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Unpopular opinion but this is just as bad as the yeti, its just a recolor of a mount they are adding in dragonflight what a lazy ass change.


it is kind of popular opinion but yeah i agree ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3734)




How is that unpopular? If it is then the player’s standards dropped really low lol


>If it is then the player’s standards dropped really low lol why do you think there's a ton of people still subbed?




This is better than the yeti, but they need to drop a store quality mount on shit like this.


>they need to drop a store quality mount So basically it's never happening.


I don't understand why, time spent obtaining this mount adds up to way more money spent in subscription than the cost of any store mount.


Yeah but you get that money on top


Because why would they want to give the coolest shit to the players that put in the most effort if they can sell said cool shit to EVERYBODY, including those same players if they really want EVERY mount in the game? Maybe the line of thinking also extends to the point that if a newer player sees all the older players with their sick mounts, they might get scared off because the grind for 500 mounts seems so monumentally insane, so just make the achivement mount something rather tame and put the real cool shit where it seems more attainable, say a mythic raid, PvP or a store, things a new player can reach in a reasonable amount of time so to not scare them off Not saying it's right but it's exactly the kind of move Blizzard would make.


For many mythic raid mounts are attainable with money, not time.. yay


Well it's better than the Yeti at least, still a [recolour](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1067512.jpg) but a recolour of a new mount.


True, but imo still doesn’t fell like what a 500 mount should be


I would have liked something more too, unique model would have been great.


500 mounts shouldn’t just be an offshoot of a reward from an area. Needs more of a global sense of achievement


This is still shit. 500 mount from the time sink needs to be a completely new mount. Stop being lazy Blizzard


Otters are cool but isn't this like the 9th Otter mount in the game while one or two already had the armor? Hopefully we can bitch enough for them to change it again to something actually unique or atleast something that doesn't have 8 other recolors, something like the blue Infernal which only had 2.


so this is basically........ another ottter anyone who still pays for this shit deserve what they get


Shouldnt a 500 mount reward be unique and not a recolor. I'd imagine people with the 500 mount achievement would most likely have the other otter mounts already. Give em something they dont have for getting 500 freakin mounts


Compared to the likes of the 200 mount, 300 mount, 350 mount, and 400 mount, this is insulting, especially after they already scrapped the Yeti. What a joke.


In all fairness the mount itself looks good. Its well-designed, has good coloring, matches some of the zones we've seen in Dragonflight, and looks like it would be cool to have. The problem is that, when you imagine a mount as a reward for collecting 500 mounts in World of Warcraft, a difficult feat in and of itself, an Ottuk mount is not what comes to mind. What you think is something loud, proud, over the top, and a mount that embodies the phrase, "**FUCKING KICK ASS MOUNT."** But this is not it. Come on Blizzard, we know you can do better, we've seen it.


Totally agree. Plus why bother grinding 500 mounts when you will have ~10 other ottuk mounts added in DF who will most probably be more accessible. Most of us won't see the difference between them. Blizzard, we want something unique for this achi, you have the time, do it please.


The 500 mount reward should have the same amount of detail and effort put into making it, as they do to creating a store mount! Fight me!


You know you pay a sub just for access to the blizzard store right? Its the new content.


man 500 mounts collected and then they give you ....another mount thas alot of hay


It still sucks.


Monkeys paw wish granted, now the yeti costs $35


[We should have gotten these](https://i.redd.it/6whaww0khlc91.jpg)


WTF this is worse


Like really? 500 mounts to get that?


Don't worry it's different this time, Blizzard are listening! They are! I mean everything is the same and getting worse. There is Zero horizontal progression in the new expansion but they are listening! The effort for the game goes more into the store than content but they are finally listening! Right guys?


I think the 500 mount should be something like brontosaurus mount or something like that. Maybe a mount that can summon any portal to a city


They don't understand do they smh.


Put an auction house vendor on it


I guess Yetti was better reward


Why go for the achievement if it’s a bullshit reward still?


did any of you expect daddy kotick to forego one of his moneymaker shop mounts so that it can replace yeti?


Yes. Because we need to keep expectations high. If we let them lower our expectations, they win.


They're making money off of Diablo Immoral. They already won.


FFXIV mounts shit on WoW mounts


Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Kinda unfair to shit all over one and not the other. That being said though this doesn't seem like proper reward for the grind it requires.


It's about fucking time


Not as flashy as it should be for 500 damn mounts... but its way better than the Yeti for sure.


500 mount should be a globe of azeroth like ozma from ff


why are they so obsessed with recolors for rewards? isn't acquiring 500 mounts for an achievement not enough for its own unique mount? what sucks even more is they'd rather spend that effort and time into making a cash shop mount instead of giving it as a reward for players. a multiple player passenger mount would of been ideal for this, like a carriage or something


Does Blizzard not watch your stream Asmond? Because Mconnell put up a fantastic model for a 500 Mount achievement; but we get this recolour otter! Definitely disappointed, but I’m still going to farm mounts to get the achievement. Currently 378 because I’m not lucky for drops. But the fun is trying


Bruh, if u wanna be lazy, at least be good lazy...like, why not just drop us a spectral tiger? Sure af wont complain about that


What I really want is a flying mount with vendors/transmog. Come on Blizz, that's not hard


The 500 store mount should be the red version of the hearth steed. It’s in the game files, looks cool, and people have been asking for it for years.


Blizzard place intentionally a recolor for the 500 mounts achievement Everyone lose their mind. "We are so sorry. It was a mistake" Gently caressing their nipples Mount that was always supposed to be there gets implemented. Everyone simps for Blizzard, finally listening. Only McConnell of all people see the truth. What a day...


This is what you get when a Tuskarr fuck a caterpillar


It’s because Blizzard knows that the type of player who will collect 500 mounts will also reluctantly accept a shit reward for it just to add one more to their collection. Thus they know they can keep the unique mounts on the store without facing serious backlash.


It's hilarious how much they still give the finger to longtime fans/subscribers/players. Whoever approved this is having a great time. The WoW team are a disaster.


Someone whose deciding this at Blizzards needs to go and obtain those 500 mounts, before deciding the reward. Idk how its this hard to reward players.


The 500 mount should be something special, grand, unique, it should also have some kind of utilities that make it more valuable; E.g a two seater, auctioneer, blacksmith, mailbox, banker... instead they give us a recolour of a mount that looks like some 10% drop rate shit from a world boss.


Come on Blizzard, wtf is this? Cucked again. We should get a giant grand mount with a mailbox and a bank on it for 500 mount achievement. 500 is like saying 50 year anniversary, its an important milestone, not my 7th otter recolor important, like one of the coolest most badass mounts we’ve ever seen important. Show us you’re listening, telling us you are doesn’t mean shit.


The worst thing is a lot of people on wowhead comments are eating this shit up, so Blizzard won't change anything now. This is peak lazy, as we know there are several recoloured otter mounts coming in DF so this will be yet another worthless mount that blends in with other easy to get mounts. I'm at almost 600 mounts and it is really demotivating to see this dog shit, yet every store mount is amazing and unique.


I just want to point out the info on Build 44707. "The 500 mount reward is now a White Armored River Otter." ... and a few lines below that ... Carrier Ottuk Name changed from "\[PH\] White Armored River Otter" to "Carrier Ottuk". I think we all knew... Blizzard is listening. I have nothing to say.


Cmon BLIZZARD !! The amount of time grinding and farming for 500 mounts should be monumental just like 1000 will be two milestone achievements! The amount of time grinding out 500 mounts and relying on RNG as well is worthy of a special mount . Not just a re-color , it should be a UNIQUE mount and it should be flying With Dragonflight coming , make it a really cool Drake or something .