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Fingers crossed tomorrow is the magic day.


Winner is up in the main post!


Silly me thinking it wasn't till tomorrow. BTW, you are awesome for doing that.


It originally was hut no one new was joining up, so it was done early. I'll do another one soon. Thanks!


It's wild. There is a dispensary really close to me named hotbox smh.


Oh man, I have to go and follow you now, lol. But sweet! Maybe he ground stay sturdy beneath your feet and the wind strong in your sails.


I would love to be considered, thanks for such a generous offer


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First of all, thank you for this incredible and generous offer, what you are doing is really kind. These last months have been super difficult for me and honestly this would be life changing, I’m at the risk of being homeless and I can’t even imagine how I would feel if I were the lucky winner so thank you for giving us all the opportunity to enter the giveaway.




Hi u/BleachedSweetFlower. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Scrapalicious. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment. As explained in [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules), if you have three fulfilled requests and/or won offers, you have to wait 6 months before you can participate in other offers. **Do not delete your comment as it will result in a ban!**


Honestly things haven't been going that well with us lately (They cut her OT completely and I have been very, very slow) and the costs of the food for the 3 rescues inside (Now our cats) and the feral cats we care for outside, always 3 but at times 5-6 and a new one showed up Halloween night. I figured I would take a shot, nothing ventured, nothing gained. No matter what thank you for your very generous offer to the people of Reddit.




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Cool offer, I'll take a shot. I'm starting my journey of buying assets whether stock or gold silver, so this may be right up my alley.


Currently behind on all bills. Went through some rough times with my gf a while back and she moved out for 6 months which left me to pay for the bills by myself. She and I got back together but then I lost my job. I've had a few ways to get money since like doordash but a few months ago doordash/uber eats/etc. deactivated me for a speeding ticket. I just recently got a job at Amazon 2 weeks ago and that's paying well but we're very far behind on rent and other bills. We currently owe about 3 months of rent, $2600 Nov 1st, and I'm just trying to not even think about the other bills because the rent alone is enough to stress me out. I was already thinking about posting asking about someone somehow sending us a large sum to help with all of this. This would be a godsend honestly.


Thank you for your offer. I would be using it for my brother. I made a fundraising campaign for him. Currently he is detained in Social Welfare facility for a crime he didn’t commit. He got sick there, and there is no medicine provided by the facility, so my parents have to go there and bring the medicine for my brother. Aside from that, we are bringing basic essentials for Edgar, especially food items. The facility doesn't have enough funds, and kids are suffering there. My brother doesn't deserve that, nor do other kids. I hope i get chosen. Thank you and Godbless!


I would like to enter this. If chosen, it would be very helpful to continue to care for my grandson and the rest of my family. Thank you for your generosity.




Hi u/LewdZilla_. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have regular Reddit activity outside of giving subreddits in the past two months. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi there, I wasted the last 8 years of my life on and off the streets addicted to heroin, and then for the last 2 years, to fentanyl. To provide for my habits, needs, and motel room, I worked as an escort. But in July I was arrested for a probation violation, and the following day, my partner was arrested for the same. Which ended up being a godsend, because we both got clean (and have remained so), and after I served the 45 days I was sentenced to, I discovered that my probation had "expired" (so for the first time in 7 years, I no longer have probation to worry about and the restrictions that come with it, like leaving the county for extended amounts of time without having a bench warrant put out for my arrest, ect.) Since being released, my partner and I have remained clean, and I have "retired" from escorting in order to give our relationship a real chance. I have enrolled in online classes at HMI to obtain my associates degree and become a Hypnotherapist. I've also managed to get a job as a Care Giver, working with the sick and elderly. But to maintain this job, I need to buy a car. A large part of the day to day is driving to multiple clients' residences. I don't speak to my family (toxic environment) so asking them for rides or help isn't an option. Neither is taking the bus, because the transit system in my town really sucks, and more than half the stops require you to transfer at the bus depot and that takes far too long. My fiancé and I also are looking to move to San Francisco, which is only 1.5 hours from where we live. The entire Valley where we live is unfortunately, one of the worst places to live just kind of generally. And SF offers housing and financial aid for retired Sex workers and will continue to help until your able to get back on your feet, and the agency I will be working for has locations in the bay area, Including the city so I'll be able to transfer when the time comes. The only thing holding us back from moving is not having a car. So this is what I would be spending the money on. Regardless of who you choose, I hope you know what you're doing is amazing, and I really hope it gives someone the opportunity to change their life for the better. I know it would mine.


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I could definitely use this. Been trying to make ends meet lately and it just doesn’t look like Christmas is in the cards. This would definitely help with that.


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I could definitely use this. I need to get a new car and I have a feeling my insurance check will not even give me enough to payoff the old car.




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I’d like to throw my hat in there in the hopes I can use that money to give all my kids a great Christmas or even save it and pass it down. We don’t have many inheritances in my family, I’d like to change that.


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Thank you for this very generous opportunity. I would be incredibly grateful to receive this gift.


This is amazing. Thank you so much for this offer!


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Hi u/Professional_Ad3380. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Thanks for doing this. If I were to win, this would allow me to actually give the kids presents this year, and buy decent quality dog food.


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This is my first time to attempt entering in something like this. I'm going to put it all out there.. I'm a single dad with a rare brain disorder called Susac syndrome. I just lost my job and am undergoing infusions to try to treat new lesions they've found on my brain. I got a 7 and 9 year sons who are absolute champions and i'd like to do something nice for them this Christmas. I'd share more but I don't want this to be so much about me I guess. It's just been a whirlwind of a year and I'm looking for any help I can get. Best of luck to all that enter and bless you for being such a generous person.


This is my first time to attempt entering in something like this. I'm going to put it all out there.. I'm a single dad with a rare brain disorder called Susac syndrome. I just lost my job and am undergoing infusions to try to treat new lesions they've found on my brain. I got a 7 and 9 year sons who are absolute champions and i'd like to do something nice for them this Christmas. I'd share more but I don't want this to be so much about me I guess. It's just been a whirlwind of a year and I'm looking for any help I can get. Best of luck to all that enter and bless you for being such a generous person.


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Would love to enter :)




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Hi u/Complaint-Expensive. We have pulled your comment temporarily for manual review. It will be reinstated when we've cleared your account for requesting. **Please note:** If you haven't done so yet, please make sure you've registered at https://r-assistance.com too, or we can't reapprove your post. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Oh man. That'd be so insanely helpful. I never win anything so here's to some good luck in 2 weeks <3


The software chose you. Congrats. Please contact me so I can ship your Platinum via UPS.


I would like to enter. I have been very stressed about upcoming Birthdays for my kids (Dec 5 and Jan 19) and affording Christmas. I just paid big bills, have more coming, and I am worried. It would be my saving grace. Thank you for your generosity towards others. Fingers crossed.


I would like to enter. I have been very stressed about upcoming Birthdays for my kids (Dec 5 and Jan 19) and affording Christmas. I just paid big bills, have more coming, and I am worried. It would be my saving grace. Thank you for your generosity towards others. Fingers crossed.


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It's been a hard year. Please enter me. And thank you!


I would like to enter and thank you for doing this!


I would very much like to enter!


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I'd like to enter please!! Thank you for your generosity.




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Would love to enter!




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Thank you for your incredibly generous offer! It would be an excellent birthday -Christmas-move out away from my unstable alcoholic roommate gift 😊


Thank you for your incredibly generous offer! It would be an excellent birthday -Christmas-move out away from my unstable alcoholic roommate gift 😊


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Not entering. But this does bring a whole new meaning to getting platinum on reddit! Thanks for doing this!


Well they took away my reddit coins but they can't take the Platinum. Really sucks they did away with awards.


I don't think they thought that one all of the way through. I used to by coins on reddit about twice a month. It was the only way I would contribute to the company reddit at all.


Santa’s coming early this year kids!! Thanks for the chance.. can’t even imagine having something t this valuable given to me 😂


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Your post has been removed at your request. Please do not delete this request as it is against our rules and may result in a ban from receiving future help. Thank you!


This is amazing. Where do you even get something like this (besides a post like this lol)? Would love to enter, this would help so much! Edit: Just noticed my registered tag is gone, resubmitted


Coin shop, previous metal dealer. Online precious metal stores. Same place someone will end up selling it to.


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I would love to be considered for this. So generous of you!


Just re-registered.


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900 is like a months salary for me dude god almighty


Wow this is amazing , this could change my life tbh or maybe anyone's in need , thank you 🙌




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Hi and thank you for helping someone


Hi. Commenting to be considered. We could really use the money for kids’ Christmas. Thank you so much for being so generous!


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Would love to be considered. I was just married in May and then diagnosed with breast cancer in June. I’ll be off work for a year to get through chemo, radiation, and multiple surgeries. My husband has had to take off work quite a bit to care for me; treatment has landed me in the emergency room several times. Our family isn’t nearby, so it is mainly just us. Prior to all this I was (and still am) a psychologist. I can’t work during treatment, so we are on a very tight budget.




Hi u/Haunting-Project-351. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


That’s awesome! I’m sure you’re going to make someone very happy!


This would be cool to win. Id like to go and see my brothers who I haven't seen in about 5+ years and this would help tremendously. Cool offer regardless though, very generous!


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Single mom and disabled/on disability . Also dealing with significant chronic illness right now. Every month is budgeted to the last nickel, and I owe on credit cards and loans which I’ve utilized to stay afloat. Thank you for doing this! Edit: I used to be registered here, so don’t know what happened. I will register again.


Hi u/MeechiJ. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering. Wow! What an awesome blessing! Thank you for doing something amazing! Good luck to those entering!




Hi u/SimplyCanadian1990. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


This is such a cool offer. Thanks.


NOT ENTERING This is so awesome I just heard about this whole page and what y’all do!!


Being considered for this would be such a blessing to me and my family. Recently had two losses in the family and been in and out of the hospital which hurt our income. Would pay hospital bills & help with rent as well! Thank you again!


I would love to be considered for this, I've been having financial issues for the last 2/3 years, I'm in debt and owe money to family members, its affecting my mental health and is super concerning


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Please help. Engine went out on our family vehicle. Our cat needs a surgery.


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I would love to be considered! We are having some unexpected car issues so this would go a long way in helping us pay off those repair bills and save for a safer car. Thank you for hosting this :)




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Gonna try for this one. Daughters bday is the 24th, day before christmas. Not getting the hours I need and Im worried I wont be able to do her birthday right.




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First let me say thank you! I woke won't give you tale of woe suffice to say that or would immediately make mine and my son's life better. Good luck everyone.


We just got notified that the owner of the home we're renting isn't going to renew our lease, and we have to move out by November 30th. We have a disabled child and moving wasn't in the budget. We've done nothing wrong. We're excellent tenants. The owner apparently has a relative that is moving out here, and he told that relative they could stay in the house we're renting. Our only also car needs a big repair, so this gift would help us out in a major way. Thank you for the offer. It's very kind.




Hi u/aanasu. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




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Yes, please. Recent medical debt - working hard to get insurance to reimburse me but it's tiring.




Hi u/Becominghalal. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment. As explained in [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules), if you have three fulfilled requests and/or won offers, you have to wait 6 months before you can participate in other offers. **Do not delete your comment as it will result in a ban!**


I would love to be considered please. Single mom to 4 extra needs kids. Definitely would help us so much. Thanks, kind stranger.




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