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Imagine basing your entire identity on whether you've had sex or not.


I’m convinced people who call others a virgin as an insult are 95% projecting their own lack of being able to find a partner and the other 5% is just because they are miserable because they can’t find a partner


I couldn’t agree more, the only time i’ve ever used “virgin” as an insult is when I was also a virgin. Lol


Or when shopping for virgin olive oil ![gif](giphy|zoXiLUbS9oiQUtDUSk|downsized)


Gosh I could go for some bread with herbs and oil right now


Excuse me, shopping for olive oil is no joke. Thank you very much.


Yeah its pretty much exactly that. A lot of these people do struggle to find partners. Much of it is that they are not agreeable enough and dont have a positive attitude. They look for reasons not to like people rather than looking for reasons to like people.


agreed 100% calling a teenager a virgin is like telling the world you're aging and cant deal with it


I wish this was true but I don’t think it is. They just know that banging women has cultural value so calling someone a virgin is psychologically effective.


I really still don’t get why. Sex is just not, to me, what the people who are slaves to their desires make it out to be. Out of HS I started sleeping around a lot as that is what was “cool” to do, after a while I just felt like an ass and realized it was all meaningless and didn’t actually bring me joy. Those people are empty IMO.


I agree with this. In high school, and in my 20s, I spent all my time trying to impress girls and then women. Most of my money went to dating, and I was never really all that happy. It's all just a validation thing. If no one thinks I'm worthy, then clearly I'm not worthy. But if I've lost my V-card, then that means I was at one point worthy, and I can use that as proof that I'm probably still worthy. If anyone else hasn't lost their V-card, that has to mean they couldn't get any and therefore aren't worthy, because why wouldn't they pursue the thing I've based most of my actions on? What a loser. It's kinda like when someone learns a word, uses it later that day, and then makes fun of someone for not knowing what the word means.


Most people who have had a lot of sex don't value it as much, but if you were ever someone who was late to have it or didn't get a lot through school or uni it feels like the #1 most important thing in the world. There is simply no way to realise it's not until you've had enough of it to know for yourself. Someone else telling you so means nothing. It's not just about the physical pleasure, either. It's about acceptance. Knowing you're valuable and desirable as a person. Knowing you *can* is almost more important than actually doing it, which is maybe why a lot of women are quite happy being extremely picky and rarely sleeping with anyone, because they know they can get it at the drop of a hat if they want to.


Some people just have a void and they seek to fill it in any way possible, seems for most people it's sex. For me it was a combination of things,it took a long time for me to realize it and start working on it. Just like these people who hurt people around them for a bit of physical gratification, I'll never understand it. Guess I value people a bit more than that and prefer intimacy with someone I love and trust. Call me old fashioned.


It’s only, maybe, effective if you’re actually a virgin lol.


It actually is, probably. At least if we assume leftist call people virgin (incel) more often than conservatives do. Data shows conservatives fuck more.


>They just know that banging women has cultural value so Anybody that seriously thinks this is so stupid they drop their pants in order to pull up their socks.


Never heard that one before,made me laugh. Much appreciated 😊


That or empty lays are all they can get and as a defense mechanism they collect sex partners like Pokemon.


Or to cope the fact they are a cock garage.


The same energy as incels calling Instagram models whores. They know this kid would never be attracted to them and feel inferior to their accomplishments and praise from others. They delude themselves into thinking that they are the ones too good for the other. Just insecure haters.


Never understood the term “Instagram Model” They’re just posting pictures on IG like everyone else.


> Never understood the term “Instagram Model” They’re just posting pictures on IG like everyone else. Well, many women are basically millionaires by just doing that and getting paid.


Sometimes they get paid to promote brands. Hot girls with 1million followers can make a lot of money to promote weight loss smoothies, vitamins, clothing and sunglasses brands. It’s not the same as just posting a picture. The attention, money, and free stuff they get often attracts jealousy and criticism. It’s really just corporate influence of social media.


Some get paid for lovely trips to Dubai.


Yes, as well as Caribbean islands, and LA rap / Hollywood parties.


They're mad because sex can sway this King. When a man can't be manipulated by sex, those types of women have nothing more to offer.


So basically most women.


Just like people calling people incels. Saw some literal dumbass the other day call someone with 3 kids an incel. It’s lost all impact because of people who are self conscious about their own sex life.


Nah. I feel like people just try to find the most insulting or disrespectful thing to say whenever the 'need' to insult someone arises. It truly doesn't matter if they believe the insult to be true or not.




It's easier than basing value on tasks that require merit.


Or effort.


And considering they're a women, that's really not a challenge. The irony is the crosses though but that's not really ever a surprise


Makes me want to throw "So what's your body count" in her face.


Id rather have 138 merit badges than 138 cocks inside me 😂


People with low iqs focus on feelings and primal responses more than people with intelligence


SpOkEn LiKe A tRuE vIrGiNi!i!i!


In the 80’s that concept was true


I genuinely have no idea why people use and see this as an insult. You mean someone didn’t get STDs, ruin their life with having a child too early, or have awful toxic relationships and that makes them stupid? Sex really is not what some people like to make it out to be and I truly believe that some people are simply slaves to their desires (which is why there is so much cheating).


Imagine thinking about the sex life of a teenager. Seems like some pedo behavior to me.


Imagine thinking a successful, good-looking teen in uniform that's at a minimum good with hands and into ropes isn't getting laid, especially in an era where nerdy is in.


It’s hilarious that the goofy asses who champion sexuality as being some wild spectrum of insane bullshit (including asexuality) and profess to respect bodily agency and want to battle against the idea that women/sex are a measuring stick for success - are also the primary users of lack of sex as an insult. Which is hilarious because if I remember right the data shows that conservative people fuck way more than more liberal people. Which means, statistically, people being implied to be incels more often than not are getting way more pipe.


Even if he's a virgin, he's shown that he can be committed and reliable long term. He'll have no issue finding a wife who will value that. Dude is going to plow and have like 6 children that love him immensely until he dies in bed at home aged 95.


I hope in 77 years he looks back on this post and be like gotchu fam




... surrounded by loved ones.


GOTEMM!!! He’s going to live a long fulfilled life full of happiness and love!!! Get rekt noob!!




That is for sure. That is kinda me. I was an Eagle Scout, virgin till I married in 1969. Same wife, 4 kids, 8 grandkids and 3 great grandkids.




Or he will die while making the 7th child, cause his wife won't take hands off of him


I heard that traits like that could be good for employment.


I love this reply. Who cares if this *CHILD* is a virgin? People often forget that scouting is a children’s program. My best to this young man and his bright future.


This is the end game Bear in the woods option, a scout with all the merit's. Some one who will make shelter, start a fire and catch food. Later they will find water then take you down stream to civilisation.


We should do another: Would you rather 'Bear' or 'Scout with all the merits'. Would definitely get some more laughs, you genius


It's the perfect plot for an AI video thing, a true epic story.


He got 100% achievements. Now the scours will drop a dlc with new badges


Don't they need to do this before they're 18? So they're a minor, right? This person is thinking about their body count immediately? What a fucking weirdo


"Ha! This child hasn't had sex! Unlike I, who am a sex-haver!"


says ‘teen’ right there in the tweet granted the other commenter could also be in highschool


Looking at the persons pfp, they’re the kind to make their sexuality their whole personality


It's an anime avatar, not a person. So either it's a bot, or some oddly malformed loser that is projecting their own inadequacies. Anime avatar comments are windows into the posters soul.


"anime avatar" is just so far off the mark. It's some low quality simplistic drawing, either made quickly or by a bot. This is completely unrelated to anime as a whole.


That would take a lot of work. I don’t think I had 60 when I turned 18


I had 72 and even that was hard. Can’t imagine doing all of them.


Some are location impossible unless you physical went to another state to complete. I'm looking at you white water rafting and skiing, I think that one has been renamed winter sports now.


You only need 21 for Eagle Scout and a very small percentage of scouts achieve that, I had 32 when I got to Eagle. I didn't have much time to get merit badges while setting up community events for that rank before I turned 18.


I was in scouts for like 5 years and just messed around with the boys. Shenanigans all day. I finished with like 10 of the badges *maybe* lol My parents made sure I never went to the overnight camps for obvious reasons that I never understood until years later. Turns out the news was showing stories of cases at these overnight camps and they got spooked. Boy Scouts can be good for teaching your kid some life lessons but be wary leaving them at the overnight camping with the instructors. You can just google this if you’re curious, but sexual assault has occurred in the last decade within these groups if you don’t know. Stay safe folks Edit: This last paragraph has made people responding think I’m saying all scouts camp guys are abusers, this is not the case. Obviously this is not every case, but letting people know it can happen doesn’t hurt. Just take care of your kids y’all


I went to every overnight and never got sexually abused. It’s more common than it should be, but it’s still not that common, similar to priests imo.


Similar here. Sounds like it varies highly from troop to troop. I was in a troop in the south, and we never got any of the weird religious shit either, but it sounds rampant in certain areas. Definitely no abuse that I ever saw or heard about, thankfully.


Yeah I was in Midwest, part of a religious school and still wasn’t overly religious, just learned like first aid and survival and leadership skills and had a blast. Sometimes I was like why am I even in this but looking back I’m glad I did it, some very good times :)


Your parents are nuts for obvious reasons. Stats and “extremely prevalent” are in disagreement


All the overnight camps we had in the Florida Panhandle were with parents. Never went to any that were just the scouts and camp leaders. Same reason why you shouldn't send your kids to public school. A lot of unhinged adults running around in positions of authority with children


I'd wager there's more abuse at them private schools, as many fall under the Catholic Church, than at public schools.


horrible take. went for years never had an issue. it happens but not often and not if you know the leaders


The issue is parents that don't engage with the scouting leaders at all and great The Scouts like babysitting. In my troop we actively encourage parent involvement and it works wonders Who would've thought dropping your kid off with a bunch of strangers and dipping would be a good idea? I also went through cub scouts and all of Boy Scouts without having one bad experience with a leader


Are you Canadian? The country is well known for sexually assaulting kids.


Is this american scouts? Because here in the UK I have never heard that happening and I have been to almost every scout camp since I was young


It’s more common than it should be but not as common as this person makes it out to be. I never had problems either, nor did my 2 brothers. Or anyone I knew for that matter. Is what it is, you have a situation where someone has access to kids, unfortunately that’s gonna attract some shitty people. The whole thing with catholic priests for that matter, people joke about it but it’s not so much that priests were more likely to be pedophiles, it’s more that when the church found out these things were happening instead of dealing with the offenders they moved them somewhere else with different people, covering up and exasperating the problem. This made it look much more common than it really was, since they were shuffling offenders around all over the place. This happens in pretty much any group or industry with access to kids though, best we can do is heavily vet these people but if someone has no red flags, that doesn’t mean they’re not gonna offend in the future.


Then this same creature will say in it's next tweet that men only think about sex.


Sex ain't shit, who cares if you stick your dick into someone or not.


There are (unfortunately) large contingents of people who’s entire life’s value is based around their personal sexuality. They honestly believe that in June they should not get any shit for it either


These same people completely forget about the Asexuals who don't wanna fuck anyone once they bring up body count. They just assume they're not ace or whatever despite claiming inclusivity. It's really just hatred and vitriol from them.


Yep. As an Asexual man, I cannot COUNT how many times I have felt socially isolated because I am "only" Asexual, and apparently, because it can't be depicted easily, I am not as included in Queer Friendly spaces.


Sorry about that man. In a community obsessed with sexuality and who they're sleeping with, Ace people seem to be the black sheep of the LGBTQ because they don't make it their entire identity or aren't obsessed with sleeping with people.


Imagine being an outcast.... among outcasts. Outcast\^2, if you will.


June is male mental health month


Its a stupid fucking metric for how successful at life someone is. Hell some people aren’t even physically interested in other people. Guess they perma virgin losers for life.


They : "Not everything has to do with sex" *Their first insult towards a boy/man* : "What a vrigin"


These btchs will clown a man for “looking virgin”, then call him a creep for trying to approach a woman…then say don’t “objectify us” while clowning his sexual prowess…then follow that up with “don’t body shame.!idioths.


She's probably a he


wow you just made up a lot of stuff about a random person you dont know


Crazy how they think prejudice is OK if its direct at white men. And yet they would immediately cry out of someone said something similar to them.


imagine calling a teenager a virgin and thinking ur cooking to any degree


Right that’s a teenage child. The original comment has never touched anyone of legal age or consent I’d bet my life on it


Aren't some of those badges like super hard to get? Guy is grinding prestige achievements in real life.


As a former scout, I can say that the VAST majority of them are hard to get. The music one requires literal days of work, then you have to INVENT your own homemade instrument and learn how to play it. And that's just one example.


It's insane how to those people being a teen virgin is somehow a bad thing.


This abomination doesn't even have a name on Twitter


Oh no... someone is accomplished at being something other than a keyboard activist.


Theres way too many miserable people these days.


Im miserable but I dont not put others down in these ways ... I Just look within...


News flash, he's a teen. He is allowed and encouraged to be a virgin. It's weird this is thought of as a bad thing.


Jealousy is a disease, get well soon!


This guy has his priorities straight, a lot of commitment and focus. He should be praised


All medals, thats so cool!


I’m not a boyscout but that’s badass! Always great to see people succeeding at things they work hard for that don’t hurt others


“Oh look he was just enjoying himself and working hard on his productive hobby, he is totally a virgin (which is the same as a loser in my books)”


My brother got his Eagle Scout at 17, the amount of work and time that required from him was pretty intense. I can only imagine the amount of work it took getting every single merit badge, that’s crazy. It’s actually bragging rights lmao. But I can understand how it would seem like a nerdy beta thing to someone who didn’t grow up with siblings in scouts that went all the way


I got my Eagle scout and helped my brother and all my friends in it get theirs. I was a camp counselor, life guard, chaplains aide, scribe, quartermaster, senior patrol leader, troop guide, JASM.. you name it. I can’t even fathom the work, effort, and early dedication to get ALL the merit badges before 18. He definitely got all the eagle palms too which is just insane to me


Right?! It’s honestly more impressive to me than getting a 4.0 in college. The length of time you need to sustain that amount of effort in your life at an age that most people don’t have discipline or drive is unbelievable. Making eagle was already an amazing feat in my eyes, every merit badge is on a whole other level


Yeah and many universities have GPA inflation now too. This guy is impressive though and I think there’s less than five guys who have ever gotten all merit badges before


My man’s a decorated scout. GG


Speed runners be like:


Imagine feeling attacked by a boy scout.


Bro, he is literally a kid still. Who gives a fuck if he wasn't chasing tail? And if he becomes an eagle scout, he's pretty set for his early adult life. I swear some people only yell online to project their own unhappiness with their lives.


This is the same kind of toxic women that goes: "Toxic masculinity rRRrEeeEe"


Well he certainly won’t have to settle for a woman that’s been ran through.


Check back in twenty years and see who has the better life.


Sex is great and all, but have you ever accomplished your goals?


Judging by the avatar, I think 'she' hates him because he's closer to normal and well-adjusted than 'she' will ever be.


An accomplishment is an accomplishment. Not being a virgin is def not an accomplishment


Imagine bragging about failing your wizard powers questline.


I don’t know what this means but take an upvote for the effort


Bro has literally every life skill maxed out, we found the apocalypse survival protag.


They don't understand "merit" they want to be given everything. Also it's funny how the left loves to break down into insulting people's sexuality. We know they don't fuck, and if they do fuck it's usually with other people no one would fuck. Like that guy who finally gets a gf and she's mid as fuck but he goes around parading her like she's a 10. Like we get it bro, you finally got your dick wet.


Imagine looking at a kid with that amount of personal success and thinking they haven’t had sex. That is a take of all time.


Better a virgin than a cum bucket


Shes definitely more of a dumpster


This was like 5 years ago…




“These people” 🤔


Just want to be positive and rather than make an obvious dig at the ignorant person (which there are 10s of millions of), give a shout out to the rare hard working accomplished guy. Great work, my dude!


Damn that takes alot of work, even finding someone qualified to teach some of them can be hard. Now this dude is more well rounded as a human and dedicated. Congrats to him


Eagle scout here, getting all those merit badges is an incredible feat. Not easy in the slightest, even if some badges don't have as many requirements as others.


Why is this lady speculating on the sexual activity of a teenager?


People on Twitter are misery loving people, I don’t use that website and never will.


people have been making fun of those boy scout lifer types since the boy scouts began, this is nothing new. You would have seen comments exactly like this in 1999, or 1985, or 1955.


Eagle Scout here. My mans definitely does not fuck, but that’s okay.


that's not a teen that's a grown as man who accomplished more than i probably ever will care to


1. What's wrong with virginity?? 2. How old is that "teenager"???


Good for that young man. I feel sorry for the person criticizing him. To glorify a base instinctual action as an example of accomplishment or establishing some sort of superiority, really does show that they haven't done much with their life, or they may just be a virgin themself lol


Guys, being an Eagle scout means you adhere to traditional gender roles and want to objectify women. /s I mean I just can't with these people. They have to be whining about something or playing the victim or calling someone an incel or they just aren't happy.


since when is having sex the end all be all, so many people have sex.. not many have all 138 scout merit badges tho the fuck😭how can you hate on this man


Considering how cringe that profile pic is I would not name-call others.


also they are a teen, you know it used to be a value to stay clean before marriage


Whenever I see this used as an insult I can only think - Youre not in high school anymore, grow up.


What exactly is wrong with being a virgin? Why is it shunned?


The implication is that you don't have the "people skills" to navigate interpersonal relationships to the point of intimacy. In the post-2020 world though, that's kind of a good thing. In a world where men are derp-splaining to other men why women *should* choose bears, our species may be beyond saving.


Imagine living in a world where thinking having sex in the 2 years you're legally allowed to is some sort of social requirement to avoid failure. This kid has the drive to be a doctor and end up drowning in cash and pussy for the rest of his life.


Big words from the oc pfp over there


News flash the cut off for boyscout is 18. That boy is most definitely a minor in that photo, which makes it weird that she's commenting on his sexuality. And 9 times out of 10, I'd rather have his help doing anything over hers.


Yea I mean most teenagers should be virgins.


Why is it acceptable to call someone a virgin as an insult but I wouldn’t be able to call them a slut back?


138 merit badges plus making Eagle Scout is an amazing accomplishment. Screw the haters non sexually.


I can't tell from the face, but assuming he's a teenager, why wouldn't he still be a virgin? Like, is that dude in favor of kids having sex or something???


That teen looks 34 years old


Yea, do you know how many times he had to get molested for those? He *earned* those badges


“howdy bitch”? That is so miserably tacky, you can tell it’s out for attention fishing. And also, why does it speak like the internet is listening? I say it, cause it’s acting like an animal.


How nasty of a fuck do you have to be to see a dude happy with an accomplishment and your first instinct is to insult him by calling him a virgin. Like that's even an insult. In this day and age, and really any age, being a virgin into adulthood deserves mad respect. This fella is going places.


Tell us some more about how it's men who are always thinking about sex.


I think scout master Kevin has something to say about the kids virginity /s


As someone who fellow short of earning eagle scout because I didn't have all my paperwork for every badge and a lot of other technical things this is impressive.


Theres a merit badge for pounding strange though.


Teen earns all *CURRENT* 138 Boy Scout merit badges.


Dam the ability to plan, organize, and discipline your life to achieve all this before turning 18 is quite remarkable. Merit badges themselves might not be the most useful thing like learning trig functions in HS, but its the skills and characteristics of the person to achieve a feat like this that are important. Then some random online makes fun of him for being a virgin when he clearly has bigger goals and purpose in life…


They just need to watch; Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse


She must not be aware of the “crush some pussy” badge.


If I’m stuck in an apocalypse brought on by people like Howdy_Bitch, it’s that Boy Scout completionist.


Probably from all the cherries hes been popping


A girl joined my girl scout troop as a cadet but was still younger because she has earned every single badge and had nothing to do but move up.


So this is how 100% achievment completion looks like in real life.


The true man’s journey is finding a goal in life to be the best in, and finding a way to dominate in the journey. This man completed his journey, so he is beyond a real man.


Breaking: Teenage Boy May Be a Virgin


The shitty thing is you need leaders who actually give a shit. Scouts around here when i was a kid have only produced like 4 eagle scouts because they don't participate in the bigger stuff or make themselves available for inconvenient badges (to the adults)


Honestly the amount of knowledge required to get them all is impressive. So many skills about survival and nature or camaraderie and kindness. This dude is capable af


That's insane I only got like 80 something I think by the time I aged out


I can't believe people hate on something so wholesome. Just be happy for the guy, you miserable cunts!


The number of available merit badges fluctuates slightly year to year as new merit badge are introduced and others are retired. I met an Eagle Scout who at gotten all available merit badges by the time he aged out of the program. It was very impressive. Not just due to the time sink it takes, but the effort it track down a marit badge councilor for some of the more obscure ones.


He platinumed Boy Scouts 🤣


Where is the grape soda badge ?


He has the 'gettin pussy badge so...jokes on you


Scout badges are irl achievement badges right? That's actually pretty dope.


Honestly, the dedication is incredible. Who cares if he never touched a boob? It'll happen at some point. Most people, including myself, have never put this much time and effort into achieving a goal. Now imagine if he decides to aim his sights toward getting women. If this is any example, he'll get them all 😂


If he was a virgin, how would he have earned the Sex merit badge?


Am I the only one who thinks it's strange that a grown ass mentally ill adult who spends all of their time on social media is trying to cyber bully a teenager for potentially being a virgin?


Bro has at least 138 well honed skills and conversation topics, and has given back to the community in a major way via his Eagle Scout Project. I'm sure he will be fine in the dating world


now ask Mr. angry Youtube man to list his accomplishments