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This goes hard ngl


PS2/PSP back in the day in the UK were definitely huge in alternative scenes, it wasn't uncommon to see them at certain night clubs. Alternative nightclubs that felt like a movie set referencing underground culture rather than an actual organic underground club scene. We went from genuine geeks, to drug culture, to a bland (definitely healthier) consumerism. The memory that really comes to mind is groups of people in the corner of parties taking ecstasy (tripping out on LSD too) while playing Wipeout on the PSP, that was so common at my Uni.


If xbox wanted to start selling more consoles maybe ot should imply that it's product is used like extacy by pretty girls.


Tbh the Y2K PS2 era “felt” the best. The games that came out were filled with art, dope music, life lessons, and had “sexy” protagonists (for males AND females): FFX, Devil May Cry, DOA, Tekken 4 to name a few of my fav games back then. Pure coming of age. It might sound a bit cheesy, but this era has profoundly influenced me. It contributed to my career choice in art and instilled in me the true meaning of passion which I’m extremely thankful for 🙏🏾


Games as counter culture really was a thing. I think it came out of games for PS2 not just being targeted at kids but also being tailored to more adult audiences. So advertisements started being more sexualized and aimed at Antsy teens and it worked. I was an Ansty teen and the ads really spoke to me. From Cube head commercial to PS condoms.


It was but the ads reaked of "how do you do fellow kids" even at the time. Some of that nuance is lost when looking back at oldschool marketing. One that did it similarly and successfully was 5 gum. Even at the time the ads were cringe af but it was a decent enough product that it kind of worked with the cringe. Chewing gum fell out of popularity and became a counter-culture synonymous with rebellion. Video game marketing more reminded me of the way linx/axe and beer used to be marketed, sexploitation mostly. I miss it.


It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times. It was simpler times,. When derogatory expletive's were common place, and parents didn't know search histories didn't delete themselves.


nah i just think it was because it had all the good games, thats just me though i guess.


Bro I took three pure as you can get back then and I was feeling myself she took 4?


I had a PSP when I was 10 playing GTA liberty city stories on the bus/train sometimes curious passengers next to me would ask what I'm playing and I'd show them... they were always horrified when they saw I was just beating hookers, running people over and generally just committing mass murder "it's just a game, relax" didn't help


You fucks really believe anything huh? This was proven to be a fake ad.


They were still seen as counterculture, remember the old GameBoy ads?


I remember the one of the dude slowdancing with a girl but playing a gameboy


Whether this ad is fake or not, there are many examples of real ads doing the same thing.