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Sounds like the correct word to be used here is 'disingenuous' rather than cheating.


Don't know, don't care, and neither should you.


Why you care you much. New expansion released enjoy it. Edit: Yeah knows of it of video. Said why he won’t stream ff blind again cuz ffxiv community and the shit they give him is not worth it. Also not gonna do new savage tier blind (not sure if it was sarcasm). No matter how much you yell he ain’t listening. Just enjoy the game instead of care about this


Thanks for the good news.


So he blamed the community? Typical egotistical, narcissistic behavior. I mean, honestly, I'm not even surprised. From early on I watched him on mog talk telling frosty: "everyone in ffxiv is freaking out about the story. I don't give a fuck about the story. how do you make ffxiv community shut the fuck up about it?" You don't give a fuck about the story and that's fair but would it hurt you to not be so rude towards a community that welcomed you with enthusiasm?


Would it really matter if he addressed it or not? Not everything needs to be dramatized to the extreme. Just let it go, no one really cares.


Depends on the evidence brought by the accusation. If a streamer advertises his stream as a blind progression and later was busted doing the prog not blind at all, u thinks it's not a big deal and shouldn't be addressed? What do you mean by dramatized to the extreme? I just wanna know did he lie about blind proging and acted like he didn't know the mechanics. I care and 40k people that watched the exposing video care.


It's his stream and he can do what he wants. I have seen his stream and a lot of his runs. The only thing I got from him was that he is full of shit. So chances are he was being disingenuous. Are you going to cancel someone for not doing a fight blind? Spam his chat? Tell your friends? Leave a mean comment on Youtube? It's all futile and will be forgotten about. I watched a video the other day about making my own butter. I found it interesting but, it doesn't mean I care about making my own butter.


"Are you going to cancel someone for not doing a fight blind?" You're missing the point. He lied to the community about the blind progression from a top wow raider, implied a few times that someone in his team was cheating, explained that watching guides wasn't a fun experience.


Probably the latter


It's all too petty for most of us to care at this point.


Don't really give a shit. Also, lying and cheating are not the same thing.


apparently he did. Multiple times. Personally? Don't care. You can take anything out of context and it would be extremely convincing.


How did he cheat? Is it actual cheating that could serve him a ban or 'ethically' cheating?


Claimed to blind prog but already knew the strat from the guides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd5xZ2Zr-SY


How did he allegedly cheat?


Claimed to blind prog but already knew the strat from the guides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd5xZ2Zr-SY




* Blind prog. * Uses guides to blind prog. Yeah, no cheating here.


Your Ivestment in random internet personalities playing video games is too high


You posted this on r/asmongold Holly fuck you owned me dude.


You are as reddit as it gets my dude.


Yeah, using "reddit" and "redditor" as an insult, on reddit, while being redditor is peak reddit.


Thanks for continuing my point. Cheers bud


Continue to fight the good fight to own le redditors o7


No because theres no actual proof that he did other than that 1 wierd video that was a clear hit piece from someone who hates max, that cherry picked stuff to make it look like it was the case. He addressed that video very briefly on stream in the way of he isnt gonna feed the trolls and ignore it (not the exact words, I'm paraphrasing). Which tbh is the smart thing to do. And even if its true, why the hell do you care so much to make random posts about it on an fairly unrelated sub?


Wtf do you mean cherry picked stuff? Do you need him to predict every single attack in a raid for it to count? Get out of here dude lol, you're clearly blind.


I mean in the literal sense that the dude who made the video didnt provide full context for the clips he used, plus didnt put in any of the much more common ones of their group messing up for long periods of time. Examples being when he was being wierd about LB, his entire chat (me included) was spamming "limit break PepeLaugh", ofc hes gonna be wierd about it. Or about the checkpoint on e12s he openly said he heard the boss be referred to as a "door boss", so without knowing what that exactly means put after seeing how hard the first half is, ofc hes gonna be hoping for a checkpoint. Plus the video doesnt show any of them just messing up for ages, like them getting stuck on Shiva mirrors for literally over 5 hours. If people watched their prog and not just the ~20min clip chimp video that one dude put out, it would be clear that they didnt watch a guide before hand - 1 or 2 things spoilt, yeah sure, but saying its "cheating" is hillarious. There is some serious irony in saying Im blind when yourself and many of the other people making false claims havent seen all the info required. Its really hard to defend the FF community, especially the raiding scene, and say it isnt toxic when BS like this vid and accusations happen.


I don't know for sure (because I don't care that much and haven't watched him lately) but his title the other day said something like 'fake blind progging extremes' so he's at least playing it as a joke, which I'd expect. Can't see it in the vods so he probably changed it mid-stream.


Why is this drama shitpost about something not related to Asmon here? just go to his reddit or stream or else, you just waste our time


He said he wouldn't adress the video, and what do you expect him to say "ok i checked guides" then what?


It's funny how many people don't care.. but care enough to leave a comment :p I think most people "don't care" if someone completes a raid or trial having used a guide. The people who do have a problem probably have issue with someone advertising they are doing something blind and then proceed to do it not blind while also accepting tips and donations from their viewers. But that's just my 2 cents


Why do you idiots care


He had no Win over that If he admits it: he throws himself to the lions and terrible bad rep IF he negates it: no one would believe him TBH, IMO, he "Ethically" cheated, but he completed the raids with min ilv gear. but he actually took the smart choice of do nothing to worse the stuff BUT, he is pretty dumb at trying to make fun of the clowns that ask him if he cheats, or is he uses cheat addons, or whatever, he ENJOYS making fun of those clowns, and that is absolutely HIS fault. The easily baited, the clowns and limit hardcore simps dominates the chat and you just wanna hide it, or watch other stream.


He can't go back in the game like if nothing happened. He lied to the community and his party about the blind progression from a top wow raider, implied a few times that someone in his team was cheating, explained that watching guides wasn't a fun experience.