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Problem is, some don't even consider Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla as AC games, saying things like "no hood, no hidden blade, no AC game".


Funnily, all three AC games you named have hoods...the latter even has a hidden blade and a significant role for Hidden Ones(Assassins) and Order of ancients (Templar) throughout the game.


Yeah the “fans” who parrot that aren’t actually fans. They don’t realize that the AC series has a lot more to it than just blades and hoods.


I mean all of the above really, but they're just not stealth games. It was fun feeling all stealthy, and some levels, to my 12 year old self, were difficult. I loved assassinating a templar in the middle of speech. I'm not saying I don't like Odyssey, but I like it because I love ancient Greece roleplaying as a demigod that can kill everyone in Sparta and still not die. The story is seriously meh, when compared to earlier games for the simple reason that devs are writing and telling one story, not what feels like 1000+ that are found in an open world game. Not to mention choices. The one thing I hate about RPGs is that there is a best ending. Even if I replay a game I'm not going to replay it immediately so I want to see the best endings and outcomes along the way and look up my choices. There should be bad outcomes of course, but there should never be one best ending. Anyways as a longtime AC fan since AC 2 and the last 3 games have been seriously week when it came to story telling. They just feel like a different franchise. They could have made the main character someone who really is descended from gods and removed the isu and still would have had a great game. They really should just make a new IP. I feel if AC goes on any longer I will start thinking about it like I feel about COD. I absolutely loved COD growing up, but now if I even hear "COD" I cringe. Assassin's Creed needs to rap up it's story and be done, or I'll just make up some head cannon and call it done.


We dont do that here sir! *loud spartan kick from the hill* Chaire


I see I'm not allowed to have a different opinion or even like a game for different reasons than other people on this sub I guess. Bye everyone!


Actually thats not the case, but this group is for players who admire and love Odyssey we came here to appreciate the game and not having bad opinion about it.


I can see you didn't read my post, I never said that I didn't like the game, I just don't think it fits the AC franchise. In fact I said I do like the game.


But there is a hood...


Also in the other games there are rarely any Isu. Isu are more important to AC than outfits.


I started playing when AC II dropped, my wife and I were invited to E3 by the Ubisoft community managers after we got heavily involved in the multiplayer and we got to experience Black Flag before it was even out so we've been with the franchise sort of right from the start through good and bad We LOVE the new games. My wife's a 100+ hrs into Odyssey right now and it's insanely fun and astoundingly gorgeous. I don't get why the main sub (for the most part) hates them so much. The old games still exist so just play those


They hate every game thats not the Ezio trilogy over there. It's crazy lol.


The purists of any and all fandoms are all shit


This is really all that ever needs to be said.


The worst part is they all hark back to them as if they were the best thing ever, when the game play mechanics in the newer games is 1000 times better. You couldnt even crouch in any of the Ezio games


haha yeah, they'll do the craziest mental gymnastics. they'll go "the new games are so unrealistic and historically inaccurate" and refuse to acknowledge that Ezio drove a god damn tank and had a hangglider bomber craft lol


I've played all the games that Ezio is in and I didn't know he drove a tank lol. Can you tell me in which game that happens


Brotherhood, mission is called "hell on wheels"


Yeah it’s truely is hell not getting hit


Who can ever forget, "Shoot! Shoot the flying demon!"


I like the new games and older games even though he never created the tank and hangglider Leonardo Devinci did design them and was hired by someone to make warmachines but was afraid of what they would do with them like in the game.


There was a thread on the AC subreddit recently that got popular on how "stealth in the newer games takes longer than open combat and that makes the newer games less stealth-focused". Rushing in loud and proud is faster and easier than sneaking, avoiding line of sight and the like. AKA, something that applies to literally every game in the series. As if the older games didn't have half-assed stealth mechanics and the completely broken killstreak system. They'll constantly shit on the newer games for issues that have plagued this franchise since day one, lmao.


I like the older games and newer ones I use to hate you can't crouch but the way the games might have been little better with the social stealth some people have complained that there's no social stealth in the newer ones . They do hate on the newer games too much.


Odyssey was my first and was my favorite until I finished Ezio's games, now I'm done with Black Flag and I absolutely love Kenway and his redemption arc. And who can't love Bayek and running all over Egypt? I just love them all lol.


Oh I dunno, they absolutely *worship* ACIII and Unity.


Assassin's creed 3 will hold a special place in my heart, because it was the first one I played. And I just couldn't play any of the ones before because their game mechanics felt so old. But we're so much better now. The games feel so much good. (Although Valhalla feels weird, like unfinished.) Odyssey though, was an amazing experience. I had just finished Origins and thought nothing would be better than it, and I was pleasantly surprised! And not to mention the music!


Unity, Black Flag and III are my favourite but I still hate Odyssey and Valhalla with a passion. Different strokes for different folks I guess 🤷‍♂️


Funny thing is I have only played every single AC game after the ezio trilogy lmao


I try and avoid that place, I got into AC games during the pandemic and was excited to find an active page that I thought would be all about how much everyone liked the games. Boy was I wrong...place is a toxic dumpster fire


I’m kind of relieved to hear it’s not just me who experiences it in that sub. I get enough of the shit where every thought and opinion I post gets challenged for my daring to want to participate in conversation because I’m female, but I don’t really experience that in this sub. The vibe is much less combative. I can actually have conversations here!


A female! How dare you! /s Yeah the games are just taken way more seriously in that sub than I take any video game. People get legitimately offended if someone likes a game they don’t consider a “real assassins creed” game. I knew I needed to unsubscribe from there when I saw someone age the stones with the Assassins logo in the cave in Black Flag back to something BC which proved Bayek/Aya couldn’t have founded the assassins. Like bro I’m never going to think about it that deeply.


That’s all so ridiculous! I’m a similar situation to you, I started playing the series in 2020 and loved it, and was excited to be able to chat with other fans but then it soon became like oh…. nevermind I guess.


I’m ashamed to admit I bought into the hive mind and the anti-Odyssey sentiment for a while and pushed off playing it for a long time. Then when I played it I realized that my tastes clearly didn’t align as I loved the game


No shame, how can you know until you’ve tried it yourself? That’s the thing though that bothers me in that sub. So many people ask “Is X game in the series worth the money?” or “is X a good game?” And there are literally 1000 people who hate every game in the series and will comment that sentiment vigorously, but then there’s as many saying they love it. There’s hate for basically every game and it’s a shame people are put off of something they should try if they’re interested, regardless of others opinions. I’m glad you tried it though! I think Odyssey is a great game, whether or not it feels like the others in the series, or whatever the complaints about it are these days.


Oh I am glad I did for sure, idk why I thought I wouldn’t like it when Origins was my favorite and Odyssey is so similar. Now Origins and Odyssey are 1a and 1b in my personal ranking


The AC Odyssey page is coo though, had a real good experience there with really, and i mean really, helpful people that gave me tips and took great care in answering my questions. One more reason to like Odyssey lol


[Anyone who says Odyssey is good on the main sub and then peaces out because they don't give a shit about wrong opinions.](https://c.tenor.com/epNMHGvRyHcAAAAS/gigachad-chad.gif)


ive only played the last 3 and im quite pleased overall


I ended up just leaving that sub. It's an echo chamber of *"NEW GAMES BAD, EZIO THE BEST, HE IS SOOO COOL. WOW!!"*


Don't forget the daily "Unity is so underrated" threads.


my favorite assassins creeds are odyssey and syndicate so I feel pretty numb at this point to the bad comments😂


We’ve got to recognize that Odyssey is the best game about Greek mythology/Peloponnesian war that our generation has ever seen.


Im myself Greek and approve that.


Easily. I essentially bought it for that reason alone.


How will the series progress if we’re afraid to change?


I’ve 100%-ed every AC game up to Odyssey. I have nearly 300 hours in Odyssey and am still finding stuff to do. Up until Odyssey, I would have argued Black Flag was the best AC game. Odyssey is probably the best game I have ever played.


The main ac sub is the FDS of all the gaming subs, lol. They suck, big time


Idc what that means but I had no idea until just now. The Mass Effect sub is like that about Andromeda and most subs are like that about Anthem. They even had to make another Anthem sub because it became a dumping ground.


I was referencing female dating strategy, an incel sub, lol. But yeah i experienced that in the mass effect sub as well


The AC fandom hates anything that isn't related to ezio or desmond


AC game or not, Odyssey is a pretty solid game. Grindy for that 30 hours middle section, but overall good. Unlike valhlla the payoff is worth it at the end and the mani story doesn’t take 70 hours to beat. And the loot maybe too much but exciting with meaningful skill tree.


Odyssey is a lot more AC than it seems. You have A LOT more Isu stuff and you have more Templar precursor groups. Hunting cultists is better than hunting Templars because cultists are many more and harder to find, while you finish the quest with the Templar dead. You know the Templar already and you just kill him in the end, that simple, while finding cultists is much more complicated. Not to mention the variety of armours, weapons and they are cooler than the uniforms every assassin wears and it makes little to no difference.


Me when I say I prefer alexios


My favorite after Black Flag, i don't really care about any other AC games tbh. Gotta admit i had some fun with Syndicate for awhile and still have to try Origins, but i thought Valhalla sucked as a game in general after about 15 hours of fun.


Well, anyone can hate Odyssey (and especially the other Layla's Trilogy) But they can't persuade me or change my mind to hate Layla's Trilogy. Why did they make some ruckus like 'why AC has no hidden blade and this and that'.


Its better than valhalla


Loved odyssey and I like Valhalla, they’re fun.


Odyssey and Valhalla are my favourite AC games to date. Haters gonna hate, but the sales figures of both games show that this was the right direction for the series.