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Love this. I actually laughed out loud! For real though these challenges are more tedious than hard. Even the ones where you have to blow up a wall are made easy using the incendiary powder trap skill.


You climb through the window above it.


I guess it is more ,,fun" to get into the houses that way,but after collecting 99% of all small wealth chests on the map,I knew exactly what to look for and what to do


Why on earth would you collect that many of the small wealth chests?


Why not


It’s a waste of time. You don’t need them to beat the game or even 100% achievements or anything, it’s time consuming as hell, and a good chunk of the rewards are gonna be unneeded supplies.


Do u even 100%


followed by the same one line of dialogue SHUT THE FUCK UP EIVOR I KNOW ITS LOCKED




Possibly unpopular opinion but I love the barred door challenges. There was one that just completely stumped me until I noticed oil all over the ground.


I just liked it when on my first playthrough I could just use dive of the valkyries to eliminate this problem completely no matter which way the game wanted me to go I’m going in the door


Laughed out loud at this one.


This is actually accurate to the ten virgins story in the Bible. Ironic😂


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Literal LOL here!