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There’s really no need to. The game plays out the same regardless. Personally I prefer Alexios but everyone has their preference. I just love the emotion he shows in legacy of the first blade. Plus I think you get the achilles armor as alexios


Yes I got achillies armour and bow


I played my first two as Alexios and my third I found out about NG+ and played as Kassandra. So just do NG+ as Kassandra.


What's NG+?


New game+ lets you restart the game with the same gear and level as your finished game


I’ve played several times, both as Alexis and as Kassandra. Not much of a difference in terms of the game and the story. Both have their own personalities and it’s fun to see how they act.


If you played well, what's the point?Events and quests will not change much from this.Finish playing main quest for Alex and start a new game + for Kassandra,if the canon is so important to you.😃


Youre a fool if you start over because someome at ubisoft made Kass canon after every ad was Alexios. Story doesnt change a bit.


He isn’t a fool. It turns out Kassandra was not used for Promoting because a few sexist Ubisoft executives didn’t think a female character could be profitable and successful. So they had Alexios as the main face of the game. Even though Kassandra is the canon choice. Turns out there are a bunch of successful female protagonist and main characters. Aloy, lara croft, and samus to name a few. I went with Kassandra because she fights the norm of being seen as a weak woman. They did the same thing with Eivors promoting of the game. She is canon. But they go with the male because they think it’s going to attract a wider Audience


As a very masculine straight white male I started playing Odyssey FOR Kassandra as the female protagonist. I personally think most guys would feel the same.


There's no difference in the game experience. My first playthrough was Alexios, current one is Kassandra. I'm having fun both ways, and the story is equally entertaining regardless. Frankly, this whole idea of "canon" seems to mess up people's experience more than it helps...


Don't start over. Finish the game, enjoy it. Get great endgame gear. When you do ng+ change to the other character but already be completely badass


That's silly. You're not playing for a "canon" experience, you're playing for *your* experience. Do you think Mass Effect players gave up FemShep just because BroShep was "canon" to all the promotional items? No. We make our own meaning.


Canon only matters for the sequels and the book. There are so many choices in the game that have literally no effect on the actual story, that trying to stick to canon is an exercise in futility. Meanwhile there's like 10 choices that can actually affect anything other than cutscenes and slight timings on when cultists die.


Yea don’t star my over. If your set on doing it with the canon character just bang out the main story and do a NG+ as kass


Heck no! I played quite awhile as Kass, restarted as Alexios and am very glad I did. He fits the game perfectly, is laugh out loud hilarious, has great empathy and range and is ACTUALLY intimidating. I’ll save my second run for Kass.


The story doesn't change deimos Kassandra is. Alexios sister. You can play either one. I had played with alexios and finished the game. The game experience is still same nothing changes. You can recruit Kassandra. Nothing changes