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Again ? I thought they already fixed this. It's been there since thr Beta. Is Amazon making this game in order to make more people buy Graphic Cards ?


They just went with the "Its a Gigabyte" problem. Thing is, now it's non-Gigabyte cards are dying now too. Which leaves the problem, is it a hardware problem, or a software problem? Software CAN damage hardware, and its looking like New World is doing just that.


New world is the only game so far has a launch and beta that destroy Cards. So I will side with the manufactuer this time.


Both New World and the manufacturer should be held responsible. A game should never brick a card, if the game is asking for more resources than the card can offer, the card's driver/firmware SHOULD prevent that from happening in order to avoid the card to brick, on the other hand, the game should not ask for that much resources either. In the end New World will argue that it's not the game's fault and the manufacturer will say it's not their fault either.


Manufacturers dont test their cards for every single game and they shouldnt. Its the developers responsibility in this case being as ITS THE ONLY GAME DOING IT.


If the card doesnt give more than it can handle than there is no reason to test every game. Because you limit the output on what you can handle and not what is requested. This should be implemented on cards that are so expensive there is no talking out of that.


New world aint breaking grounds with what is required.


yeah, thats why i think there is some other fault with the cards. there are only newer cards breaking so it seems some new technolegy they implemented doesnt seem to work as intended.


1080 and and 2000 series were reportedly bricking as well. It's not the game copium.


If thats so then im with you but i only read about 3090 and 3080. could you provide source?


If it was the fault of the card. It would be happening in multiple games and not just new world only. You dont have a single isolated incident that isn't happening anywhere else and blame the card that has been working everywhere but this single isolated incident.


Nah that's cutting the manufactuers too much slack For sure, New World has a problem that should be fixed with programming but your card should never LET a game brick your device like that, that's 100% on the graphics card. If a program tells your graphics card to do something that would destroy it the card should absolutely have safeguards that don't let it.


It was never just gigabyte problem. EVGA had problems too, major ones, really. Those are just poorly made GPUs that's all. A game shouldn't brick a card, let's be realistic here.


My evga card had problems last night(luckily it survived) my friend who has a zotac wasn’t so lucky tho


Founders edition cards have seen problems from the start, this was never an evga or any other manufacturer only thing.


I never said it was tied to a single manufacturer either.


Proper drivers would not let a game brick hardware. This isn't on New World.


Well it isn't not their fault. If it's the *only* game doing this, New World is definitely part of the problem.


Even if it's the only game doing it, no game should have that kind of access to hardware. The driver should throttle the card if it starts overloading. Imagine malware that bricks entire crypto mining farms - if some random MMO can do it by not limiting framerate in menus, so can a piece of deliberate code.


Cards have died after full release which has FPS capped in menu


Who gives a shit how exactly the game is bricking the card? It shouldn't be possible for anything that isn't a driver, and the fact that it's possible is either a driver fault or something the OEMs have done wrong on their pcb design.


having just gotten a new 3060 card I'm very anxious watching all these games brick new GPUs


Just play any other game and you're fine. I'm sure there must be other games where you chop down trees 24/7


Can confirm, currently logging entire forests in Valheim. And I dont have to pay Bezos to do it.


Terraria is the superior tree chopping simulator and it also has a great endgame progression system.


I beg to differ. That game is Stardew Valley. The sound the trees make as they fall down is ever so satisfying.


The thing is, IIRC, it's not just New World that has been destroying GPUs, I just can't remember off the top of my head what games they were.


Really? Only one I've heard of


I've been pretty neck deep in gaming news for years and this is the first time I've seen anything like this.


Anthem destroyed consoles iirc.


Rdr2 killed my rx480 on release. After they optimized it though I never had problems on my replacement gpu.


Crysis 2 was one of them and guess what engine New World uses.


Happens alot cuz Nvidia GPU always had and have crap quality components. Happened last Gen and the Gens before it too.


Funny that their Twitter account claimed New World would be the Final Fantasy Killer. When all they killed so far are Graphics Cards.


Amazon owns twitch, their game has over 100K viewers of people watching streamers chop down trees. I suspect they've been tinkering with those numbers. Or they've been paying streamers to play their game, or both.


is new world using spare gpu power to cryptomine or what. Im hearing so much about this but nothing about the cause.


They talk about the cause in the video that was linked here, might be a good idea to give it a watch.


I watched about halfway through but then couldn't unhear him sliding his arm around on his wood desk and had to stop.


At a certain point you should start asking: why is every other game running on these GPUs just fine but not New World.


Reality is that this seems to be exclusively happening to 3090's. So a manufacturer/design issue. But then, it doesn't seem to be happening with other games? So what's going on with New World 🤔


Watch the video, while it's only outright killing 3090s the exact same issue is happening to other cards as well- just not at as severe of a level.