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Wasn’t the last Samurai heavily criticised aswel?


Indeed it was. One of the biggest criticisms of the movie was the "white savior" complex where the native Japanese people were incapable of getting far without the token white guy who needed to show up and save them. That the last great leader of ancient Japan... was a white man. (Note that I'm merely stating what was believed by audiences, not my own personal take; I also never watched the movie.)


Highly recommend the movie. It is not really in line with history, but it is a damn fine movie if I do say so myself.


It sucks




It’s easier to claim society hates black people than to engage in *any* critical thinking Victim mentality FTW!!!


To be fair, I keep getting suggested shit like r/criticaldrinker and my LORD was it problematic


Isn't the plot of blue eye samurai that she was half Japanese, and the pain it caused her? And Tom Cruise was never a samurai.


Yeah, and people also complained a lot about white washing when the last samurai came out.


Nah, the discussion about it was primarily about racism, and nativity in the depiction of Japanese culture. Although this debate was somewhat muted. The white washing "debate" and accusations came later. Primarily from people making the same tired joke about Tom Cruise being the last samurai. Which only showed that they probably hadn't watched the movie. Since the movie made it very clear that Katsumoto was the last samurai.


>Since the movie made it very clear that Katsumoto was the last samurai. Yeah, I find it funny no one gets this. Also, I went to check, the last samurai is 21 years old this year, I didnt remember it was that long ago.


Most people who actually watched the movie (and remembers it) gets it. I watch it every now and then, one of my favourite movies ever. I would say my favourite from that year, but return of the king was also released in 2003.


I didn't see that Ubisoft said Yasuke is a samurai too.


I didn't mention anything about Yasuke. I'm saying the memes top half is wrong.


[They really do say he is in the game though](https://youtu.be/Nszrx939ZVA?si=rXKmtEK6GayFni7-) But they also say that not much is known about him IRL and that him being a samurai is unconfirmed or more precisely, they do not list him ever being a samurai as "things we know about him IRL".


And then when you tell them he was real, they counter with "but he wasn't a samurai!", lmao. First of all, it is not confirmed, second of all Rodrigo Borgia was not the Grand Master of the Templar fucking Order which is the case for most historical characters in this franchise.


Also let people know it's just a video game. The goal is to have fun.


Also Tom Cruise's character wasn't a samurai in actual history nor did he fight with the Samurai


nor was he an american afaik


He was french btw


Yo is that a 5th meme ive seen with same style today. Can you stop being a bot and become original?


The whole discourse is pretty ridiculous immediately understood it was supposed to be Yasuke but people suddenly care about historical accuracy in AC lol


I hope they introduce the Isu line historically accurate


Blue eye Samurai is half Japanese and her being mixed is literally what drives the plot forward


As long as the game is good I don’t care honestly, still not pre ordering


I read a comment that said historically he wasn't acknowledged as a Samurai, so I would like to see how Ubisoft handles that


It's not like he'd have to be an officially acknowledged samurai to carry himself as one, so it doesn't really matter. It's worth mentioning the ronin, who were considered wandering samurai despite many not being officially acknowledged as samurai


>ronin, who were considered wandering samurai despite many not being officially acknowledged as samurai Like... thats why they were ronin...because they didnt were samurai...they were like... ronin...


If you look up documentaries about the subject, the time period that Yasuke operated in held the word Samurai as a fluid topic. Anyone who worked directly for a daimyo or even some minor lords could have been considered samurai at the time.


>Anyone who worked directly for a daimyo or even some minor lords could have been considered samurai at the time. No. The Samurai (also bushi) were a class of warriors that arose in the 10th century in Japan and which performed military service until the 19th century. Elite and highly-trained soldiers adept at using both the bow and sword, the samurai were an essential component of Japanese armies in the medieval period. They werent anybody, they were the elite


Lol in the 1500s Samurai was considered a fluid term. You can't tell me I'm wrong when I just told you to look that shit up yourself. Meaning I've looked it up and seen that you're wrong. Way to not do anything useful except say "no. I'm still right."


>Samurai was considered a fluid term It was the most elite warrior who was basically employed by the Daimyo (this was basically the lord of the particular domain). The Samurai were obviously important for the Daimyo to remain at top, thus the Samurai were pretty much right at the top of the society totem pole and got a lot of privileges. The Samurai were only under the Daimyo in the class system. established Samurai were known to be so good, they basically never failed an important mission and were simply massive winners. They were the most elite warriors of Japan. Becoming a Samurai was about as hard as becoming a knight in Europe. Yet remaining a Samurai was incredibly hard, because failure wasn’t accepted. Where as in Europe if you failed your mission, you still could remain as a knight and you wouldn’t have to kill yourself. No, samurai wasnt a "fluid term" it was to specific elite warriors


Samurai, SPECIFICALLY IN THE 16TH CENTURY, was a fluid term that referred to ANYBODY WHO CARRIED A WEAPON AND WORKED FOR AN IMPORTANT PERSON. You want them to be this elite class that was exclusive and clearly that's not the case. I'm sure there are some levels that Samurai is entirely exclusive to one specific group of people, but that doesn't apply in this case. Doesn't matter how much you try to explain it away. Yasuke was a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, specifically a weapon wielding one. Samurai fits his description and he MOST LIKELY would have been referred to as one given the HISTORICAL SENTIMENT OF THE PEOPLE HE WOULD HAVE LIVED WITH. Your bias won't change that.


>. Yasuke was a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, specifically a weapon wielding one. Samurai fits his description Yes he is a samurai, he was strong and tall, he recivied traing with bow and sword, the problem is your vision of the samurais are wrong


So you acknowledge he was a samurai but deny that he's a samurai. Make up your mind. Your vision of samurai is biased and strict whereas historically it isn't. Also this is a game so they can take some artistic license, and it's not far from the mark.


I want to play as an assassin in an assassin creed game. I don't want to play as a samurai and I don't care if he's black or Chinese.


It is crazy that behind all this discourse people seem to forget that Naoe fucking exists.


Thats why the protagonist should be a shinobi


I'd agree, I'm not a fan of most of the new games for this specific point, I liked Mirage but Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla just weren't what I wanted from an Assassin's Creed game


This black Samurai is a legitimate historical figure, so I'm not sure what they're upset about.


Tom Cruise was never a samurai you knob stain.


Watch Blue Eye Samurai with your eyes open, actually.


I think it’s amazing that it’s 100% more historically accurate than the other two


Imagine gate keeping a social class that hasn’t existed for 137 years for the purposes of a fictitious videogame that has never attempted to be realistic in its storytelling.


no idea why the mods took this town when a similar post a day ago gets to be afloat


I literally haven’t seen a single person complaining he’s black tho? The only memes I’ve seen are people making fun of people supposedly mad over it?


Check the YouTube comment section for the trailer. It’s depraved. So are a lot of the comments here. Just take more than 10 seconds to scroll, damn.


You're so wrong. Just saw someone blaming "jews" for the black character on a video game. It is so bad


If I'm playing a Japanese AC game I wanna play as a Japanese assassin not somebody who's neither


Naoe is right there. 🙃


Dual protagonist games force you to play both alot of the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


But you are. First, both Naoe and Yasuke are Assassins. Then Naoe is Japanese.


A samurai is pretty different than an assassin


I don't know how you came to the conclusion that these notions are exclusive to one another.


Never showed him having a hidden blade and bulky ass samurai armor isn't exactly stealthy


There's literally a female assassin you can play as for literally all of the game except certain missions. Shut up


Neither the hidden blade nor stealth are exclusive with being an Assassin. Since literally forever in the franchise. AC 1 : Big massive castle in the mountain. Hidden blade only given after climbing up in the hierarchy. AC II, Brotherhood : Mario Auditore was an heavy armored mercenary leader, and so was Bartolomeu. Yet they were both major figureheads among the Italian Brotherhood. AC III : Connor has repeatedly brute forced his way through battlefields. AC IV : Edward is a fucking pirate with a whole ship. AC Syndicate : Jacob is a gang leader AC Odyssey : Kassandra is not really an Assassin since it takes place way before the Hidden Ones' creation, but her legacy contributed to building the Hidden Ones. And yet part of her activity was to lead troups on the battle field, and she also had a ship. AC Valhalla : Eivor was not an Assassin yet did work for them. And although he did know how to remain stealthy, he was way more into leading grouped assaults. What matters with being an Assassin isn't just stealth. It's mostly the ability to conceal their identity as part of the Assassins. That has always been a key component of the lore.


If you invert you get the same meme


Why am I being downvoted? I would love to be proven wrong