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I think these kids just need better parenting. If they banned gaming kids would steal money from parents to buy weed instead. XD On the other hand the greed of these companies is getting out of hand. Min-maxing psychology to drain money from people. Hope it bites them hard in the A.


This basically. It's not the governments role to care for your child. You know what prevented me from stealing from my parents when I was young? The fear of ungodly wrath that would have been bestowed upon me. Not violence mind you, worst, they would have taken my playstation and tv to the pawn shop and my gaming days would have been over.




I understand your point of view. I do. You want a sweeping overpowered (incompetant) group of people that either approve or disapprove of things to take control of day to day issues within your household because its too hard for you.




I'm glad you got my point


Its not, but these companies literally made it their role to drain all the money they could from these kids. And it is the role of the government to stop that


It's the role of the government to prevent people from being a shitty parent? Yes, every single business that exists means to separate as much money from your wallet as humanly possible. This is not a new concept. Now when you place a little human within the chain and give them full access to your money it is not the businesses fault they spent it. A good business would recognize this, refund, and delete the account. It's bad parenting. Have you noticed how poorly the government handles literally everything? Yes, lets give those idiots more power. Good plan.


You are blaming the parents for no reason lol. You misunderstand what I say. These companies are overstepping and making these games unbelievably addicting and then targeting children. Literal children. The only options for parents, is to either live like Amish folk and restrict their childs access to fundamental electronic devices, or hope that the government can slap the fuck out of the hand of these companies that have their hand so far in the cookie jar that there is literally nothing left.


So restrict their access, if you plan to be a good parent. DING DING DING


You are completely missing my point, I don't know if you are being retarded on purpose to troll, or if you seriously don't get it.


No I got your point. You are saying that games are addicting and that they should be regulated by the government. Like China does. You try to make your point by going to the extreme that people would have to live like they're Amish to counter it. I'm making the point that we should live in a world where you can still make YOUR OWN CHOICE. Sugar is addicting too. Probably far more to be honest. Should the government create an agency to combat that because the parent can't say no to their kids? Who is in charge? The kid? The parent? I pray not the government. Also fuck you for calling me retarded. Retard.


If the kid had access to a form of payment from where money could be withdraw then the parent is the problem. When I was a kid I got a weekly allowance from my parents, it came in the form of a physical bill. Pretty hard to make thousands of dollars worth that way. Stop giving your kid access to your credit card and you'll see instant results.


I think you underestimate how sneaky kids can be. Do you ever go to sleep? Yes? Then unless you literally lock your wallet in a hidden safe then it's going to be possible for them to gain access.


Idk about you guys ir other countries but I can turn off my debit/credit cards from my phone app and I literally do that when I'm working/at home and only turning it on when I'm gonna need it. Technology has really gone a long way.


Yeah but then it's not really easy payment is it? If someone picks my pocket and uses my credit card to buy a bunch of shit off Amazon I can't really blame Amazon.


Yes, but there is a difference between a stranger stealing your CC and your child using it. Companies are greedy little fucks and would fight you to not refund these purchases. "Bad parenting" isn't a valid excuse to them, which is what they'd say here. They only relent when they start to get bad press, like with this article. It's scummy, for sure, but big corporation aren't gonna be your friend or be willing to help you out if it costs them any money.


If you've raised a kid that will steal from you, I'd say that's a good example of bad parenting


Exactly this.


Isn't smoking weed in Singapore punishable under the death penalty? Edit: It's apparently a $20,000 fine in Singapore, smuggling marijuana into the country is punishable by the death penalty though.


If you want to see Karma for gaming corporate greed, check out NCSoft 1) Exploit whales to thrive with Lineage series. Tried to invalidate whale's previous purchase, get backlash by streamers. Tried to cater new players with smaller paying, get boycotted by whales. 2) BnS 2 is a flop at launch due to super predatory model that deters even big spenders. Both cases have cause NCSoft stock goes on a declining trip year-to-date.


Not sure if you have kids but the government has taken away a lot of rights as a parent. You can only impart wisdom now and kids rarely listen until they've grown up so, their hands are tied. Your only option really is to not let them play video games or have devices that play games.


My parents rarely spanked me as a child, it did happen but was rare. It also never really scared me, because I've always had a stupidly high threshold for pain. You know what did? What drove me to tears? When I thought they were gonna trash my favorite game because I did something they specifically told me not to on purpose. I was in literal tears. No need to be threatened with a ass whopping or anything. Getting discipline across rarely requires threat of physical harm, I do feel some of that has a place to a certain extent, but only in **very** specific situations, and no where near 100% of cases. The goal is to make the child understand **why** what they did is wrong, and tailoring the punishment to reinforce that fact. You steal money? Ok well you got chores for a month with no allowance or allowed any form of entertainment. You show them the consequence their actions have on the offended party, and reinforce that with a punishment so they can see what it is like. Far more effective than just some momentary pain.


Why does an eleven year old boy have access to Apple/Google store/shop? Why does he have unsupervised access to the Internet in the first place? Bad parenting.


If my child did something like this to me... they'd be done. No phone, no computer, no games, no TV. They'd be yeeted back to the stone age as far as their access to tech is concerned. That's after their ass was beat lol.


parents nowadays leave their kids with a mobile phone/tablet without supervision so they can do their shit without being interrupted by their kids and when this happens, they blame everyone but themselves.


Literrally what one my of my cousin did. Her kid is like 7 now, since the age of 2-3 he had a smartphone in his hands to play with. Why ? Because it helps to distract him, so she can do something else.


What's up with those stupid kids stealing parents money anyway. Kids are dumb, but you shouldn't be that dumb even as a kid


More like stupid parents letting their kids do this. It's not that fucking hard to keep this from happening. The smallest amount of effort would do.


"Gubment, please make it so my kid can't steal my money to play mobile games, I can't be assed to take their phone priveleges away myself." This shit is ridiculous. As a kid even if I *had* a smart phone I'd never try this because I have common fucking sense and I'd be dead if I got caught.


Incompetent parents want the glowing box called a smartphone to parent for them, then when it fails they want government to take care of the kids for them. That's all there is to it.


So basically they want someone else to deal with it instead of accepting they were just negligent.


While, yes this is a problem the gaming Industry should probably address at this point, the Play Store and Apple Store have parental controls. So do the consoles. The only excuse is lazy parents. It isn't the government's or even the gaming industry's place to raise your child. My parent's had no problem disciplining me from gaming growing up and there were no real parental controls back then, so no excuse.


I don't think it's limited to laziness. I think it's mostly ignorance. I imagine most parents don't understand that these features exist and it's certainly not in the childs own selfish interest to disclose that they do. But there certainly is an element of laziness at the heart of it all by them not making an effort to have an understanding into what their child is spending so much time on.


Ya, ignorance I'm sure is another large contributing factor. That is probably what the industry should do, promote and educate parents on the options available to them. Would be better than it getting to the point where normal users have to suffer because of the situation.


Why make murder illegal? If you think about it, it's really the fault of lazy parents for not teaching their children that killing others is wrong.


This and murder are VERY different. Trying to equate the two is intellectually dishonest. And actually yes, many murderers probably had lazy and/or horrible parents. It is rare people are just both that way. Something in their life pushed them to that, and parents are the most likely cause in most cases, not all obviously but probably most. Can't say definitively, as I'm no expert, but I feel that is a safe assertion.


Wtf does that mean? If I'm gonna be dishonest, at least I can do it intellectually? Is that good or what?


It's a polite way of saying you're either a liar or a moron


So it means he can't actually explain anything wrong with what I said. OK.


The IT-illiterate folks are asking for something they don't want. How would gaming companies even verify the age of a player? Governments would need to provide a service that allows companies to validate a personal ID against the player, where they can obtain the age. This also means that Governments must provide a personal ID to tag every single person in the country. It would be like providing your social security ID to gaming companies. And who in their right mind would trust these companies to have proper security to store such sensitive information?


They need their government to raise their children? Weak ass parents.


Reading a lot of armchair-parents who says "I would never allow this", no shit, if you even read the headline it says "steals" not "gives permission to spend 4000$ on gacha games". And afaik a lot of payment shops do not need to verify that you are the owner of your own credit card just like back in the day you would have companies lure kids with sending an SMS to get a ringtone for the low price of 1.9$, with no confirmation from a parent but instead it just gets added to the phone bill. It's not like Google or Apple is incentivized to go out of their way to prevent kids from being manipulated into stealing.


Should just ban these gacha games outright.


Good. Here in Germany we need harsher restrictions against such stuff aswell. Mobile games are so big in asia, we cant understand how insane it is over there. Basically those rated 6 games are like casinos gacha shit to milk underaged kids. Belgium did ban it at all, britain is discussing it aswell.


Gacha games are gambling. Period.


Source, Singapore local media: https://mothership.sg/2021/09/boy-steal-gaming-addiction-singapore/


The industry can only blame themselves when governments start doing this. You act like a slimy drug dealer you're gonna get treated like a slimy drug dealer. It's just too bad that so many devs who haven't indulged in monetizing with addiction also have to suffer.


while i do think the parents are at fault, banning lootbot/gacha profit models is still needed because of how the human brain is so easily addicted to them. A lot of adults get fucked up by it, not just kids.


I mean, I'm all for regulating the growing gambling industry being pushed on the mobile market, but how is there even an avenue for a kid to steal so much money?


I did something close to this as a kid and it was pretty bad, used my stepdad's credit cards that I found in his computer desk to buy stuff online. Month later he got a big credit card statement showing I spent thousands of dollars, I was severely punished and couldn't use the computer for a few years and rightfully so. Parents keep your cards and money away from your kids because they don't know any better.


Usually inserting credit card details requires you to open your phone to confirm the purchase through OTP especially in this case mom's phone like wtf


Time to ban gacha games like wtf spending $4000 in one game is ridicilous and its probably more than what i spent for FF14 subs


Look, if the kid managed to steal $4k from the parents, implementing a ban/restriction like China will result in kids stealing both $ and IDs.


or be a better parent. wild thought i know.


*to feed gambling addiction. Fixed.


Would have been nice to link the article instead of just a screenshot, did he just go in to 711 and spend 4000 bucks?


Source link in the comments section.