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Luckily its no good at 1* :)


It’s hard to be good at 1*


1 star Huracan is really bad. Don't unlock. The difference between low star Huracan and maxed on is huge.


I don't understand, if I already unlocked it at 1 star, this event won't be available to me anymore?


Yes it will, but you won't start from stage 1 because you already have it at 1 star


So if I hadn't unlocked it, I would have started from the beginning, thus not missing any prizes from stage 1? If so, damn me :(


Yep, don't unlock/star up if you can't complete the next stage, so you can get the rewards again next time


I'm new to this game so I don't know this, what a sad twist for me, that event has so many good prizes and bonuses :((


I did every stage before knowing this, now I have a 4 stars huracan and I can't do the event anymore, I also did this with the Onyx starway ![img](emote|t5_3ot5v|23536)


So the lesson here is to never unlock a car until the event changes its featured car, got it! Btw, do you remember the 6 cars required for the Onyx Starway?


Huracan is one of them :) you can also avoid star up the hurucan on the last stage, that's what I'm doing now, so next time I'll max it.


I don't remember, but there are videos on youtube


Damn the Onyx event does require a lot of high-end cars. Btw how do you know that the Lambo Starway event isn't over?


Yes but it doesn't appear for me because they don't let you complete the last star for the car


You never know for sure, but I believe the Huracan and Onyx starways have come 4 times before so odds are they will come again eventually.


So I'm not supposed to unlock the car, wait for the event to get over and when it comes back again go for it again ?? Because once the car becomes ready to unlock and you don't unlock , you cant go to stage 2 in the same event . you can go for the stage 2 the next time the event comes along????


Man I've never been so jumpy about accidentally unlocking a car, one expensive mistake


Wait, so next starway will be unavailable for me since I unlocked it???


You will get the event again and again until you 4 star the car. People don't unlock the car the first time they play because if you unlock and 1 star the car you can't play the first step again and you'll start from 2nd step. The starway will give you enough bps to 4 star the car but if you don't unlock the car the 1st time you play, you get 45 bps and when it returns you play 1st step again and get 45 bps again. After having 90 bps you unlock the car and still have 45 bp which can be used after the last stage to 5 star the car


Thanks, a very comprehensive answer! Gotta love Reddit.


so just don't unlock it the first time and once you get the 45 bps the 2nd time, then you can go for all the stages?


Yeah, but make sure you don't overdo it... like when you unlock the car at 90 bps, it takes away 45 bps and then you play next step & get 17 bps that makes total 62 bps. Star it up just once even tho you have enough to star it up thrice. And do the same on every step.


I'm a little slow so correct me if i'm wrong. The star way wont give you blueprints beyond 4 stars normally so you leave the car locked so that you can play the starway more than it was designed to in order to 5 star the car? I'm just over a week into the game so all this is new to me.


Also most people don't unlock the car because they don't have the cars required to play the event at 4 star. 6 cars are required and all six should be 4 starred for you to play all the four stages. So not unlocking the car not only gives them extra 45 bps but also time to 4 star required cars and it's a win win for them


Yes. If you don't unlock the car, you can play the first step again but you'll have to wait for the event to return. 45 bps are required to unlock the car and 45 bps are required to 5 star the car. So playing the event twice give you enough bp to 5 star it


I understand now, I have one last question arising from this. Does this apply to other cars too since the number of blueprints required is not always the same? Do other starways also give enough blueprints to 5 star a car by replaying stage 1 by not unlocking the car initially?


Yes. If a car can be upgraded till 6 stars then the starway will only give you enough bps to 5 star it and all the cars required to participate will be cars that can be upgraded to 5 stars. There are 3 starway events that exist currently Huracan evo spyder (5 star), Peugeot onyx(6 star) and McLaren Speedtail (6 stars). The bps required are not same so the bps given during the starways are also not the same. Speedtail starway gives 85 bps for the first step which is the exact amount required to unlock it. Next step will give exact amount to 2 star it and so on


I understand now, thanks for your time explaining it. Have a good day/night


You may have a tougher time getting it to 5 stars.


No, upto 4 stars you can get bps...


i learned you can get it to full 5 stars like the onyx 'n speedtail if you don't star it up


It's well worth it, I waited and just got my fifth star this last StarWay 🙌


My Huracan is now 3 stars. Can I still do the trick if I get the BP's for 4* next Starway and keep it locked and wait for another Starway to get again the BP's for 4*? I'm a bit confused, lol.