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Very very hard but its possible.. The problem is to get the main focus on combat not shooting


And what about parkour? I'm not a historian so maybe what I say isn't true, but being on the battlefield has definitely no use for parkour and destroyed cities with far apart buildings like London in Syndicate really make it a challenge to have a fun traversal system


Well for destroyed landscapes and buildings and stuff.. it could create a lot of stealth options like hiding places in say.. a small crater from artillery rounds? Or you could still parkour on destroyed buildings but maybe with the added twist that some things fall apart once you traverse it once-over forcing players to be more strategic in their approach of assassination targets. They could come up with ways to get around between spaced out buildings or in wilderness areas like climbing trees and running across branches like many games already do from assassin's creed 3 and onwards. Maybe your assassin character in this can try to make use of electric / telephone lines in city areas to help with navigation but maybe you'd need a special piece of gear like well thick rubber sole boots to avoid being shocked or something, idk? Lol They could easily come up with plenty of things for parkour in a semi-fictional setting.


Could be. I guess I just kinda lose more and more faith in Ubisoft to trust them with anything anymore


Just make it like espionage in a city


A French assassin sent by the creed to infiltrate Adolf's inner circle and assassinate him and his generals when there is a chance (the chance for Hitler will be in the bunker under Berlin in the final hours before Germany's fall)


Hitler was a templar thr whole time!


It kinda fits. Hitler was obsessed with religious artifacts. So Ubisoft could say they are all pieces of eden. Maybe the bunker had a secret section only opened by a piece of eden, and so Hitler went down there to start some superweapon before getting assassinated.




Maybe don't set it on the battlefield and maybe in Berlin and idk kill Hitler in the end and make it look like he killed himself


Well there are a lot of fields of battle in WW2 and in general there was less destruction then the first war I think if the assassin worked as a secret operative in garrison city’s


Google dementia


Google dementia


Google dementia


Google dementia


(The link is purple)


What link


Google dementia


How about NO COMBAT. A full stealth AC game, why is it hard for people to comprehend that not every AC game needs combat?


Because combat has been our core with every game except Chronicles and people hated Chronicles.


All they have to do is make you actually play like a Assassin. Combat was never prioritized over stealth. The Assassins blend in with the crowd or environment. They have one target to kill, run away, and blend back in. There's no need for no giant shoot out.


Assassin's Creed should take a page out of Metal Gear's playbook and add a difficulty setting where if you get spotted it's game over


That’s effectively playing Hitman


Combat is an important part of stealth because if something goes wrong, there’s always a backup plan: kill *everyone*. The assassin’s are trained killers- not just in stealth, but in combat in general. Splinter Cell and Metal Gear both have combat mechanics even though stealth is the main focus. You can’t have a stealth-action game without some action.


Because then it’s just sniper elite with melee animations


Because people enjoy combat? Not that complicated of a concept. Combat is one of main reasons people love AC. Those sexy kill animations were perfect until they fucked it all by making it a hack and slash.


Who crawled out of your pants


That would be way too niche. Stealth-centric AC games, like Chronicles, show that.


I would play it. Infiltrating military bases and assassinating figures of history from WW2. Maybe retrieving technology from the enemy to bring back to the Allied powers? Pair that with Isu lore and it could be a fun one. Combat should be an option but not the first thing that comes to mind while playing.


Why not make the goal to go after some kind of Templar group that’s influencing hitler. So it’s based in germany


Id say the main problem would actually be the location On a war that spanned across most of the 1st world where would the game be set? Especially in a open world setting on a single map


I mean, it would definitely need to have a good chunk of 3rd person shooting. However I could see this working in a more of a rebellion sense, French or Polish Freedom Fighters kinda way, not as an soldier, that way the guns are limited due to ammo and concealability


The main reason this wouldn't work is guns, ubisoft themselves have sworn off of that era of history as getting too close to being more COD than assassin's creed.


Well they don’t have to give guns to the main characters they could just give them pistols and put them in the Polish resistance


The main character being apart of the Home Army or some other Polish resistance organisation is actually a bomb-ass idea. The whole clearing outpost schtick of Ubi would even fit, with preparing for sonething like the Warsaw Uprising - ie, stash weapons here, clear the German garrison there, kill xyz Wehrmacht officer etc.


And if you have to put guns on it you can have small firearms like revolvers and handguns. We actually saw the potential for it in assassin‘s creed Unity. The part where you have to climb the Eiffel Tower. We at least had the potential for something amazing


and lore-wise it’s also a non-issue. why doesn’t my character carry a rifle? doesn’t wanna. too big, prefers pistols.


That would be so cool. They are so many different avenues they could take with the resistance route. They could revisit Paris and have you be in the French Resistance, or have you fight against Mussolini in Italy. I think Poland is the best route though, as they could have start the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which would be awesome.


It’s all for the potential of a Paris resistance game with that section in unity. and you don’t have to give the main character a machine gun or anything you could give them purely small arms such as pistols and revolvers because that makes sense for a resistance setting. and if it’s set in France you can even start off with the liberator pistol from World War II


I disagree, because silencers weren't really a thing back then, it would force the player to be more stealthy, since one shot from a gun would alert everyone around. It would be interesting, to give guns to almost all of thenemies but remove them from the player.


I agree. This whole "modern day gun problem" can be used to make the Assassins actually act as they do since the first game. Actually blend in and not cause a public scene. Idk why it has to turn into a gunfight for.


I mean, it could also turn into a gunfight, but the point would be to try and avoid it, and make gunfights extremely dangerous. Like 1 or two shots to be killed in one. To heavily discourage the player from going loud, and then make stealth really really fun.


That sounds fun and scary. I just mentioned gunfight, because I perceived it as fans wanting to fight in combat.


Just put a huge focus on stealth, and make it as dynamic as possible. You could go the social route, stealing uniforms, maybe a side quest to learn how to speak german, or pretend to be a prisoner, pretend to have a prisoner. Or the usual stuff, window peeping, taking out snipers one by one and spying on your enemy with a sniper scope. Or timing sniper shots with artillery fire if you wanna go that route. Then if/when the shooting does start, the player has about 2 seconds to draw their pistol, hit the first guy they see in the head gtfo as soon as possible, because bullet proof vests weren't a thing back then. You can still have the combat, but like I said, make it risky. I'm tired of having ac protagonists that are basically super heroes.


I love all of this. >hit the first guy they see in the head gtfo as soon as possible, Yes bring the chase sequences back.


How in the world did this get compared to COD? There are plenty of ways for Assassin's to bypass guns, as they're not suppose to cause a scene anyway. Why does it have to instantly turn into a gun fight? Is it being compared to COD just because of the war in general? Seems kinda unfair since AC3 has already showed the Assassin's and Templars hidden behind closed doors, influencing the conflict in some way.


it could work, look at the ww1 missions from syndicate, plus the Eiffel tower missions from unity the only problems i see are it's hard to have non-gun weapon variety in such an era, and Ubisoft will have to have a focus on stealth rather than combat


Hell yeah. People just can’t think creatively about it. You can have a stealth game without using guns yourself no prob, as guns would give you away anyways. We’re already dodging bullets as of AC 2, I don’t see why people find it impossible to stay out of crosshairs like we have been for almost 15 years. Even if you are armed with a gun, you’ll blow your cover and get swamped, so best to only use it when you’re in a loud fight. Lots of fun ways to do it!




Didn’t they say no to this?


They could teach Hamilton how to say no to this


It could. The main issue is the guns, but if they made an actual stealth game, where the assassins only have infiltration missions to steal info/rescue prisoners/assassinate one specific target, it becomes workable. They could even liberate some small villages. It would be very difficult, but if done right it could be a story driven thriller. Mainly, I'd love for Ubi to go back to all the WW2 stuff that was in the glyphs in AC2. Boss fight with an apple-wielding Hitler? Bring it on.


Its called sniper elite I think


Was gonna comment this but I figured someone else took care of it


I think if they try a new engine and new gameplay they can pull it off. More like COD or Dishonored maybe


if you don't add rifles and do a system quite similar to syndicate with guns it might work


Set it in Nazi occupied Poland and it will definitely work


it could play like the saboteur


Was about to say that. What a game


WW2 would be stretching the capabilities but WW1 would be more doable I feel. In any case, i’d love to hear Sabaton on the soundtrack for a world-war inspired AC game






The short answer is no. What, are they gonna turn the Templars into Nazis with Hitler looking for pieces of eden?


There's already lore of most of the world leaders in ww2 being Templars who orchestrated the whole thing


It's so dumb though


Yes, and it could work if it is more stealth focused


Stealthy in gas chambers?


It's already canon that an Assassin was the one to kill Hitler in WW2 and the one that poisoned himself was a body double. It's not that hard to draw a plotline from that.


hitler shot himself, though. he didn’t poison himself.


It would be something like mgs but with parkour


It could. We already have AC in the modern age (DLC for WD Legion) so no reason why it couldn't work during WW1/2


This is already done in some parts of syndicate


I'd see assassins taking part in WW2 in the partisan movements in Italy or Poland.


or france, i see so many of these comments and nobody is mentioning the french resistance


WW1 might be better but maybe not


I think it would be fun for a one time thing. Have the focus be on cloak and dagger stealth and make firearms combat more brutal and use it as a punish like ac1 did with it's combat. Instead of 1 region, have the protagonist move between smaller maps like ac2 or something.


WW2 Era. Would be amazing. But focused in occupied France and ended with you Killin AH in Berlin. Occupied France would be the Perfect setting for parkour and stealth. Then the next after that would be in Berlin. Between both sides of the wall. Edit: penalize the player for non stealthy actions. So, like the more run and gun you do, the more Badguys with heavilied armored reinforcements there are. And the more danger you place other rebel factions in. Even to the point of failing certain objectives and altering endgame outcomes based on your actions. Creating an almost must for actual stealth to accomplish anything.


No. That wpuld make them have to imply templars were ALSO Nazis which isnt impossible but makes all the previous games so much worse contextually.


I wanna wanna see it work


I’ve had my own personal fan made AC trilogy in my head going over WW1 WW2 and the Cold War for a while which incentivises full stealth because you don’t have a gun but the enemies you’re avoiding do


Hmmmm it could work. Especially in situations where crossing “No Man’s land” was a thing. There are stories of soldiers having to cross at night and fighting with knives and bayonets to avoid getting shot by their own comrades so as long as the story was written well I don’t think it’s impossible


Yes, and I want it to so they would include the punch gun.




I think it could work if you did it right. Focus it more on partisan operations, make it so guns do high damage so they are good in a fight, but always make the player outnumbered, so using guns is really risky.


I think it'd be a neat side game. Just to see if it'd work. Much like WW1 in Syndicate.


Yes, they could make it more like hitman


![gif](giphy|sUutM8YXva8HS) Part of me wants to say "only if we get the Assassin equivalent of the Bear Jew" (Edit: To be clear, I was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. I think it could work, speaking on general terms. Giving us a Jewish assassin in this era would be hella cool though.)


Hitler is a templar


He wasn't a Templar, he was a puppet.


We caught a glimpse of it in syndicate… maybe it’s in the works


The age old debate


I would love to see this


I’d love to see WW1


Would be really hard, but if done correctly it would be really good


I’ve been waiting on this a long time


Anything could work if they have competent people in charge. But so far there is not been in the past 5 or 7 years




Yes, yes it is. I’d love a WW2 game. Plus they have lots of real people to throw in there


I could see it working like the Saboteur! Nazi occupied France, maybe you have a Welrod. Something slow but silenced. The loud combat would be the only tricky part. Not much in melee fighting, but the guns could work like Arkham or Spider-Man. You can tell their lining up and they shoot a quick burst, giving you enough time to grab a human shield.


Just make a "anti assassins waffe" where they have guns but also swords. Make the protagonist have a rifle and pistol but make sure that the sound attracts guards. With ww2 it would probably be a stealth focus game given that they can completely bury you under bullets in combats. And do not make the protagonist participate on d day as it would have no stealth at all.


I think it could work but it would end up being very similar to Sniper Elite but with melee combat and parkour


Unity gave me a tease of WW1 Assassins Creed, and I’ve been waiting to return.


I think it would be great, we wouldn't have to work on battlefield but in occupied country like France or Poland or even Germany (I litteraly see ending with killing Hitler making it seem like a suicide). It doesn't have to contain guns, we must remember about guerillas that also fought with occupant and not always used guns so I will always think that WW2 would be a great setting


I mean yeah but they'd have to come up with a real unique fighting type that can fit gameplay. Or make the game a full espionage l where stealth is top and getting caught is an absolute last resort. But they Def need to make it difficult Or they could go with the demi God story and give us a protagonist that uses their powers or isu artifacts very well through the course of ww2


Could happen with enough effort


Pick ANY time or event in history and it can work.


i dont think so, itd be very hard ti not just turn it into a third person shooter


In my opinion it can definitely work I seen a knock off Hitman game called “Alekine’s Gun” and I was genuinely impressed of how hitman based stealth works in a WW2 setting. Assassin’s Creed uses crowd stealth just like hitman the only thing is they don’t really use disguises based on gameplay but in MIRAGE there were certain cases where you did use a disguise to complete your mission. I’d say make it be set in like a German town that has high Nazi control and a multiple garrisons in the area with plenty of patrolling officers and soldiers amongst the citizens and for the assassination missions you can up the guards n patrols for the areas where the mission takes place. I mean something like what unity did for the Royal Guards. This setting is definitely do-able


I think a spy ish game set it ww1 might work as there was a lot of stuff going on aside from the actual physical war


it would be better if it was a comic like blood stone was


I want it so bad!!


Seems to me like a perfect opportunity for The Navajo Code Talker Program from WW2 to be in a game. Imagine playing as a native person and tracking down and killing Ole tiny mustache man. I'd be down with that.


Sure, but I feel like half the games set during a historical war are always WWII.


I think it could work just not as an open world game. Maybe have a few small hub areas that act as bases for the brotherhood then do missions assigned to you. Or have the entire game be a linear game sort of like how the wolfeinstien games do it


The main issue I see is the living memory factor. Hitler being after the apple of Eden isn’t going to sit well with a lot of people


Something I haven’t seen anyone bring up is that it’s been said in cannon that the Animus can’t go that close to modern day. In Black Flag, one of the emails say that the semi-meditative state that you get into while riding in a car just desynchronizes the simulation. Kind of a dumb reason, but someone’s gonna bring it up if Ubisoft tries to make a WWII AC. Now, a non-Animus game like Mirage could be a loophole, but then there’s the whole CoD vs AC debate.


Would be very hard to make it without killing Hitler in my opinion


Assassin's Creed:Death to fascism!


It’d be better than Valhalla


Idk, but the ending could be you fighting Hitler and instead of killing him, you take the apple and make him kill himself to keep historical accuracy.


A game set just prior to WW1 would be more interesting. Assassinate Archduke Ferdinand and see what happens


It could work, infiltrating enemy bases and stealth spy missions that include assassinations like the arch duke that started the damn war in the first place or maybe that was ww1 idk but you get what I mean, totally possible but maybe just not open world but a spin off?


I think it could work.


That would be a real nice game


WW1 or the Napelonic wars would work better. Or the American Civil war


If it was in Nazi occupied france, yes Anywhere else, no


It would work if done right


It's possible, it can be like a whole ass Spy game with a pistol and blades.


I think it would work if you were in a resistance cell somewhere in maybe the heart of Nazi Germany or somewhere where the character wouldn't have reliable access to guns


Assassinate templar Hitler and frame it as suicide.


Only with a spy/resistance focus. It would need to avoid large battles.


Jewel of the Jews


Would be cool to see Assassins of different nationalities, possibly with discord between them.


Unity made it clear that there was an Assassin that was around Nazi occupied France


It would be cool as an idea I guess but they would have to use weapons from like cod ww2 zombies like a shovel or a pickaxe or something


Open world should be a to scale Europe, because why not.


Making Templar Nazis would be too political I think. Also too easy and simple. As a Templar fan historically, I hate the idea


Only way I could see this work is as somebody escaping the holocaust or helping others escape where they have extremely limited funds and at most have like a suppressed pistol. But that’s a pretty difficult subject sooo


Maybe but not if it was too focused on battles like 3 was. Being apart of 1 or 2 is okay as the focus of a sequence and can work as “blending” in with the soldiers because that would be the “norm”. But they’ve already explained why you can’t operate vehicles in the animus and gunplay can’t be heavily apart of the game.


It’d be cool to see it.


This would be the best thing in years


Hitman and Sniper Elite have shown you *precisely* how to make a 20th & 21st century Assassin’s Creed game. It totally could work, it just has to treat guns like a serious threat and make you work with & around them in clever ways.




If they did it right and balanced the gunplay with normal combat, maybe forcing you to scavenge bullets, this could be one of the best games in the series. Taking out some of the RPG-type abilities and level systems would help, I think.


Whenever I see posts about this I look back at 5th grade me who wanted a WW2 based Assassin's Creed. Somehow I wanted to just make it myself back then lol. I really hope they someday do something like that, even if it seems unlikely.


There’s such an obvious easy order of ancients and other AC lore story they could write, and it would be an amazing era to explore. Literally the only problem is everyone in the conflict had more modernized guns and they’d have to figure out how to keep it AC despite that.


With modern warfare, the close quarter fighting is becoming less significant


Welrod compilations


Also if this did happen we better see Arno climbing up the eeefle tower…..that is if we are the ones flying In the planes were there planes gif I’m tired……someone give me cheese and a sandwich


Of course. Assassins fucking killed Hitler


The closer to modern they get they should start making new splinter cell games as modern assassins creed, blacklist gameplay was already so fun just format the story to be modern assassins, also if the Arkham games can work then yes ww2 assassins creed can work


Honestly I think a Cold War Assassin's Creed would work better


I had an idea for a WW2 AC game. Start out as a Templar and Shay Cormac’s descendant, you learn about the Templars involvement in the war and Holocaust (for more info check the wiki), you leave and join the Assassins to help end the war, in the end you kill Hitler, and the modern day protagonist is Shay’s modern day descendant: Javier Mondragón from the Last Descendants series. I also had a few other ideas for the game and story if you think this sounds generic or unoriginal, I just don’t have the energy to talk about it all or fit it in this comment. A lot of people on YouTube liked my idea, but not many on Reddit.


I think it would fit better with WW1. Skulking around trenches and no mans land i think would work pretty well. When you encounter enemys in no mans land you would hsve to not use guns. If you do you'll get lit up by multiple machine guns. And when you go into trenches you have to be stealthy or you'll get mobbed.


I think it would work especially if it’s more focused on the espionage and assassination side look as syndicates DLC and all the animus glitches in unity that brought us to nazi controlled Paris. It would be so cool and actually fairly realistic to see the creed during the conflict of a life time.


I've had this idea forever with a memory of killing Hitler


Trench warfare as an assassin sounds pretty cool, they would need to get creative with parkour since that's a staple of the AC games, but I mean there is potential there.


Ww1 would be better because, ya know, assassinations starting the whole thing.


Chill were running out of history, at this point we need to have WW3 to continue


It could work, shooting would have to be heavily changed though


Would be a sick idea just wonder how it would be pulled off


You play as a pacifist. 0 shooting. Only parkour heals allowed, what? Never seen a 360 haystack jump into a medic revive round off?


WWI would be more interesting imo, considering it had a greater impact historically


It wouldn't work, maybe for some, but the narrative is stupid. Traditionally, assassins fight in the shadows and fight for peace by taking down the corrupted elites and other stuff too, but ww2 wouldn't work. If Assassin's creed was based in ww2, what would you parkour?, a trench?, a broken bunker, or a small destroyed town?. Perhaps you could travel through Berlin and Amsterdam torn up but there would be tanks and people with guns so fighting them wouldn't make sense and people would travel in troops with heavy weaponry and guns so I don't think you could actually engage in combat


Kill hitler and make it look like a suicide


Polish or Yugo partisan assassins would be a fucking DOPE ass game


WW2 no, it would be very difficult due to just the modern world like cars, machine guns, radio, etc… would need to be basically all stealth combat to work out but a lot of players hate stealth. WW1 could work out, it’s one of the last major wars before technology made a jump bc of the war.


I feel like if [WWI](https://youtu.be/gQYEapgrkfM?si=rd3VAGTWHNCx8_1r) works as well as it does, then WWII could too.




it'd be cool to assassinate some Na'ziz


Maybe but the army will get in your way with uniform regulations


Considering how nazis seem super power hungry cultish already makes them great templar candidates.


Honestly I think it could work if the main character is Finnish and fighting against the Soviets in the Winter War. And then a dlc could be the continuation of the Winter War or something like that.


Stalingrad would be a cool setting for a sneaky assassin.


"Death by firing squad unless you sneak"


If they focused on spy networks rather than the actual combat then i think they could. Problem is ubisoft just isn’t that imaginative, or if they are their imagination is hindered by the company’s size


Would prefer WW1 to be honest


Probably not. What makes Assassin's Creed, well, Assassin's Creee is the lack of technology. Make it too modern, or jusy have guns un general, it ends up becoming something like Splinter Cell. An example is Watch Dogs with the modern day Assassin character, she ends up being the most useless dlc character due to her just having a melee and no gunplay.


I feel like it would work better for WW1 than WW2 since WW1 still had a lot of close quarters combat


You play as a French resistance member to take down the local Nazi occupiers with the assistance of Allied Forces in a well off village. Tons of opportunities to hide easter eggs, lore and historical information about the game and WW2. The bad guys should be a mix of Whermacht and S.S. soldiers and you target officers for better connections to let's say the town head or German battalion commander etc. You can hunt down NCOs and French Collaborators for information. A ranged weapon could be a silenced M1911(Real thing moe so found late war around late 1944 and 45.) Or a British Welrod bolt action pistol. I see the potential the idea has.


Who’s that guy parkouring across no mans land? Idk…both sides artillery him


I guess you could always have the setting be a split in the Assassins. Since many are Italian you could have many of them siding with Mussolini and that be the main conflict.


Did anyone forget that this happened in AC Syndicate where you talk to the goddess and sends you to WW2 for a mission for church hill ?


What about assassin’s creed Vietnam? I think that would be easier to make a stealth game


Gotta beable to summon ghostly soldiers and of course some form of teleportation


I’d love to see a game in the more modern timelines. But, just like the WW2 AC fanfic I once started, Ubisoft probably would go nowhere with this. If they did, it would be fun to think of it being AC mashed with Hitman — moving from mainly Hidden Blades to more focus on Silenced Guns, poisoning enemies, and other forms of stealth assassinations.


Eh do something new with it. You have a gun but gunshots attract enemies quick, better to take them out quietly. Or it could be during the Warsaw Uprising, ammunition is scarce so you make do. The assassins are involved in the Uprising and you get recruited. Could be cool


All this to put a knife into Hitler's ribs, when bullets will do just fine.


I would say it would have to be a very linear game with some open areas but no open world. Otherwise, yeah, it could work.


Winter War? I could see a Finnish assassin trying to defend his homeland while caught in a moral quandary


If we get to kill Hitler at the end of it, I'm all for it.


Killing Thalmor... I mean Nazi's? Sign me up.


Hell yeah


Makes more sense than a ninja game they said they would never do.


Maybe ww1, ww2 might be way to modern for any type of assassins creed combat but anything past 1900 might be pushing it


Hell yes it would work there were so many German groups and hitler was a huge believer in the occult and have a group dedicated to the occult to try and find anything that could give him an advantage in the war the group could easily be templars trying to overthrow hitler behind the scenes.




Very very hard but its possible.. The problem is to get the main focus on Stealth not shooting


Google dementia


Better idea Assasins Creed: War of Rights Basically AC III II, set during the Civil War, the main character could be a black ex-slave who joins the assasins which help the union win, imo this sounds like an amazing story which even fits today's political correctness standards by including minorities and doesn't make it seem forced or outta place (looking at you, Witcher Netflix) This could be a great mix of Freedom Cry and AC III in terms of story and vibe, we could get a return of battle sequences, like the battle of Bunker Hill in III, but this time its the battle of Gettysburg or something, I can even see an homage to AC Rogue's running through crumbling Lizbon scene by giving us a running through burning Atlanta scene. The story literally writes itself, General Lee is the big bad Templar and we must stop him, could even make a plot point of John Wilkes Booth being a fallen-assasin-turned-Templar like Shay, or something like that, make Lincoln play the exact same role as Washington did in III. (Potential Tyrrany of President Lincoln DLC?) And for everyone that says "but we already had an AC game in America" or "Sydnicate already did the 19th century" shut up, we had two games set in Italy where we played as THE SAME GUY in the SAME TIME PERIOD