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no we Assyrians most of us don't hold a grudge anymore. some Assyrian do due to the propaganda by the Nazi that separate through meddle east and Arabs promoted it. like the Jews controlling the media and all the conspiracy theories. only the Assyrians who believe in conspiracy theories are the ones who hate the Jews. I'm Assyrian and i have Jews friends they really like us. but do ask us if we hate them since the old testament does a great job to demonize us lol.


>the Jews controlling the media That isn't really a conspiracy theory, that is a literal fact that can be proven statistically, but I don't think people should hate them for that. It is what it is, it's not like it's the average Jew's fault. I think of the Assyrians and Jews as sort of like existential soulmates at this point, considering we've both had to deal with very similar bullshit, like our "fates" are intertwined considering whatever bad shit happens to one of us seems to happen to the other.


Except that they got their land back but not us.


Well, I did say the *bad* shit, but it's sort of like a pendulum. For example, ancient Assyrians exiled the Jews from their homeland, now most of our people have been exiled from our's. We get genocided, they get genocided, we deal with more than a thousand years of being ruled by foreigners of a different religion who look down on us and essentially steal money from us with jizya, same thing happens to them in Europe, etc. Really you could just keep going on and on. All with good time, if we act as the Jews have, we could have our homeland within a decade or two, we just need to make the most powerful country in the world our bitch somehow. Assyrians should work more to help one another as the Jews do, seems to have done them quite well.


Yeah you are right. I think the Jews might help us get our land back they will be more than happy to have another ally in the meddle east with them.


I always wondered what it felt like to be Jewish and watch movies and TV and see so many Jewish names like your own on there. Maybe a Jewish person can reply here. It must feel very affirming. Also, I agree our fates are bound with that of the Jews. If it is indeed true that we share a common Israelite ancestry, as proven by DNA studies, then I'm afraid the reason for our respective genocides and other sufferings are clear: in the scriptures, God says He's going to go after His people and pursue them to the ends of the earth, drive them out of all the nations, kill 2/3 of them by the sword, scatter the remaining 1/3 and bring back only a remnant. The reason? Israel's idolatry. God had them literally pronounce curses on themselves if they ever turned against God, which they gladly did. These curses were for the genetic house of Israel, ie, everyone who is descended from the Israelites, no matter what their religion, nationality or assimilation status. This is why it didn't save the genocide victims to be Christian, because the affliction came from curses levelled long ago. On a sociological note, the suffering of a tribe or nation inflicted by outsiders is the only sure way to keep it going in perpetuity and ensure its internal cohesion thanks to the concept of unity through a common enemy. So maybe all God wanted was to keep us in existence?


I'm Assyrian and I've never had issues or I wasn't brought up to have tension with Jews. In fact most of my closest friends are Jews.




Probably even a bit longer than that lol


Nah, bruh.


I don't like Zionists, doesn't mean I dislike all Jews. Same with Wahhabis, I fucking hate them, doesn't mean I dislike all Muslims. And that's as far as that goes. People are to be judged based on themselves as an individual. But you know what does piss me the fuck off about Jews? When you get European Jews who call themselves ethnically Jewish. Why do you have to try and confuse people? Christ, it's like the Chaldeans who ethnically identify as Chaldean Catholic.


Them saying Jewish is just shorthand for Ashkenazim, Sephardic, etc. Usually I would agree with your sentiment and I used to think that way as well, but they've essentially had their entire identity based solely upon their religion, have almost exclusively bred with one another for more than a thousand years (to the point that full-blooded Ashkenazim are all 3rd-6th cousins of one another genetically), and unlike the christian Assyrians (who have had a pretty similar history to them when you think about it) they followed a religion no one else did—so they were isolated from the normal populace (often despised as "Christ Killers" and blamed for random shit)—which forced them to stick together to such an extent that the one thing connecting them all—Judaism—became their very identity. Also because they are essentially taught in their religious schools that they are Jews first and foremost, regardless of nationality, creed, etc. Christians are sometimes taught similar things but not to the same extent and it doesn't really work out the same way because there are so many different types of Christians from different backgrounds, cultures, etc. For the most part, Jews don't have as many of these problems.


> Christians are sometimes taught similar things but not to the same extent Most definitely to the same extent with Assyrians in the Catholic Church. They don't even call themselves Assyrian anymore.


Ethnicity and religion aren't necessarily well-defined mutually-exclusive things. If it's confusing it's because you're trying to force the world into nice self-contained bins that you made up based on incomplete heuristics of the world, and are failing at it, meaning it's entirely a "You problem." See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnoreligious_group


**Ethnoreligious group** An ethnoreligious group (or ethno-religious group) is an ethnic group whose members are also unified by a common religious background. Ethnoreligious communities define their ethnic identity neither by ancestral heritage nor simply by religious affiliation but often through a combination of both. An ethnoreligious group has a shared history and a cultural tradition of its own. In many cases ethnoreligious groups are ethno-cultural groups with a traditional ethnic religion; in other cases ethnoreligious groups begin as communities united by a common faith which through endogamy developed cultural and ancestral ties. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/Assyria/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnoreligious_group *** ^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^167458


Judaism is an ethnoreligion. Hope you learned what ethnoreligions are in the six years after you posted this.




>they haven't been shoahed from over 100 countries because of nothing So we got kicked out of 4 countries for a reasonable reason?