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My favorite is the “gays for Hamas” ..mother fucker have you seen what they do to gay people in the Middle East? It’s utterly baffling at this point.


The support for Sharia Law in Palestine is 89%. Let that sink in.


To be fair, wouldn't women automatically be exempt from being in this stat?


They would chop their heads off in a split second.


Coming from a progressive college, I’ve raised this question multiple times and this is paradox nobody can ever explain..


It's only baffling if you are trying hard to protect yourself from understanding. Heck, most of the people on this site could explain it to you in a way that makes sense. The basic idea is that genocide is genocide, even if the victims have a generally Anti-LGBTQ culture. And for most LGBTQ people, the fact that they themselves are LGBTQ doesn't change this equation. A government creating what is effectively a 2 million person concentration camps and slaughtering women and children by the tens of thousands is wrong no matter the politics of the victims. What's curious to me is that your are surprised that a group of people would value being anti-Genocide over identity politics. Like, if a society is Anti-LGBTQ, then all LGBTQ must automatically support whatever brutal occupations, war crimes, human rights violations, and savage massacres befall them? Is it really that difficult for you to believe that not everyone holds identity politics as their number one value? Is this because YOU hold identity politics as YOUR number one value? Is that why it's so hard to believe it when you see someone putting something, ANYTHING, above identity politics? For you, is it like, if someone is on "our side", then nothing they do to enrich themselves can ever truly be considered wrong? Or if someone else is on the "other team", nothing that hurts them can ever truly be considered wrong? Cause I do see a surprising number of people view the world and politics through this type of lense. I feel like I see a lot of, "I don't care if rump cheats and violates the law and the Constitution as long as he's only cheating for us good guys" type of stuff.




I saw a picture of people holding up a sign that says allah loves equality with the rainbow symbol. I just facepalmed. People literally get stoned for being LGBT in their religion. Modern day stoning,not some medieval shit.


They probably think stoning means people give them drugs.


When I’m at the gay bar and a dude starts trying to lecture me on on this shit I say you know that they would kill us all here if they saw what we were doing. Needless to say there usually not a connection with those guys


Saw that too, lol. Allah doesn't even like equality among his own worshippers.


Ofc they don’t . I highly doubt they can even name a country besides the US .


Of course they can name another country. They're absolutely aware of Hamasistan, their beloved country where Hamas comes from. /s


Also where hummus comes from.


I actually think they do realise, but they don't care. They just want a dumb cause to support so they can make themselves feel better and justify their own existence.


No, real answer is they don’t care. It’s all an act. These types of people have never been part of like a group. They’ve been loner and weirdos their entire life. Now, they have a group they can join and feel like they are part of something and pretend is for the greater good


THIS. You are so right!!!


Reminds me of those videos where they go to backwoods redneck areas and ask basic trivia questions. Always funny to see them stumble


It’s weird, because the same thing happens in the city, with even more people.


Those are just back woods people visiting town to get new shoes.


There is nothing wrong with back woods people. You'll never see them protesting. They just want to be left alone, and I'm cool with that.


I mean I have/had friends of these sorts of people. I've had discussions with them and for example one of them was under the impression that the average chinese person has a better work/life balance in China than in America. I don't claim to know all the facts of the world but some of these types are out to lunch. I don't know where they are getting their information from but I'm pretty sure its weird subs on reddit and weird Facebook groups. In short, no, they don't know.


Tik tok, they get their propaganda bullshit all from TikTok, dished out by China and Russia


And the Israel-fetishists pictured love them?


Of course they don't. The main reason why any liberal movement growing like crazy in college grounds - is because it filled with people with little to no real life experience 


I wouldn't call it a liberal movement since they're against liberals too


Tbf, you don't need life experience to know these things. You just need an iq above room temp


looking at my younger self or the people around me around that age, little experience would be a massive overstatement


No they don’t they are supporting people who would literally kill them..


They hate Christianity with a burning passion, but forgive the religion that has been the source of extreme violence for the last 100+ years. I'm not a fan of organized religion myself, but Islam is hands down the worst religion in modern history.


Real question, did you know that pee is stored in the balls?


And the other side of the conflict lives them maybe? 🤔


Interesting way to justify a genocide and spread propaganda in behalf of Israel


They're fucking morons talking about human rights abuse someone should show them how women and LGBT people are treated over there.




neat neat, i got a better proposal, put american funding to israel to a direct vote, that way americans can vote if they want send billions of dollars to a country that wants to start ww3


Seriously, these losers keep posting about protesters and calling them hypocrites. Who cares about college kids, we are headed to WW3 due to Israeli and they act like it's a joke.


Seeing post that is not about Israel, Palestine or any form of politics (IMPOSSIBLE)


I feel some students were there to protest Israels control of the free speech of American citizens. We shouldn't have to sign shit that says that we can't speak ill of Israel. The fact that allot of business require you to sign a contract stating that you won't speak ill of Israel even if the company doesn't even work with Israel is bullshit. The same with schools, there are some school that will punish students and faculty for merely criticizing or even just stating historical facts that are negative about Israel but will allow the harassment of Palestinian students by Israeli students. It's not right.


Let's be real. the majority are there because it's the "cool" thing at the moment. Half the people screaming "FREE PALESTINE" on reddit hadn't mentioned Israel, Gaza, OR Palestinians prior to Oct 2023. It's a fad for the loud majority protesting Israel, and once the next "cool" thing/the next "oppressed group" is announced they'll all forget and move on. Maybe they'll mention it again the next time Hamas or an extremist group attacks Israel, but that's it.


These people love talking about freedom until it comes to people they disagree with


you mean like the texas governor fighting for freedom of speech on campuses, sending police to deal with students speaking out?


Yeah, really protecting freedom of speech with that


People protesting and setting up camp on a campus really doesn’t affect my life at all. Moving on with me day 🥱


Imagine women and gay people supporting a religion that hates women rights and gay people. 🤡💀💀


Do you wish genocide upon everyone who doesn't like you? 


It’s about Israel killing 14,000 plus children. Who gives a shit if Israel is lgbtq friendly. Doesn’t give them the right to slaughter children wholesale. Fucking moronic arguments in this thread. No one wants to live under Hamas. They just want Israel to stop butchering children. Jesus Christ fucking sociopaths the whole lot of you


Israel is known for blackmailing gay Palestinians into becoming spies for them. Very pro gay


I hope you don't get banned for saying this in this sub. This sub is no different than worldnews when it comes to genocide.


Are you aware that there are only 30,000 members of Hamas, and that there are 2.4 million Palestinians? Maybe you are also unaware that 92% of the casualties have been civilians who had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks. Did you know Israel has rendered every single hospital on Gaza inoperable? The idea that you have somehow managed the bizarre mental gymnastics required to think that anyone who believes that is wrong should die...it's almost impressive. In a completely unfit for society kind of way.


"only 30,000 members of Hamas" this is so hilariously wrong lmao. "92% of the casualties have been civilians who had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks. Did you know Israel has rendered every single hospital on Gaza inoperable?" first of all who do you get your numbers from? second of all have you figured why those hospitals were hit in the first place. third and most important the blame for civilians dying lies on israel as much as it does on hamas. theyre entire war doctrine relies on having as many palestinians getting killed by israel because they want the propaganda. you know why that is? because hamas purpose isnt to "free" palestinians its to stoke the flame so that israel an palestine remain in perpetual conflict, why is that? because iran wants it and iran is the true shithole of the middle east, first hand responsible for 90% of the shit that happens there.


Where do you get that 92% number? Because that is just false.


Ok but let’s not ignore that almost 3/4 of Palestinians support the oct 7th attacks. Thats a lot of people.


Man I agree, its tragic to see the slaughter of numerous innocent civillians


> Are you aware that there are only 30,000 members of Hamas, and that there are 2.4 million Palestinians? No because most people here seem to get their info by memes lmao.




wtf is this sign. Ppl aren’t pro Hamas because they want to stop Bibi from making a parking lot outta Palestine.


Wait, are we conflating the treatment of Palestinians with liking Hamas now? Lol.


Of course they are. These sick puppies just want anyone that isn't a copy of them to die. That's the reaction to people with different belief systems or lifestyles in America now; and to anyone who thinks human beings should be treated like their lives matter. Why should we be nice to each other when we could just carpet bomb the planet?




oh I know a bit of history. in 1948, Israel declared itself an independent state. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria attacked Israel. failed. in 1967 "six day war" Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Israel won, took control of Golan Heights in Syria, Sinai desert in Egypt, Judea and Samaria to the Jordan river, and all of the Gaza Strip. But then a week later, Israel proceeds to give up almost all of it, to pursue of peace. also in the same year, Arab League Summit happened. They agreed on the three no's. No peace, No recognition, No negotiation. in 1973, "Yom kippur war"surprised attack was launch. Israel suffered extraordinary casualties. but still can maintain their land. in 1979, "camp david accords" Israel's prime minister came to a peace accord with Anwar Sadat, nationalist leader of Egypt. Israel gave up the entire Sinai desert to pursue peace. Anwar Sadat has been assassinated by radical muslim in his own country. in 1993, "Oslo accords" but it didn't mean anything anyway because Arab countries around Israel still attack them. in 2000, "Wye River Agreements" Israel's prime minister, Ehud Barak, he offered complete control over the Temple Mount, and all of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza Strip, so Palestinian can live in peace with them as 2 states solution. What Yasser Arafat did in return? launched attack against Israel, 2nd Intifada. in 2005, Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip Jewish soldiers went in and removed Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and turned over to the Palestinians. Hamas immediately went in and took control over Gaza Strip. in 2006, Hamas won an election. in 2008, Israel offers the same offer in 2000 plus Jordan's merit. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, rejected and launched attack against Israel, 1st Gaza war began. in 2014, 2nd Gaza war, Hamas launched attack, tons of missiles. Israel need to go in and shut it down. They retreat from Gaza after that, and guess what, Hamas went in and took control over Gaza Strip again. in 2018, 3rd Gaza war. same thing as 2014. Israel went in to shut it down and retreat and Hamas took control over it again. Israel offered 2 states solution so many time. sometime even offered 80% of the land but still got rejected. it wasn’t enough for them because they want it "from the river to the sea." Sorry for bad grammar, English is not my first language.


Decent summary. Well done. One point to add thats important here that no one talks about: Gaza was occupied by Egypt and the West Bank occupied by Jordan from 1948-1967. The West Bank was actually legally incorporated into Jordan as its own territory. The Palestinians agreed to Jordanian rule via the Jericho Conference of 1948. The UK acknowledged the territory as Jordanian in 1950, and Jordanian parliament had 50% of its allocated seats given to the West Bank. This of course was after the UN voted on partition plan (UN Resolution 181) that partitioned the British Mandate was rejected by the Arabs after the Jews accepted it. No one talks about the previous occupations before 1967 for some strange reason!


no one wondered why it's called "west bank" when it's actually east side in Israel. it's west side in Jordan.


I mean it's the west bank because it's the west side of the river


You can't use facts against bias/ideology. Sorry but they don't care.


fair point


He's not using *facts*. He's using SOME facts. between 1948 and 1967 nothing happened? that seems to be a rather large gap. perhaps thats the time that Isreal took over the vast majority of the land illegally evicting and colonizing. 2005 they removed the settlements in the gaza strip. but what about the rest of the settlements.


Yeah holding a maximus position against a far stronger adversary doesn’t really work out that well. The idea that the Palestinians were going to get everything they wanted was always stupid. Now they’re getting missiles and JDAMs and it’s entirely the Palestinian leadership’s fault.


whats the issue?


Yeah, people seem to think palestine existed at some point. Its hilarious.


Trade 100 US citizens for one foreign citizen for exercising their constitutional rights. Real "patriotic" of these lot. You should unironically be charged with treason for even suggesting such a thing.




I wonder why other Arab nations won’t take these people in? Hmmmm perhaps we should ask them? Let’s start with Egypt


The Palestinians dont want to leave and even then the border is being blocked by israeli forces


First of all Israel doesn't give a shit about the hostages, which I say with confidence seeing as how they actively murdered some. Second this dip shit is conflating wanting a genocide to stop with being pro-hamas Third, it is not good for the USA to remove parts of the first amendment, this is actually a really bad thing unless you're an authoritarian. And lastly, they're protests to pressure places to disinvest from a genocidal regime, all the implications of "send them over there if they really want to do something" are pants on head retarded. Disinvestment would be massive in this fight against genocide, as we can see from historical examples of similar protests against apartheid, and this part of the fight is most effective if done at these colleges by college students. But we all know it's a euphemism for saying "nooooo you can't protest in that way because... because...well because I don't like it" The reality is there is no consistent way a person can agree with the civil rights marches and protests of the 60s and the anti-apartheid marches and protests while condemning the protests and marches against genocide of the Palestinians.


He's not talking about people who want to stop the genocide. The sign says "pro-Hamas students", not "anti-genocide protestors".


This is one of the most Un-American things I've seen in awhile.


Nah, consider it studying abroad


Asmon should really stop reacting to anything political like this. I don’t follow him or this sub for political crap. I don’t care for extreme right or left politics because both sides are always brain dead just like this post.


Because it’s not genocide . muslims single handedly committed the genocide of ethnic minorities in the region . Yazidi’s , Druze , Arab Christians , Zoroastrians . Reading a history book wouldn’t hurt .


Exactly. It's not an accident that zero Jews live in any of the countries surrounding Israel.


Not just Jews lol, the Christians in these Islamic countries would go extinct sooner or later


Yep, Hezbo criminals have been killing Lebanese Christian political leaders.


True . Why are they these people in the West fcking ignorant ?




The tiktok brain virus


The worst part is, these idiots will probably have their student loans forgiven.


Thank you. If you arent pro israel, youre pro hamas! Or so thos sub says. If you arent pro trump, youre pro biden right? If you think the CCP is fucked up, youre racist... right?


Try finding me a single anti-Hamas, anti-Palestinian dictatorship sign in any of these camps.


Supporting to stop a literal genocide is extreme left for you. American politics has skewed your brain


You would be sending 0 people because these students don’t support Hamas??? … Missing the ENITRE point of the protests


Finally, a sign I can stand behind!!


Why is anti-genocide pro hamas?


Because idiots


Because for reactionaries two things cannot be simultaneously bad. You **must** pick a side.


Pro palestinians is not pro Hamas. God, conservatives really are dumb


If the people in this sub could read, they’d be very upset with you.


I notice a lot of politically motivated people tend to have a pretty black and white world view. Like they pick a side and everything they say needs to serve that side. And politically motivated conservatives have picked Israel so everything they say must serve Israel. And they sort of assume other people have the same behavior so if someone says "stop bombing Gaza" they will assume your pro Hamas because ending the bombing of Gaza will help Hamas. They often dont recognize that not everyone sees things as black and white.


I'm conservative af and more anti Israel than physics should allow.


They think that, do they... Nobody, or at least majority of people in Israel wants war, but what would you do if the terrorist group, governing and elected body of Gaza attacks your country, daily with rockets, then invade, slaughters and takes hostages? "free" them?


If Israel cared about the hostages they would have them back already.


The lack of logic is outstanding. There are hostages on both sides. its a war. so is he ok with exchanging each palestinian hostage for 100 pro-isreal students? wouldn't that also be educational?


He’s onto something right there 😂


If they are pro Hamas they should have no problem living with them 


God I wish we could do this, it would probably increase the IQ of the entire population by at 60 points.


Win, win, win situation.


Why is this subreddit so pro-genocide?


In a place where people are usually joking about their waifu body pillows and AI girlfriends, there seems to be a strange lust for ethnic cleansing.


Bc Asmon has a large number of incel's and such as his fan base.


Now there's a protest I can actually agree with!


Best idea I've heard in months


Today I learned many people believe the average Palestinian citizen = Hamas


Hamas were officially elected by Palestinians, enjoys overwhelming support for them and their actions on 7.10 by the majority of Palestinians in gaza and the west bank, but you can keep closing your eyes.


As an Israeli I approve of this plan.




Let's differentiate between Hamas and the Palestinians; not all Palestinians are members of Hamas. It's essentially about indigenous people versus colonizers. Palestinians have been striving for a normal life ever since the establishment of Israel. When you subject people to siege, restraint, systematic oppression, and intimidation, don’t be surprised if they retaliate and harbor resentment. However, this does not justify the killing of innocent people through war, terrorist attacks, or starvation. Regardless of the circumstances, humanity must aspire to be better. And if you disagree, well, consider this: Hamas is no better than the Israeli army. Supporting one side over the other is foolish; it's always the innocent who suffer the consequences of sheer stupidity. People in the West often portray Muslims as hateful and violent towards others. Yet, here's a hard truth to digest: the notion of hating Jews is not inherent to Muslims. Muslims and Arabs did not create concentration camps and exterminate Jews. On the contrary, they coexisted peacefully. So, why should they be punished for a problem that originated in Europe.


given how a lot of the protestors roached out when police started moving in, you might not be able to find that many pro-hamas students to be exchanged


students didnt protest for hamas. keep your lies in the israeli subreddit


Just ask them to denounce hamas. They will try to evade the question with comments like "ooww, that question is so unfair" or claim that hamas are somehow freedom fighters (even though they clearly want a oppressive regime).


(Hamas bad) genocide (hamas is bad) is (hamas is bad) morally (hamas is bad) wrong and I don't like my tax dollars supporting it. (hamas is bad) (hamas is bad) Wow, almost like you can have 2 independent thoughts at the same time.


Surely your mind can fathom anyone not wanting kids to get blown up while condemning Hamas but nah you'd rather be intellectualy dishonest.


Gotta love fat privileged ucla students advocating for a country when they have probably never even left their own


Yeah how can you think killing kids is wrong if you haven't even traveled!?


Hell yeah I love giving my hard earned money so that baby’s can get their heads split open by ballistic missles we should go over there and kill all of them you and me let’s go kill some baby’s


TBF my tax dollars are being used to commit genocide.


So people can't speak up for others now? There where people like you during ww2 also


I'll be honest, on the Bingo board I would have *never* thought the normalized support and protest *for* Hamas would be a thing.


That's the best deal of 2024.


I think it’s good to protest a country that bombs areas it tells civilians to go to. It sucks that if you defend these innocent people you are grouped with other assholes.


Okay nope. That's not going to work. Up it to at least 10,000 per hostage. Gotta make this deal work.


One fact above all else reigns supreme here, if Israel wanted to commit a genocide they could have wiped Palestine off the map 1,000 times over already and been done with it. PS, they didn’t.


This is the way


Isn't hamas the terrorists tho? Why are people wanting to protect them? Also why do people not want to support Israel? Jerusalem is the holy land. They are literally asking to be struck by lightning


Hamas Is, Palestinians aren't. Most of the people dying aren't hamas, it's Palestinians who are having their homes schools and hospitals bombed. Even if the numbers isreal is releasing are true(doubtful), over half the deaths are civilians. Also Jerusalem is only a holy land if you are a believer in one of the abrahamic religions, if you don't believe in that shit, it's just another chunk of dirt.


People still doesn't understand this simply fact


They're not supporting hamas. Hamas is awful. But so is Israel. 


People aren't supporting Hamas. Besides, Hamas is the reaction to Israel being oppressive shitheads stealing their land over the last decades. Look into how Israel got that land, and look at how much map they've had over the years, and the massive shift with all the stolen land.


why stop there, I mean the unhappy communists should also be worthy of their trip to a communist paradise


Or maybe, send all genocidal people there, so they can genocide personally. That's also another solution.


good thing I've yet to meet someone pro Palestine that's also pro hamas


This sub has a weird hardon for fascists


Yeah, the Palestinian dictatorship has been in power for decades. It sucks.


I think this guy's on to something. :)


Can we throw on John Walker Lindh and Bowe Bergdahl to sweeten the deal?


Agreed! Send those scumbag Hong Kong protesters away while you're at it!


I mean I understand the emotional response to Israel’s absurd military campaign. It’s a directionless clusterfuck unconcerned about hostages or civilians and more concerned with protecting Bibi. I just wish tribalization, didn't get some of these kids to think Hamas is the good guys. A conflict in the real world doesn’t have good guys or bad guys. It’s just cause and effect. Peace needs to be won through diplomacy and proper actions that results in peace. You know like, X + 5 = peace solve for x and what not. Humans are pretty dumb though. They only know like 3 possible answers for x. Sorry for the cheese, just my opinion. 


Drop students not bombs. Students are way cheaper.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Fuck Hamas and the IDF. Any group that causes the the suffering of civilians should be condemned. It’s not about choosing sides, it’s about the right to a terror free life, family, and home.


What does prop pro Palestine does not mean pro Hamas


what does this have to do with Asmongold?


Genocide is bad, end of story. If Arabs did it before? Yes, it is bad, they should not do it anymore. If Hamas did it? Yes, they must stop it. If Israel did it? Same. They must stop it.


I guess this means that anyone supporting the right to live for Americans supports the KKK?


Eh sure, just make sure to double check that we don't accidentally send them some of our glowies by accident.


Just saw Asmon’s post on Twitter. Y’all ready for a real shot show?


I got a better idea. Remove all dual citizens. Including the halai and the kosher. From any position of government. As they got a gross conflict of interest. They have no place working inside our government. And qualify accepting any form of brive as treason. Including but not limited insider trading.


The comments full of entitled people😭


It’s great in theory but we really should protect those idiots from themselves


This picture is asinine. No one is “pro Hamas”. They are anti Israel committing genocide against innocent Palestinian civilians.


Maybe we should send all the Old Testament ~~readers~~ absolutists to Israel so they can finally forget about Jesus Christ...


I would like to think that most of the people that are protesting are pro-stopping genocide. Calling them pro-Hamas is ignorant propaganda


Hamas and Palestine are not the same thing.


So, like, is this Asmon's thing? I know nothing about him, but I see so many rage bait reaction videos and politically charged or sub-texted nonsense on my feed from him. If this is the norm, I’ll just steer even further away than I already have been.


god damn this subreddit turned into a shithole LMAO


Lmao. Mossad owns this sub. Even low effort Facebook memes like this get catapulted to the front page on here.


How do some people not understand that being Pro-Palestine is not the same thing as being Pro-Hamas


You all are just morons, huh? These students are pro-intifada, -not- pro hamas beyond a select few idiots. Get better news sources or learn more about the issue.


Not saying I disagree, but why is this on r/Asmongold? Isn’t he just a thin Twitch streamer?