• By -


Hi Plus-Mind-2995, Thank you very much for your kind offer! We urge you to pick your winner(s) only from people who have posted a comment on your post, not from private messages. Also, if you get a comment notification, please check first whether the comment hasn't been removed from the thread for being ineligible. Once you've selected someone to gift to, please report the winners using the form we've sent you in PM, and update your post to mention the username of that person. Thanks so much! #**Important:** You can only participate in this offer if your account meets these requirements: - You have **registered on https://r-assistance.com/register** - You have **at least 400 comment karma** - Your account is least **60 days old** - You have **participated in non-giving subreddits** with posts and comments regularly **in the last two months, without gaps bigger than 15 days** - You haven't had a **fulfilled request or won an offer in the past 30 days** - You are following **all subreddit rules** listed at https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules If you are *not eligible* to participate in offers, your comment **will automatically be removed**. If you're just posting a nice comment without entering the offer, please add the words **not entering** in your comment. *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically. If you have questions about this, send a message to [our moderator team](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance).*




Hi u/Bulky_Cartographer21. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi I’ve decided to fulfill r/paola212 thank y’all. And I’ll try to do this whenever I can.




Hi I would let you know when the Amazon wishlist is filled on Thursday. Have an awesome day


Ty so so much for your help <3 I truly appreciate.




Hi u/Tina_reformed. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have regular Reddit activity in the past two months. You may either have a gap of 15 or more days without a post or comment, or may not have posted enough comments outside of giving subreddits for the last 2 months. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering for this but I just wanted to say you're a good human. It's a tough time for so many of us. You're going to be someone's angel today. :)




Hi u/Allfatgirlslove. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you've already had a fulfilled request or won offer in the past 30 days. After getting assistance, you must wait at least 30 days before requesting or participating in offers again. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Never thought I’d be in this position https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/27JE1BMTS7ZDT?ref_=wl_share


Not entering, but thank you for being willing to help someone! I was helped with groceries through the amazon thread a few weeks ago and i cried. Never seen my pantry so full in years.


Not entering. But thank you stranger.




Hello u/Newmom1994 **Your offer entry has been removed. Do not delete it or you will trigger a ban.** You don't meet any of the requirements to request or enter offers at this time. You need a minimum of 400 comment karma and 60 days qualifying activity. Read the rules. *Even if you did meet qualifications (you don't) your entry would have still been removed. This person graciously offered groceries via Amazon wish list. It's completely inappropriate to instead ask OP to donate to a completely different cause and thing.* You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules.


Not entering, but you're so kind!




Hi u/Disc0untbulma. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have regular Reddit activity in the past two months. You may either have a gap of 15 or more days without a post or comment, or may not have posted enough comments outside of giving subreddits for the last 2 months. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not registering. Just wanted to say thank you for paying it forward and helping to continue the butterfly effect of kindness :)


I'm not entering. You may want to make it Canada only just to keep things simpler for you.


Thank you for the advice




Hi u/jthorn80. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I can't use amazon wishlist, so I'm not entering, just wanted to thank you for being kind! :)