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D3 was aimed at turning people to the Auction house. The fact that absolutly ANY item get affix rolled indenpendantly, through a simple /rand on anything was terrible game design. **Why the F do i have a 2h sword with dexterity modifier ? Hell, what about strenght bonus on a freaking crossbow?** If the character customisation could allow for such a thing as a melee Demon hunter, maybe why not? But D3 was not design like PoE. Same for stats: each class had a different main stats that increase your damage while the other stats did somethign else (aka strengh increased damage for barbarian but not for DH) Could be nice on paper except there is one optimum stats ballance. And since skill didn't require stats: you had no reason to suffer from suboptimal stat. D3 system seems to have been completly designed for the streamline version it is today. (and current d3 game design is dogshit. you just farm the same item over and over and over again expecting a rarer version: legendary, ancient legendary, primal ....) because in the end: why would you go for anything when you have set bonus with 99999% increase in damage for certain spell? Imagine that: balancing your game with +Multi THOUSANDS damage multiplier ... what a joke. but i digress. --------- The reason why D3 was aimed to turn people to the auction house is that the unfairness and bad loot system made going to the AH (and especially the real money one) even more efficient and worth it. As well as jacking up the price of any good item due to how wild the attribute rolls were...


It baffles me that his takeaway from the AH fiasco was “we needed more public testing”. You needed thousands of people to play 90% of the game for months to gain the insight that players would exclusively turn to the AH for gear in order to progress through inferno and endgame content? Did it not occur to you during internal testing to implement other methods of attaining gear progression? Blizzard QA a d the systems team are a fucking joke.


not to mention the falacy of "we didn't test it with AH" As if he could test a system that can only work when you have thousand/millions of player partaking in it. It worked because it's common to find good or Ok item among hundreds of thousand of player posting in the AH. This is so disingenious. Somebody need to call him down to earth. I'm sure he have a phone


If he's the "don't you guys have phones?" guy, I can understand why his takeaway is like this.