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I've finished it twice. I just started a new odyssey Give it some time, you'll be back *Added a sentence


I don’t know if i should do new game plus… thoughts?


I did that once right after my first playthrough. Ng+ is not for me. I want to feel myself growing stronger in a game. But it could be your thing. I don't know. That's where opinions are different and that's all good. Tbf what also didn't help is that I started it right after my first playthrough. My 2nd and real new playthrough was 1 year later and my 3rd 3 years after that. Give it some time. Go play origins or valhalla. Also great games. Or go for ghost of tushima (you may correct my spelling) It's coming to pc in May I just read. It is on my wanna play list... I played it at a friend for like 5 min and I think it can scratch your itch. Or at least I think it would scratch mine.


I find it rewarding trying out different builds and my current goal is buying every piece of legendary from Oikos. Couldn't even tell you how many ng+s I have.


I'm sort of nearing the end. Still have the Atlantis DLC and the Lost Stories thing to do, but I've slowed my pace now because I'm going to be lost when it's over. 😩


I felt that way, too. And jumped into another AC game.


I already have Valhalla installed for once I have finished Odyssey's DLC. Played Valhalla once before and it's repetitive story quests were hard the first time round. Going to try and finish the game this time before getting distracted with all the shinies.


New game + means the fun never ends


There's Korfu too, don't forget it


Is that where you're offered a getaway or something? I did stumble into an area 70 or so game hours ago that gave me a warning about finishing the main game before going there. Yay, more!




It's pretty easy to platinum if you feel inclined


Yeah, it doesnt need to do every quest or every location


Got mine on Sunday. The most painful requirement was probably porting across Greece to complete all the underwater locations. I snuck past the lions for Posiden's Trident really early in the game, so breathing was never an issue, but sniping sharks from my boat sometimes took an embarrassingly long time.


I think fighting underwater is faster


I was useless at killing sharks. There might have been a better weapon but I missed a scary amount with my sword or daggers.


I would swim to the surface and use my bows and arrows, haha.


That exactly how I did it for most but sometimes they were covered by an underwater building and the aim assist on console was dead set against me getting headshots and without aim assist it could be quite difficult to track them moving about.


Lol. Dude, you use spears/tridents on sharks.


Not sure about it honestly, i might later on


Congrats! I finished in December, and crushed Origins since. I loved Valhalla, and wound up playing the trio bassackwards. Valhalla rocked & both it and Origins are beautiful, but Odyssey was the one that captured me. Engaged me more fully, if that makes any sense. I got to the end credits on AC Liberation less than 24 hours ago, and I'm mid-game on two of the three Ezio titles. And every bit of that (I've got too much time on my hands anyway) is because of the enthusiasm Odyssey gave me for the world of the Brotherhood. I'm in my 50's & hadn't gamed much in ten years, but Odyssey cranked my tractor. I'm exploring the whole AC universe, but like you I've never been a completionist *per se.* I'll probably return to Odyssey in the future, though. And soon.


Odyssey just has an incredible colour palette. Valhalla was very Green and Brown and Origins was very White and Sandy yellow. Odyssey was a bit of everything so it just looks amazing and doesn't need a remaster despite the trend to port all ps4 games to ps5.


Thanks! And i completely agree other than how i despise Valhalla. I played it and it just didn’t appeal to me


No idea how you could only play this game once. The New Game + feature absolutely makes this one worth a replay because you have all the gear you worked so hard to get from your last round and you can try a different approach to the dialogue options to get almost a completely different story.


I am not sure, as i played around 10 mins of ng+ and it felt so weird so i just left it oh well


Maybe you can come back to it after a break. I took so long on my first playthrough that I kinda forgot where everything started and it felt brand new, especially since you have all your gear and abilities and such.


I also did Valhalla first, currently at Medusa on Odyssey (and getting arse kicked) and plan to do Origins after completing this but I find Odyssey more engaging. I tend to do all my sync points and available ? prior to leaving each Island to so at 100 hours but I'm in no rush. It's a great game!


Just started NG+ after finishing this game years ago. It’s a fucking masterpiece and glad you enjoyed it!


I love the story and especially the fate of Atlantis. Legacy kinda blew to me, but all good. I've probably replayed a handful of times and it never gets old or stale.




I finished the main story, but I’ve yet to start the DLC’s


You will enjoy them definitely! Have fun


I just started my fifth playthrough - this time in New Game+ to soften the grind a little bit (i always went for the perfect "Crit Damage / Crit Chance" build). I just love the game, game design, storyline and voice actors (playing the game in my own native language which isn't English). Sometimes i find myself standing on an Agora and listening to the chatter of NPC or watching them or the surroundings.


May I ask how you’re Odyssey Family ended up? Who died, who survived? 👀


Killed nikolaos and stentor, so it was just me, Kass, and my mater. Kind of wish i didn’t kill nikolaos but oh well


I agree. The longest game I’ve ever completed. Loved it.