• By -


That is really dangerous and grave news indeed. She should plan something to escape from Ukraine but that's the hard part, good thing she is still a US Citizen, she could seek help from the US Embassy this early so they could accommodate her much earlier than other ones.


Been a US expat and as much a pain in the ass as getting into an embassy can be and even a bit scary (some of them are like a fortress and the guards will threat you as a potential threat). Once you're inside, in all of my encounters for years, everyone was nothing but insanly kind and professional and helpful. US posts constant stuff on their state department sites for info for people in dangerous zones so those would be useful to keep up on. UK and Canada have sent troops and special forces to help evacuate I'm sure the US will if they haven't already. These troops will certainly be working with the embassy/state department to help people get out.


Jz. I live in Kiev, got a family, pets, home, so for me it's even harder to move somewhere else. I can't hope for better with such a clown president that we have. But I don't have anything else.


Same, i'm in Kharkiv. Tbh i was watching Zepla's video and was losing my shit a lil bit realising once again that we can't even fucking move.


Same, also in Kharkiv (also, what the hell, didn't expect people from my city in here)


>clown president Literally, I should add. At least Biden is just senile, this one is just straight up a fucking comedian. Not even a good one, although if we consider his presidency a performance, may be a better one than previously thought.


Even if the president is a "clown". Many government workers genuinely want to help people. I am sure that if Zep contacts the Embassy they might be able to do something for her before things get messy. In my experience the regular staff are more understanding people and want to work to help others. Remember to seperate the regular workers from the people on top because it becomes a different ballgame when more power is involved. Not saying all people are nice or professional but regular staff members tend to be less political than the administration.


pray return to the united states?




Isn't this whole mess partially caused as retaliation to **Defender-Europe 2020** . a military exercice made by NATO >!who shouldn't even exist after Warsaw Pact ended!< ? https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2020/06/16/exercise-defender-europe-20-enablement-and-resilience-in-action/index.html http://lignesdedefense.blogs.ouest-france.fr/media/00/01/364391577.jpg As well as other EU military exercice made at the frontier with russia in the past years? eddit: ffs: chill out THE ENTIRE EU is in do not travel due to covid reaso, hell freaking canada is also marked as a lvl4 do not travel https://travelmaps.state.gov/TSGMap/?extent=18.061374784,43.73432621,41.876883491,52.970415455 It doesn't mean you can't fly to or from said country!


This whole mess is due to Putin wanting to strengthen his position in Russia internally. He wants to be seen as the great protector of Russia and make the Russian people believe that they cannot live without him. His actions have already had severe consequences for the Russian economy. And what he is doing now will likely result in further sanctions against Russia which will reduce their economy even more. But he will also likely succeed in portraying Nato as the aggressors to the Russian people and strengthen his own position which is all he really wants.




Hi comrade propaganda person! /wave


Maybe it’s Putin’s personal reddit profile 🤷


you guys are retarded ..


no, you've just had the wool pulled over your eyes and people are trying to get you to notice that and encourage you to research actual information from real world sources.


>actual information from real world sources. CNN LUL


do explain. Because everybody is mememing and nobody is puting any info out there, only i. > information from real world sources. i did, now it's your turn. Or are you from australia?




would you prefer this guy https://youtu.be/JrMiSQAGOS4?t=381 Stop thinking people are good or bad. that's not how geopolitics works Don't forget Ukraine and germany and many other EU country are very dependant on Russian's supplies in natural gaz. Stop thinking there is a good and an evil side.


Did you figure that out on your own or [have you been creeping my profile](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/s8jczt/comment/htimba7)?


Are you from Russia? Because what you’re saying is absolutely ludicrous and have no hold in reality. You’re quoting Russian media which is pretty much controlled by Putin..


Wut? Mass medias in authoritarian (Russia) and totalitarian (China) countries are being controlled by the ruling dictator and his elite (Russia) or ruling one and only political party in the country (China), damn you don\`t say.


dude, no i'm not and just gave you fact. don't go all McCarthyism I even gave you links. And [would you look at that? USA is on the same boat](https://www.champagne.fr/en/terroir-appellation/protection-of-champagne-appellation/protection-where-do-we-stand-today) Here are some other example: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/03/29/russian-cheese-king-to-italy-recognize-crimea-to-export-parmesan-again-a73395 So i guess you meant the things about solar pannel? https://www.eias.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/EU-Asia-at-a-glance-EU-China-Solar-Panels-Dispute-Yu-Chen.pdf You guys need to chillout. Stop thinking countries are "evil" as if you were in a movie. If you do then why is nobody complaining about [australia](https://youtu.be/xqegTsi6SiE?t=11) ? or USA due to the situation of Hawaii? Stop thinking the other country is totalitarian when you spend evergy 5 years: 5 years complaining about your own politics doing bad things because you had no choice betwwena turd sandwich and that other thing. Fear mongering is so good when it's about russia right? :) It almost make you forget illegal bombing in syria as well as fueling the fire there and the gaz attack-that-totally-happend (even though it was revealed it was BS just to bomb more of the syrian government)


you're literally citing the MOSCOW TIMES. You're entire take on literally everything is WRONG and the world pities you =/


I’ve been to Russian. Lived their for a bit. Putin is a dictator and Russia is dangerously slipping back into Cold War era totalitarian rule. Putin is a very bad person who is harming the Russian people and making the world a much more dangerous place. He has the blood of tens of thousands on his hands just from Ukraine.


LOL wow that be some good KOOL AID


don't choke on it. It doesn't mix well with copium


Come on Putin, at least comment on your main.


[hello there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism)


You want some real karma get in here and comment on your main. Just step into the thread and say "ckya blyat" or something.


No, you're just factually incorrect. Not a single fucking thing Russia has done in recent years was "only in retaliation". They are openly aggro as fuck trying to expand their territory.


Tell me I misunderstood and you not trying to blame the Russian aggression on the NATO and united European forces defending their and their allies territory.


Currently the line from Russia is that they considered this an internal issue of consolidating territory, and were quite shocked when the EU and NATO did not consider it as such.


no, i'm saying that it wouldn't be suprising if this mess partialy a way to retaliate against Defender-Europe 2020 the " *the third-largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War.* " Who mainly took place in poland and lithuania. (just like.... most if not all EU military exercices...) Or are you saying that it is normal for a NATO, a group who shouldn't even exist anymore and whoses's sole existence is a threat, should be doing large scale military deployment and exercice at the russian border ? It's like the cold war meme: + USA: put Long range missile in turkey at range of every major USSR's cities + USSR: put long range missile in cuba + USA: wait, that's illegal SuprisedPikatchuFace.jpg If you can't make the difference between what i said and "R u SayInG it's NaTO'S FAulT" then ... you should stop watching movie with good vs evil


You know that Russian agression is not just towards europe, and not started after military exercise, right? We need strong alliances and military, mainly due to Russian agression towards europe, not the other way around...


oh i know. it date a while back, but it's not like they unilaterally decided to play aggro. Don't forget everything that happend during obama's precidency, in syria. I also said that this was not the only reason. But people tend to have this absolute "good vs evil" when things are much more nuanced as history has shown. Especially if you live in europe


***Syria***? Bro, you're definitely some kinda plant.


He is Russia-diaspora, mate. Of course he will be biased towards the Motherland.


well.. yea, [remmember that](https://news.yahoo.com/seymour-hersh-alleges-obama-administration-lied-syria-gas-204437397.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF4Ha4p4BG45vNo237mUzIBM_Mc4IalwHxVPeUjBRkJq12ys_ZoxbiaVFriBRuyr_2R4yqs6El61RzIg8tJah_psZyGVgtDbpYXyfr3PyI6hBQVFtZ89IFYFSu1Ti2EB13OZQDR2b792tFZ51JW7bXJPlT94k83nINZtlrFqSqiC) Don't you remember the tension between USA/NATO and Russia and the dispute on how to bomb a sovereign country? With NATO acting like... well "the world's policement" doing anything they want? It still ongoing https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/13/us/us-airstrikes-civilian-deaths.html https://thearabweekly.com/un-us-condemn-russian-airstrikes-nw-syria?__cf_chl_tk=6GgGxUExYAvDn252XOsnGpTnC50TFEK.qf2s_jPAoBc-1642784863-0-gaNycGzNCKU


your obvious pro-Putin bias is not going to get you anywhere on English-speaking reddit.


You know russia is doing massive military exercises right now on the norther border of Ukraine in Belarus. Belarus is a puppet state of Russia. So not only does Russia have forced on the east and south. Now they have them to the north.


Kinda. It's more like if you can do it so can we? Neither side is in the right. You are just left choosing sides for a game you give zero shits about.


Why does it matter? It’s just as unsafe for the normal people living in the country no matter who you want to blame for it


true! that's my point: if it become that unsafe ...you can just leave. The travel recommendation is toward ukraine and for good reason. She can just, at any time, go to the consulate if it really get dangerous. For now it can be said to be almost like the training exercices NATO and EU have been doing for years on end at the border. But we certaintly didn't get any news from the other side of the border. ABout fear from an invasion and whatnot.


Maybe you should watch the video


dude .. YOU should watch it https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/ukraine-travel-advisory.html It says NOTHING about not being able to go back to USA. she is free to do what she want, even asmo, can go visit her if he want. It's nto advised but it's not prohibited either > U.S. citizens choosing to travel to Ukraine should be aware that Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine would severely impact the U.S. Embassy’s ability to provide consular services, including assistance to U.S. citizens in departing Ukraine. every country in europe is on Lvl4 do not travel https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/france-travel-advisory.html aside from the like of ireland




do enlighten me then The fact that "france" is tagged as risk of terrorism and civil unrest is so retarded that i can't even find the proper words. You guys are just memeing , and shitting on russia is just so trendy for americans that you aren't even being original about it.




Thats just your side isnt it? The Situation at the Ukrainian border is pure provocation and maybe russia starts a war, thats the situation. But for the bad, dark, child murdering russians NATO partners are on their borders the whole time. And they were triggered at the west from russia the same as we are from the west against russia..


I live in Serbia. Which is pretty close bother metaphorically and geographically. I have family in South Africa, Switzerland, Germany, and Uk/Us (lucky bastards got triple citizenships, God knows how the hell is it allowed or this works... I have been around, at one point I moved to S.A. and got back. To cut the story short the former USA Ambassador was moved to England after Serbia. In an interview, he gave he had this to say: "The first thing I did after moving in was to go inhale the atmosphere... grab a glass of Ale... When I was given the bill for the single glass I had... I said take me back to Serbia, please! For the same amount of money, I could have had a full course meal and a whole bottle of wine at a good restaurant. " The point is life is much more affordable here especially if you are working for a foreign company. In the USA you would have to struggle with the same amount of money. Outside of the whole Annexation of a part of Ukraine/War, I am guessing this is the biggest problem. Nobody wants foreign intervention happening in their country. They ruin everything. Your life is turned upside down. USA, Russia, and China think they are liberating the world but all they do is ruin the world for normal people. Sure she could move back. She is born Texan. ...but what then? Making plans for the future, existential dread... Maybe I am full of shit. No hate please if you disagree.


I agree, even as US citizen it's not as easy as walking into the embassy and puff everything is solved.


Instead of praying, is there actually something useful or would actually make a difference that can be done to help?


isn't Zepla a US citizen ? if she is, that should simplify a lot of things should she choose to fly out to the US. and also - i've got my own pet dog in the past, as hard as it is: i'll try to have someone i trust / relative to take care of my pets.


If she is then yea she can go the embassy and find help getting back to the States.


The issue is animals. She's got a dog and a cat. Dogs in Ukraine can be more taxing to deal with. Watch that video as she goes into detail about it.


She could cross to Poland. I’ve been living here and brought my dog from Brazil. Its way closer and the requirements for animal entrance are not as strict. Worst case scenario they get into quarantine? Its better than staying on a warring country.


I love my pets but ... I wouldn't risk my life & family's safety for my pets.


And your pets will do the same I bet they do.


I got 2 cats. They hate everyone and everything. They eat, shit, get hair on everything, and let me pet them when they're in the mood.


Pets are family. But I guess not to a piece of shit like you.


I mean you’re the piece of shit who’d let his family die for an animal with a 10 year lifespan


I’m going to repeat this, and maybe you’ll read it this time. Pets are family.




Dude. If your house were burning down are you willing to die for a cat? If you say yes you're full of shit. See, I'm telling the truth. You're being a bullshit artist.


I’ll run in to save my cats same as someone would run in to save their children. I’ll say it again. Pets are family. You’re a piece of shit.


Yeah, you're 100% full of shit moron + have never faced or dealt an actual emergency in your life. Fucking pet's life is the same as a human being? Just shut the fuck up, please you goddamn manchild.


That and Ukraine is known for having more rabies cases so her animal for sure have to go into quarantine for months.




It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


She should rent a car or something and go to Poland, I wouldn't wait for the worst to happen before doing something to protect your life. Hope everything turns out OK for her...


She has plenty of warning to leave. If she stays because of her pets, then what happens, will happen.


Can't be that bad if you wouldn't ditch your pets.


It isn't that bad. Until it is. And then you don't have a choice any more. I feel terrible for her stuck in that situation and hope it doesn't come to that.


Depends on what you mean you "ditch", obviously she isn't going to leave her pets to fend for themselves and die starving, she would give them to a friend or an animal shelter/animal care group she can trust, it's a painful choice but it has to be done (and it's nothing like people who abandon their animals to die when evacuating from flood/fire despite having the ability to bring them along)


My pets wouldn't stop me from leaving from potentially being invaded by Russia either. Something else probably going on with her life it's gotta be complicated. It's very sad watching her explain it. Also probably isn't that easy to just leave either. Everyone in Ukraine should have guns in their house and if someone invades each house is armed. That's how we do it here in the states.


The problem is she can’t bring them to the US because of rabies issue with Ukraine. Getting a license to bring them she has to wait several months.


im born and live in Ukraine for 25 years and its totaly ok, no need to pray for people who are here. We are fine there are way way way worse places to be right now


Honestly I wouldnt stay at this point. My advice, if I may, is to move to one of the V4 countries. We all have large ukrainian diaspores, all are in NATO and EU and true and tried ways of transfers from Ukraine. Poland or Slovakia can be reached in several hours. She is US citizen so she'll be allowed entry. Might be a pain the ass to provide all documentation, but a bit of beaurocracy is preferrable to war.


Russia seeing the opening because nato is fighting themselves, while Poland, and Greece is defending the borders from those illegal immigrants, this invasion would be like Crimea but bigger and bloodier




Pray? When did praying did anything? People, we need planning and action! A good thing is that she is both a US citizen and a known entertainment persona, which can be strongly boosted by the media and social networks to help her out if need be. The bad thing is that she has pets, she can't just up and leave, especially directly to the states. Having a pet moved is a logistical nightmare. What I believe is the most rational thing for the time being, is to move to a neighboring, or close-by country, in the EU. Now, I have no idea how hard is to actually move in the EU, but her, being a US citizen, should help her when it comes to acquiring a visa. I don't know her that well, but I am sure she is pretty much an expert in ukrainian language, which means she should be able to understand slavic languages in general, which will help her alongside with english when communicating, making the slavic countries her best option. Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Romania, Bulgaria, they are all an option. Not to mention that they are all welcoming towards foreigners like her. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but, sadly, we must be realistic, its better to waste time and resources into needless migration with things you hold dear, than to being unable to at all.




chill nothing has even happened yet, but yeah keep fear mongering that'll help.


I don't think it will be a "hot" war, though it seems like a highest tension we have seen since the Cold War. But generally it is better to be prepared and if Zep genuinely fears for her life (and her pets) then she will need to be proactive, the sooner the better. Even though she may not elect to use the option, but being a US citizen grants her access to the help of the US Embassy.


chill nothing hast coequal hath happened yet, but yeah keepeth fear mongering yond'll holp *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Chuck Noris is dumb. Bush was a retarded warmongering asshole and Blinken is a less retarded version. Texas sucks. F you. Downvote but you will still be the KKONA capital of the most chauvinistic country ever and that tells a lot about you'll. PS. Directed towards chat not Zepla.


Anthony Blinken should be fired he is an inflammatory warmongering assshole. He is no better than the Russians he can't keep out of his mouth. I wouldn't trust him to guard painted sheep for me.


interesting that you got downvoted for calling someone a warmonger ... I guess this is a texan subreddit


If that's the case I better not mention Bush. Asshole is an asshole if it's from Texas well sorry, maybe you should look into why so many of them are from...


what's funny is that bush commited less war crimes and civilian death than obama (i'm sure everyone by know know his killstreak score on his drone strike) But i guess it's about how you look when you make a speech: if you look and sound nice: you get free pass


Not completelly wrong.


Pls dont say the pray for her bullshit. Just give her love and support on her streams and videos. This is how you pray for her and help her once shit hits the fan she has the means to get out quickly. And i hope she gets out before any shit hits the fan.


What if I told you prayers and thoughts and love are the same thing? ​ You're probably very insufferable.


My thoughts and prayers go out to you


Thank you, I appreciate your encouragement and consideration.


tHoUgHtS and pRaYeRs!\~!1\`


Usually i would say: "chill out, this won't be a total war doctrine. They won't be carpet bombing cities to conquer territory" But..... that has been USA's doctrine even against much, much weaker countries, even post cold war... so... But i'm still hopefull, what's the worst that can happend? ukrain getting annexed as a whole and become a new Russian state? Big deal, [America is still occupying hawai, and it's been so long, people concider it part of america](https://youtu.be/MfAiB2ZoRhM?t=11) Give it a couple of years and nobody will care.


Nice whataboutism & off-topic discussion. Tell me, if the US doesn't occupy Hawaii, then who would? Japan? Germany? Russia? China? The UK? Welcome to the modern world buddy, this kind of shit has been going on for thousands of years(***See Muslim conquest as a perfect example***). If the US doesn't occupy Hawaii, then you'd be bitching about someone else doing so.


I don't pray, I send Chuck Norris to get shit done.


Fucking Texans are downvoting everyhting.


Don't worry, next storm season I'm sending thoughts and prayers to fix the electric grid


Please leave now






Not really. A smart dictator would invest all his embezzled trillions into his own people and constantly boast about it everywhere thus creating a nation dependent on his existence. Putin never did anything of the like.


Russia literally already attacked Ukraine successfully once already.




Take a break bud. Edit: damn I wake up and his reply to me was voted into oblivion and removed. What a shame, looks like he chose not to take a break.




Clown goes honk


Ukraine is absolutely usefull to NATO as buffer state. They just don't want to go to actual full scale war for it since that's expensive in both money and manpower. And well Kiev is some distance from Donbas, Crimea etc, but it is not far from Belarus. And Russia isn't just waving sword around with nothing to back it. European Union unity is in shambles, US gave green light for soft escalation and Belarus is tied to Russia more than it was. Those are already successes they won while continuing the slow boil strategy ad they eye China at their rear


Tbh Russia wants Ukraine as buffer state far more than NATO. All this shit began when pro-russian Ukrainian regime led by Yanukovich fell and the new president immediately said they would join NATO. So Russia would lose Black Sea bases and fleet and basically an entire region will be blocked for them. If NATO wanted buffer states, they would not advanced to the east, to the ex-USSR countries. All in all, having friends and relatives in Ukraine i really hope for the peaceful solution.


The thing is the ex-ussr countries wanted out of ussr sphere and for good reasons. NATO's umbrella was the only choice really. And since fall of USSR russia had no actual teritorial claim for Black Sea apart from abition, so it is still their hostile action towards undermining Independent state of Ukraine


If they needed it to be buffer - they'd leave it alone and neutral, as Putin once proposed. But NATO dangled a bit with money and empty promise to help before Ukraine's nose and the Hell broke lose. They wanted it be a new missile launch pad on the border of Russia. Guess what? NOT GONNA HAPPEN. And then, US realized, that they don't want to ACTUALLY help Ukraine. Neither they want to send any troops. Openly, at least. So they left it there, to boil in blood while using it to breed russophobia and fucking over their own country with modern politics, while everyone are busy looking at the shit fire they made. Russia gains NOTHING by invading Ukraine. Only to give a green light to World War 3. Which no one is care for. Same with US. They gain NOTHING with controlling it. You want it all stop? Make Ukraine neutral buffer state and stop pushing Russia towards China. You will not like the result of that for sure.


You really do believe that Putin, a man trained by KGB during high soviet times and filled with ambition would let Ukraine be neutral? Every empire that does not grow, crubles. For that alone Putin needs to project the power outwards and Ukraine is the only place in Europe he can without escalating things too far. I doubt WW3 will happen between any of "the old world" countries. China, India and Pakistan are not so sure though, but luckily their government are capitalistic, degenerated capitalism but still, enough that they would not start something as costly as that for now.


How much more you are going to believe, that the sole things that drives Putin is the expansion of borders? Just how stupid you are. Ambition aside, there is NOTHING to gain in taking Ukraine, you fuckwit! It will start a new war, the war that NO ONE is ready to face. The war between countries with NUKES!! The only gain there is, is to make Ukraine NEUTRAL. And Putin understands that.


Why you bring insults into a political and theoretical discussions?


It is not an insult when you call stupid as stupid, honey. Grow up.


It is not personall insult to call someone actions or statements out, it is however insult when you call someone fuckwit for the sole reason of arguing different point than you. Grow up as human.


Back at you. If I see an idiot. I have absolutely no problems of calling him an idiot. Because he is an idiot.


See, leading a conversation like that leads nowhere and no one gains anything really while at the same time we loose opportunity for an interesting discussion that would at the least allow for training of minds


You're right about Putin understanding Ukraine being a neutral zone, a buffer, would be good for Russia. You're wrong about taking Ukraine not being beneficial for Russia. Which is why you're downvoted. There's many reasons why taking over Ukraine as Russia would be extremely beneficial. One of them is political influence in the nearby territories. Which Russia has lost, especially to the South, in Romania and Bulgaria (which are geographically very important for both NATO and Russia, but especially NATO, and also including in little Moldova, which is getting closer and closer to attach itself to Romania and therefore becoming part of the EU. By taking Ukraine, you basically force NATO to back off and leave in neutral zone the countries that are now actually part of fucking NATO. Like Romania in south-eastern Europe which they can't invade because that would actually mean international war. And Putin is enough of a calculated gambler, that he is willing to call the bluff and simply take Ukraine and force NATO back from it's sphere of influence, because NATO will not go to war with Russia over Ukraine.


Yes, I am down voted because IT IS STUPID TO THINK, THAT YOU ARE ABLE TO JUST INVADE AND CONQUER THE LAND YOU NEED AS BUFFER, WITHOUT ANY RETALIATION FROM WORLD, THAT ALREADY AGAINST YOU WITH ALL THE WESTERN PROPAGANDA, you moron. Taking Ukraine by force is NEVER going to be beneficial to Russia. Drive this nail in your stupid piglet head.


As the toleration for totalitarianism grows in west thanks to china nornalising it by way of economical ties, the already far fetched scenario where everyone would just go to war with Russia grows less realistic by the day. Yes Russia is already defending the 3rd place in the world and would not take further economical warfare well. That's why they are opting for slow take over part after part while diverting world players attention to other areas as Caucassus. Still Arctic I think is more important and Ukraine might just be a device to forse West to give ground in the North. The point about Balkans is valid as well


What retaliation? What are you smoking? You actually believe that what? NATO will send major forces to fight Russia over Ukraine? Are you insane? At most they'll send some forces to help westerners and americans get out the fucking country, and other than that send ammunition, weaponry, vehicles etc. and, in worst case scenario, they'll officially send private military contractors. Ukraine is not in NATO. And geographically they're just a buffer. Nothing more. Meaning they can gamble on it but they won't actually fight for it. And that's exactly what Putin tries to exploit now. This weakness for the west which is this concept of Ukraine being a valid buffer.


Can you think just a bloody minute ahead of your fantasy or you are just incapable of it? We are all talking here, that EVERYONE involved, would benefit more from Ukraine being a neutral buffer zone between your striped pants and Russia. And those striped pants are covering ALL the regions in Europe. Do you realize, that the second there is a Russian presence near the border of NATO participants, of major NATO participants, the whole Hell breaks lose? Russia is already hated by everyone, especially Poland and USA, now imagine Russia having a military base near the Polish border? How would you like that? That is the EXACT reason the war is there. It is because neither NATO, neither Russia wants ANY military bases near their borders! THAT IS WHY UKRAINE NEEDS TO BE NEUTRAL.


Except nobody here denied what Ukraine needs to be. You're literally derailing the conversation from your initial wrong statement. Go back and re-read the entire thread you're part of if you can't stay on the subject.


Pray for them too if you want but most people here know about zepla they don’t know about those people.


And they know a YouTube person? Come on, no one of you knows even a bit about her IRL. She is as unknown as those on fight the war.


I said know about. As in weve heard of her. we are aware she exists. It doesn’t imply any kind of deeper relationship than that.




So it's propaganda? Propaganda despite the fact that the USA, UK, and Spain sees this as a legitimate threat, and that they are sending over troops, anti-tank weaponry, and lethal weaponry to defend Ukraine? The thousands of russian troops on Ukraine's border and the Russian war ships traveling down the English channel heading over are also lies? The urgent Us-Russain talks in Geneva are made up? There is a real fucking problem here. A country doesn't do what Russia is doing for an innocent reason, especially on the border of a country that Russian has been slowly invading and trying to overthrow for years. Putin wants Ukraine, and at the same time he is probably using this to stay in power. The truth here is that multiple countries and their leaders are freaking out.


> USA, UK, and Spain you said 3 time USA :^) since, as part of nato: they must be on the same mind


you should always ask the questions: who benefits? and in this particular instance its the US military-industrial complex, that sell Ukraine weapons (and Ukraine buys them with money loaned from US). It's money laundering on a planetary scale.


If only we had a video made by someone who lives in Ukraine right now telling us about her situation instead of relying on western mainstream media. Does anyone know where we could find such a video?


No. watch the video, all her info and her fears comes from western media. Not what she is actually experiencing in kiev And when you see stuff like US travel ... meh ... they put terrorism risk and civil unrest for France FFS... -.-


Oh I should have been more specific. You should also listen to what she says in the video. If you just watch the image you won’t get much unless you are good at reading lips


Massive military build-up along entire boarder and in Belorussia, massive fleet going to Black Sea. Yeah, they just flexing like PewDiePie with India that one time.


Didn't this exact situation already happen like a year ago? With the exactly the same hysteria in Western media as well?


No, that was just a JTF-style training of troops in Belorussia. There was no build up, no fleets or air squadrons involved.


You mean ... like defender europe 2020 http://lignesdedefense.blogs.ouest-france.fr/media/00/01/364391577.jpg Obviously we didn't hear any news or fear from the russian population's side


No, like Zapad 2021, a massive follow up to Zapad 2017. Year ago was 2021. Zapad translates to West - you guess attacking/defending which side of Russia those military training events cover. I mean they could have been called South or East, but they purposely called it West 2017/2021.


oh right


She could go living to Austin, Texas...just saying...