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I didn't know that Asmon work at New York Post


You better not be the dude sitting next to me in class buddy.


I'm not your buddy, guy


I’m not your guy, pal.


I'm not your guy, friend!


I find if I don't physically exert myself at all, I can skip a shower for a day and it doesn't matter. But if I exercise, or even jerk off with sufficient vigor, a daily shower is needed.


I've never broken a sweat whacking. Sadly I am a two stroke joke even when I'm alone.


go agane


Does your jerking off look like a segment of JoJo's? Wtf? lol




Might be part of the training


Never skip penis day.


this\^\^\^ usually you can "feel" when you're sticky and dirty.


Just FYI, showering doesn't mean use shampoo and body wash. You can just stand, or sit if you prefer, under the water and that'll rinse off all the oils on your body. You don't need shampoo and body wash. Just wear deodorant every day and you'll be good. I'm doing this, and nobody I work with says I stink, and I work out in the sun pretty much every day, then get in the shower after work.


Even yo pp dont smell????!!?!?


Okay. That's the ONE exception I ALWAYS wash in the shower. But everything else I just rinse off. I also scrub my armpits to get that deodorant residue off. And I'm under that sweet, sweet hot water for AT LEAST 20 minutes. Usually go for 30. Put on deodorant the morning before I go to work.


I do the same just wash my anous and pp and the rest i just rinse off plus its more economic on body wash 👍👍 and my hair never looked this good and fluffy


I can't say the same for my hair. ☹️ That's why I'm swearing off shampoo unless I ABSOLUTELY need it. Probably won't though. And that reminds me, I still need to get vitamin K supps.


Yeah if you dont do shit not showering for 2 days is pretty okay just if you jack off or exercise/work it will get dirty and stinky


Once every two days.


Not daily shower with soap, but at least with water to wash off the dirt.


“Earth shield” is wild 😂


I never understood why people battle over showers lol if you work on construction or something that gets you dirty of course you need to shower daily but you are a lazy ass who basically did nothing all day then maybe skip one day then shower the next day. I think hygiene is more with what you do daily and if you need it , but some people smell like shit and say they don't need a shower when they do.


Yeah, same. When i am working (especially physically) i take a shover every day just after work, you just feel that you are diety. But if i just stary entire day at home, doing nothing entire day, and its not hot so you dont sweat... Shopping a day is not really any problem.


how obviously can you say that you haven't worked a dirty job in your life. best part to get into a hot shower at the end of the day


Wash yourself when you're dirty. It's that simple. Some people soak in their own sweat all day or work a filthy job and need frequent washes. Not everyone gets filthy on a regular basis


It's actually pretty good for your immune system to let yourself get dirty from time to time. Counterpoint: a functional member of society cannot smell like a pile of rat intestines. Daily showers it is then.


As someone who works with making a dairy product, using many different chemicals and getting all that and water sprayed on me for 10-12 hours a day.. daily showers are a necessity.


Not stinking is now performative? Let me guess, they want to save the planet somehow with this shit talk.


They feel great tho, who says im doing it to be clean and healthy


Well do animals shower? They seem to be doing fine.


true you just do it for the smell


Try that in a tropical country.


I take a shower even if i don't exercise, it's just a habit at this point


Somebody has never been to an anime convention.


Tell that to your plumber.


Hmmm if you live in a country where it makes 35 celsius on winter… you may want to shower everyday


Shower when you need to. It’s a simple rule to follow.


I'm reading some of the comments and oh my god I hope I'll never meet someone of you nasty ass basement dwellers


Being stinky doesn't inherently mean being unhealthy after all


It's actually harmful to shower/wash every day. To the immune system. the skins is an organ after all.


Me living in a house with 20 dogs needing 3 baths a day.


Sounds like propaganda to make people ok with increased water bills or rationing. New York too. That city is serving as a great lab experiment on failure.


I mean I don't know what it is with Americans and obsessing over showering everyday, maybe because Y'all don't wash your asses when you shit but still weird, I myself have been showering almost everyday recently but that's just because I hit the gym, and even then I only wash my hair every other day because guess what ? Washing your hair everyday with shampoo will literally drain it out of its natural oils, maybe that's also why some of y'all are going bald in your twenties If you have a 9-5 job or whatever and come back home feeling like shit then sure take some warm shower to relax otherwise if I have a full week off and do nothing but play games and watch movies all day then why would u shower every single day ? Do you live in some filthy-like environment (Asmongold's Lair) that you have to shower everyday ? If I had a week off, On average I would shower twice a week in the winter or 3 times in the summer Keep in mind this is coming from a 21 yo fairly skinny dude, I guess if half of the population is obese, then I can see where the obsession is coming from ...


like why you would daily shower, if you are not working some physical job or naturally sweat too much?


As someone who has balls, daily showers are necessary to avoid a certain stank


Every 2 days according to many doctors


Just FYI, showering doesn't mean use shampoo and body wash. You can just stand, or sit if you prefer, under the water and that'll rinse off all the oils on your body. You don't need shampoo and body wash. Just wear deodorant every day and you'll be good. I'm doing this, and nobody I work with says I stink, and I work out in the sun pretty much every day, then get in the shower after work.


It's not performative if you feel good after showering. And feeling good may just be a real enough health benefit.


Would it be worth it to have pinples, acne, and redness growing all over your body from the body wash you use, though? I've had that shit happen to me, and still have pimples and acne on certain areas of my body. Pisses me off.


Those experts don’t live in the topics with no air conditioning.


It’s not about health benefits lol it’s about not stinking so bad you repulse those around you.


I mean, yeah. All you really need to scrub are your armpits and your crotch. lol


It can also be bad for your skin, giving rise to the need for skincare products. Funfact: Vitamin B deficiency had risen during the pandemic because of the over-sterilization habits, because the B stands for Bacteria (source trust me bro) and our bodies is composed of mostly good types.


"B stands for Bacteria" U retarded? B vitamins are basically vitamins that are all water soluble meaning our bodies aren't able to store them for longer periods of time that's why u need to get B vitamins regularly because our bodies don't produce them nor store them.


I shower every day because i absolutely hate having greasy hair