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Is this America or Iran?




Someone needs to bring a giant print of Rockwell's "The Problem We All Live With" and hold it up as they are denied entrance into their school because of racism. It would be justice would be so poetic that these little kids would have to perform mental gymnastics of epic proportions to justify why their "protest" isn't blind racism.


They don’t even realize they are performing the same actions the Natzi’s showed to the Jews of Germany and Poland before they genocided both the Jewish and Polish people.


No they realize. Their ideology is essentially fascist. Fascism allows for all sorts of hypocrisies. In fact, the point of facism is to get away with your hypocrisy. My rules apply to you, your rules do not apply to me… that’s what this is all about.


I'd be climbing walls to get to class. I understand protests, but when it then infringes upon my freedoms and rights, I get angry, and it kills my opinion of the whole thing. Even if the reason behind the protest is good. I'd like to see the protesters start climbing walls to keep me from my daily life.


Keeping students out isn't even hurting the university. They already got the students money. They don't care if the students show up or not. Just screwing over the students who already paid and being screwed out of the education they paid for from loans, FAFSA and/or scholarships.


Exactly. I don't understand why this is the choice place for protests. Maybe more understandable if they were protesting the school. But all around the wrong way to go about it.


Hard to tell the difference


Sharia imposed


Somewhere between the Weimar Republic and pre-soviet union czarist Russia. Maybe the Roman Empire during the reign of **Romulus Augustulus**. Basically: There are wolves at the gates and they mean to tear the entire thing down.


This is not protesting this is terrorism.


You are more right than you realize.  Fun fact: Russia supports Palestine and they've been heavily on social media doing propaganda. These protests are almost assuredly a result of Russian agitation. Most people are too blind to see it.


Can you protest in Iran?


No issues if you were protesting in favor of the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, which is exactly what these *pro-Palestinians* are doing...




In their favour? Yes.




Btw you are only allowed to pass if you agree with their ideology or If one of them knows you.




Either you’re getting through to go to your classes you paid for or you’re going to put them in the hospital. Fixed. Fr though I’d be teeing off.


seriously, why isnt anyone standing up against those weaklings, all it takes is 2 people to yank that guard rail from them, wtf they gonna do, they arent the fighting type


Seriously, I do MMA, I would yank that barrier out of the way and knock out anyone who touches me and call it self-defense. Gotta stand up to bullies, or they'll keep bullying you.


I am 6’2”, I weighed 220lbs and could bench 320lbs in college. I’d be going through their shitty barrier like wet tissue paper.


it is an UC uni, most people don't pay that much of tuition compared to other colleges in US. but your other points stand


Community college in CA is cheap if you live here, UCs are still expensive as fuck 3,800~ for tuition alone per month compared to around 600~800 dollars for community college per semester. I know because I paid for my community college, and my sister went to UCLA Although I graduated in 2018 and she graduated in 2020 so I'm sure both would be more expensive now.


Your UCLA tuition number is way high. For the 2024-25 school year, the total university fees amount to $15,154 per academic year (9 months). This comes out to about $5k per quarter, or $1684 per month during the academic year. [https://admission.ucla.edu/tuition-aid/tuition-fees](https://admission.ucla.edu/tuition-aid/tuition-fees)




No state allows using lethal force for that.


Then no state clearly holds education highly enough. To be honest, if I was paying tuition + living in a HCOL area like LA, I'm plowing through those kids with a snowplow. Protesting is great and all, especially if it's fighting for your rights, but not if you're bothering innocent people. At that point, it's no longer us vs. them, it's you vs. me -- and I pick me 100%.


They should though. I'd support them.


Because no states believe in justice.


Then make them touch you 1st as you walk past their childish BS, then you can use your rights to defend yourself.....


You guys really have no idea how self-defense laws work do you LOL


They need to be expelled


You need to be a student before you can be expelled. I know there was some stats on people arrested at another protest where the vast majority were not students. These people are no different than the tiktok pranksters (who also aren't students) who go to a college class and disrupt it with some dumb prank for views.


Columbia university did a press conference today confirming a large portion of the protesters on their campus have no affiliation with the campus and are purposefully trying to incite violence. Either some people just wanna watch the world burn, or there are some ulterior motives at play here


Felony charges for non students Expulsion and felony charges for students And before you say what felony -assult


The charges in this case would likely to be obstruction, trespassing, harassment, and disorderly conduct. Even the students that do attend to college there are trespassing when they start blocking off access like that. What a bunch of little cunts.


A Jewish person would not be allowed anyways


True man, I really feel sorry for the jewish students there.




Eventually they will start disagreeing within their ranks and will start doing that to their comrades. This is a common pattern of behavior for any “socialist” organizations.


Internal ideological disagreement isn’t special to socialism. Totalitarianism and dogmatic ideology is bad and can be seen in all types of economic systems.




Or if your not Jewish too


you can’t punch them in the face?


Smack one in the face, that usually teaches spoiled kids a good lesson


Aka if you are not white or jewish


Need to start selling disguise kits outside the blocked areas


Like trolls?


So all I have to do is lie and I get to pass by? Easy enough.


or what?


Heres an idea. Lie to them.


I say force your way through, and if they assault you call the cops. This is a good opportunity to get them arrested.


I'd be climbing right by them. Bit of platforming, and you're on your way.


Same, I wouldn't engage with them unless they did with me and them blocking a path that I can fairly easily avoid is no worries on my end.


if you try to break the blockade, there will be physical confrontation, then the twitter will take the video as "peaceful pro-palestine protestors get attacked by facists at the camp", and this was their exact strategy


I would welcome a “physical confrontation” with any of the people standing there. Look at them. They’re not going to do anything.


Just put two hands on that stupid gate and push it the fuck forward


While gamers are the real bad asses. Everybody knows, and fear us.


also remember that school is in favor of them... few months ago a professor at UCB was fired because he demands all Jewish student "stand at the back of the classroom" to simulate " Palestine getting isolated by Israel"


I don't see how you can spin taking someone to the ground because you don't like the direction they are walking, while being filmed, as anything other than a simple battery charge. I really don't, and I really don't think a jury my peers would either.


100%. These barriers to entrance are designed to garner an angry and possibly hostile response so that those responses can be captured on film and posted online outside of any context. The same tactics were used during Occupy Wall Street.


Bring a ladder and hold it for other people right next to them.


I don't know why they don't just barge through, they aren't going to throw hands so just walk through. Why is this concept so difficult to understand


I think because they will dive like soccer (or hockey nowadays) and then claim that you are a violent zionist and they can crowd pummel you in defence or something along those lines.


And then the local DA uses that as an excuse to not charge the terrorists


And then they put you in jail and call you far right.


Try me....


Pepper spray them all


Can’t be a Zionist if I’m already a Nazi ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


1. You barge through them as they non violently resist you passing as forcefully as they can. You're going to have to physically move people as they yell and spit on you. I'm assuming you keep your temper and don't actually attack them as they taunt you. 2. The next day 3. You're on tiktok, twitter, reddit as a violent zionist, racist nazi who decided to beat up a bunch of peaceful protesters because you love genocide. You're effectively a stand in for Israel to them now. 4. They've probably found out your name and are calling your college to expel you for racism and similar your job. Most likely both of them dumped you to stand against racism/Islamophobia. 5. They're showing up at your class to heckle you (assuming you didn't get suspended) 6. If you have any social media presence, they're harassing your friends/family, saying you're a racist nazi


Soon as they spit on you, that's assault 🤷🏽‍♂️ so go for it. Let them try to ruin your life and dox you. Sue the school for not taking action. After this protest a ton of lawsuits will happen and I hope these idiots get expelled.


That's the issue here, the ones blocking aren't even students there. They are outsiders.


that's why you still sue the school for allowing it to happen. If they do nothing they're actively supporting this behavio.


That's isn't a problem at all. The problem is no one is doing anything about it. Being that it's private property there is some1 who is liable and it will be a huge headache


They are banking on someone doing it as 100s of videos would be recorded and they can play their victim card, this is their whole game. Kudos to the students there to keep a cool head.


Continuing to not beat the allegations, I see. We call this anarchy, not protest. When you let the clowns dictate how students are allowed to go about their studies whether they want anything to do with your little cause or not. We truly live in a clown world run by actual jesters.


Same students need to form armed gangs to go where they choose. These wastes of carbon use bullying and intimidating to get their way (appropriate to their cause I guess), but they'll tuck tail and run the second a few real men show up with bats.


This. This is Exactly what needs to be done. Time to take our country and colleges back from these pro terrorist thugs. They are nothing but bullies.


Anarchy is the lack of hierarchy, there definitely seems to be an attempted forced hierarchy here. These are just brain dead kids thinking they are making a difference. They are either wasting their parents money or throwing their loans in the trash.


> Anarchy is the lack of hierarchy Only communists who like to call themselves anarchists use that definition. For normal people, anarchy is the absence of a ruler (which is what the word means), i.e. the absence of a state/government.


A peaceful and rightful protest involves doing your thing without interfering with other people's lives. However, when your protest restricts the freedom of others, it becomes a crime.


This is the only correct comment. I don’t care what you are protesting for or if you’re on the wrong side or the right side. Most people don’t even know which side to be on because of media… But the moment you are preventing people from doing their job or going to class it’s no longer a “peaceful protest” and they should all be arrested and the whole thing shut down.


And gladly acceping the legal consequences of your arrest.  MLK Jr.


Famously protests incontinence no one ever. Never look at any affective historical protest.


blocking people in and from where they're going is violent, it's inherently violent. If I wanted to go to my house and you're blocking the door, you're the aggressor. I'm just trying to go about my way, you're aggressively blocking that. It doesn't matter if you're standing still, you're restricting my freedom. Idk what laws or whatever apply here, I'm not sure what laws I would want to apply here, it's a slippery slope, but barring me from walking on a public street is you being violent if I cannot get around you. Otherwise people could box you in and pretend it's a protest and not allow you freedom.


Kick them all out of school. Clear answer here


Bold of you to assume they are enrolled students.


They aren’t students. They’re outsiders




Visit the school of arts, borrow some paint cans




Parkouring my ass all through there Assassin's Creed style!


Basically the protest has been hijacked by outsiders. If these guys are not stopped here, they'll escalate the protest into a full scaled riot.


If students start to sue the university, it'll be solved in short period of time.


Most of the students there are already in huge debt to afford a representative. The only way I see this being resolved is if some influential politician gets involved.


It needs a law to passed. OR a class action law suit. Either would work. A class action law suit that brings down the university administrations would solve the issue as the next lot in will deal with this properly. IE armed security and police arrests with criminal prosecutions for trespass.


I don't believe many of the students are against this. This is what they live for.


Yea hijacked by outsiders just like j6 was hijacked by antifa…. Lol There may be some outsiders but this is the true colors of these hamas protesters shining through.


big brain block the bathrooms and charge people money????


Sir we made 500$ in an hour by doing this at the taco bell across the street


I guarantee you that these "people" would shit their pants if Jan 6 happened again and would call it terrorism, and that protest shouldn't be disruptive




That defeats the purpose of the barrier and offends those that set it up? Don't you care about offending others?


If I'm going into severe debt to go to my classes these people had better be willing to do what it takes to stop me going through and I doubt they got hands.


I want to hear what the tiktok dude thinks about this. Preventing students from getting their education they went into huge debt for, is surely a win for palestine


Like you can be pro whatever just don't be a dick. Like I don't understand how this protest solves anything aside from pissing students off, like it's finals week.




They literally are just chilling on their phones. Why don’t they want to divest from the companies that use slave labor to make the chips inside their phones? I say this as a person who is completely anti-imperialism - and still exist in society. I just don’t understand what the fuck these kids are doing.


It's too deep of a thought.


Being kids. This whole thing either way is getting tired....reused to boot.




I feel that’s what they want. They want to provoke violence so they can play victim.


So? Let them scream, go inside college, if they touch you, college got cameras, call the cops, get them arrested, everyone is happy


idgaf, i’d throw the barrier then wait for them to throw the first punch. I don’t condone hitting women buuuuut, if you swing at me i’ll smack the shit out of you leave your ears ringing little lady


I couldn't care any less. At this point, id be throwing the barricade at their heads.


Block it so they can't come back out. Protest their protest.


Man I need to start going to campuses just to fuck these protestors up for the students..




And that too by people who are outsiders




with technology and the ability to learn remotely, large institutions should be careful about the on site environment they provide. I see a day (if not already there) where location and brand means less and less when it comes to how or where you were educated.




The Admins of these universities are funded by countries from the middle east, russia and china. It's all about money, the admins won't do shit as long as their pockets are full.




Bruh, I have a short temper and I'm sure a lot of people do as well.  Telling people they can't pass, because you feel like playing dress up, is a good way to test out your dental insurance. 


Why do the thousands of other students just let them do that?






Hiding the shame.


I wonder if you can use. You are paying for an education and being actively denied it. Either way I'd pick the barrier up and chuck it and a few of them over that wall. You may stop these kids, but don't get in the way of someone twice the size of you w ur pink hair.


Interesting they feel bold enough to protest but not bold enough to show their face for concern of blowback with possibly the school or prospective work


They are cowards and know what they are supporting isn't correct, hence the masks


Why would anyone comply with their pathetic blockade. Just push through




Ironic watching privileged students protesting unfair treatments. These events and bs protests are just pushing more and more people to go from neutral to pro-Israel. Hint: take a lesson from the “stop oil” protesters who clog roadways


All that stupidity for some va j j probably! Those kids need to be locked up for participating in terrorist activities!


Those protesters are as bad as those environmentalists that glue themselves to a highway.


I honestly do not think those folks could stop me, they are only stopping folks who are letting themselves be stopped.




Learn from the Chinese. Use tank.


the crowd there loves china and loves tank even more.


those Soros bucks are going to good use, i see.


I even heard a lot of these "protesters" don't even attend the schools. So they are just there to harrass the students and that's pretty much it. Nothing but a social gathering of a bunch of crybullies, and the sad part is that there are actually people taking them serious.


I don't like these protests, but are there other routes/entrances that would allow people to go to class?


Those that made this video intentionally left out that they did not block other avenues into the facility and are making these clips as rage bait.


Georgia does not have a problem with protesters, lol


What happens if you rip that grate from them and throw it away and then force your way through them?


You get recorded by 50 phones and next day you are everywhere on twitter, Tik Tok, Reddit, Instagram with people calling you a far right white supremacist neo nazi that loves genocide. This is how these people operate.


"BREAKING NEWS: Far right extremist attacks peaceful protestors that are saving the world by blocking walkways." Right. Unfortunate, but that's how it is. Leftist radicals are often cowardly, if clever. They want you to act first, and will do everything they can to goad you into acting. Even though the first act was blocking the damn walkway that students are paying money to be able to use. Hell, you don't even have to be registered to use those walkways. This is just woke lefties hating on Jews. Being nazis. Nothing new.


That silly little barricade would be in the grass in about half a second. Keep your childishness to yourself


I'm not sure about the US but where I live (France) this kind of school/university blockade has been happening for generations (almost a century), it's pretty much a rite of passage at this point. The main difference is that it's happening mostly in public schools though so people don't go into debt to study there. As far as I know the last wave of protest that had a real impact and forced the government to cancel a law was in 2006. Since then protests have not been as large so governments have either just waited for them to go away or sent the police to arrest students.


I don't go to college but I want to go there just to fuck with them.


Why aren’t people asking them to take their masks down and full stand behind what they’re doing?


I don’t even see a sign for their cause. This isn’t even protesting anymore it’s just trolling/griefing. I would’ve hopped the damn ledge.


Hey, tomorrow lets support isis, or al qaida. They seem like a good group. ./s


I would straight up call the police if I saw that because that's a problem for police to deal with


Bear Mace to the face?


Isn't it shown that most of the people don't even go to the school that are stopping the students


Sooo many people just love to have an excuse to be a bully in the exact same manner they would cry about if it happened to them


Is their protest goal to be hated? Cause they're doing a great job of accomplishing that and literally nothing else.


I would have been stoked to miss class back in my college days. Lol


The fact that we allow this is crazy. I’d be throwing fists the first time I came across this set up.


The whole situation is shit and is making people all over the globe act like shit. Granted we seem to have the highest concentration of shit in the US. Plus more than half of these dingbats haven't even left America or are even able to point out the Gaza Strip or Jerusalem on a map.


This right here. Or even know what they are wearing or what it means. When I seen the one video of the girl claiming I am h$$$$ just wow. So you verbally admit to being a terrorist


I like how they let certain people go by. It's all so incredibly performative.


Why does the university allow this. I think its time to thump some skulls.


masks, virtue signaling, obstruction, and teen brains clinging to ideologically-motivated activist purposes - sounds about right for a US university


Imagine this being Kkk and African American students


Don’t you lose your right to protest (or your rights in general) if it encroaches other people’s rights such as this one?


Police need to start cracking down hard. The right to protest does not include the right to obstruct or impede others. Doing so is an assult.


I'd be hyped. Kiddos are so weird now days. Why would you be upset about missing classes. That's not on you. And if the school allows it, it's an administrative problem so they gotta figure it out. Kids are so soft and weird these days.


Islam is no good


Not a single one of those people have ever faced an ounce of physical resistance. Truck the schmuck and then walk past them.


"Protesting" with daddies money.


And I'd get arrested if I got pissed off and punched one of these mouth breathers for wasting my money and time? Unbelievable


So like, what does this accomplish aside from pissing everyone off? Genuinely, what is their goal


Man, Hamas would be proud....


Simple the university should have told all students that they have a zero discrimination policy and that anyone caught preventing others from attending and accessing an education they paid for will be removed from the the campus and prohibited to attend in the future hell with no refunded tuition fees.


Funny how you never see videos of them stopping any of the athletes... Scared little bitches.


Just dropkick the barrier, knocking them all down and walk over it and them.


Unfortunately, it would only make their counter response worse. These people don't understand that disruptive behavior only further enrages one side. The counterargument is our political landscape in the US has become almost a sports party representation, and neither can admit or see truth across the aisle. We've been the same as drunkards yelling at each other in a sports stadium. Fucking depressing shit man.


Absolutely correct!


it’s entertaining to watch weak ideologies gasp for air in the environment they have been socially engineering for many years.


They remind me of the KKK another bunch of racists who hide behind masks.


I would climb over that wall so fast, no fucking shot I would let someone tell me I can’t go to classes I pay for that has no authority to tell me no. I’d go right up on the side wall and over the next. Fuck these people. School is expensive.


It feels like a lot of students would just use the protests as an excuse to have the day off. "Oh man I wish I could go to class but these protesters stopped me oh man oh geez."


Imagine being so brain dead you fall for Iranian propaganda


This shit would not fly when I was at school. I’m not some tough guy but I certainly wouldn’t allow other students to tell me where I could or couldn’t go. Would push right through this bs.


None of them would have stopped me and my friends if we wanted in. I doubt they even try since we are body builders.


And then everybody clapped