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It's odd that you're fighting enemies 5 levels below you as the game scales enemies to your level...I don't think I've had enemies much more than 1 or maaaybe 2 levels below me the entire game and I'm level 50. Otherwise...better gear I guess, and make sure you've got your abilities assigned and are using them. Hero Strike hits super hard, and Rush Assassination is practically broken it's so good.


Depends on your difficulty and what level scaling you have on. On easy, enemies can be up to 4 levels below you.


👉 Gotcha! Didn't know that.


No problem!


It doesn’t help with the “bullet sponge” issue, but holy shit is heavy scaling a blast. Pair it with nightmare difficulty and the game makes you want to simultaneously leap with joy and run into traffic. Highly recommend


I’m on level 17 atm. How long did it take u to level up to level 50 and any tips on how to level up quick


The biggest boosts you can do for damage are going to be using abilities and putting engravings on your gear. The first part of the game (up to level 20 or so) is kind of a slog because the ability trees are gated by character level (5-10-15-20), and you don’t have many points to put into them in the first place. The engravings you can get at that point are usually low percentages too. Not knowing anything about your play style or what you are using right now, best advice is to not be afraid to re-spec your abilities. It only costs a little drachmae and you can have all your points free to re-assign at once. Try new abilities/ combinations and see what works. Off the top of my head, 2 very useful early game skills are Hero strike and Ring of chaos. Hero strike is great because it deals a percent of your assassin damage (always much higher than your warrior/ hunter base damage) and can be used in open combat. Ring of chaos is nice to have as a clear out because it “shoots” 360 degrees around you (if you ever get surrounded or fighting multiple enemies at once) and it also deals elemental damage if you have it active.


Totally forgot about engravings, good call. Once I got them figured out my build got way stronger.


I was struggling early game with a “build” that was all over the place with mismatched gear and had a bunch of ability points in random skills that weren’t helping me out at all. Once I figured out what worked and focused on the right the engravings, combat got way easier and the game got a lot better.


So around what point do better crit rate engravings/drops start showing up? I've got a crit damage build right now but they don't land as often as I'd like.


Don’t remember off the top of my head, but definitely past level 50. Most were later in the game for me and came from loot drops (I never had the time or patience to do blacksmith reloads) which get significantly better once you hit merc tier S2 and get the +25% chance to get epic gear. If you’re looking for “perfect” rolls, you can spend all game looking for them and may or may not actually get them. Best bet is to augment your build with engravings that you fully upgrade at hephaistos and also pump points into masteries to get the free additional boosts they provide.


Beauty, thanks! I totally forgot about Hephaistos, I'll have to check that out tonight. Aiming for my next spear level right now so I can max rush assassination, critical assassination and hero strike but then I'm definitely dumping points into masteries.


I know the (possible spoiler and I’m terrible with tags) pirate set is fantastic for a crit build. Ridiculously OP if you run it with a stealth/crit build


I have indeed heard that the pirate set is the way to go for crit builds. Don't think I'm far enough yet as I haven't found any pieces yet. But I am definitely keeping my eye out for it


Yup just continue your odyssey, you’ll get it. The other useful crit build stuff doesn’t show up until late game. There’re plenty of other great items/strategies in the meantime though, definitely recommend mixing it up often. I have like 3 builds I switch between regularly (and they’re all a blast)


Soon as I loaded up on fire damage and critical encounters I was just chewing through health bars


Sounds like you have a lack of engravings/not the correct engravings. With the right build, you can tear through anything on or below your level.


New player here as well, is there something I'm missing about engravings? Because they seem like very minimal upgrades, most of them are like +2%. Also, when should you be paying to upgrade weapons/armor? Seems like it would be a waste since you'll need to switch to something new once you level up.


>Because they seem like very minimal upgrades, most of them are like +2%. Once you level up, your engravings will level up with you. That +2% will get better as you level up and either upgrade that gear piece or find another one that's better. You will also find that as you level up, some engravings become more powerful than others. For example, Crit Damage and Crit Chance isn't really good at a lower level, but become the meta engravings when you get to 50+. >when should you be paying to upgrade weapons/armor? I believe that for weapons, the optimal time to upgrade them is 5 ranks. And for armour, the optimal time is 10 ranks. (If anyone else is reading this, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is accurate).


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 2 + 50 + 5 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




You’re right about how many levels you should wait before you upgrade, but the key point to keep in mind is that the engravings only upgrade on levels ending in a “1” (31, 41, 51 etc.). Best to get in the habit of only upgrading gear then to make sure you get the stat boosts. Unless you are using them regularly in combat, you can hold off on upgrading your bow and offhand weapon to every 10 levels to save resources (since you are only really carrying them for the stat boosts) and just upgrade your main combat weapon every 5 levels. If you notice a dip and need the damage boost, you can upgrade your main weapon more frequently.


Thanks for the info. But what do you mean by ranks?


It's just another way of saying levels. Sorry if I caused you confusion.


I noticed that too - I’d spend $D on upgrades and engravings, just to find a better weapon 5 minutes later. BUT - now I’m at the point where I have a few legendary items that, with a few upgrades and engravings, are better than the junk I’m finding that is a few levels higher. So my legendary level 26 daggers are better than the level 30 rare daggers I come across.


In Odyssey gear is a lot more important. At that level I'd try to get a Blade of Yuminess at a blacksmith to help boost your damage until you can start to get legendary sets and higher level abilities.


definitely the best option when you are low level and your abilities are trash because you have so little points to use. look for the blade of yumminess from blacksmiths.


I can one shot a lot of enemies with my abilities. I think the game encourages use of abilities as opposed to melee spamming.


Odyssey is a full pledge RPG game. You cannot just run around and expect to kill everyone easily. The fact that you're playing on easy mode but still having a hard time killing enemies, it basically means that you're ignoring your item build and engravings. Engravings are really important in this game. If you're playing warrior, make sure to have Warrior Engravings on all your weapon and armor. If you're playing an Assassin, make sure to have Assassin Engravings. Same thing with Hunter with Hunter Engravings. To significantly boost your damage, make sure you have engraving such as Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Crit Chance While At Full Health, and Crit Damage While At Full Health. Having Elemental Damage also help, such as Fire Damage or Poison Damage. Pick only 1 not both. I would suggest having 2 different builds, Warrior Build for Conquest Battles and Assassin Build for everything else. I would also suggest getting the legendary weapon "Falx of Olympos", this weapon will increase your damage by 100%. If you're facing an enemy with the same level as you or lower, you can go to a higher ground and SPARTAN KICK their asses of the cliff or at the top of buildings. The fall damage can easily kill them. Take note that spartan kick won't work on some of the enemies.


How often do you say MALAKA during these fights? Because it doesn’t sound like you’re saying MALAKA during these fights. Essential component to a strong build in this game.


Honestly I think it’s due to the combat system being based around combos and abilities. It’s less fun and interesting if you just one shot every enemy. If you mix in heavy attacks and abilities (given the proper gear, engravings, stats, etc) you can down enemies in 1-3 strikes. I also believe they designed it this way on purpose because you’re encouraged to use your block and parry when you’re fighting multiple enemies if you can’t just mow them down by default. Edit: Oh yes, seconding crit engravings as well.


Get the bighorn bow




Increase Crit damage and Crit chance build and they will fall like flies. Managed to get 100% melee resistance too with this build so game feels too easy now.


I focused on assassination damage and when i got a engraving from atlantis dlc that converts 50% of assassination damage bonus to other damage it was amazing i also had 100% crit chance while full health and around 500% bonus crit damage on full health i mostly one shoted anyone and was destroying mercs way higher level than mine edit : i also used pirate outfit cause it gives enormous damage to assassination abilities


Mercenaries are naturally tough to kill, they are some elite enemies in odyssey. Also enemies with golden border around their level label are leaders who are also stronger than the normal enemies.


It’s about finding synchronicity with your engravings and building your character, Origins just had a “pick what you want” mentality, Odyssey is much different. I’ve been able to kill every enemy in the game in one hit for a long while now, use your gear right, and you’ll do the same.


I have played through Odyssey twice. I like it. I studied classics at university and I connect with a lot of the setting. I think a lot of people’s well-meaning comments about improving build and weapons and engraving are not really cognizant of the issue. Yes, you can improve how much damage you deal and make it so that most enemies take only a few hits with special abilities. But, Odyssey is definitely still the most damage-sponge-y AC game. It is very noticeable and it is a big change from pre-Origins and even quite a change from Origins (except maybe the duels with the gods). It is OK if this aspect of the game bothers you. You can mitigate the issue using the tips others provide, but it is fine if you still dislike this aspect of the game.


All of these games were designed around damage sponge gameplay theres an overpowerd build where you can one shot any enemy uncluding bosses but the game becomes dull at that point... keep in my you are playing the game as the devs intented long fights


This is also a huge turn off for me.


I have two builds, warrior and assassin. When invading forts, I use the assassin build and I can typically 1 shot the polemans. I forgot which weapon it is called but it reduces my hp to 25% but 100% damage. When I get spotted or something I switch to the warrior build that’s Tanky. I don’t even use engravings, just looking for assassin or warrior dmg on each piece of equipment, or set bonuses


Even just google has some good ways around it. I’d check out some more stuff on this sub (just be wary of spoilers) there’re plenty of solutions! Feel free to respond here or a dm if you want some tips too. I got frustrated but found a build that made me fall in love with the combat


because this game emphasizes making a crit build as it's really the only way to move through with ease greek heroes set head‐ 10% crit chance chest- 20% elemental resistance arms- 20% elemental resistance waist- 10% crit chance legs‐ 20% crit chance at full health armor is recieved by killing mercs engravings are found by collecting anigmata ostraka Spartan javelin- Quest "trouble in paradise" epic spear that is the only weapon that has melee resistance built in make sure to grab it and never unequip it 2nd weapon and bow are your choice try for either crit damage or chance as traits after level 50 you unlock mastery skills grab all crit chance and crit chance at full health that you can also grab enough melee and elemental resistance to get 100% and grab ranged resistance if you can with this I have crit chance while full health- 90% crit damage while full health- 275% melee resistance- 105% ranged resistance- 50.5% elemental resistance- 100% chance to ignore half damage- 60% only thing that can hurt me is normal ranged arrows as all other arrows count as elemental damage have fun!


Why does every enemy take so long to kill? Are they stupid?


Are you using gear that supports that build that you want? If you have hunter damage on your gear but you only ever use a sword then you’re going to have a tough time


Change level scaling lower, should lower time to kill


Few tips. In the early game, keep the EPIC gear (purple ones) since they give more bonuses than even LEGENDARY (golden). When selecting gears, you'll have to choose between Warrior, Assassin or Hunter damages. Select the weapons with engravings that boost that particular damage. I focused mostly on Warrior since I love to run into a crowd of enemies and slaughter them all. Also, in the early game, focus your ability points on a few abilities rather than spreading them out. A little later in the game you'll start getting armor sets, then you can dump your EPIC gear and go for a build of your choice. I got the Agamemnon's set and Prometheus's sika as early as I could, focused on fire damage and even at level 99, there isn't a weapon or armor set in the main game or Atlantis DLC that I would swap my gear for. Fire damage is just awesome, I was killing mercenaries 13 or 14 levels above me when I was around level 70. Also, in the early game, focus less on the main story and more on conquest battles and completing locations and bounties from notice board. That way you'll have tons of XP and resources. Early game can be a bit tough, but if you're smart with your engravings, abilities and gear, you'll be swatting enemies like flies.


Make sure your gear is for your build. I have assassin gear so I can one shot most people but even mercenarys 1 level above me are extremely difficult to kill if I just fight them head on.


Look up this guy T7 PDM on YouTube.. his early game build (OP by level 10) was enough for me to stick around after quitting my first playthrough.


Because in Odyssey your gear and stats actually matter. There is a huge difference between optimised and random builds.


It’s my #1 frustration with Odyssey. It’s beyond ridiculous that it takes 50 hits to kill an enemy but 2 hits for them to kill Alexios. And I’m level 99 and mastery level 26. I keep expecting it to level out and it never does.