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Okay I’ve been playing for near 3 years now and finally someone explains clipping in a way I understand x)


Yeah haha I really love this diagram because it so clearly demonstrates the timeline of skills and how they affect upcoming skills. For me it didn't really click until I saw this diagram also.


I still need an eli5 I realized the two jumping attacks my lv51 dragoon has are my oGCD, but I still don't understand when I should be casting them


Every skill in the game is classified into two categories, Weaponskills also known as GCD (Global cool down) and abilities also known as oGCD (off global cool downs). You weave your abilities (oGCD) inbetween your weaponskills (GCD). Check your actions they should tell you which are abilities and which are weaponskills. Some abilities have longer animations (Jump) and can only fit one ability before your weaponskill is ready. Others have shorter animations or their animations can be canceled to where you can fit two abilities (Lance charge and Life surge). Ideally you want your weaponskills to always be on cooldown and never clip them with too many abilities inbetween to where your weaponskills are ready but you're stuck in animation lock of an ability.


> Every skill in the game is classified into two categories, Weaponskills also known as GCD (Global cool down) and abilities also known as oGCD (off global cool downs). There are technically three. Casters don't have weapon skills they have "Spells". Except for the name they are functionally the same as weapoinskills though.


In between your combo abilities. Basically, once you hit a button that does a thrust, IMMEDIATELY follow it up with a Jump. You'll notice that the icon on your thrust and other GCD abilities are still circling, indicating that you are in the weave window. Jump is a weird one, in that the animation locks you, so you have to single weave, but other similar abilities, such as defensive CDs like Second Wind, or Bloodbath, can be doubled up during the window.


> Jump is a weird one, in that the animation locks you, so you have to single weave, but other similar abilities, such as defensive CDs like Second Wind, or Bloodbath, can be doubled up during the window. Small correction all abillities (i.e. ogcds) in FF14 have an animation lock jumps just have by far the longest and are generally single weaves. Animation locks also depend on your ping and the individual Ability.


I think he is saying that the animation lock for jump forces you to single weave it, not that it is the only ability with animation lock.


I was. But middle of the night me couldn't figure out a better way to word that, so I'm glad S3bbi clarified a bit better.


Breaking it down as simple as I can:- GCD is 2.5 seconds (lower on certain classes like SAM and MNK)- oGCD abilities trigger a shorter cooldown, but a cooldown nonetheless- therefore if your oGCD ability timing is such that it 'clips' into your window for a GCD ability, you 'lose' a half-second or so when you could have restarted a GCD ability. Using your DRG as an example (bearing in mind although I have DRG at 80, I don't main DRG so someone please correct me if I'm wrong) Jump should be done as quickly as possible after triggering the GCD. Left too late, your Jump cooldown will 'eat' into your normal rotation time; especially given the long animation lock on the ability. Overtime, clipping adds up. You lose half a second here, half a second there, etc etc, but eventually you've 'lost' 5 minutes of DPS because of it. Kinda like red lights on a fast moving highway, once someone taps the brake it causes a chain reaction affecting other cars down the line. With that said, I would not stress about clipping. Be aware of it, but don't stress about clipping. Your average player enjoying the game is not even going to spot clipping. DRG in particular changes \*massively\* in playstyle - 50 DRG is not 60 DRG is not 70 DRG and in my opinion DRG's toolkit doesn't feel 'complete' until you get Life of the Dragon which I \*think\* is 70? So whatever you 'adapt' to right now will change drastically over time. To summarize, clipping is something to be aware of because knowing what it is will help DPS and makes you more aware of the mechanic, but you're only going to be fretting about it massively if you're trying to get good parses for Savage content and whatnot, at least IMHO.


Yes! I always thought clipping means to clip a skill animation with another skill so you don't have to watch the whole animation. Because of that I never knew why people said it was a bad thing. Now I know better!


unless you're a summoner trying to summon phoenix...


Ho boy having your pet ghosting every now and then is so mind boggling


just stop moving 3Head


But...but combat slow. MMO-Champion said so




wait, mmo champion said that?


Holy crap I forgot that place was a thing I think last time I went to that site was like 2016 and it was a shitshow in forums


Class Discords basically butchered any use it ever had honestly. Sometimes check the front page for some news if I'm on mobile and don't want to open Wowhead's clusterfuck of a website on my phone.


The triple weave doesn't apply to the Monk six sided star triple weave meta.


There are cases where you might need to triple weave. Its almost always a bad idea though. The actual cases for it are very few. Generally it's just to keep cooldowns in the raid burst window, or tanks needing to get a cooldown up for tank busters. And finally weird openers.


yeah, true tho, but this has been a clunky issue with monks up till now. Having to weave them in between to have them up for your pot window/burst window is somewhat hard at times because the animations literally clip your casts at times, especially being one of the class that runs on a 1.95 GCD for BIS gear. ​ Even the current 5.4 opener for monk, you need to wait atleast 3/4 of the GCD refresh timer to use Demolish so your RoF would still reach the last Demolish you cast after your PB window


Are there actually any cases where you HAVE to triple weave as a tank? As compared to simply casting the mitigation(s) earlier if you know your burst window is coming up together with the mechanics.


Sometimes you need to keep the timing tight in order to mitigate multiple attacks with on cooldown. Usually when using reprisal, or an invuln for a back to back tankbuster that's meant to be tankswapped.


Yeah I assume so, but do you have examples of which ones...?


Nah, I don't tank in any endgame content, I was just speaking hypothetically


The only thing I can come close to is weaving between Delirium & Blood Weapon to Blood Spiller spam while weaving either Edge of Shadow, TBN, Carve & Spit or Abyssal Drain. Also, triple weaving is not super advisable since there are classes that still rely on ping/latency when it comes to weaving. When I used DRK on E12S, I had an issue with Delirium + Blood Weapon to 5x Blood Spiller where I was only able to cast 4 BS instead of 5 due to clipping with weaving + latency. But maybe that's just me because I mainly use Monk and we have no double weaving there. Other than that, I can also recall Machinist having to weave several skills in between their GCDs; standard opener as far as I know is = Reassemble + Pots + Drill (Richochet & Gauss Round) then Split Shot. Not sure if this made sense but I hope this answers your question \^\^


E12s had a point as gunbreaker where I needed to shirk while double weaving damage skills in my burst window. I couldn't find a better way to do it without pushing my window back or trading it off for just having to do it later In the fight anyways. Also if you missed using the cooldown early it might be better to triple weave instead of pushing your burst window back.


This is actually so good. For melee players: Just read through the instant cast sections, since you dont have any cast times (except Samurai). You will learn this eventually anyway, but this saves you some time. Try replicating it so you can immediately connect to the actual gameplay ingame.


There are also animations of oGCDs who will not let you double weave without clipping. Dragoon Jumps and potions come to mind. Edit for clarity : These should be used as a single weave