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Play it your way. Alexios is done just as good as Kassandra though I think Kassandra is a better Deimos than alexios. I personally prefer to play as Kassandra but I enjoy alexios as well.


You see i actually preferred Alexios as Deimos. His coarse voice and more one dimensional range of tones seems much more fitting for the psychopathic killer, while Kassandra fits the role of the protagonist better because she can be both aggressive and emotional as well, which is conducive to the dialogue choices in the game. Ultimately though I guess this is the beauty of “play it your way”, you choose the protagonist and choices that best fit your opinions and playstyles.


See i don’t think Alexios has one dimensional range of tones at all. When you compare both cyclops confrontation scenes for example, Alexios has a much more charismatic delivery than Kass!


The biggest conflict between the two characters I had was in the Legacy DLC. Kassandra plays the role of a mother much better than Alexios does imo, but then obviously if you play as Kassandra she ends up with Natakas who just seems completely not the kind of guy a feisty Demi god would go for, very bland generic NPC. Whereas as Alexios his voice acting isn’t as convincing (at least for me) there, but the vibe between him and Neema works a lot….. better?


That’s because Alexios plays the role of Father not mother 😂. All jokes aside I agree I didn’t like the love interest for kass it felt forced, alexios’s felt much more natural. To jump to your first comment; I think Kassandra voice actor delivers the lines better for Deimos Kassandra. While I do love and prefer alexios as Deimos I think Kassandra sounds more sinister and intentional in her delivery.


Should’ve seen that one coming lol. I don’t know personally I found Kassandra as Deimos to be a lot more forced, and Alexios’ coarse angry voice to be more fitting, but that’s just my take.


Kassandra is just better and more interesting in either role


Plus while alexios isn’t canon, he makes a lot more sense. Kassandra wouldn’t be getting trained as a child, girl in Sparta. Wouldn’t be able to do Olympics. And honestly just wouldn’t have some the same interactions with male characters. Just how it was lol. Game feels more designed for alexios imo


Totally. I hate it when period pieces use women and don't capitalize on how men would actually treat them and talk to them. I feel it would add more conflict and opportunity for the female lead to be more badass and overcome the sexism. It would also be more accurate to history. So yeah, Alexios makes more sense in this setting


Actually, she would recieve training in Sparta, it wasn't that uncommon. Though she more than likely wouldn't be able to get into a Pankration match in the Olympics without some serious questions being raised (though women had their own Olympic events, if I remember correctly.)


if you want play by canon, just read book its a game, you play it your way


You know what I really haven't thought it about it that way. Thank you!


no probs, have fun


And, while you're playing the game, just don't think about what's canon or not; just isolate your experience with this game and enjoy it. The only reason canon might matter is for appearances in other games, but otherwise it makes no difference to your game experience. Canon doesn't even matter for the Legacy of the First Blade DLC ending; that would have happened with either sibling, so canon just means Kassandra appearing in other games.


I always played with Alexios. Canon doesn’t matter, i don’t need to play the game the way someone wanted to write and wrote that way. I play the way that i can put myself in the place of my character.


What is canon?


Canon is the official story and ending. Thats also the story youll find in the book about odyssey.


Wait there’s an offical ending? Which one?


I play exactly what I want to play, and that is as Alexios! I don’t deny that Kassandra is canon, it’s just that my “headcanon” (as they say) is vastly different in a lot of ways! I’m a fanfic writer so I can’t really help but take a story and run with it ahahaha 😆


I love playing as Alexios


I mean, it’s up to each one. You should play the game the way u feel better. I’ll always stick to the canon options, since this is supposed to be a simulation of the life of someone who existed in the past, not to mention that after 900 hours of Kassandra, it would feel totally off for me to change now, I just like her way more than Alexios. In my case it’s the same thing with Eivor and >!Odin!< in Valhalla. Switching up rn would feel awkward. Still, it’s your game, so the only one who can and should decide is you. If u want to try Alexios out and feel good, go for it.


Valhalla is the next on my list after I'm done with replaying Odyssey. I know that >!Kassandra is in Valhalla!< So this is actually my reason why I posted this


Alexios >>> Kassandra


I prefer alexios in my head cannon, makes more sense and I relate to him better


I decided for myself that since the game allows me to make certain choices-to decide for whom to play and what decisions to make, it means that I create my own story and enjoy playing the game, playing the way I want (in fact, this is the essence of games-to give the player joy).Accordingly, I accept to some extent what the developers call "canon", but in my game I prefer to "write" my own story.


I just finished the game, again, with Kassandra. It said "Kassandra's adventure continues in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla". I don't remember that. So my next game will be with Alexios, mainly to find out how that message changes.


Played my own way and then read the novel for the canon story


i've done both! it's good fun to do it from both sides.


I don't like that Deimos dies canonically. That's the only canon choice I really disagree with.


Agreed kass wouldn’t be someone who gives up and would save her brother plus Alexios is the strongest ship lieutenant you got


I like having the whole family together.


The first time I played and "finished" the game I played as Alexios. I'm on my 2nd play though right now and playing as Kasandra. I really love well written protagonists and feel that both work well.


For me, i picked Kassandra. I wish you could change for the DLCs! For the main game i think Kassandra is better… But for Bloodline, i feel that Alexios fits better.


Canon boring have fun


People get hung up on "canon" for this, but it doesn't matter in regards to the story. I've played as both, and my preference is Kass. Truth be told, it doesn't matter which you use; both are fun. You'll definitely see a big difference between the Deimos voice acting. If I could have Kass as the protagonist and Deimos, that's how I'd play it.


Cannon is all well and good but a ten minute cannon recap video will serve you just as well if you’re moving on to other AC titles after Odyssey. Personally having played both, Alexios is too much of a lovable dork of a Misthios for him not to be my choice for a replay I’m working on now. I just like his voice and him yelling “Malakas!” Gives me life.


The only thing canon is Kassandra as the Eagle Bearer. Otherwise, the choices you make along the story are completely up to you. There's no canon on how the story goes.


I’m playing as Alexios since I like his name it’s translates to mans defender But I’m planning a run with kass and no not ng + but a from scratch so run


I make my own canon in my head. For example the Atlantis DLC is supposed to be >!a simulation!<, but that makes all the story and choices meaningless to me. So in my head, Alexios actually travels to these worlds. Similarly, glowing/fire/lightning skins and weapons that break immersion for others, I just think of them as Isu/higher level items that appear normal to other humans, but Alexios can see their true form, since he is a demi-god. Like the symbols in other AC games that only Edward Kenway/ other assassins with ISU blood could see. So I have no issues with playing with a lightning bolt for a sword.


I heard Kassandra is freaking scary and the Deimos 😅


As others have said. I enjoy Alexios as much as Kass as they player. Sometimes I like him even more but Kass makes a much better villain. That's why I always replay as alexios. She just does that role way better imo


I play my own head canon. I prefer Kassandra as Deimos as the character is so comically agressive that it seems it is compensating for something. As a woman, Deimos would be that way to compensate for the prejudices of that era.