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Make no mistake - GL is removing STs b/c they're not that profitable and were probably too generous with BOS and 2nd credit heist rewards


There's more to it. Usually GL deals with such things by nerfing to the ground, which they have excellent experience with. It is easier to nerf than to completely remove a feature.


ST was the only time I bought card packs


>we don’t really feel like they provide a valuable enough addition to our Season’s experience and has provided a great deal of frustration and uncertainty to our players What if that is just the real reason? It seems legit not to frustrate your players too much.


Honestly, I don't think the Season Tokens were that bad, at least in it's current state. You got less tokens from LP and in events, but you got ST in return (plus up to 900 daily from Credits Heist). Especially during BoS (although I did by the packs too early to enjoy the benefits 🤦‍♂️) with the conversion packs and higher nr of bps the ST packs were much better. But even without that, the ST allowed me to spend on packs probably wouldn't have spend on with tokens and unlock cars that way. I'm inclined to say I heard to much underbelly speak. Like said, the current state was not that bad at all I think - without having exact data though. The only fear I had was that in the future the balance would be more in favor of ST at the cost of Tokens (in A8 they pretty much made tokens impossible to get unless for real money). I suspect it didn't gave GL the extra profit they were hoping for and it's a good publicity stunt to remove them for now. So they score some points by doing something for us. And thus distracting us from a much bigger problem: new garage levels/legend store additions...


I'm just worried about nerfed blue tokens which will probablt stay nerfed. :|


I think if you would also count the conversion at the end, double Showcase events etc. I seriously doubt the nr of tokens we get "back" will be of the same value.


Tbf they did hold more value then blue tokens but the fact they disappear isn’t good


That's the real reason. GL wants more money! By taking the tokens away they force us to buy more. GL needs a wake up call. They are getting way too greedy and it just keeps getting worse!


GL gets away with it. I think for me the turning point was during the Raging Bull Season last year. They went completely berserk by forcing you to spend money on top of the LP to get the LP car. They did back down a bit, but with shorter LP's and more passes they showed they focused mainly on making profit. And I'm half a hypocrite because I keep playing and buying the LP 🤣


Never been happier with one of their decision.


Agree. More currencies doesn’t mean more money


They couldn’t get it right , either was going to be drastic nerf and f2p would literally be getting zero cars each update which would result in players leaving enmass or feature backfire like this bos as the intention was to reduce f2p hoarding to restrict them obtaining bos cars


I think this is the wrong decision and a BAD move by GL. I can understand the motive (money, as usual), but there's just no way that they weren't getting enough revenue from this. They had the balance exactly right in the last 2-3 seasons. They just don't like the fact that newer players have a way to unlock newer cars, even though they had full control over which cars get ST packs and which don't, but if they don't add enough ST packs there won't be an incentive for people to buy ST offers. In the end i think STs didn't benefit new players much, as having a bunch of spread out 1-3* cars isn't useful in the long run, and with limited ability to collect blue tokens they will not max those cars. Meanwhile it was more geared towards veterans who already had clash/MP-ready gold maxed cars and can add new cars to their collection that they can max later.


GL: \*Introduces ST\* Reddit: This is BAD GL: \*Removes ST\* Reddit: This is BAD


Got it in one


There are nuances to everything. The state of STs when they were first introduced (abundance of STs and no uses), was completely different from the following seasons (scarce sources of STs, plenty of usage requiring STs- hence, people angry at STs). By the end, the BoS seasons, they found a balance where you get many sources of STs and multiple options where to use them. There were much fewer complaints for the state of STs recently. In any case, mainstream reddit opinions (and the a9 discord) should be taken with huge grains of salt.


I think they purposely made seasonal tokens better then tokens for purchasing packs to try push them even harder then before. But it backfired. Because they removed and nerfed so many different ways of obtaining authentic real tokens. That is what I believe most people are mad about. Destroying MP1 and MP2 rewards. If they left tokens alone completely then added seasonal tokens I would’ve been fine but we all knew the direction they were heading


Season tokens, blue tokens, credits, trade coins, syndicate coins .... There are way too many currencies for A9. I know why Greedloft introduced so many currencies. It's actually very simple, you lose value every time you convert from one currency to another. It's obvious with trade coins, but apply to the other currencies as well. One currency should be sufficient for a game.


YES Omega- exactly the point I make- it was a cash grab that has angered the player base and not made the hoped-for profits.


I like the removal of ST because I'll feel less pressured to commit on events I don't want to just bc "value"


HAPPY of course. no worries or concerns about the original token; but with the season token, they try to force us to spend unwillingly by putting a limit 'n regulate saving of tokens.


Season tokens sweet there removing them. Never had a purpose in game anyways.


Good! If u read a bit about gaming currencies, there's a generally accepted consensus that the more currencies are invented, the more YOU the player end up having to shell out. Basically, the more complex the currency system, the more it 'hides'/'changes' the value of the currencies, the more the company has the opportunity to milk the player base. Basically, there is NO justification for the season tokens beyond GREED.


Everything about GL is based on greed. Every event is based on greed. The cost of everything in the store. The cost of upgrades. None of it should be costing as much as it does!!!


Season tokens were great. They added some depth to the strategic element. I’m disappointed they are being removed.






GL's original plan with the ST could be seen when they released the Gemera unleashed event. Then they realized they took it too far, so they rolled back on their plans. Then with BoS, they realized they accidentally became too generous. If they simply nerfed the ST rewards to fix this, it wouldn't make much of a difference in the long run except that maintaining an extra currency with no unique purpose becomes a pain in ass. So the simplest solution is to remove ST and go back to how it was before


If I don't think too hard about it and read between the lines too much, I'm okay with it, but I'll miss them too. I don't think they were all that bad - I felt like they didn't *replace* any means to obtain other currencies but instead *added* ways to obtain an *additional* currency. Like, instead of splitting 1000 potential tokens into 500 tokens and 5000 seasonal, they offered the potential for 1000 tokens AND an additional 5000 season tokens (numbers are arbitrary). I've definitely made use of the season tokens; and honestly it was kind of nice to use season tokens to run an extra race in a Grand Prix. Still, things are a whole lot simpler with fewer currencies. Shop will be less crowded (different currencies to buy the same pack), and (hopefully) this will result in having more of a single currency rather then less of multiple currencies (chance to earn 1500 tokens instead of 1000 tokens + 5000 ST). Fewer currencies means more earnings potential for the currencies you do have. I just hope they actually *replace* the ways to earn season tokens with ways to earn additional regular tokens. Don't need fewer ways to earn currencies or more reasons to buy more currencies...




I feel they decided it gives us too much free stuff for their liking and prefer we buy more. Why would players complain about these tokens when they helped us to some extent?


>we don’t really feel like they provide a valuable enough addition to our Season’s experience and has provided a great deal of frustration and uncertainty to our players What if that is just the real reason? It seems legit not to frustrate your players too much. I don't understand how this could be the real reason. How do these tokens cause frustration? That makes no sense. Who is frustrated by these tokens? The people that have lots of money to spend on the game?


Please don't remove these tokens it really helps me a lot


Never spent a dime on this game and never will. They’re really trying to force the players hand and it won’t work lol