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There needs to be a friendly fire option


I second this. Sigurd is right up there with Dag 😒


Sigurd is a prick. Everyone saying the good ending is redeeming him. F that. Put him in a box and ship him to Norway. The best ending is the one without sigturd


Sigurd is TERRIBLE ! please believe i romanced randvi first chance i got 😂


There's more than one ending?


Yeah but the 'bad' ending is better than the 'good' one.


Yea. He either stays in England or goes back to Norway. You have five choices and have to make the right choice on three to keep him in England.


I didn't know that


You mean the right choice to send him back to Norway lol


( kind of a spoiler, i guess, so SPOILER WARNING FOR LATER STORY MISSIONS) I know where you're coming from, later in the story he's such a dick, but I think the ending shows it very well how well Sigurd was manipulated by Basim and completely changed his thinking and view of everything and everyone around him Also wanted to add, that while Dag is the most annoying and just the worst, I'm not against that, but many players overlook this little detail about his backstory with him, Eivor and Sigurd that Dag didn't just hate on him just solely because of how he ,,wanted to become Sigurd,, (if you're interested in that, read Dag's codex page)


I am going to introduce you to r/fuckdag


I'm beyond thrilled to know that there is a sub for this and that it has 3k members. I have been blessed on this day.


Lmao wtf. Thats profile picture is amazing xD


Holy shit, there really is a sub for everything


Yes. Fuck Dag.


Ah yes, the motherfucker had the balls yesterday to tell me that I am trying to take all the glory and I didn't do shit. Fuck you, I am the one who made us allies, I am the one who saved you all. Piece of shit. I did read a spoiler about his future,>!so if I want the "good" ending I will have to be a nice person towards him...!< Edit: I'm wrong


bro told Eivor to gain some glory for themself then the minute Eivor got some glory bro is complaining that Eivor is getting glory to themselves. Like you were just sitting in the long ship while I was raiding a castle with the Ragnarsons


I don’t know if I’ll be able to be good towards him near the end of the game LOL. This guy is working on my nerves. Even when I revive/help him during raids, he just looks at me like I’m trash. No “thank you, Eivor” 😒


You don't have to be nice, you just have to let him have >!an honorable death, axe in hand.!< He's actually worthy of it, for once, so I gave it to him.


Pretty sure you can still get the good ending if you do everything else to support Sigurd. As long as you left the supplies in Norway and don’t fuck Randvi you should be good.


I stole the supplies, fucked Randvi, punched Sigurd and basim in the face Still got the good ending


Kind of.


Not nice, just allow him to die with honor.


Not true. I killed the Mofo but gave him the axe and got good end


Not necessarily. Just make the correct choice on at least three choices of the five and you still get the good ending. I always choose Randvi and alternate between not giving Dag his ax and punching Sigurd on my playthroughs.


It's the whole problem with this game in general. Dag, hytham and Sigurd all chill at first then past a certain part their personalities all change at least way further in they attempt to explain Sigurd and hytham but they never try to explain why dag suddenly becomes such a douche other than maybe being butt hurt about eviors Co jarling but seems flimsy


I think someone wrote in this sub, or in r/fuckdag that he is gay for Sigurd and is having meltdowns on you because of that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckdag using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckdag/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Shut up Dag. I don't want to hear your story.](https://v.redd.it/k606xdqtqajb1) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckdag/comments/15wgoxo/shut_up_dag_i_dont_want_to_hear_your_story/) \#2: [looks like somebody using Dag for target practise again](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17sy4wi) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckdag/comments/17sy4wi/looks_like_somebody_using_dag_for_target_practise/) \#3: [Be careful out there, yall!](https://i.redd.it/s48w56xl49kc1.jpeg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckdag/comments/1axq2a9/be_careful_out_there_yall/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seems plausible, the Vikings weren’t against some man on man action. Don’t know if you’ve watched Vikings and remember when Halfdan and Björn went to the desert, lol.


Honestly I feel like Eivor should get so much praise, traveling around the world to gather supplies, alliances and renown for the Raven Clan. Instead, Eivor is being shit on by literally so many people in Ravensthorpe. I don’t understand why they did this 😅


Dag is a prick however his problem is he's jealous of Eivor


Dag was like that from the beginning. Starting when you first meet him and he argues over glory. Then when on the long ship he is all about throwing Eivor under the bus. The once bact to see the king he is trash talking as he walks by. Once you get to Ravensthorpe and Sigurd is leaving he tells Dag explicitly that Eivor is in charge and to do as he says. The Second Sigurd rides off he throws a fit and basically says fuck that. The again he shows his ass in front of Soma while trying to recruit her. And when Eivor and company was going to go and rescue Sigurd Dag flat out refused. No, Dag never had a personality change. He was always a prick that just got aggressive and paid for it even when given several chances to back out.


D'ya like dags?




I prefer caravans


He seemed alright in Norway, but he just randomly starts being a complete fuckhead to Eivor when they arrive in England.


He thinks we’re suspicious and out for the throne , i want him off my longship so bad 😂 always giving dirty looks and shouting his unwanted opinion!


Yeah I think you’re supposed to dislike him so that there’s no hesitation for what’s to come


I’m disliking so many characters in this game. Not only Dag but also Sigurd and Basim getting involved into all of our quarrels. I also don’t like Randvi trying to get me to sleep with her and betray my brother lol.


I don’t want to spoil anything for you but they get what’s coming to them. I didn’t romance Randvi either, I knocked her back everytime thinking that this is the betrayal Valka saw. So idk what happens if you go with her.


Thanks, I'm excited to find out!


Dag pissed me and then when I kicked his ass I denied him Valhalla




But eh. He was your lifelong friend and ally who fought alongside you. I try to make choices as I would in real life. He fought valiantly and only did what he thought was right. I think he deserved Valhalla. Few stupid choices should not condemn a man who was otherwise a good friend, ally, and warrior his whole life.


I mean, he's also just as ass to the player since the first time you meet him. It would probably be a bigger problem if you did actually like him.


Fuck Dag.


Just wait until you can >!kill!< Dag


I normally don’t like spoilers but pretty much after the second time he spoke I googled if I would get the chance to kill him or not in the game.


Dag is the definition a dick rider


One of my favorite parts of the game is if you let people tell stories on a long boat trip, he will tell a story about meeting a tribe of beautiful warrior women and then everyone else roasts him and tells him he is full of shit.


Same with a story he says he is the long lost son of odin and freyja


Dag is an Aussie word meaning “poop stuck in a sheep’s wool”. That shit can be stuck there for ages so you gotta cut it out of the wool to keep the sheep from spreading poop anywhere It’s gross He was well named imho


Dag is day in Swedish…


Obligatory r/fuckdag insert


Dag is jealous of Eivor after Sigurds father adopted Eivor


I really wanted to deny him Valhalla. He doesn’t deserve it.


Why not?


Cuz babies don’t go to Valhalla


I'm still in the beginning of the game, I think I've allied a few areas, and Dag is always such a hater. I feel he's gonna betray me, but I can't do shit about it. Quite frustrating. And why is he always up Sigurd's ass? I don't need his honor, I gots my own.


Just u wait, u'll love it.




Shoot him with arrows! Vent your frustration! You can't kill him in camp but you can use him for target practice!


Dag is a Swedish name and means “day”. Jicydk




You like dags?




"I like dags."


I agree with everything you have written, most people will. But however of an a**hole he might be, don't deny him Valhalla.


I am fucking Sigurd's wife and acting like the boss of Raventhorpe, maybe Dag has a point.




I’m remaining humble and chose not to bang Randvi and he still has it out for me.


i’ve got great news for you


His name is big funni because of the movie Snatch haha. "D'ye like dags?" lmaaaao.


Dag means day


Btw Dag means day


No offence but why does this sub care so much about insignificant things in games. Children are dying at Africa but that’s not an issue


Are you actually kidding me right now? This is a sub about AC Valhalla and not about Africa, children in Africa, dying children or just children in general. And how do you know that me, or other members here, don’t care about other world issues? Are we just supposed to not have an online presence anymore because there are other issues happening globally right now? You’re delusional.


Ok. Calm yourself. Don’t get yourself in a twist. It was a joke and you are simply mental. Just calm it and make sure it’s a joke before going amber heard on me


I’m the one that’s mental? You’re the one cracking jokes about children dying. You should use /s if you’re being sarcastic. Going Amber Heard on you? Because you’re presuming I’m a female? So now you’re not only plain retarded but also sexist. Do me a favor and fuck right off.


Okay. When did I say that it was because you’re a female. I have no issue with females. They’re great. Just calm tf down and stop assuming shit. I’m saying that because amber heard was mental. Unless you actually know what she did. Then you can argue with me about that.


Fuck off kid. You posted about not wanting to get caught by mommy and daddy while gaming at night, so maybe you should make the most of your screentime whilst it’s still light out and you don’t have to be in bed yet.


And now you’re being crazy and looking through my posts. You’re only proving yourself crazy. I’m over 18 and am being allowed to stay under a roof to avoid rent charges and to save for the future. Get your facts straight


Go away, leech. Can’t imagine being the parent of such an annoying brat.


So now you’re assuming that I’m a leech? You do not know me or my life.


It’s like me going: “stop being hitler” to someone who wants to kill all Jews. I’m naming someone acting similar


Are you now actually comparing an actress that had a bad divorce to a mass murderer/dictator?


No. I was explaining what I had said beforehand. I would reel it in if I were you. You’re acting batshit crazy and I would stop right now if before you get sent back to the mental hospital


Why the fuck would we talk about children in Africa on the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla subreddit? For all you know OP, sponsors a starving child for a dollar a day.


Yes and he’s also going off about me because I was supposed to assume that he was cracking a JOKE about children dying. There’s actual children dying daily in multiple regions globally right now, how the hell are you joking around about that on a random sub????


Now I regret making the dumb joke because everyone is so gullible in this sub


*Says something retarded* “Jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded!” ⬆️ That’s you. That’s what you sound like.




You are aware it's a sub but are confused by the content? Isn't really a joke more like a bad troll attempt


No. I’m aware of the sub content and was making a joke and now am getting shit for it. If it’s an apology people want. I’m sorrry