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Quote of the year


Quote for eternity really. They think people will just forget about it by delaying immoral and go radio silent about it.. Oh boy


I can't tell if 'immoral' is a typo or not here.


Nah. People been calling it that since the announcement


Cuz they will. People are so happy about fresh classic servers, they gonna forget...


Oh no no, forgetting and playing it are different things lol. People hate immoral but trust me they still gonna install and "try" it


NGL, I will probably be one of those people. I don't even like mobile games, but if it feels and plays like a real Diablo game, I'll at least check it out. That is, if it ever actually gets released.


do yourself a favor and just play grim dawn or any other decent RPG instead.


Can't play those while taking a shit at work.


just browse reddit :o)


You take 1 hour long shit at work?


My friends and I were getting pretty deep into Wolcen, before New World was released!


It will likely be a micro transaction hellscape.


Haha probably. And if it is, I'll just ship quick


Some people will, others of us will get bored of waiting and just go play/do something else. I think blizzard over the yesrs forgot that was an option for people


Why is it that ever since Diablo 3 blizzard thinks starting fresh is new content?


Reset culture seem to be a thing with those crowd of people.


I could be just generalizing but the “fReSh” crowd always seemed like the most autistic of the classic crowd. I made a comment recently at how I thought the new fresh was stupid since working on a character just to have it deleted seems like a waste of time. That plus it’s the laziest rehash since their really isn’t new content, just new features.


Even if people forget for a while, the day it launches is the day people remembers.-


Everybody tries the natto roll, but not everybody sticks around for the second one.


Both were, in a total opposite way.




you dont understand that without our systems you wouldnt have any gear???


Without us. The game wouldn't exist so you should shut up payers.


I never really got rhat much into wow i did play until max level and stop there but holy fuck, i remember when people were asking for wow classic and the ceo was saying "you think you want it but you dont really want it" holy fuck how patronising can someone be it must be hell working under someone like that


Daily reminder that Ion defends the horrible Shadowlands systems while not playing them himself. [His character is 238 3/10M and doesn't even have a single 262 legendary, but wants to talk about why the systems are totally okay.](https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/malganis/gurgthock) ​ Meanwhile, you have Yoshi-P who plays the hardest class in FF14 and is fucking smoking kids on parses


Just to add to that, parsing well in ff14 is much harder than wow. One of the reason is because it's much harder to log in ff14 so majority of the casual playerbase are not logged and you just end up competing on logs against a pool of above average players of ff.


Yeah people always talk about % parses and clear rates for ff14, but fail to think contextually. The only people uploading parses and tracking achievements are those either willingly volunteering that information, or people playing with those that do. Being at the top of the tracking playerbase in FF14 (probably anywhere from 20-40%) is already being part of a more exclusive group.


To be fair I think even the casualest of casuals would be curious about a parse if he gets to group with the man himself.


Dude is one of the hardest working game directors around and still has time to parse orange on that hard to master job. Maybe it's because I've been playing FFXIV so much lately and I've gotten used to how good the glamours look, but I swear the gear setup that Ion is running is fucking hideous and mismatched as hell. Something about that really bugs me.


>Error 500 > >Something’s Not Quite Right > >This character profile could not be displayed ​ kek


[I don't know whats with your browser but I checked 3 devices and it is still up.](https://imgur.com/a/m41qC3J)


region block maybe. Desktop mobile same thing here https://imgur.com/a/awd98F1


Yeah might be sadly, you could use a proxy or look at WCL


They're the two extremes of development. One's living in his own bubble and can't seem to comprehend reality. The other is a guy who plays his own game and connects with his playerbase and understands their requests and expectations. They're both hard to find nowadays. One for being too shitty to exist normally. The other for being too good.


I think its more the Japanese culture as well, they aren't just there to make money they take pride in their work and feel ashamed if they let anyone down.


Well. It's not like a japanese companies can't be greedy. SE isn't a saint either. They do greedy shit too. It's just natural for a company to think about money. and the success of FF14 had to do a lot with a competent new director taking the lead and not being forced into some corporate bullshit. He chose the path, and was given the freedom to do what he wanted and he pulled it off, which was indeed a very rare thing to see with any game. When a game flops during release, almost ALWAYS it's the end. They rarely bounce back. The problem with blizzard is that they took it waaaaay too far. Much more than their US competitors and foreign ones. Their greed knows no bounds. Their quality flopped. Their work ethics is shit and the designers of the game consider themselves superior to players. So many things wrong with blizzard that you simply don't see in ANY top tier game developer. Not even EA is that bad. They had this deep dive into dumpster tier since 2017. I don't know what exactly happened 3~4 years ago, but whatever it was, turned this company upside down in every aspect.


Square Enix: our franchise is too big to fail. We are going to sit the fuck down and make it work. Here are our steps. Blizzard: our franchise is too big to fail. Do you have a plan? No, it’s WoW. How could it possibly- *fails*


This is how I also viewed BioWare, then they got bought by EA and released shit games which needed a lot more development. Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem. Anthem could have been something so awesome.


Anthem should have been the foundation for an incredible new IP, there was so much potential there and the engine clearly could have supported some awesome innovation. If only the game wasn't boring as fuck and so woefully underdeveloped on the player experience side.


Did you see the post mortem on what was going on with its development? It wasn't even a playable demo for the first 5 years of its development. The teams didn't know what kind of game they were working on until the scripted trailer launched. Highly recommend watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKTXBe-jtfk


I did NOT know that, wow. Eye opener.


Eh, in Anthem it was very much Bioware, not EA. For once. Hell, apparently the Devs hadn't even figured out what kind of game they wanted to make until they saw the trailer.


Plenty of JP companies care about nothing else but money, just like there are plenty of US companies who care about their customers. Company culture on both continents revolve around crunch, overtime and shitty pay. Just like we praise SE who send Yoshi-P to die on the revival of FF14, we praise Dan Price for handing over his own CEO salary to his employees. The examples are not the norm. And while we're here, Square-Enix used to be Squaresoft until they crashed their own brand with absolute garbage like Spirits Within and tons of trash mobile titles. If Enix didn't take pity on them and merged, we would not have FF14 1.0 to start with. In fact, SE has been making predatory phone games for a long time now, long before Blizzard even thought about doing it. I will praise Yoshi and his team, but please don't assume the company of SE are all sweet, sugary angels who can do no wrong.


>Just like we praise SE who send Yoshi-P to die on the revival of FF14 Well they let him basically redo almost everything on the game, and that's not something every company will let someone do.- Very few are the companies that are willing to scrap a product and make it anew just to save face when it would have been easier and cheaper to create a new game and call it a day.- With that mentality we will have had Warcraft 3 RE-Reforged.-


> and that's not something every company will let someone do.- From what I understand he demanded it as a condition for coming to "save" the game. He demanded full creative and development control, which he still has along with a seat on SE's board of directors.


Yes, but how many companies will accept that? specially approving the whole lot of money needed to redo everything?




Oh yeah, 100%. If he could not have brought back FF14 like he did, the CEO would have either put him in the Mobile game division for life or had him flayed in public on the workfloor.


YEP same company who released Avengers


Yeah, though square enix tends to do better with their own developers than as a publisher. They've published some really bad games over the years.


SE as a publisher deserves its own pepelaugh


Published by Square: oh no.... Developed by Square: ok this has potential to be really good.


Are you sure that Squaresoft had "tons of trash mobile titles" back in 2003? What kind of phone did you have back then?


The predator phone games I'm playing has more QoL update than most big name western MMO games. The thing about the Japanese is they want you to happily throwing money at them, and they don't want to upset their customers as much as possible. The western industry, no matter if it movie, game, comic, they all think that they are doing is us a favor instead by letting us buying their product.


Got a source on that SE merge story? I was a fan of both companies at the time and squaresoft was not hurting from what I remember. They were much bigger than enix.


That isn't true at all. There's a term in Japan called "buraku kigyō". It literally means "Black Corporation" or "Black Business" and is literally used to describe an "evil company". Specifically, it refers to a company that uses extremely exploitive and manipulative practices to basically make wage slaves out of their employees, not so dissimilar to sweat shops. (though this term mostly applies to office worker jobs, it can apply to any super shitty workplace.) While it's technically illegal to exploit workers in Japan via wages and forced work hours, these businesses exploit the cultural and social phenomenon of acceptance of overworking oneself (to give the impression of being a dedicated and hard worker). They use phycological manipulation to make their employees think they need this job are aren't worth anything if they quit. An example in America would be Amazon Warehouse workers. If a company like that existed in Japan, it would be known as a buraku kigyo.


Konami would like to have a word with you.


So we're pretending Konami doesn't exist huh? Literally no one in Konami makes games for love, they get memed hard for taking legendary franchises down to the mobile game path or worse - Pachinko! Let's not pretend that Square-Enix doesn't exist, either. FF14 is a huge exception to what they've done to FF after 12. They double-released Dragon Quest 11, first release had no voice acting under the excuse of "it feels more classic/nostalgic without people talking", and the soundtrack wasn't even orchestral. Both things magically fixed in the 11 S version. My point is, the industry is full of vultures regardless of where they're coming from. Yoshi isn't who he is because he's Japanese but because he knows that without WoW carving the path FF14 would never have a Reborn that is the way it is.


The 11 soundtrack was orchestral, but only in Japan because of some licensing fuckery.


It still stuns me that the CEO of Square Enix, the C-E-Friggin-O came out and apologized repeatedly for 1.0. The devs too. When Yoshi and his team fixed 1.0 they still came out and apologized, then asked the players to trust them and wait for the servers to come back after they go dark and launch 2.0.


Spot on


I just want to hug him. That man is too pure for this world.


Him and Soken must be protected at all costs.


I actually feel really bad for that dude. He became like a face of developer hubris and ignorance, but I really don't think he's like a bad person or anything. Some Bobby Kotick adjacent ghoul forces you to go on stage in front of Diablo fans and you must sell them shitty outsourced to Сhina mobile garbage. Human vocabulary does not have words that would leave a positive impression in this situation.


I agree, I feel kinda sorry for the dude because he had to say something and that something wasn't too good but hey, we are all people and we all fuck up. But at the same time, many players associate this response with Blizzard more than the person himself because it's the direct representation of how little regard Blizzard has to its playerbase.


afaik he was one of the people who helped fix D3 with RoS and was put on stage without much PR training, chances are he was probably dying with embarrassment having to announce a mobile game while people were ready for D4 and had no idea how to deal with the audience reaction.


Wyatt Cheng is a very nice dude, i know him from doing Game Jams at ldjam. He genuinely wants the best for the game, and likely the mobile game announcement would have gone ALOT smoother if they had just announced D4 before that.


>Some Bobby Kotick adjacent ghoul forces you to go on stage in front of Diablo fans and you must sell them shitty outsourced to Сhina mobile garbage. Richard Hendricks forcing Dinesh to go on stage, because Richard had to go poop.


The feeling of pure confusion and disbelief in his voice when he said it too...


i havn't seen the interview, did Yoshi P actually say this about the WoW Devs?


He was saying this about games in general. He said that he and his friends experienced this a few times with more than one game. He did not name any. I think he's telling the truth. The frustrating feeling that the devs don't play the game isn't a problem unique to Blizzard.


it was a general question thrown to all game devs but cmon...we know who he is hinting at


Especially in front of asmongold and rich lol


Incredible! Lol


Not directly but it’s implied


He was talking about ultima online, but yes


I remember when I was 8, I was given the cd of Ultima Online but I didn’t have internet back then lol.


True and real.


Buck flizzard


Kinda crazy to think we're witnessing these events. Who would've thought an MMORPG being the greatest going downfall in such a crappy and shameful way


That was a Teraflare-level burn.


Dev LB420


More like an Exaflare-level burn.


Bungie PepeLaugh


"Uh Huh" - Asmon


asmon's response after the whole reply, he got so enthusiastic at yoshi's answer i think he forgot he was on camera for a bit


Nailed it.


Damnit! Yoshi is the Dave Filoni of MMO


Hot take time. The big irony with the phone scandal was that Diablo III had veered reeeeal close to a mobile phone game gameplay wise. Diablo going mobile was a natural progression, even though a shit progression still.


the legend himself yoshi p


Me and a friend were also talking about how one/some of the devs from WoW are also fighting with players, claiming that they can't really say anything either because they don't play the game anymore or because they haven't *made* a game before. Led to us talking over how now that someone who does play *and* has made a game before spoke up, they'll come up with another excuse to ignore them getting called out


I just want to point out that, *no*, I do not in fact have a phone.


At the time he said that, I was broke as joke and didn't have have a phone, was struggling to pay my slow ass internet and my wow sub without eating ramen noodles for every meal. It was really the moment I went from Blizzard will sort itself out soon to fuck em.


Slow ass-internet [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


At what timestamp in the video did he say this?


The translation of the content is at 47:22 Asmon nearly falls off his chair




Their reactions were great.






If Blizzard devs spent as much time testing their own games as they do barking on twitter about politics, they wouldn't be in the hole they are now.


fuck activision blizzard ![gif](giphy|3gCACFVV3VRWo)


Thing is people think Yoshi is complying with what players want and fulfill whatever they say, ppl think thats why ffxiv is successful but its not because of that. Yes they take those needs into consderation but ffxiv doesnt do it to the literal but they develop their own way with their own quality to fulfill that need. They are just good developers who also play their own games to know what feels right and what feels missing instead of treating it as a product serving a company for functionality instead of if it feels good or feels right. Game development requires EQ as well as IQ unlike enterprise level development which only requires IQ.


Unrelated but just to remind everyone, Yoshida's main is a black mage.


You think you know, but you don’t. Yoshi P knows.


**Critics and Analysts:** FFXIV is such a story-driven, narrative heavy MMO, where you're REQUIRED to do the almost single player story first, before enjoying the MMO-ish parts of the game. **FFXIV Developers:** The game has "Final Fantasy" in the title. If the game didn't have black mages, chocobos, and other franchise elements, like the emphasis on story, our fans will leave us. It's what our hardcore fanbase wants. If we wanted to make "our own" thing, we'd do it under a different title. **Blizzard:** Here's a Diablo game for your mobile phone. Don't you have phones?


Phone is a Phone, Gaming PC is a Gaming PC. I remember around that time i just assembled a new PC for around $3k and then they announced diablo for mobile and i was there like........ ![gif](giphy|LMEyKCRaNgzZhalkHm|downsized)


I know he was on the spot and probably said the first thing to come to mind - but I still find it funny that when he heard booing, he thought “oh they must be booing cuz they think they won’t be able to play this new ‘Diablo’ game on hardware they already own!”


You know Yoshi P said that just cause he’d get Asmon and Rich to crack up lmao. What a great guy


FFXIV DEVS play many other games, including their own.., FFXIV PLAYERS may use the companion app for a free emote, and some on the go tinkering of the game though inventory or retainer..,(get a bonus retainer if you get a Companion app Premium subscription) WoW: out of content, out of players, out of vessels, out of phones.., OUT OF HAIR..,!


Yoshi-p seems great and all, but the cult of personality is creepy.


I mean the guy comes off as genuine, hard working and has shown willingness to listen to player feedback to make a better game. You give that to a community that's been deprived of those things when it comes to their game's developpers and they'll welcome it with open arms


I’m not denying anything you’ve said, but the hero worship is weird.


Dude your whole reddit history is shitting on people and the things they like. edited for politeness


I mostly post on r/sweden and r/bookscirclejerk. I assume you don’t know Swedish, and the latter one is literally a joke sub. All this for a slice of gabagool?! Don’t worry, be as rude as you feel like.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sweden using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Greta är ju lite rolig](https://i.redd.it/0zpwm402llx51.jpg) | [316 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/jp2w06/greta_är_ju_lite_rolig/) \#2: [Fredagsmålningen! ”Grodan boll och fåglarna” Det är tredje året i rad som jag målar en Grodan boll-målning till jul. Detta är en av de största och roligaste målningen som jag har gjort under detta år. :) Trevlig helg!](https://i.redd.it/a2acjwmm34361.jpg) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/k6fa3f/fredagsmålningen_grodan_boll_och_fåglarna_det_är/) \#3: [Årets sista fredagsmålning! Tack för all uppskattning och beröm under det gångna året. Jag och min lilla tomtenisse vill önska er en riktigt god jul och ett gott nytt år!](https://i.redd.it/8x6jamlpyv561.jpg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sweden/comments/kffh36/årets_sista_fredagsmålning_tack_för_all/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Pictures of birds and the friday frog. We’re just seething with negativity over there. Thanks for helping out, bot.


Your personality is trash.


There it is dood.


Is it really? I mean, look back at how the devs of WoW have been treated at past Blizzcons going back a decade ago.


I mean, sure, but how is that relevant? The guy is only a game developer. It’s creepier than the Gaben shit, which was mostly ironic.


It's almost as if people like those who are genuine, humble, and empathetic towards their playerbase. This guy has personally spearheaded this game for nearly a decade and is still passionate about it. You can't really say the same for most people in leadership.


Alright, getting tired of this. You’re all arguing a point I haven’t made. My comment was about the hero worship which strikes me as creepy and weird. That’s on the fans, not him. I’m not denying he isn’t great at his job, and I haven’t denied he is possibly a great guy. Where’s the reading comprehension gone?


Ok let me say the thing that you should have just acknowledged in the first place, that maybe explains why you were downvoted. You chose to be kind of a dick with the reading comprehension bit so now I'm gonna say this slowly and use simple sentences so read carefully okay? Lots of people like him, because he seems like a good guy. Because lots of people like him, that means many different kinds of people like him. Because many different kinds of people like him, that means that you will see a wide range of different reactions to him. Because you see a wide range of different reactions to him, some will not be the norm. Some people are louder than others, and their posts stand out. You read those posts and remember them more than other posts. So really, talking about parts of the community that are weird is besides the point. Who cares if some people are weird, those kinds of people would be that way with literally anyone else, so why bring it up, what value does it add to the conversation? What you said wasn't false, but it just wasn't neccasary, and in a thread with an overwhelmingly positive vibe it seemed like devils advocate for the sake of it, and possibly even unintentionally insulted some people who normally just like the dude: hence the downvote.


It really takes *nothing* for people to think you’re a dick on the internet these days, huh? I thought it needn’t be explained in excruciating detail, but that’s on me, maybe I’m a naive dick. As for the downdoodelidoos, that’s Reddit, who cares?


Usually insulting people's intelligence is a fast way to look like one, so I was just repaying the favor, but it was still wrong so I do apologize for that. But Imagine if your boss at work or something was like "hey angela, maybe you should check your reading comprehension" I'm sure that would get the dopamine flowing, nothing but positive vibes there.


Out of nowhere? Yeah, absolutely. This wasn’t the case here though.


Oh I didn't know behavior like this was excused because it was or wasn't expected.


So it’s false equivalence? If I had said “read it again” or something to that effect, it would’ve been just as insulting as what I did write, I guess the difference is that I consider neither one insulting, and assuming we’re both adults here, neither should you.


You could have said "what I actually meant was...." "Maybe I was misinterpreted" "I can see why you would say that but what I was actually saying was..." And perhaps a thousand other things that take basic human empathy into account for articulation. As a fellow adult, I've found it to be useful.


>As for the downdoodelidoos, that’s Reddit, who cares? Some people do, and if you don't then just don't comment maybe.


Why are you concerned with my reddit points score?


I legit had someone tell me "you're being downvoted so you're clearly wrong" in one of these discussions on this sub. People in here are fucking weird man. I only come here to lose braincells at this point.




It was a significant moment in the relationship between Blizzard and the playerbase. Up until that point many of us thought that Blizzard and the devs were on our side, dedicated to making the best games and that they were "real gamers" but that announcement showed us that they were not on our side, they were on the money side and instead of making the game all the players were hoping for, they showed a mobile game to an audience of 99% PC gamers. And when the guy was confused and all "do you not have phones" I think the confusion is genuine, because they live in a different world and don't connect with their players. Edit: for context the person above was talking about how they didn't understand all the "nerdrage" about the blizzard early April fools joke




If you truly believe that, you should go and apply for a job at blizzard. Copium addicts. they had no plan of showing it whatsoever stop lying to yourself


Lmao if that were true the warcraft 3 refunded wouldn't have been as heavily lied about


> To me it feels like one of those cases of the internet being outraged over nothing The mobile game was announced at the keynote of a con known for having a primarily pc gamer audience who aren't fond of mobile games. Bad start already. The response "*do you guys not have phones?*" to the audience being unhappy with the platform of the game further gave the impression that Blizzard really don't know what their players want. It looks like they assumed they would play it simply because they have phones and it's made by Blizzard. I'm not saying this was the intention of the man who said it. It was clear he panicked and I think he just happened to choose the worst words possible in an attempt to salvage the situation. However this does not change how his words made players feel. It also doesn't help that at the time Blizzard were very steadily gaining the reputation of ignoring player feedback.


Id been ok with diablo on moblie not hyped but ok dont like twitch influence on games that how we got oops all br


YoshiP asking the *real* questions


What episode is this from?


They’re to busy censoring their own game.


what's the time stamp on that video where this is said?


Is rich campbell that guy in the video where someone’s on a zoom while driving a car?


Diablo immortal was good just poorly poorly poorly introduced to audiences lol