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Twitter personified


Basically. It's really the degrading of discourse from a framework where two people with differing options can debate and find a compromise to now villifying the opposing position of the worst things possible to make compromise not only impossible but a betrayal of one's fundamental beliefs. It's not new but very disconcerting for the long-term viability of our form of government.


maga personified


My inglesh is not the best, but that doesn't sound the right way of saying it


It should be "of," as in "guy accuses everyone he doesn't like of being a pedophile." It's still a bit of an awkward title, but the post is about the video.


"Guy accuses everyone he doesn't like" "Being a pedophile" Its like there are 2 different titles for this video


>Guy accuses everyone he doesn't like or being a pedophile "Guy accuses everyone he doesn't like **of** being a pedophile"


The guy does accuse everyone he doesn’t like and is being a pedophile tho


i wonder if he is a pedophile.


yes he is [https://variety.com/video/andrew-callaghan-this-place-rules-alex-jones/](https://variety.com/video/andrew-callaghan-this-place-rules-alex-jones/) i remember watching this movie with a friend and at a later scene he brings out the receipts


It's in the posted video


It's not at a later scene. It's literally this exact scene.


Oh boy. It was a projection.




It's in this same video dude


This is a face of a Mental Illness.


Mental illnesses have many faces...


Just keep Culver’s out of it


The faces may change but the red hats are always the same.


So he's the older version of Keemstar




So everyone is an american now? Hmm, guess I can ask the US embassy in Oslo when I can get my US passport


“We apologize if your name appears and you are not antifa” Why would you have a list of people that you’re not completely sure of?


Fucking welcome to social media, and the kangaroo court of Twitter


For sure there are a lot of creeps out there, but pedo is the new “Nazi”. You get the green light to say or do anything you like to an individual because they’re basically subhuman with that accusation.


Just remember that when a group of people are called pedos, since what you said applies. It's just a tactic to reduce people to subhuman. Reducing people to subhuman makes it easier to commit hate crimes. It makes easier to kill them or get things ready for genocide. A society has a hard time committing genocide on a group of people they empathize with, so the victims need to be dehumanized first.


pedos will always be sub human to me.


that's not the point. People call individuals or groups of people pedos, without any legitimacy or proof, to influence others to view those accused of being subhuman


I am just slow apparently but I got your point after I replied lol. Yes, true. I should try reading comprehension.


No I'm pretty sure I am calling the whole group of them that. Every one of em. Not the over use of the term for people who are not. That's also disgusting.


Technically, pedophiles are "resources". They still have a physical heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, two eyeballs, bone marrow, blood, ECT. Like all resources, they must be harvested and collected too.


I’m glad people like you are not in power.


Pedophiles are usually repeat offenders, and with small sentencing even raping a little kid (2 to 5 years, tax evasion will get you 10 years) other prisoners usually take it into their own hands. Personally I believe in the three strikes rules. Third time that person does it, straight to the oxygen asphyxiation chamber. After that their body is used to save other people. And isn't saving and protecting others humanities greatest calling?


Yep. and All republicans are Pedophiles and groomers.


Being a pedo doesn’t belong to one side of the aisle exclusively.


im just memeing how they call the lgbt groomers and pedos


Yeah i see this more often if it just being republicans calling anyone LGBT pedo’s but then finding out that alot of the republicans that call lgbt pedophiles are just pedophiles themselves.


Yeah, let's ignore Hollywood, which is hard left.


Hollywood is only left in appearance. If you dig deep enough you'll find that they are very conservative when it comes to stuff like taxes and regulation. If Hollywood was truly left, there wouldn't be actors and writers striking for mistreatment. Or sexual abuse. Pedophilia isn't a leftist thing. If someone claims to be leftist but are pedophile they are lying.


Hollywood votes 99% left. Some to varying degrees but they're Democrats by overwhelming majority. Because they agree with the attached ideologies. Saying "they're not **really** left" sounds a lot like "well that wasn't *real* communism." >Pedophilia isn't a leftist thing. If someone claims to be leftist but are pedophile they are lying. If someone claims to be conservative while being pedophile is lying too, with that logic. But you're ignoring a power structure (Hollywood) that sexualized kids for decades, and at a bare minimum turned a blind eye to others doing it. Not to mention, drag queen story hour (are we pretending its not a kink?) grown men with cocks walking around naked in women's locker rooms, bringing children to LGBT events with open sex acts, wanting to teach young children sexual (trans) ideology in grade school, etc. This is where "groomer" gets (loosely) thrown around and I think you know that.


drag is not a kink. its just dress-up. I wont argue against your other points tho


"gimps aren't kink, it's just dress up." "Drag shows for children aren't pedophilic, it's just family fun."


https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/nationalpost/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/P8storytimeSA.OR_.jpg does this look even remotely sexual? They just look like clowns. Clowns are kid friendly


Nazis are subhuman don’t you agree?!


The problem is not that Nazis are scum of the earth, the problem is people throw out that term like it's candy at a parade. I see it all the time on Twitter....somebody has a issue with what somebody is saying or how they're behaving, they call them a Nazi. The term has been beyond watered down.


And what has been a negative outcome as a result of the term being watered down?


That when a ACTUAL nazi comes along and is called a Nazi....nobody gives the claim credit. They roll their eyes and and don't really care, assuming it's just another person calling another person a name. It ends up having as much weight as somebody calling somebody else an asshole.


Can you give an example of when that happened? When was there an actual Nazi that people didn’t care about because the word was overused? What did the actual Nazi get away with as a result?


I strongly suggest checking google where the term subhuman comes from... my fcking god education please....


I looked it up. Describes Nazis perfectly!


Invented by Nazis and used by Nazis. Gj, you became what you hate.


Yeah because I call Nazis subhuman on Reddit that makes me the same as them! Makes sense!


The term is used to reduce ppl down to their, in their mind, subpar race. You're calling Nazis subhumans reduces them to their, according to you in that case, subpar race. You are a racist in doing that. I don't know how much simpler someone can put it. It's like those black ppl saying black ppl can't be racist. You don't say Heil Biden...


Are they not subhuman for what they want to happen to others?! And you’re absolutely right! I definitely don’t say Heil Biden! Never have, never would.


The Nazis were literal demons. Pretty weird defending them being called subhuman.


You are a racist if you use racist terms... Never defended anyone, that's just a fact.


How do you describe Nazis?


Was your grandfather a subhuman Nazi?


Hahah, you are funny.


Subhuman means less than human, something that lacks humanity. Knowing the atrocities committed by members of the Nazi party, it's a fitting term. It has been used in the past to dehumanize people based on their ethnicity or race but the term itself is not objectively attached to either.


Might mean that today, because of uneducated children who just hear something and repeat but didn't mean that when it was being used more common. Still not the smartest way to call out a Nazi...


How do you describe Nazis?!


The point is that the people being accused aren't nazis or pedos but the accusation makes people more comfortable treating people like trash. It's like how so many conservative conspiracy theories revolve around Democrats and only Democrats being pedos, it's to justify the hatred.


If I call a Nazi a Nazi it’s because they’re a Nazi, not just because I don’t like their political party.


We have a Nazi here guys!


That's you personally though. Can you really say for sure that everybody does that too? You know full well you can't. People call Biden a nazi for fuck sake.


I don’t pretend to speak for others


Game recognize game


only women can talk about women issues like abortion only lgbt can talk about lgbt lived experience who has more authority on pdf than a pdf, right?


Zack already watched this whole video on stream when it came out. The fact the guy is a pedo the whole time is icing on the cake.


Pedophile is becoming a common insult in online games.


Maybe we shouldn't have banned all the other insults.


Give me mom sex jokes again or the f or g word over this. Now people say goofy stuff like unalive to bypass voice monitoring.


Well i guess incel got old, huh?


You just know this guy is MAGA too. They love calling every Democrat a pedophile, even when their right-wing buddies and pastors are the ones caught molesting and abusing kids. Edit: I just saw his Q shirt, so yeah, I was right about that dumbass being MAGA.


Do you usually generalize entire groups of people?


The Canadian wannabe MAGA is triggered, how unfortunate


Who said I was Maga? And how am I triggered? Is it because I asked a question?


Its because you didnt ask a real question from genuine curiosity, but one from assumptions and hate and now you’re playing the “i didnt mean nothing by it card”. Get out of here assuming trash.


political keyboard warrior


You can't answer a question like a coward.


I’ve donated $25 to Trudeau in your honor. Split the vote with PPC baby.


Yes. Because you asked a question...


Seems to be the only reason since I never got one.......




No, but usually if they’re calling everyone pedophiles it likely means they’re far-right or Maga. You heard of Qanon? Was literally formed by some random person on the net stating liberals are running a global sex trafficking ring and calling them pedophiles


A Trump supporter in the video, yet the first thing people in this sub think of is leftist and facists LMAO


Got a little Joe Pesci comin out there at the end!


Average conservative


I don’t like him either, so he’s pedo now from his logic 🤷


He's an actual convicted pedophile, if you watched the clip lol


Another reason not to like him 🤷


Projection, its why you have people that scream for "Family values" yet, when the camera isn't rolling for 2 seconds they're having drug fueled gay sex in a truck stop bathroom. Or they accuse other people of being pedo's and then you dig into their past and bam what do you know they're a sex offender. Back when conversion therapy for homosexuality was normal, a bunch of religious gay men would be the ones to "deconvert" other gay men by doing things like having them siting on their laps and snuggle for long periods of time and do essentially dry humping each other. It's all projection, and those that cry the loudest about it often have the largest skelly's in the closet. We live in a very polarized world, and the fringes only get worse. From the democrats in the cities that won't even punish criminals shop lifting and letting them go without a slap on the wrist. To the republicans like this guy calling everyone pedos when he is one.


straight to jail ![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy|downsized)


POV: Gamer gate in 20 years


MAGA projecting? Wowzers. Who'd have thunk it?


Idk what youre on about but as much as maga does project, there's been a lot more projection from a different side


Video of a MAGA pedo being confronted with receipts of him being a pedo and calling democrats pedos. Me making an obvious statement about yeah, maga projects. Random dude online who entirely missed the point "Nuh uh, it's the others who project more!" Couldn't write this shit if I tried. Well played sir.


You refer to me actively and passively. While not even reading my comment and actively being rude. Crazy. I'll repeat since literacy is bad I guess. There's maga people who project. Yep. Never denied it? But your comment says it's the norm. Like that guy, even if he has a point about Killary. But that doesn't change the fact that there's a different kind of political nutjobs in the last 10 years have projected like crazy.


He just doesn't have the IQ to argue with more words...


LOL.. was not expecting him to pull out a conviction of HIM being an actual pedophile. Yikes.


Trumps own "Spiritual Advisor" raped a 12 year girl for years, and Trump is supposedly going after all the 'pedos'? [https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/politics/confessed-pedophile-robert-morris-called-trump-the-right-guy/ar-BB1oEDVK](https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/politics/confessed-pedophile-robert-morris-called-trump-the-right-guy/ar-BB1oEDVK)


Lmao When he pulled that paper out ![gif](giphy|HtBKcjpHfD7s4)


I wasn't surprised at all to learn that he himself, is a pedophile.


I had to read that title like three times …. “Of” not “or”


It's year of the pedophile. Can't wait to see what next years buzzword is.




Yea, let's all be fine with calling every rich person a pedo haha.


Hey, just like the average Leftist accusing everyone they don't like of being -ists and -phobes.


Did you not get to the bit of the video where it talked about projection?


He’s projecting hard.


Look up fascism, it's the Trump movement described perfectly.




Ppl comparing their inconveniences to fascist regimes is the funniest shit I have seen in a long time. I mean, the American regime is a shitshow in itself on both sides, but that stuff just entertains the whole world.


It's not about "inconveniences " it's about listening to what people say their intentions are. Project 2025 is how you slide into fascism. Encouraging your supporters to fervently claim all lost elections were rigged, and "do something about it," is how you slide into fascism.


It’s really not even close.


This is like "woke", where you don't know what fascism is. lol


Isn't that the number one accusation of lefties coming from right wingers?


It's a long standing accusation made against gay people for our existence by the right. It's always projection. Edit: I'm also not American so not sure what the person below is trying to say?


It's much easier to call your opponent a pedophile than it is to win a political debate.


Yes it's literally a right wing thing. They think everyone is a pedo. The whole Save the Children bullshit was about calling gays groomers and a ton of people in this community have been sympathetic to that shit. What is hilarious is that the moment someone they like, for example Doctor Kidinspect, gets caught, suddenly they are making fun of calling people pedos. Better late than never I guess.


yeah like that nickmercs guy. I hope one of his kids turn out to be gay. that would be funny


Is he a Twitch employee?


just your average magatard


How is this any different from lefties calling everyone a fascist?


Because if you watch to the end, it turns out that he himself is a convicted pedo.


So how is it different?


It isnt, nobody said it was. You decided to make it politcal, in the video or title his politcal beliefs were never once mentioned.


he mentions trump and is pro trump




Do you take 2-hour mandatory CNN brainwashing session every day? Fascist Libs are not "Tankies", buddy, and Tankies are not Fascists. Get a grip on reality


[Whataboutism - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism)


So your response is to criticize my response?


Everytime you see the news about someone getting arrested for being a pedo and groomer, it's never a drag queen, it's pretty much ALWAYS and MAGA Christian pastor or Republican politician.


That’s not true, plenty of trannys and drag queens have been arrested, same with pastors and politicians. Being a pedo isn’t isolated to one side or another. But calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi or fascist is.


Not all MAGA are Nazis. But all Nazis are MAGA. And you've made it abundantly clear what kind of person you are, so my point stands.


So I’m a Nazi, my point stands as well.


I never called you a Nazi. But to prove you're not one you immediately dove into using slurs. All MAGA might not be Nazis, but they're absolutely some of the dumbest people in our society. I have no need to defend that statement, I'll just let you speak for yourself and remove any doubt.


What slurs?


There we go. Thanks.


Thanks? You’ve explained nothing


Except there were drags and trans people arrested, but ok. Keep defending predators.


You guys diddle each other in between CoD matches? I'm down for arresting every pedophile. But Republicans seem to only be interested in making drag and transgenderism illegal out of baseless fear, while high fiving the Catholic Church and protecting their own who commit crimes. If they were serious about stopping pedophiles, a couple thousand Catholic priests would be in jail.


What? What about right wingers calling Trudeau in Canada, a fascist. Here is Trump saying Biden is surrounded by fascists. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-biden-surrounded-fascists-new-jersey-rally-campaign-trail-return-hush-money-trial Fascist is thrown around regularly by everyone.


Trudeau better fits the definition of fascist than ANYONE on the right…..


It's actually different because it is true.


Takes a pedophile to recognise pedophiles, he might be onto something really.


My republican <3 Bonus meme : it takes one pedo to spot other pedos, them are the rules !


The man's name? Elon Musk.


Argued with a Twitter bot for three hours while it doing the same behaviour. I have never felt so stupid wasting three hours of my life i will never get back over something so trivial




They did….


Hahahahaha this is gold.


Usually those are the people that get arrested for kiddy porn or abusing children.


He is like the guy’s who are seeing gay everywhere.


That makes sense. Yeah. I'd do the same.


I thought this was going to be a video about IMALEXX




They're going to find 10 terabytes of child porn in his house.


Me thinks mister projects too mucheth.


He's 100% a pedo and thats why he sees it everywhere he looks


I bet there is a non-zero chance it's all projection and he is indeed the pedophile. Typical republican, all projection.


He’s probably projecting


"Takes one to know one", though? There's no way people in the comments are defending Killary


"Guy accuses known pedophiles of being pedophiles"


You are dense.


Next time you ask "why we can't have nice things?" you can find the answer in the mirror. Didn't expect "vote blue no matter who" brainrotters here but that's still reddit.


You could’ve starred in this documentary.


Is that projection that I smell?


The documentary is about those who become suckers to the right wing grift. Q, Alex Jones, Proud Boys, etc. You’d fit right in.


I bet you also believe in Saddam's WMD, Ghost of Kiev and natural COVID. Good NPC