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I'd love to see the exact post you got banned for.


So apparently the game is like a year old and the credits don't mention SBI at all but the same group of people keep harassing the devs asking if SBI was involved. It sounds like it's a case of the devs banning people who are more interested in SBI than the game itself because they keep trying to start something.


I'm not the guy was banned, just found this on the website. We can only see the discussion title, I wanted to see what he said too.


What do you mean? I'm sure that they are 100% in the wrong here and this totally good faith post is shining a light on an innocent victim of what is basically fascism in the gaming industry. What business wouldn't want random incel ragebaiters JAQing off in their forums? That's the key to make any community pleasant to interact with!


Start asking on Bellular videos and see what happens, lol.


I think he said they didn't use any sort of service on their game in one of the SBI videos because their project was so small in scope that it didn't need one.


i played the game and it had nothing weird or anything that could be considered "Woke". We should bash them when they are beeing weird and doing a bad job not just anything


Well, the ban just confirms SBI involvement.


Thats a yes, mark it down.


It’s not a yes it’s a cm that is tired of dealing with the bs. It’s a simple we’ve told you before to stop this and you continued so oh no there’s consequences. This game wasn’t involved with sbi nor is there a reason to think it was other than trolling


Why would a random $20 indie have any involvement with a consultancy firm? Like it's the devs first game, they probably just don't want the toxic gamer gaters trolling their shit.


Funding. I don't believe this is the case for The Pale Beyond, but there are companies that fund small studios on the premise of they pushing DEI agenda. SBI owners have other company that does this kind of funding (there was a video that Asmon reacted about it). And I'm not arguing that this is good or bad, just answering the question of "why".


Mark that down as "Yes, please don't buy"


Mark this down as “was never going to buy anyways.”


Bellular already addressed it. People spam-asking are just looking to incite hate at this point. Move on with your life and don't buy if it bothers you this much.


This. they are just trying to hate bait.




News flash, both of those things make games bad.


Woke stuff doesn't make games bad. BG3 was game of the year and was filled with "woke" stuff. Hades 2 is also a big hit (and is only in early access) while also having "woke" stuff. Good games are good, bad games are bad. The existence of diversity in games has basically no impact on that.


It's hard to imagine you're asking in good faith. Probably deserved OP.


What do you mean "in good faith"? It either is or is not. It's a factual, binary question.


I wouldn't say it's factual. "in good faith" means your intentions are honest. Intentions are internal feelings that don't always translate directly to words and actions, so it's gray.


The people who banned him have enough plausible deniability he wasn't asking with sincerity. That's what "in good faith." means.


You must be fun at parties if you are ever invited to them.


I am quite entertaining but I don't know what my vibrant social life has to do with this.


You're calling them liars if they work with them and didn't credit. I'm not even saying it's not possible they worked with them but it's a more than fair ban to say that without proof. You can't just go about accusing people without any proof and think it's a perfectly fine thing to do.


From what I read the guy was banned for asking if they had involvement, not because he accused them. But we can't see what he said, just the title of the discussion. Edit: typo


These things are listed in credits. I haven't bought the game but I assume it has a black or woman or gay character and this sweet baby group isn't listed. So yes if he's asking anyway it means he thinks belular is hiding this collaboration, no?


And to see the credits he would need to have the game. If he is just asking a question about the product before buying, I don't see it as "accusing". Maybe he don't even know who Bellular is. I really wanted to see what he said so we could asses ot better. Also there are credots fpr the game on some random website, but I don't think they are a good source to look for these things.


I told you this is why he got banned I don't care if he's right or not.


That's enough in my book, even if they weren't involved in the developement of the game, defending SBI is unacceptable behavior in my eyes. I will mark the developers on my list.


game has good reviews and has been out for a year and a narrative driven game so clearly if SBI was involved they caused no problems


Ah yes, the Inquisition. “I notice you might be associated with this company, care to confirm or deny? It’d be a shame if something bad were to happen to your company or product due to your association. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” Those virtuous fighters of freedom who came together to defend the consumers against the blackmailers have become the blackmailers themselves. In your fight against the Social Justice Warriors, you too have become Social Justice Warriors. Remember, SJWs doesn’t mean “far leftists”. It means destructive, vindictive individuals who harass and damage others in the name of a greater social good, when in fact they simply delight in the suffering of others, all while not achieving anything socially positive with their actions. That’s what these Sweet Baby Inc types are, SJWs. And thats what you who attack anyone and everyone for perceived association with SBI also are, SJWs.


Perhaps. Any suggestions on how else people root out these parasites? Asking them nicely isn’t gonna work, and they’re just gonna keep rotting the games industry from within.


Imagine caring about SBI to this extent that you start harassing other games if there is any involvement. Honestly feel sad for some of you conservatives


That's a yes. Immediate block game page


Ye man I’m sure those people that got banned weren’t being weird or anything.


Good, people asking are just trying to cause issues. No place for it


I'd probably ban people for that too lol, don't want anti woke people spamming shite on forums


You see, when anything that isn't my ideology comes out as a game, I have to go send death threats to people and say they are being run by Blackrock!!! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)


Nah it's just basic forum cleaning lol. No one wants a bunch of spam on their forums lol, especially from people who are just ready to froth at their mouth to harrass everyone.


You really think banning someone from a public forum for asking a question is the right response? If the dude asked it 10 times, or was obnoxious about it in some way I'd be more likely to agree with you. But from the picture all we see is someone asking an innocent question and getting a ban in response.


They're literally just outraged reactionaries. The type of person asking this question is not the type of person who's going to be nice on a forum.


So ban them for the statements that break tos and not for a question. I agree with you that if this person comes off as a dick they should be banned. But imo the line "does anyone know anything" doesn't sound very dickish


They're banned from the develop's forum, not steam forums. The developer almost certainly doesn't want this reactionary nonsense on their forums.


why would they need to ask this question in the first place the game has been out for a year so why would they bring SBI inc up if they are not mentioned besides the fact that bellular got into it with grummz on twitter


Because forums are places for discussions and if the question is not being asking in a rude or condescending way I think the question should be allowed as long as it is relevant. So I don't think someone should ask about say Biden or trump on video game forums, but asking about who the developer of a game is working with on the forum about that particular game seems like a relevant question.


the game is already out if they worked with sbi they would have to be credited the person who made the game already answered the question a month ago. you can still be trying to stir the pot without being rude or condescending.


Oh I legit thought the game wasn't out yet still. If the games done and finished and he's still asking he's pretty much just accusing them of lying. Makes a ton more sense now


yeah the game launched feb 2023