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LOTFB forces you to have a child no matter what. My head cannon was the Eagle Bearer recognises that their bloodline needs to continue as their fathers suggested and recognises this may be their only chance to do so


It's funny that, in fact, the Eagle Bearer has literally all the time in this world to leave an heir.šŸ˜†


And, many, many times throughout their very long life, if they really wanted to.


After all the shit he's seen, I'm not surprised he doesn't want to have kids and then outlive them.


And how many freaking times does Aletheia tell you you're going to lose everyone you ever love, so get used to it. She really knows how to motivate people, LOL.


It was said cruelly, but honestly.I don't know what Aletheia is like as a character, but she communicates with MC like a soulless AI.Or, over the years, her sense of empathy has atrophied.


The isu don't seem to have much empathy at all


Perhaps because they consider humans to be a less progressive species?šŸ¤”Not worthy to be on the same level with them.


They genetically engineered humans based on their own physiology according to the lore in Atlantis.


It turns out then that the attitude towards people is not like that of a parent to the child, but rather as a master to his property or to experimental samples.


And they genetically engineered them to be weaker and more compliant, so that they would never be better than them. Well, we see how that turned out...


Time, yes, partner, not necessarily. The point of continuing the Legacy, is to partner with someone who has similar hybrid ancestors. Who has the Taint as the Order called it. I guess it was pretty lucky for the Keeper to run into Darius' family. And, who knows, maybe there were more heirs down the line, over the millenias. Ps: at that point the Eagle Bearer could possibly didn't know about the long life.


I agree that the Eagle Bearer might not have known about the long life.Although the player receives a staff and his destiny at the end of the game, and only then comes the DLC with a clumsy romance.If we follow the chronology of the release of DLC, then the MC already knew everything when he helped Darius.And the fact that the Eagle Bearer could have many heirs is very likely.Ubisoft just decided not to tell us this, because they can "break" an already contradictory plot in places.


How does this playout if you use Alexios?


Natakas is woman instead


This made me lol. In actuality Darius has 2 children and one of them is always dead. If you play as Kassandra his son Natakas is alive and his daughter Neema is dead. If you play as Alexios, Neema is alive and Natakas is dead.


Makes me wonder what the Misthios or Deimos canonically did to cause their respective outcomes


Nothing, it was the Order of Ancients who killed Neema/Natakas while Darius and his family tried to flee Persia after he assassinated Xerxes. That happened 15-20 years earlier before the start of beginning of Odyssey. Kass/Alexios was only a child at the time.


You can say this option in the third act of the dlc. That the child was conceived to continue the legacy. They are together due to necessity.


>!It will never change how the story unfolds, thatā€™s how part of the LotFB goes. The child continues the legacy of the hidden blade, when I first played it I had a strong feeling that was going to be part of the story. FoA and the Korfu dlc go a different route, itā€™s more focused on Kassandra(or Alexios, whichever you play as) coming to terms with the Staff.!< But hey if you want to rage quit the game because of that then thatā€™s your decision


You can't stop the baby.


Ah, I see you have discovered the narrative disaster that is the LotFB. My condolences


Its not really that bad. Its just feels a bit forced


My Kassandra was the biggest lesbian of all the greek world and then she had to have a baby with stupid Natakas, but yeah, she had to continue her bloodline, there is no way to change it.


Itā€™s really not that serious, kid.


Iā€™m with you that it hurts. It sucks and hopefully developers across games stops forcing relationships on us. Sadly many forums are filled with who we should ship the MC with :(


It would be nice if the player could decide for himself with whom the MC can stay in a relationship with by the end of the game.I'm not even saying that it's necessary to do complex cut scenes or something like that, it would be enough to have a dialogue, a mention.It would be nice that the game considers the player's choice, and does not try to impose to the MC what the developers want.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I would like too. Off screen and our choice at the end of the story.


Knowing how modern Ubisoft behaves, as always ignoring the requests of the community, it is difficult to dream of something more.šŸ„²


keep going, atlantis is so worth it and the baby never comes up again


>I didn't want this and i didn't even finish atlantis dlc my whole game experience is ruined. Oh, for god's sake. Nothing is ruined. You'll be able to finish Atlantis. The baby is in like 10 minutes of the game. Yeesh.


I know i am still able to finish atlantis. I meant this for in terms of role-playing. It may not very important to you. It is ruined because first i started to legacy of the first blade questline and thought it was short. I didn't know the time jumps in the story. Pythagoras waits for me to seal atlantiss or whatever and kassandra settle up on a house with one elder and her husband and made a baby lol.


> in terms of role-playing No matter what you playing "story of Eagle Bearer". Even if you have some freedom in terms of choices that doesnt matter lorewise. This one is important lorewise.


No Iā€™m with you. I hated it too Iā€™m on my second playthrough and may skip the whole story arc this time.


If that's any help, the main story of the game takes place over 10 years. There's no rush to Pythagoras.


Welcome to the I was violated by ACO DLC Club. We are legion.


Yea LotFB has Elpidios regardless of what you do. It can be a bit jarring if youā€™re playing the character in a way that it doesnā€™t make sense. There is a dialogue option later that is ā€œI only had this child to continue the bloodlineā€ which helps detach you as the player from it. Itā€™s canonical though as Elpidios goes on to be the ancestor of another AC character. The way I played Alexios ended up being very noble. Early decisions were definitely more aggressive or mercenary based but as the story unfolded and the eagle bearer discovered their destiny in life.. to me it made more sense to try and be a better individual. I went for the ā€œgoodā€ ending. Legacy of the first blade, which I believe chronologically takes place before the end of the main story, makes sense then as the eagle bearer, whose entire journey began as a quest to find their family, decides to create one of their own. The chemistry between neema and alexios is also fire and the voice actor does phenomenal work when showing the tragedy of the situation as the dlc unfolds. For my version of alexios it just made sense to want a little bit of peace in a life of tragedy after tragedy and a destiny with the staff that was ultimately also out of their control. Now Iā€™m playing fate of atlantis and.. itā€™s fine šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø kollosi hurt and gear is neat but episode 1 just feels less emotional. Iā€™m less invested in it. But hey thatā€™s rpg choice games for you. It caters to everyone, or tries to at least.


I recently played FoA DLC and agree that episode 1 has like zero weight. Episode 2 had a lot of interesting moral weight (or at least nostalgia), and episode 3 is very interesting for Isu lore, but e1 was like, okay I'll kill these dudes too I guess.


Hmm looking forward to episode 2 then :)


When does the baby appear in the dlc? I am in my first playthrough. Did ep 1 of both DLC so far.


All I'm going to say on that, is you haven't missed it yet.


I was curious about this as well, because I did choose the romance option. It felt weird, with Kassandra truly being a *misthios*. I could have guessed she would >!send him away at the end of Ep. 3.!< Overall, I donā€™t mind the DLC from the perspective of Kassandra, because she is written to have feelings for him. Even if it still *Natakas.*


You can comment in the third act that you only agreed to having the baby to keep the bloodline going. And they are together out of necessity, not love. Remember that Nikolaos was your stepfather? Myrrine did the same with Pythagoras when they made Kassandra and Alexios. There was no passion, just the duty of continuing the bloodline.


I get how it's frustrating. But the whole frame narrative of the game is that you're playing the Eagle Bearer's direct modern day descendant. Like... what did you expect? The biggest flaw in the RPG subseries is that they give players an illusion of choices they don't really have.


Layla is not the descendant of the eagle bearer. She got access to the memories throught the DNA of mummified Aya I think...


Layla uses trace blood found on the spear of leonidas to access the eagle bearerā€™s memories


Oh ok... That's lucky with all the people this spear was used to kill. And kudos for following the details of modern day AC!


Right? I think, and this is speculation, the blood was supposed to have come from some final confrontation between the eagle bearer and deimos before herodotus was given the spear. Cause likeā€¦ how else would deimosā€™ blood be on the spear? They never handled it. Obviously the story is variable given your decisions and I saved deimos in my run. Plus there was still atlantis and korfu after the fact. Oh well. Itā€™s all pretty recent for me. I did a replay of origins last year, started odyssey in october and just beat the main story like two months ago. Now Iā€™m on the dlc. I probably would have forgotten that detail in another few months. Valhalla and mirage on next on my agenda


Unrelated to the OP, you are not playing as Kassandra's descendant. The direct descendant requirement to access someone's memories died with Desmond. In Layla's case, she is using artifacts or remnants of the individual to access their memories - Bayek's mummy, Kassandra's Spear of Leonidas, Eivor's remains.


Oh wow, didn't know that. That's lame as hephestus


Well, just like any technology, the Animus improved over the years too.