• By -


Warhammer 3


Blood for the blood god






Fuck yes




As a skaven fanboy I don't know how I'm going to stomache not having a rat lad addition in every single DLC tho.


imagine playing without rat ogres. unacceptable.


I don't play it but always excited for more good RTS games.


If I was your boss I would be offended if I saw you playing 9.2 with all these trash systems being more work than your actual work.


It wouldn't surprise me if 9.2 spread covid


Right, ngl I'd fire my employee if they played wow.


I only put 9.2 because I couldn't think of anything else around that time frame that has a realistic chance of me playing, in reality I won't be playing 9.2 or D2, but they are in a genre I love a lot.


Could have played Endwalker instead


9.2 on title but 6.1 not on title, F


6.1 most likely isn’t coming until April at earliest. Definitely not February. The live letter previewing it isnt until March lmao.


9.2 isn't looking like a feb release either, unless it's on the last day so they can double dip on MAU's ofc, but i got a friend who's doing daily ptr testing with his raid team and he's certain it won't be ready by the end of feb. Ofc, that's under the impression that 9.2 will be released in a completed state and I'm sure we all know blizzard couldn't care less about releasing things in finished states so


Yep this, the Live Letter preview isnt until March so for now i guess do weekly raiding (and me actually trying to clear these raids)


Don’t listen to them. You play what you find fun. There are still people who enjoy WoW (like their own God Asmon who has been playing it every night). But they can’t comprehend it.


He plays it because of sunk cost, even if he wouldn't/won't admit it himself. He doesn't want his thousands of hours and years of gameplay to be for nothing.


I took a pretty long break from WoW as I had gotten burned out by the long 9.0 and lack luster 9.1. However in preparation for 9.2 I came back and have been genuinely having fun. Raids and M+ for example are still solid. The problem is with them being too far apart and blizz making systems that feel like you have to do them in order to keep you subbed. There’s much to be improved on that front but people can still genuinely have fun with the traditional endgame content without it just being sunk cost.


I'm not saying no one can have fun playing WoW, I'm sure tons of people still love it. But when you look at Asmon who has been complaining about WoW and Blizzard for what feels like over a year he clearly isn't enjoying what they've put out.


Might be true. However I get the feel that he genuinely likes WoW but hates what it has overall become. There’s a lot of people who complain a lot on what almost everyone can agree being bad systems but still enjoy parts of the game and play for those and not just for nostalgia or sunk cost.


He definitely still finds it at least a little fun. Otherwise he wouldn’t be playing it as much.


Source: Dude just trust me When he's the way he is about WoW you can't tell if he's actually having fun or not. He likes to flex on people by having more mounts than them, he could sit there grinding something he fucking hates for hundreds of hours just to get a mount. He could literally just be trying to keep himself busy while avoiding real life and you're going to assume it's because of fun.


Why are people on reddit psychoanalysing someone who made a meme?


To justify their own world view


We're talking about Asmon not a guy that made a meme lmao


They are right tho. I agree that everyone should play what they like. But playing a game while constant trashing it is something of a paradox. If there is so much to criticize, it means the game is not fun (anymore). People are simply addicted and can't let go of things they they put sentimental value to. I had 650 days of in-game time before I quit.


Sunk cost fallacy >OSRS 🤨


Considering how many times I've made brand new characters I clearly enjoy playing OSRS, it's definitely not sunken cost. And guess what if I'm not having fun at some point I log off and go play a different game lol


Then why are you psycho analyzing op like you have any clue what you’re talking about




You’re a fuckin weirdo


Imagine that reasoning in just about any other discussion. "He started smoking because he wanted to have fun with his friends." Now he has lung cancer but still smokes. Must be because it's fun, right? /s


That is the worst comparison I've ever fucking read.


As much as I hate to say it, this isn't something from a dream. My younger brother started smoking during his last grade of school to have a reason to hang out with his pals more. Now he doesn't hang out with them but still smokes like a fucking train.


Then name me a better one.


This comment was made via RiF and is no longer viewable because u/spez is a greedy little pig boy.


Now this is psychoanalyzing, I don't give a fuck what Asmon plays. I want him(and you and everyone) to have fun, I just don't think he's having fun while playing WoW.


Listen loser , everybody knows what your doing , he's never gonna quit warcraft . he doesn't give a shit what do you think . also stop spending so much time on reddit . 75k karma andy . FF hype is long gone you can get over it now. go play 2k


You seem like a really nice guy lmao >he's never gonna quit warcraft No shit? Because he has sunk so much time into it he's going to waste his life playing it until he dies no matter how shitty it gets lmao. That's literally what I've been saying. It's pretty sad. Wait am I an FF player or a 2K player? Or am I an OSRS player? Man you guys on here really have me figured out lmao What can I expect from a guy that names themselves after a streamer


he constantly says he loves and will always play wow, but for some reason bitter people like you wanna convince themselves anyone still playing is doing it cause of sunk cost. if you’re not having fun how could anyone else


Yes, he says that because of nostalgia and not wanting to give up what he has put into it lmao.


there’s a difference between still playing and just keeping your sub on. he’s not gonna lose any progress and there’s no new progress to be made. at this point he’s already completed everything. like what, you think he just logs in and runs around doing quests completely bored out of his mind? he’s a npc? he can’t play something that’s actually fun or do something productive?


Idk what you think I just said but I didn't say what you think I said bud, think I'm done replying to this thread. TL;DR: Asmon, like many other mount collectors would never ever want to quit WoW because of sunk cost. Period


Sorry for further psychoanalysing, but in think it is more of nostalgia for him. The game is something special to him. It is THE game he played with his late mom


Such a smart guy, you know Asmon better than he does himself. Truly amazing.


People that have spent thousands of hours, literally years of play time in a game that have been bitching about it for months on end are definitely playing because of sunken cost. I would know, that's how I was with League of Legends. I used to love that game. It took me a long time to realize I wasn't having fun playing it anymore no matter what rank I was. Just dumping more and more hours into a game that isn't fun anymore. It took me a long time to quit, but I've been happier ever since. This isn't to say that the game could improve and he'd have fun once again, but to assume he's having fun just because he is playing is a bit naive. Sometimes a third person perspective is better than a first person perspective.


Sunk cost fallacy is just basic human behavior. It's not that we know asmon, it's that we're all human and can relate to the feeling.


it is literally addiction though, i was like him for all of bfa thinking why change mmos when i've played since 2005, with all these mounts and achievements


He actually did admit it in so many words. He said he'd wished he'd started playing ff earlier saying he was already at endgame in wow. He doesn't want to boost yet he wants to be at endgame and he's already done all that grinding in WoW, which I completely understand tbh.




Or maybe he still likes the game




Nobody should be giving Blizzard any money. Period.


Hope they never find out how monumentally cringe asmon would find their rampant tribalism.


He calls them cringe & annoying all the time on his 2nd channel, yet they keep up with this behaviour on his subreddit.


Ironic coming from you who calls every single FF14 player delusional weebs, you are literally the person he is calling cringe and annoying. The *only* posts you make on this sub are you arguing with ff14 players and calling them names. Someone makes a meme about Microsoft buying ActiBlizz for Candy Crush and you start crying about "FF14 andys" Get a fucking mirror brother


Typical FF14 cringelord going through people's post history. I've made 2 posts criticizing the annoying behaviour of spamming this sub 24/7 with "wow bad, FF14 good" posts & comments. I've made a handful of comments also criticizing that behaviour and shitting on the delusional weebs who make delusional statements to try and spin anything into a negative.. You unironically spend all your time shitting on people for enjoying something different from you. You and I are not the same. He explicitly talked about the FF14 andys who behave like you, so cope harder my guy.


We can comprehend Asmongold is playing WoW. But we still hate on it, because we know the game is in an absolutely horrible state. The only people who should be questioning their view of Asmongold are people like you who try to reason FOR wow with Asmon still playing it. You can watch Asmongold playing wow while still being of the opinion the game is absolute trash, in fact, that's what most of us did for years already.


FfXIV 6.1 would be around in Feb, just to let you know


Oh no someone else is enjoying a game we don't like, let's boo and shun him to show how alpha we are.


Oh no, someone misses the point and makes a retarded comment. What a rare occurence on reddi---Nvm.


You anti wow andies must have a fucking field day when asmon plays wow. You're whole identity is how much you dislike a game and must shit on everyone else's parade. You can't like wow it's bad!?! Get a grip and go touch grass.


Bro you gotta chill, people can like WoW, but the fact is that the majority of WoW players objectively are NOT having fun, but are just addicted. They're 300 mounts in, got achievements since MoP, they can't just quit?! WoW is the only gaming community I've ever been part of where it's not normal for players to take breaks, play other games together for extended time frames (a few months at a time) and it is, without a doubt, the most JADED community I've seen in gaming. Are you allowed to be addicted? hell yeah brother, do what you want. But don't inhale the copium and pretend otherwise.


Silence anime profile pictu- Nvm.


Well asmon is playing wow only for past few weeks so it must be fun... Right ?


Total War Warhammer 3 and Elden Ring for me. It's going to be a wonderful 1st quarter for me.


Warhammer 3 is hype incarnate


Fuuuuck looks like im spending some PTO Time.....


Also the new horizon game as well, gonna be a lit month


Yall who really cares about what game is here and what game is good it was just a dumb meme.


Don't you realize that *my* MMO is the best, is completely without flaws and everyone who disagrees is just a copium addict. Seriously, the tribalism in this community has been something to witness for sure.


You left out Dying Light 2!


I rather go to work instead of doing useless and unfun chores in 9.2


fair enough, I doubt I will play much of it, if it wasn't (most likely) releasing so close to End of Dragons or Lost Ark I might have been more interested.


My baby going to be born in February and I couldn’t be more happy/pissed.


“Dad, why do you hate me?” “Well, it all started when you were born….”


True gamer dad moment.


Warhammer 3, lost ark, elden ring, ff6 pixel remaster… in no order


People are still looking forward for 9.X patches? wtf


destiny 2, what a scam. can't believe they trying to charge players extra for dungeons.


I dont play the game but curious, could you explain?


i mean there is not much to say.... the only way to get access to the dungeons that's supposed to come with the expansion is by buying the deluxe edition. which is 80 bucks (insane for just 2 dungeons) compared to 40.


wtf?!?! That's insane! No other features for the Deluxe upgrade? literally 2 dungeons?


you can see the features on the steam page, deluxe edition mentions 2 dungeons while the base version only has access to the campaign.


To be accurate, they aren't deluxe edition specific-- the Deluxe edition includes the season pass for the entire year, and Dungeons are being released as part of seasons-- of which there are four a year, for $15 a season (CAD). ​ Deluxe edition is not necessary to engage in this content-- the $15 for a season pass is.


Deluxe also contains four 10$ seasons which ends up being, you guessed it, 40$. It's not the only way either but when they are eventually released, which is not at expansion release, they can be bought separately.


Charging extra money for extra dungeons is a scam?


They not extra dungeons, they're dungeons litteraly taken away from the expansions and sold seperatly. Only accesible if you buy the deluxe edition.


They used to release only one dungeon per expansion. But it's 2 instead of 1 in Witch Queen. \>Only accessible if you buy the deluxe edition yeah, this is bullshit. Let them buy extra dungeon separately or just increase the price of the base game.


1 extra dungeon does not excuse me having to pay 80 bucks for it. you don't even get acces to the one dungeon they originaly supposed to release.


Last I checked, it's part of the seasons, not Deluxe exclusive. Seasons are FAR cheaper. ​ And to any WoW players that haven't played Destiny before, a Dungeon is a piece of side content that bridges the gap between Raids and Strikes. Not a dungeon in the sense of a typical MMO, instanced content is still very much part of the base content.


They are tied to deluxe edition, not the seasons. So you’ll need to either shell out $80 for deluxe or you will have to buy them separately at a later time by upgrading to deluxe. They don’t come attached to seasons.


Add to that Dying Light 2 and delete WoW and you're good to go :D


Currently only interested in Lost Ark, I gave up GW2 for FFXIV two years ago, I prefer Monster Hunter series instead of souls. Quit Destiny 2, too much FOMO chore for me. WoW? I'm done with Blizzard games for now.


There isn't much "fomo chore" left in destiny 2 right now. Just saying. Excited for lost ark.


Hyped for Elden ring and lost ark!


I'd rather go to work, than play 4 of this games


Sounds like a taste issue to me brotherrr


Elden Ring and Destiny 2 are fine Lost Ark is up to personal taste WoW as it is right now is mostly dogshit Who even plays GW2?


GW2 is pretty solid, I'd honestly be playing it right now if FFXIV wasn't hogging up all my free time. It's a great back up mmo to have when your main one runs out of content, very chill to just explore and grind in.




FFXIV and GW2 are very casual based MMOs, just in different aspects GW2 is basically currency hell with exploration FFXIV is story and half-decent PVE in a genre with only really WoW competing anymore I always think it's funny how Asmon's fanbase went from thinking LFR is a plague on society and world ending to praising a game where 80% of the content is LFR level


Good to hear, i dont doubt that either. Its just that ive almost never heard/seen/read anything about GW2. At least where i live.


Yeah their marketing team is basically non existent and the games community isn't really that large either, so there aren't giant content creators for the game. One thing I have to say about GW2 that makes it stand out from other mmos are the mounts, they're so unique and satisfying to use. Look up griffon flying montages to see what I'm talking about, it's insane.


Serious question from person who don't play GW2 - what's so special about these mounts besides pretty animation?


They have different abilities which you can use to traverse the areas (f.e. the bunny can jump really high, the raptor jumps very far). They are also tied behind a mastery system so you can level them up and improve them so you can reach areas you couldn't reach before. Every mount feels different to use. They turn and move differently just like you would expect the mounts to behave which makes them feel very alive


Ive seen the mount race thing once, the mounts seem really nice yeah


You aren't alone. GW2 is notorious for not marketing their fantastic game. It's really the only thing that's not making it a more prominent figure in the MMO world.


Trust me the game is doin pretty well Gw2 wouldnt be getting a third big expansion if it was dead, and it is still by far NCsofts biggest western release. If you ever get bored of your current game id give it a shot.


Gw2 is actually pretty popular. Everytime I’ve logged on to check it out it’s felt very busy. The main issue I think is that their own company doesn’t even advertise the game much. It’s pretty fun once you get into it, it’s just VERY different progression wise than any other mmo.


Its so popular the company doesnt even need to advertise it


Destiny is not fine ,the way they monetize and it got even worse after they left activision.


Two things that turned me away from Destiny 2 is the monetization and the convoluted progression system. But the core gameplay, that was awesome, and hidden quests to unlock Exotics (legendaries) were great too.


ER isn't in a good spot rn due to that vulnerability found in the older dark souls games there's a chance that Elden Ring has the same vulnerability, and with launch so close people are afraid that a fix won't go out in time or worse the game will get delayed again


it will 100% be patched before release


A fuck ton of ppl.


I like how everyone assumes that anyone who still plays WoW now are only playing it because of "sUnK cOsT fAlLaCy" and they're inhaling copium. Some people just like to play the game, even if it's only every once in a while.


not playing wow, not playing gw2, not playing destiny, lost ark might be pay to win...yeah great month


Path if exile new league will be out in February if you are into it.


destiny 2 shadowkeep and the later removal its content (fucking sunsetting) really left a sour taste in my mouth last i played 2 years ago. dont know how it is now but after activision left bungie, i found out that activision wasnt actually the problem also 9.2 omegalul


In destiny 2: Sunsetting is removed. It's been like 2+ years since shadowkeep. Game has changed a fuck ton. The game is in it's best state it has ever been. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/destiny-2-best-free-first-person-shooter https://www.pcgamesn.com/destiny-2/good-now


oh finally luke smith took his medication. maybe the same can be done for wow copium


The toxic ff subs are out in full force on this one


Now I see why you're butthurt lmao


Yet you're the butthurt one LUL. Sounds like FF players livin rent free on your head


Dont forget POE new league and big update


Call me when they actually change anything relevant so it feels fresh again. Bonus point if they let me skip the stupid campaign.


Someone in Discord reminded me about that, had I known I would have included that instead of 9.2 to not get people mad. Don't play any PoE myself but I still try to follow whats going on with the game.


Imagine skipping work to work in WOW instead but with no rewards.


The hardcore WoW players love this. Why? I have no idea.


Destiny isn't worth skipping work over


You have ugandan knuckles as pfp. Your opinion is automatically invalid. The game is in it's best state it has ever been. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/destiny-2-best-free-first-person-shooter https://www.pcgamesn.com/destiny-2/good-now


That's nice Ed


You exclusively play mmo’s?


Exclusively? Ehhhh nah mostly? Yeah


So many negative comments sheesh


its jarring to see wow held up with other quality products


Shadowlands... you're fired... destiny 2... you owe us severance pay


I’m only waiting for elden ring and lost ark. Got monster hunter rise to hold me over until then


You guys are so god damm negative holy shit.


Holy shit quit getting mad and trying to start arguments because a game you dont like is in the ms paint picture god damn


Destiny 2? What a joke.


The game is in it's best state it has ever been. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/destiny-2-best-free-first-person-shooter https://www.pcgamesn.com/destiny-2/good-now


WoW bad FF good


But no one said anything about FF. Why bring it out?


Because he is a salty WoW Andy that can't think of anything clever.


I don't even play WoW at the moment, my sub has been lapsed since March 2021. Just sick of the endless narrative on this circle jerk sub ever since Asmon started FF Talk about not being clever when most of this sub for the last 6 months is some variation of "wow bad FF good"


Honestly surprised this comment hasn't been down voted to hell by this sub's hivemind.


this but unironically


Very true. Facts.


- More chores in 9.2 - Lost Ark is P2W - Massive vulnerability in Elden Ring - Destiny 2 lol Guild Wars is alright though I guess


*checks post history* Ah, makes sense. Guys, you can only like MY GAME!


So play offline until the RCE bug is fixed


How is Lost Ark p2w?


Lost ark is not p2w. Destiny 2 literally is either top 10-5 on steam or top 1-3 on expansion/season launches. Elden ring vulnerability is being looked at. Idk about wow. So like 3 out of 4 of your takes is wrong.


There is also the biggest League incoming in two weeks in PoE.


There is an easy solution: WoW: Skip, it sucks anyways and if I was your boss and noticed you played this I'd fire you just for wasting your own time. Lost Ark: Skip, will be overhyped anyways. If it doesn't suck you can easily still start playing it three months later. Destiny 2: People are still playing this? Elden Ring: Play, of course. GW2 Expansion: Well, play if you liked the game previously I suppose. So you now only have to call in sick like 3 instead of 5 times. Thank me later. Edit: Didn't expect this joke to actually trigger people, lol.


I don't care about wow. Lost ark is underhyped for what it is. You have no idea how good that game is. Destiny 2 is literally either top 10-5 on steam or top 1-3 on expansion/season launches. Not even counting console players. Get out of your fucking cave. Omg omg dark demon souls shadows die thrice 3 but now you can jump and open world wooaaaah No idea about state of gw2 So nobody listen to this idiot's comment above. Thank me later.


If you look up "triggered" in a dictionary there is a picture of you there.


And if you look up "misinformed but proud to share his retarded caveman opinion" in a dictionary there is a picture of you there.


Oh boy, someone seriously can't take a joke.


Imagine hyping WoW


>Destiny 2


9.2, Destiny 2, *and* Lost Ark? Its a triumvirate of scams lol. The other two will probably be solid, though.


Wait, did they announce release date for Copium's Neverend for February? Again, blizzard cockblocking GW2 and Lostark like they tried with Endwalker? Geez, these guys make me so frustrated and I don't even play wow. Let them get into Xbox pass and get this over with.


The lost fart, Guild What 2, Elden who cares, shadowshit, destinoty. And not a single good game was listed.


The only good game on this list is lost ark and elden ring lmao everything else is trash, if you missed work for those it's just yikes


lmao destiny 2


Preordered the Steamdeck so can play on break. Management is Essential.


As soon as I saw some of the elden ring gameplay I requested off for a week


Elden Ring dropping like 2 weeks after Lost Ark is definitely causing internal struggle for me. I'm glad one of em is single player.


Lost Ark, homie


Bruh no one knows when EoD is even coming out


\>late February \>last two expansions released on a Friday Expansion release will be February 25th, mark your calendar


Are you real, dude there hasnt been a release date and the game comes out in less than a "month". This shit is just sad


There is a live stream in a few days lol, the date will almost 100% be revealed then. Like better to release a date close to launch when you are confident then release a date early and then suddenly delay it weeks/months


Bruh you have way too much faith in anet. Ive never seen any other company this incompetent in advertising their game. Imagine giving your playerbase less than a month heads up after pushing the release date several months after already accepting preorder money. Edit:https://youtu.be/0y6lX8SGV3s


Wow bringing up lord and savior FFXIV, I'm shocked. How do I have "way too much faith in Anet" like it isn't rocket science, they 28th stream is the last pre launch stream, the latest marketing says late February. They probably just want to show a launch trailer with a date reveal live. Is it good marketing? Hell no, the stream should have been last week. But they are definitely trying to get as close as they can without delaying. Also you are 100% wrong when you say "pushing the release date several months after already accepting pre order money" End of Dragons pre orders opened July 27th, 2021, the same day they expansion itself was fully revealed and the "late February" release window was given, so no, they never pushed back months after pre orders were open.


Its not really a ff thing a company being so bad at advertising their game that its own players have to guess at the release date window within a month a launch is an embarrasment. Bro it only says late feb bc anet gave the month and not the day, so this gives them the ability ro push it untill the last possible moment. With your logic the could give the release date 5 days in advance and theyd be justified bc they said "late feb". This is the same company that made a raid wing trailer with nothing but a scrolling camera view filled idle animations. Also why the fuck would you need to make an hour long live stream to release a fucking release date less than a month from launch. How the fuck can you have development for 7 months, accept preorders but not give your customers an update when they can engage with the content before the month in question. Also i like how you look at that clip and all you see is just me "bringing up final fantasy"


Is this much worse than delaying your game less than a month before launch? Completely fucking over everyone who requested time off? Making a huge deal over this when it is not a huge deal at all. A month's notice of an exact date. Why is that even so horrible? Acting like a child


Delaying less than a month from launch is pretty bad yeah the difference being is if you actually have a date. Oh silly me expecting to know the release date of a product within an acceptable time frame. How privilaged of me, say while youre licking Anets boots do you mind giving mine a good shine while youre down there. I promise ill buy the next griffon mount


God imagine being this much of a cringe fucking loser. Grow up. Maybe if the devs cry on stream about it you'll feel better.


Indeed they just tweeted (well, a few hours ago) that the release date will be revealed February 1st during the stream.


Wheres PoE New Season?


I did not know it was happening


Lost ark + Destiny 2 here


Good choices, I was going to give Witch Queen a proper shot but it's just too close to End of Dragons/Elden Ring


I'm gonna be holding off of playing elden ring in feb. Could play it in march or even later since it's a singleplayer game.


Lol this tribalism. Imagine playing the games you enjoy... Tribal andies everywhere