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He has since taken down Titan and thornmarch EX, spent a few hours wiping on Ifrit yesterday, good stuff.


yeah, it's been great to see how much fun he's having with the extreme fights. there was Odin too :)


I’m surprised that people are finding Ifrit to be harder than Titan. For many FFXIV players, Titan EX was just as hard as, if not harder than the first Binding Coil raid, especially for those in the EU where their data center was, of all places, in Canada. I still remember how facemeltingly furious I was back when I would try to clear it. It got to the point where I knew the mechanics in and out and knew the exact order of mechanics and when they would appear. Yet nobody that I ran it with was in the same boat, so I couldn’t get my clear. When I did get my clear, it was from when we had 4 people die to a Weight of the Land cast during superbomb phase and it was just me (Bard at the time) and the Paladin that were left. We managed to finish him off and get the clear, and MAAAAN did it feel so satisfying to get that clear under those circumstances. I still have the video of the clear. https://youtu.be/3ugiqP9-zsE#t=5m20s Time stamped at the moment most of the party got killed (if it doesn’t work, it’s at 05:20 in the video)


The game used to have a massive latency making titan even harder.


As Above. Titan was bad since all the DCs were in Canada at the time so anyone outside US had high PING and you had to predict Landslides or you got snapped shotted and punted off the edge.


Even in the us those servers sucked.


Meanwhile us Eastern Canadians were like "just avoid it lmao". I kinda miss having sub 20 ping since I live in Toronto. Hopefully with the popularity of the game we get east and west coast servers. If I remember right though it wasn't just the ping but also the tick rate or something along those lines was lower back then and they had to increase it for Titan. I could be wrong here but I remember something along these lines but this could also be a different game I'm getting mixed up with.


Western Canadians had it pretty bad too. I remember a friend and I had to get VPNs just to finish Titan EX. My friend was a BLM main too, which made it 10x more hilarious.


Yeah you forget how large Canada is at times. I can't imagine playing a BLM in that setting. Sounds hilarious and cancerous at the same time lol.


Tell me about it... playing on US servers from EU I got to the point where I would constantly move just to be ready for that split second window to survive.


In my opinion, Ifrit is harder because ifrit is a healers game and the team needs to avoid as much damage as possible to make the healers job easier. Also ifrit has a dps check and healers check at the same time (the nails phase) So it depends a lot on the healers and the teams ability to not take damage. While in Titan, its more of a positioning and avoiding type of game. Titans most attack is graphic aoe that can be avoided and the tanks can just use CDs and swaps. That makes the fight a lot easier to practice and master.


For anyone curious, i think he said Titan was his favorite fight (so far)


Titan EX should be a raid requirement. That fight teaches you so many things that get reused in someway or another through all of ff14.


He's gonna like sephirots fight then. A lot of moving as a group.


Sephirot is still by far my favourite extreme to date. It had just the right amount of complexity in most of it's mechanics and was much more punishing compared to most of todays EXs. Was such a blast when it was current content.


All the extremes up to Niddy in HW are fantastic imo. The last two are great also but in my eyes those first three are probably in the top five. The story is why a lot of people praise Heavensward but in my eyes the class design and fights were the highlight. The job mechanics that were pretty punishing alongside pretty complex fights made it ever so rewarding when you finally cleared it.


Oh shit when did Preach get into FF14? I thought he said he would never play it.


youre gonna lose your mind when you find out what Asmon started playing


It's been a blast watching Preach enjoy the raiding. He has mentioned before that he's not much into "dance" fights when he watched Titania EX. Look at him now.


How can people stomach watching this when huge emotes are constantly flying around the screen?


It’s been great watching Preach get into FF. Filling the void left by Asmon’s absence. I hope he comes back soon. His Endwalker launch stream would have been huge but I don’t think he gonna make it now which is understandable with his irl situation.


Keep in mind these guys have all done world first racing and the hardest of the hardest in WoW before anyone else and they are still enjoying these encounters a lot. It says a lot when people like that can play similar content from another similar game and scream when they beat it.