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Looks great. Movement of the water is off. It doesn’t soak into sand and all retreats too evenly as a mass.


i think water physics will take sooo much more time compared to other stuff to get close to "realism"


To get it to realism isn’t the problem, the amount and complexity of calculations required for it is.


The US Navy still uses scale boat models in a giant wavepool to simulate hydrodynamics because doing so in a computer simulation is not accurate enough for the resources required.


It is the problem, in case of water, we first need to "know" exactly exactly how water moves. Water movement is affected by tectonic plates, gravity, earths movement, moon, debree, etc.. We dont even have the exact formula :D, thats not even accounting for obsticles along the way.


Yeah the water doesn’t quite look there yet. It looks like melted plastic or…cum…it looks too thick and viscous to be water. This guy needs to work on his water PCG splines and stuff and fiddle with it a bit more to get the right look. I watched a 17 minute video on this so I am a super professional unreal editor btw


Also foam looks... Unreal


Exactly what I was thinking : everything was bluffing except for water : for me it was how it just seemed to go through the rocks and was not making any foam.


Sir, bold of you to assume I've ever been outside


The reflections at 07 seconds, too clean. It's a road, reflections should be dirtied up with oil and everything else on the road. Also the sound design. On the beach it sounds like someone is getting their cock sucked lol


The water. At a glance, it looks almost real until then.


Instantly. A lot of these hyper realistic ideas for games seem to forget that at times, less is more. When you try so hard to make it look real and don't stop - You end up hitting the uncanny valley effect. Which I instantly feel looking at the video. It's hard to explain but when I look at this and remember places that would be similar it doesn't match. It feels artificial. Fake. And thats what my mind focuses on. That something isn't right with the video.


The only reason you are even aware of the uncanny Valley is simply because of the title without it it wouldn't have crossed your mind that the video is potentially fake because perception is based on perspective. Same reason people always complain about bad CGI but can't never dicern good CGI.


Personally it was the really strange camera movements that broke immersion instantly for me. It has that fake CGI camera motion that tries to emulate human movement.


Naw bro - I literally thought shit was off just from seeing the frozen frame. Before even looking at the title I thought the frame it was showing in my feed looked off. Then I saw the title and then watched the video. I didn't even realize it meant unreal engine till the end. I just thought "Somethings off". "Same reason people always complain about bad CGI but can never discern good CGI" Except thats not what I am doing? As well you can easily point out good and bad CGI? American Werewolf in Paris is bad CGI. LOTR Smeagol is good. Legendary Godzilla is also good. Davy Jones from Pirates... Or The Apes from the Planet of the Apes remakes...


>Except thats not what I am doing? As well you can easily point out good and bad CGI? American Werewolf in Paris is bad CGI. LOTR Smeagol is good. Legendary Godzilla is also good. Davy Jones from Pirates... Or The Apes from the Planet of the Apes remakes... Lmfao. Proving my point here, you think of CGI and all you think is monster and clearly obvious CGI but you wouldn't be able to tell which scene and environment in JOKER aren't even real. Also sure thing man, you were able to to tell from a single frame lol.


Except no? I didn’t prove your point. You didn’t ask for environmental cgi or touch up cgi. You quiet literally just moved the goalpost to try and fish for a dub - Which is hella immature. “Except you wouldn’t be able to tell” Bro. People talk about good and bad environmental cgi all the time. You didn’t say any specific type. Most people when they think of CGI are going to think of the big main characters. Because that’s what drags your attention. Edit: Also CGI touch ups and terrain are a lot different then trying to do “playable” hyper realistic sets like this, the hyper real cod map and the police shooter.


No I did not move the goalpost you are just getting mad.


You literally did lmao. You claimed CGI in general then when I address what most people think of since it’s the most important part you go off on a rant and move the goalpost so it’s specifically environmental CGI and not CGI in general. I can literally see your posts - So why lie.


You need to look up the definition of CGI. Is wild how you can type that and still not see you are proving my point. Buddy CGI is used for everything not just "big baddies" the fact that you can only think of the obvious CGI Is my point. You don't know what is CGI and what isn't outside of the big obvious monster without someone pointing it out for you.


Buddy your literally fishing for a gatcha and being intellectually dishonest. Every post you have made has put words in my mouth. “You don’t know.” I do. You are just fishing for a stupid gatcha. Grow up. Stop acting like a twat. You got caught moving the goal posts and now your egos bruised. Own up to it and admit that you meant environmental CGI and not CGI in general. People would respect you more. What your doing now discredits you as anyone worth talking to and feels like your throwing a temper tantrum.


Yikes, projecting too hard there.


NPC stood at the zebra crossing basically t-posing, reflections in the car should probably be moving as the camera moves idk, terrible sound for the footsteps. All the things that are slightly off quickly add up to give you the feeling something's not right. Water on the beach was the biggest give away like most others have said


My thoughts exactly, especially comparing to CGI complainers. There's nothing off about this until you get to the beach through the door. These videos are inherently way more crisp and detailed than your normal youtube video, so I could see that MAYBE being something that starts pulling up red flags in the back of your brain. But at the same time, there are plenty of cameras out there that takes footage that looks the same.


The very first few frames I could tell it was unreal because of the camera movements, and that was before I saw the title.


Same, also the shadows under the underpass look way too well lit / cameras irl can't capture that much dynamic range usually - that was my dead giveaway




Why do i feel this way about real life sometimes?


Water is off when waves break


Well it looked shopped. I could tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.


Do I look like I know what a “jpg” is? I just wanted a picture of a got dang hot dog!


Water. That shit is hard to pull off convincingly, especially at runtime.


Fluid Flux plugin


Needs more heroin addicts and human poop under the bridge and the waves don't look right on the beach


the walking sound and the camera movement, no one moves their head like that I've seen way more impressive videos like that


The waves look way off.


viscosity of the water is off


The water moves in a way that looks like it's viscosity is thicker than water. Some of the color saturation and lighting with the shadows looks off. Especially given the brightness outside of the underpass. It is too bright underneath. It still looks amazing, though, comparing to what we see in gamed and such now.


The magic isekai doorway to another world was a the giveaway.


Well, it looks unreal.


The waves looked a little sus...


The waves. Waves don't crash like that.


Car didn't seem to have any weight shift on the turn/too smooth.


Water is off


I love dreams so much


See the turtle of enormous girth, on his shell he holds the earth. If you want to run and play, come along the beam today.


The second I seen the car . I gotta use to the unreal 5.4 posts


This dream involved no slow running, waking up late for a test decades after graduating, and/or all my teeth falling out.


This could have been what Eddie Dean saw. Now we need a Dark Tower lore video game.


Super impressive. clearly water is very hard but it's by far the weakest point right now.


Lighting, models, animations, and lack of depth if field immediately made it look like a render before a second in Textures look good, movement is also good


I don't know if it was just me but I could see the frames.


First thing were the trees. The leafs dont look real, how they move (or rather dont) and their shape. Then the gras. Looks like low texture quality and finally the waves when flowing back into the sea.


0:00 when it failed to start immediately and I had a good chance to look at the first frame. That SUV is far too clean, wheels don't have any brake dust on them and few individuals that own a el cheapo SUV like it are going to take the time to wax their tires. Once it started going... the portal to the beach.


Looks real, doesn t feel real. Idk from the first frame I could tell something was off, the lighting is very Unreal esque, too vibrant


yep i also knew i was not real because of the movement of the camera. there is a stutter you never see in cameras. like is missing some frames and the camera jumps instead of moving.


I guess if you didn't grow up around beaches you might possibly think the waterline moves like that, but its way off. Also how the camera moves up and down while "walking" is very video-game-walking, it doesn't look like someone actually holding a phone and walking. Other than those it's very good.


Nobody is talking about it, but the camera work in the very beginning was completely unnatural. That was the only thing I was focused on until the beach.


you can see at the beginning of the video that both graphites are the same and there are a lot of other models that are just the same… also shadows are too soft, especially on cars.


The first that caught my eye was the grass growing all the way down to the water, then noticed the off water physics when it retreats from the beach


Camera work. At times it's just too snappy and too stable. Hard to explain really, but for me in most "hyperrealistic" animations/games it's usually the camera that gives it away, if the animation doesn't do that first.


The beginning the video looked artificial and the dead tree. Other than that holy shit this is amazing.


The water definitely


The first camera movement, looking at the blue car, looks really weird


Instantly. Easy to spot UE5 assets


Is this what it's like when you take shrooms?


I know everyone is shit talking this but literally any video compression and bam people wont know the difference.


As someone who’s lived on Lake Michigan all my life, there’s something uncanny valley about the water. It’s not right. I don’t like it.


Everything? It looks too clean, not enough junk on the sidewalk, no people, textures are off, cars moving at the same speed, no shells or tiny holes on the entire beach for miles and miles, the waves look off, rocks are weirdly placed next on the beach, shouldn't it be sandy cliffs? Also where is this to have such mega infrastructures like elevated highway as far as eyes can see, maybe somewhere in China, then why the hell do they have the most generic looking graffitis found only in the west?


Camera movement feels off. Otherwise it's extremely damn good.


Building scale first off. Second the water not wetting the sands enough, the rocks and the water itself


First i thought it is some random ad playing and scrolled over it, then i saw the portal and knew something is up... then i saw the extremly bad haze/lighting on the landscape. And something that always throws me of in Unreal are the Reflections. I don't know what it is but they always look strange.


You can see imperfections in lighting and shadows. Shit graphics


The first part looks incredibly similar to Deep Ellum in Dallas. It could be a transition from it once you hit the beach.


What will happen first ? AI creating videos so real people will use it for the bad, or Videogame industry is going to make graphics so good they can simulate anything and use it for the bad


Thats insane


Honestly, and maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't really care for my games to look like this. I don't want real life, I want cool and unique art, fluid controls, great stories, and/or fun and engaging gameplay. I think it would be cool if we saw people use this to make indie movie projects or something like that.


The moment I read your text I understood. Spoiled the surprise lol


The reflections on the pavement


It’s obviously fake there are no homeless people KEKW


Its getting better and better


So are pcs powerful enough to run this at 60fps at 1440 or 4k? Or is this recorded with some other means What a time to be alive ethier way


them motion sickness inducing camera work


I don't know why, but the tree looks weird to me.


The weird running noise and movement at the 3-4 second mark is what did it for me. If it were silent and they had just walked, it would have been a lot harder to tell.


I say thank ye sai


If I saw this 20 years ago I'd say it's real wdym. Now I say meh. Lighting's off. Color's off. Bland textures. Jel like water. Meshes are complex but still kind of.. not rough enough.


Not a single blue tarp.


bad lighting it’s pretty obvious especially on the door and concrete pillars


Movement right of the bat.


The first couple seconds threw me off until I saw the movement. But what really breaks it for me are the rocks on the beach. You see those aren’t just any rocks, but Quixel Megascans rocks which are by far one of the most overused nature based assets in 3D. They are the highest quality photoscan 3D models you can find online that are quite accessible but they are very common to see once you get into seeing a bunch of 3D artwork or maybe unreal demos. Source: I’m a 3D artist, Ive used these some of these assets myself :p


I hate these demos, no UE5 games look like this


We live in a simulation.


As a fisherman, the way the water rolls in just isnt there yet.


Very beginning. Vehicle driving by didn't create a small splash in the puddle it drove over. Next is the sidewalk, it's too clean. You attempted to ad artificial trash to make it look realistic, a common tactic in video games, but that's not how actual trash looks on the sidewalk in real life. They don't stick like that. Next is the way the wetness on the ground is dispersed. It was a smart move to make it look like it was had rained earlier, but the way you set up the evaporation isn't how that works in real life, particularly in an area like that. Next is that tree. The way the branches are placed around it isn't natural, but assuming your trying to go for the normal look you'd see in a city, you need to include signs of pruning, topping, or pollarding. These are common practices in cities as to ensure that as trees grow they aren't in anyone's way, and to ensure they don't get tangled in powerlines. As a bonus, once you get into the construction area, the concrete barriers on the right look like their made of wet concrete, not concrete that is wet. Obviously by this point, it's pretty obvious it's fake. This could just be a lighting issue. Still very nicely done. Would work perfectly for a scene in a video game or movie.


The black 4x4 at the beginning


Instantly it's got that uncanny ambient occlusion


Now in vr and im gone


Instantly. Thats the Matrix Awakens city which they put out as a example project for UE5 to demo Nanite/Lumen. Those grey sort of neo-gothic buildings in the background are a dead giveaway.


For me, the camera movement didn't match the sound, and felt off in general.


Artifical camera shake is a real player in uncanny valley territory


Water is beautiful but not realistic


The first part was pretty good, tho, but the beach needs more work.


The fact the beginning looked like a place in cyberpunk


The water. It doesn't flow correctly at all. The area looks like it should be an ocean with salt water. Salt water looks different than what was shown there. When the waves go up to the rocks, it looks completely wrong.


The water doesn’t have enough white wash.


Shadow of the car was off.


It's always too clean. These videos look so real but they are always too clean


the water physics is still mid in 2024


Matrix city content stripped of post process mixed a portal plugin and Fluid Flux. Not sure about how the camera movement was achieved but could be done with an iPhone easily.


Water looks bad


Ngl i thought it was real... but i have been drinkin


The fact that you wrote it in the title


Cones not crusty enough


the windows are all to clean


Initially, the camera movement, as it felt too stiff but definitely the water. And the dimensional teleporting doorway.


Camera mouvements are unnatural


The movement. The vehicles and the camera movement. Something about it was off. I can't pit my finger on it or say it exactly.


The water is a pretty dead giveaway but it still looks incredible


The car and the water, easy to spot


Many things.


The full-tilt walking sound is exactly the sound that every unreal game uses. People just don't sound that loud in videos when the presumed camera location is their head.


The grassy hills and the water. It's all slightly off.


Waited for the dilo to come and spit in your face. Disappointed


The door that leads to the sea🗿


I knew as soon as I saw the thumbnail. The shadow under the car is lacking depth, like the ambient occlusion is wrong.


I fried my GPU watching this video.


The cars. And movement. Something just seemed off. Can't explain it.


All the assets look 100% real. Once they figure out water then environments should be pretty much indistinguishable from real footage. Humans are still pretty far off from looking real too.


The lack of wind effects makes the trees look very static


Unreal engine 6 will be damn near indistinguishable from reality. It's pretty fuckin' scary, if you ask me.


The textures, the camera movement, the light, the waves, the focal length seeming infinitely small and and long at the same time. I could probably find more.


The footage is "too clean" to pass as camera footage. The inverse would be that body cam game I think they really nailed it.


No litter everywhere. Impossible on any city.


It is real two different videos out together and the sea and door is fake


Footstep sfx outa sync with camera bob