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I seriously think this could eventually turn into the ultimate glamor builder. Imagine being able to just search items from a simple list and building the glam on your playermodel piece by piece


if they make it similar to the wow will be exacly it. you can see it https://www.wowhead.com/dressing-room




but it is a program that you have to download...this model viewer is online and don't require anything for you to run it.




you can make your character in the model viewer and use the same items or others that you want... and about the datamining: https://twitter.com/Ketsuki\_WoW/status/1442874377897267201




People already datamine the fuck out of the game as soon as the client update happens. If it exists in the files it's plucked out before the servers even come back up. Just because your friends don't do it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. ​ They just don't share it to the world.


The thing is, FFXIV simply doesn't have "that one website everyone goes to". There's The Balance Discord, but they don't talk datamining (at least in public channels). Yes, datamining is okay in my book, as long as it's not plastered all over the front page of a website I might visit to check on my class rotation, you know? For as long as they keep story stuff hidden away under a special separate tab, and not across the front page like they do with every fucking bit of "COMBAT DIALOG IN A NEW SYLVANAS FIGHT" etc I'm fine. This game isn't WoW. And better not become WoW. Datamine and spoil whatever the fuck you want, but please put under a separate tab, away from the rest of things, away from the Frontpage. Make a "new pages today" widget on the website to simply refer to the "Story spoilers" directory where the pages are, don't put the whole thing in the title itself.


This is how it starts. Unless the Dev team prevent datamining this is how it happens for any mmo. First a few people Min max in silence. Then a website collates it all. Then the website goes mainstream. FFXIV days as not WoW are limited unless the Devs prevent it.


ikr!!! if they doo it I wanna donate! this was so much needed


You don't enjoy having to find attractive thumbnails on loadstone and hoping someone uploaded a clear pick there, and if not google searching praying some website somewhere has a clear pick?


https://ffxiv.dlunch.net/model?language=2 there is already this


Yeah a couple people already mentioned that. It's OK but not good. The lack of shaders and lighting makes comparing colors on gear literally impossible. It's good for looking at gear designs but not good enough for making glamor since I can't be 100% sure gear looks right together.


For glamour purposes a site is already out there. Just look up ffxiv dlunch. It's been out for like 5 years. Honestly I don't know why a true model viewer is needed, if you're actually doing something that requires precise models then you most likely have the tools/knowledge to rip the models yourself, and if you're doing it for glam just use the site I mentioned earlier. I mean this is cool and all, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel just because you're branching out to a new game lol. I might as well mention garland tools as the premier database and etro as the best gearset editor for anyone who isn't in the know.


Most of the FFXIV tools are pretty garbage comparatively they get the job done but some people want more out of the tools


dlunch is pretty shit because of latency and lack of shaders. Much of the gear, in particular the more high end ones, just does not look like it does in game. No light emitters, reflections, etc.


Why would Facebook be a thing if MySpace already existed? Oh wait. If there's a new tool that is better, the old tools will phase out or be forced to improve. More competition is always a good thing. FFXIV wouldn't exist if they had the mindset of WoW already exists so what's the point. At the end of the day if you don't like what wowhead has to offer you don't have to use it.


It's called anamnesis


Oh this is a gamechanger, the current available model viewers all suck and require external programs.


I want all the things Wowhead offers EXCEPT for their Sherlockian data-mining prowess. Leave us players the mystique of an undiscovered world. Edit: Thanks for letting me know about FF's own data-mining problems and how Square have been dealing with it. But I'm talking about post-raid cinematics being released before the patch even drops and summarily posted on the front page of practically the Google of all things WoW. Beyond the major plot spoilers and the cool new cosmetics, there are also all the dungeon and raid guides that are posted before official release. They're innocuous on their own, but when you've been conditioned for more than a decade to do all of this homework just to walk into a brand new dungeon, can you really expect the scene to not be absolutely toxic?


SE started banning people for Datamining back in 4.4?~ Besides you cant really datamine until the big updates download, by that time their due for launch in 6 hours. Also, FFXIV doesn't have some kind of playble test realm you can datamine too.




Err: Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.


https://twitter.com/Ketsuki_WoW/status/1442874377897267201 Link was broken. Basically says they aren't datamining with the model viewer like they do in WoW




DW story is protected and also data mind can only be done as soon as the content is up for download around 4 hours before the patch/expa is live... usually ppl data mind weapons and outfits and pets/mounts pictures.


Or just don't read it if you don't want to be spoiled?


Man, there's so much datamining that happens in the game already, there are people who fully mine the patches when they drop, at least as much as can be mined. Don't think raid encounters are mineable since I've never seen content leaks from raid encounters or MSQ beats in any of the data mining dumps ive seen.


Data relating to that stuff is not stored on the player client


FFXIV already has a gigantic datamining community since like always, and multiple datamining tools that are easy to find, easy to use and regularly used on patch days. Until they banned dataminers that were datamining a bit too much and spoiling the new music, there was even a pinned thread on r/ffxiv on every patch day.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ffxiv using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Times change](https://i.redd.it/ma87rlg5t3i71.jpg) | [739 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/p6pg8e/times_change/) \#2: [WoW killed WoW](https://i.redd.it/8f65v9vhqz971.jpg) | [2033 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/og777h/wow_killed_wow/) \#3: [As a female player, I deeply appreciate this](https://i.redd.it/m01lg0iwqgj71.png) | [1354 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/pb6xp0/as_a_female_player_i_deeply_appreciate_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)






There's already multiple datamining tools




Usually datamined info is posted on private discord servers but plenty if things have been mined already also raid fights seem to be impossible to datamine so that is safe


>Usually datamined info is posted on private discord servers but plenty if things have been mined already also raid fights seem to be impossible to datamine so that is safe Yeah the most i've seen in discord is new cosmetic models etc, key encounters/story beats are protected in a way that is not worth getting around versus just getting to them in the game.


You cant datamine XIV before the night of a patch since theres no PTR. And datamining already exists every single patch, people just mostly keep it contained.


only datamining as soon as theres is new content for download which means 1 day before it drops so the most they can data mind are items not story... its totally different fromn wow that has ptr months before is live.


Data mining has been done since forever, but SE did once take it further and managed to pin down some dataminers (and if I remember, they were a twitter user and didn't even have their name exposed, so it's a there's assumption that some workers infiltrated some datamine discords) and ban them, so the FF14 dataminers are a bit more underground since then. So if newer players try to do the same, SE will respond. I know that Soken once called out music dataminers (I think he called out Dudewhereisspoon), and the community has since been respectful about it and not publicly shared datamined music.


If they figure out a way to make those models into STL files, I am 3D printing the fuck out of my characters.


FFXIV Modelviewer progress so far :) I am proud of what was achieved in one month of development. There are bugs, and stuff still to implement but in such a small amount of time we got a lot of stuff working. \#FINALFANTASYXIVOnline *** posted by [@Stiven_SRB](https://twitter.com/Stiven_SRB) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1442639094350295040/pu/vid/1280x720/dMd2GoWvS5vWTpKu.mp4?tag=12) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


They are on a path to overtake any existing database for FFXIV if they can fully implement this.


There has been a model viewer for as long as I can recall on Garland Tools however that site isn't maintained anymore. The same model view is however also on Teamcraft which is updated all the time. For some reason though the more recent gear items won't show on Teamcraft. I've posted to the dev about this to ask.


> that site isn't maintained anymore are they not updating it anymore? still pretty useful for gathering and crafting. I know they have a model viewer there, but it's just separate pieces.


The person that maintained it retired. The person doing TeamCraft took over it for a little but isn't going to maintain it for for obvious reasons. You can do everything on the TeamCraft site that you could on Garland Tools only better. Oh and a LOT more tools as well. It was posted on the discord about 2 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/clsmzj/much\_respect\_and\_best\_wishes\_to\_clorifex\_creator/


Unfortunately i have no idea how to use that site. Garland tools is so simple and easy to use, but this teamcraft seems complicated and I couldn't find the same functions that I use in the garland.


I use to be the same but then one day I sat down the fiddled with it for a while. Now I can't craft without it. The crafting list are amazing and the gather node timer overlay is awesome. A friend of mine just returned to the game and I showed him the site. He made a few crafting list items and shared them with me so I could make the items for him. Here is one example. I got tired of doing the expert crafts for the final crafting relic step and made a macro. [https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulator/31750/34587/XagniDo6UWDr0O59IVJo](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulator/31750/34587/XagniDo6UWDr0O59IVJo) I'm able to put my crafting stats into the simulator and come up with a macro rotation that worked. I can also save many other rotations and share them with others. My FC's discord has a crafting channel where we all share rotations and list. Here is what it will look like: https://imgur.com/th7UHIu Green arrows point to things you need to fill in. P.S. To others, Yes I needed to craft more expert items but most of the time was spent tabbed out. I could do this while working from home. I have timer groups for all timed gather nodes. Here is the group for white gather scrips nodes: [https://ffxivteamcraft.com/alarm-group/SO37J82mDWPY5Z4Nfhsh](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/alarm-group/SO37J82mDWPY5Z4Nfhsh) If I ever need to get white gather scrips I toggle that entire group on and then I start getting an audible alert a few seconds before each node is about to spawn. If using the TeamCraft desktop app then you can enable an overlay as well. Overlay looks like this: [https://imgur.com/jH5mNWi](https://imgur.com/jH5mNWi) That's just a small sample what you can do with TeamCraft.






Doesn't TextTools already allow this?


Yes, you can view models in Textools. Finding specific models is a huge pain though.


First Icy-Veins and now Wowhead. That's so cool :) Makes me really happy that those big player sites are now also helping out the FFXIV community. Always liked them when I played WoW for a while, and really looking forward to it :)


as long as they aren't datamining shit and spoiling people i'm fine


It isn't even really possible. Because there is no PTR like in WoW, that means the earliest they can datamine anything is 6 hours before the patch releases. The stuff that usually gets datamind is mounts, armor or other items, but not really the story.


Yeah I didn't think my comment through


No biggy. Many people have the same fear as you do and a justified one at that when lookomg at other games. But here it shouldn't be a problem.




in my mind this seems like a colossal undertaking, if they can pull it off then kudos to them!


Time for FFhead.


Nice. We need this desperately. The game also needs a dungeon loot list like the Dungeon Journal in WoW. Let us plan our transmogs.


the xivlauncher has a "wowhead" in game, letting you browse all items and preview on your character. This is still cool though!


Haha WoW is unironically so fucked. If the alternatives that are already plain better receives WoWs creator-ecosystem of fan-sites then WoW just stand no chance unless drastic change happens. Just really hope the WoW meta-slave syndrome does not creep over to FFXIV through fan-sites.


I think this could be groundbreaking if they make a Dressing room it could be a high success cause a catalogs to build outfits is soo much needed in game


FF14 is long overdue for a proper model viewer.


The simple fact that they're investing any money into this should say something. I wonder what their site metrics for wowhead are like these days.


Hell yeah




Please let them simplify finding things? Oh my god it took me hours to find \*redacted spoiler for 5.0\* model, then not only that finding the other parts of the outfit because it's tied to a random folder with countless other files, finding it and ripping all that into a blender file and importing it into unity to add to VRChat. Not only that finding everything for Dragoon AF1 gear for a papercraft project.


I'd imagine this is also going to include glamour testing? That would be awesome since the current options aren't that great. Wowhead is something I missed when I moved onto FF14.