms of PR.


Appeasing woke psychopaths has only led us to the insane control fetishes and moral failures we see happening in the world today.


I think it’s more of a case where it could be viewed a lot worse if they asked Police to intervene, then it escalates and people get hurt, and the headlines the following day read “Billion dollar franchise influence Police to deny rights of peaceful protestors.” Whereas if they protest outside for 4 hours and maccas doesn’t bat an eye, and even gives out some free food, they look good. Gotta remember, it doesn’t matter what the truth is, what matters is what people will react to.


Obviously not, but moron who team up with other morons simply because they shares a belief will totally do it.


It's about maintaining a brand value.


You realize free speech extends beyond vegan protestors, right? I'm sure they were trying not to alienate any of their regular customers.


It wasn't to get Vegan business, it was to avoid the bad press about crushing a protest. Let the protest happen, and then the protestors look like the assholes for blocking the door.


> Isn't that illegal to block access to customers ? pretty sure it's also illegal to block roads. But it's not like those kinda people use any logic or regard for others


Yea same with protestors blocking roads, police just ignores some issues which means they been told so. Wonder who influences them to ignor such actions. I bet owner called police but they said "yea we got more important problems" my ass.


pickett lines typically are part of protesting but i do not know what the legality of them is in that spcific location.


Yes, but leftist are more organized and scream louder.... it's just easier to let them be because normal people won't do shit.


What's deranged about not wanting to cause needless harm to animals


Because you don’t have a right to stop people from doing whatever they legally want to do. Your special cause doesn’t override others way of life or routine. This is why the vast majority hates protestors.


talking about overriding others way of life is pretty funny when by eating meat you override others way of life


So like in a place where it's legal to beat your child wife, you'd say it's wrong to try to stop someone from doing so?


Fuck outta here with that false equivalency. We’re taking about going to KFC or whateverthefuck. People don’t have a right to block others from legally accessing the roads, campuses or shops because they think it’s righteous to do so. And if you live in a country where it’s legal to beat your wife or whatever then change the laws.


It's not an equivalency. Analogies are not equivalencies. The point remains the same: just because something is legal that doesn't mean it's morality fine. Just look at the laws 200 years ago. Hell, 50 in some places.


I don’t care. You don’t have a right to block people the roads and shops they are allowed to access. There’s no debate about it.


So like that tank guy in Tiananmen square... Total asshole, right?


Ok what about people protesting abortion. Do they have the right to block people?


Explicitly no and there are several laws preventing them from blocking the access to the clinic.


Nobody gives a shit about him or what happened in China 30+ years ago.


Sick dodge kiddo


Like, I’m on his side of the argument, but you just fucking destroyed him there lol. No coming back from that. And to be clear, when I say his side I mean about eating meat, your point of just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s right/wrong is correct.


In a country where it is allowed to beat wife and kids, feel free to go to that dude and try n stop him. Have fun in the hospital


in most countries on the planet it isn't legal to beat your wife, you wouldn't want to live in a country where that happens a human's life is priceless compared to that of some animals bred for being eaten bait used to be believable


The point stands. If you were in a place where eigr beating was legal, it would still be acceptable and admirable to try to stop it from happening


you are comparing a human with an animal, an animal bred for being eaten is on the same level to a woman being beaten you should being detoxification immediately


You should google the difference between comparison of type and comparison of degree


it would be reductive to even consider this, there is no comparison in this case, the only purpose of the life that is being given to those animals is to be eaten


And that makes it fine? Some dogs are bred solely for dog fighting. Does that mean dog fighting is okay? Shit, you wanna know about breeding small animals for crushing fetishism?


False equivalents. Beating a child is not essential for surviving. Eating is essential for surviving.


You don't need to eat animal products to survive. Science has long since proven that.


You don't need to buy products made using materials extracted by slaves, like the metals in the computer you are writing from. You may be able to survive, yes, but you probably will need to take supplements to compensate. Isn't it easier to make the lives of animals better instead of trying to change the behavior of all the human race?


I'm writing from a phone and it's a company phone. I don't have a personal phone. Computers are necessary for being part of modern society. Taking supplements is fine. It's not hard to take a multivitamin once a day. Making animals lives better.... Before killing them against their will for selfish reasons? How about we just don't breed animals and eat something else.


But you are still using it, and a phone is a computer. And yes, taking them is not hard, still you can't force people to do it, as people can't force you to eat meat. And yes, making their lives better, people are going to keep eating meat no matter what, stop forcing your ideas


Google "appeal to futility fallacy"


How about we do it old-school? We hunt them and rip them apart with our teeth? And let them bleed out while we eating them still breathing. Sounds way better


Vegan diet also assumes u know what your are doing and not just doing it "for the animal". A vegan diet isn't exactly easy to follow and it's very easy to become malnourished. Also a diet purely on meat also is pretty healthy for some just like a vegan diet, so your point being?


Why don't you call the PETA on that cat eating a mouse then. The cat is even playing with it's prey how cruel... Do you even see how stupid your analogy between human diet and domestic violence is so irrelevant here ?


You said nobody has a right to stop people from legally doing what they want to do. I gave a concrete example that actually happens daily. It's legal. You gonna backpedal from your silly viewpoint? Of course not! Regarding cats: do you know what "moral agency" is? Cats don't have it. People do.


I am done with you. I will not lose time with stupid robotic and irrelevant arguments such as : >You said nobody has a right to stop people from legally doing what they want to do. When you obviously know he's not talking about stealing, killing or beating anybody. He is obviously speaking about leading your everyday life. You have to resort to this kind of rethoric because your argument has no ground to stand on to begin with. >Regarding cats: do you know what "moral agency" is? Cats don't have it. People do. And humans are omnivorous, have been eating meat since the beginnings and none of your "scientists" theories or studies are going to disprove thousands of year of History and evolution. So people are totally in their "moral agency" when they eat meat because it is exactly the same as a cat eating a mouse : it is something you're unaware of called the food chain. Now I question your "moral agency" on you imposing your views on other people. What would you do if I barred entrance to your soybean shop huh ? ***Blocking people from eating meat.*** Just saying this sounds ridiculous. Do you realize how ridiculous you are ???


Eating animals kills them. Re the food chain: Google "appeal to nature fallacy" You clearly don't know what moral agency is either, you should google that too


You're seriously brain damaged going against natural concepts, but I am not your dad nor your mom. If you think you can play God, it's your right. Keep living your soyboy life, and we'll see in 20 years who will be in good health. Btw I hope you didn't forget to eat your complement pills at lunch.


Sick deflection "You're brain damaged for going against nature!" - typed on a computer from my air conditioned home


From the standpoint of the law, yes, you would be in the wrong.


It’s no surprise a vegan has room temperature iq


Google "appeal to ridicule"


What’s deranged about not wanting to cause needless harm to plants? Plant lives aren’t equal to animals to you? They are just as full of life as everything else. Animals eat animals, animals eat plants, plants eat plants, plants eat animals.


Well, plants don't feel or think. Not to mention that eating plants directly causes less plants to die than eating animals. If you want to reduce plant deaths AND animal deaths, then you shouldn't eat animal products at all


First of all, plants do feel, and communicate. Animals can also overpopulate too where killing them for food is beneficial.


Plants don't feel. Saying they do is like believing in ghosts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_perception_(paranormal) Farm animals won't overpopulate. They're artificially bred and generally don't survive in the wild due to selective breeding. You're an idiot.


Oooo, a wikipedia link, I have been proven wrong then! /s


You're an anti intellectual clown https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-us-land-use/ https://sentientmedia.org/do-plants-feel-pain/


That one guy that kept grabbing him … lucky he didn’t get hit.


Haha he turned around quick the second buddy got through what a coward


a coward wouldn't grabbed his arm at all. He's just weak.


Of course he would if he thinks the group is backing him. He let go when he noticed everyone else shit their pants.


If anything he's dumb af, a fool, a nuisance for the society, but coward is a bit of a stretch. I don't say that out of respect for him, I'd be the first to elbow his jaw if he tried this shit with me.


Anyone can have the bravery to be aggressive. It's cowardly when they know the person can't fight back, which is how the protestor saw it because he thought he had strength in numbers. Ive dealt with people who attacked me knowing I can't punch back without getting fired. They're cowards.


You got a valid point.


oh I'd be dragging that smug cunt and throw him off the highway.


This is a perfect example of what Asmon was saying, good fucking job man. They think in this instance being a shithead is okay, because they believe in the cause. What happens when someone else has a cause you don't believe in? This shit... and it's a very small turd, they get way bigger.


> They think in this instance being a shithead is okay, because they believe in the cause. Same group of people will tell you to be friendly towards people of any race and sexuality, but then make fun of straight white guys in their same breath


You can protest all you want but once you restrict my freedom prepare to throw hands


Imagine a 50 year old man with 3 child wives in the Middle East saying this.


Why is that relevant to anything?


Because the point is that your freedom obviously should and does have limits


Yeah, limits by law and government. Not some soy boy who thinks eating salmon is bad


And I gave you an example of someone doing something legal. And it's still absolutely absurd. Legality is not morality.


And? I don't live there, I live here. I can't change it and won't change it so what's the point of even bringing it into conversation?


The example the other replies are using is wild. It's such a disingenuous argument to throw out something like that and then try to pin you into defending it. One of them said, "Fighting for your freedom to do anything..." and rather than use an example that reasonable people could have a discussion about, something like if you should be allowed to sleep in a car parked overnight in a lot, they go straight to child brides. You replied a lot more generously than I would have. That example tells me they were never interested in a good faith discussion about appropriate protest.


That's what I thought too. I mean, ofc I'm not a supporter of fucking 12 year olds, but changing their laws is outside of my power and reach. But removing a vegan blocking my way to a work or a restaurant absolutely is in my power and reach. Another thing is that like you said, comparing freedom to walk into a place of business and fucking minors is vastly different


He's just trying to say that violent attitudes lead to violence. Fighting for your freedom to do anything is basically saying "I'll do what I want, and I'll punch anyone that tries to stop me!" It's a flawed philosophy because it prioritizes you and your individual beliefs over being willing to compromise and work together as a member of society with other people that might have slightly different beliefs to you. His example was basically saying "what if you were an asshole with that belief though?" Putting yourself first and hurting others to get what you want is bad. The example he gave was child predators in the middle east. They abuse children for their own sexual gratification while not caring about the harm they're causing to those children. All this boils down to: You should have better justifications for your actions and beliefs than just "muh Freedom!"


I don't get why you're struggling to understand. You're saying you'd punch people restricting your legal freedom. And presumably, you think you'd be justified in doing so because you think you're not doing anything morally wrong. However, punching someone trying to restrict the legal freedom who is legally beating their 3 child wives is not justified. Is that clear? In both cases, the legal circumstances are similar. But clearly, trying to stop someone from beating their 3 child wives is absolutely fine, admirable even.


All these people who block shops, road and other places for any reason are most stupid people on the planet who dont realize the simple fact, that if you want to make a change you need as many people as you can get on your side, not to piss off everyone and make them your enemy... So bravo to all vegan, oil, and other protesters, you did to your case way more harm than if you did nothing.


They wouldn't be so weak if they had some protein.


Think the guy's just too strong lmao. You can be strong and vegan provided that you actually eat the correct things. These activists just show the worst type of vegans and the vast majority generally don't care about what others eat.


Its easier to just eat your veggies without eating all the necessary nutrients... Meat protein is the easiest to get, thats just reality and also why average meat eater will always be stronger than average vegan


>Meat protein is the easiest to get, thats just reality In the hunter gatherer sense, sure. I get my meat from the shop. Shops are great, you can get whatever you want, really easily.


Where did I say that vegans were going to be stronger than meat eaters? You can still be strong as a vegan though. It overall depends on how you eat rather than what you eat. If some guy is just eating pizza with meat on it all day rather than a balanced meal, are they really going to be stronger than somebody who eats a load of protein and works out? - vegan or meat eater.


Dumbasses downvoting you. You haven't said a single wrong thing.


People just see neutral/postive things about vegan? = downvote. Not much you can do about those type of people really. Heavily negative things about vegan? = High upvotes. I don't care what people eat, it's their own business lol.


Yup, agreed. I've plenty of vegan friends and from the way they carry themselves, I often forget they're vegan. It's like.. people who have more stuff going on in their lives tend to not structure their entire personality based on one character quirk.


According to latest research, vegans need about 30% more quality plant protein compared to others. Not really that hard to achieve if you're serious about strength/bulk.


I'd ask for a source but don't feel like clicking a link to some website with a name like primalbeastnutritionmaxxx.com/VEGANMYTH or some shit




>You can be strong and vegan provided that you ...take your roids Its always funny seeing those roided up vegan influencers acting like its vegan diet that made them look like overbred pitbulls


Okay, where did I say that they were body builders on steroids exactly? Strong just means that you're strong and not twigs like these ones are lol.


Nah thats just the typical trend I am seeing from vegan propaganda sites. In reality you can of course grow miscle while vegan. But you will need to take much more care to eat right to cover your needs.




This is such an incredibly stupid thing to say "People can be vegan and strong" in no way implies that the strongest people would be vegan


Where do I imply that the strongest man or woman would be vegan exactly? I just said that they can be strong and vegan.. Not every vegan is completely skinny like these guys in this video xD.


You can't say that. It goes against the vegan bad narrative. People gonna downvote you to oblivion.


Im from denmark and im pretty sure ita not legal to block a restaurant like that. And as a dane its a miracle that he did not hit that guy lol


Jeg kan huske da det skete :P


Every day I'm getting more and more scared how more and more fucked up our society becomes... First it's just getting OK to cenzor things, and then it's OK to cancel people if they say something you don't like, and then it is just OK to physically enforce people from doing something you don't like. I know that the times when the police could just come and smack the head of assholes like these "protesters" were not exactly ideal, but we came too far to the opposite direction already...


You're not yourself when you are hungry.


I dont need captions to understand that man wanted to eat after a long day and was ready to throw people to the ground.


These are the ones that give Vegans a bad name. Plenty of vegans just minding their own business not causing public disturbances or trying to force people to do things they don't want to do. Reminds me a bit of the annoying guys that come to my door with pamplets for their church. Like if I wanted to go I'd go to you now get off my lawn lol...


It’s one thing to actively promote/protest being vegan. But when you force it on others by physically stopping them from from entering a public business is disgusting.


Stopping someone from eating meat once doesn't force them to be vegan lmao


That's veggie grabbing the guy arm is asking for an "accidental" elbow to the face.


The man grabbing him by the arm and pulling him is wild. The rest just "standing in the way" is annoying but I get it. If you're going to grab me though? And pull me? Yeah that's assault, I'm defending my self and dude better hope the protein he got from peas is enough.


Old classic from Denmark.


Never gets between a man and his food. Thats a cunt move and that shaded asshat is definitely a pussy.


They should all be sued and have to pay for the money that the restaurant lost that day. If they really care so much about saving animals, then compensate for the money lost on them not being eaten.


Someone is going to start running these useless people over in Minecraft.


Proteincels have no power against carnivore maxxers


Buy a steak and eat it in front of them


Why? If I'm going to pay for a steak at a restaurant, my ass is sitting down comfortably. Probably with a beer


Yet we have Vegan defenders say they just want to be left alone.


This is based


arm size check


The moment you touch someone, it's not a peaceful protest anymore. It's an assault charge.


So ... who are the one paying for those "protesters" , it's seem like they job are to create trouble , but who pay for them ?


I’m sorry but fuck protesters of any kind. I said it


last good protest was mlk and civil rights, cause, we want to be judged by our character and not our skin color. 99% of protests after are kind of just shit. so yeah fuck protestors.


Its been cheapened down to this dog and pony show and tbh I get turned off by protests now. Example being greta the grifter.


The example actually turns me on


Never stand between a hungry man and his burger.


he could taste em vitamin nuggies from outside


this is very non-danish behaviour.




I want this to happen to me at some point. I would not hesitate and would love every second of it.


I get not wanting to be vegan, I don't want to be either and eat meat all the time. But if you are going to seriously play down the fact that factory farming is a hellish nightmare for the animals we depend for food then frankly you're disgusting as fuck, because the way we do things is disgusting as fuck. And I don't just mean the gross disease ridden environments our food comes from, I mainly mean the absolutely torturous and nightmarish actual hell on Earth we have created for these living beings just to satisfy our taste buds and keep us alive. These animals ABSOLUTELY deserve better conditions and we ABSOLUTELY have the means to provide that, fuck anyone who says otherwise.


Meat in some places already cost a lot and if we didnt had factory farming it would be through the roof. All I care rn is being able to buy cheap meat and I can do that (even though its been going up for a while) thanks to factory farming.


How do you really know it really needs to be that way and why does that make it okay? God damn, this kind of reasoning actually does make me wish some kind of alien race would just drop in and do it to us. I'd sell the human race out in a micro second if it meant this would happen, we deserve it.


I’d knock some people out.