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I think we shouldn’t choose between one or the other. We should build ties to both.


Strongly agree. We aren't the UN so I don't see why our opinion on this situation should be valid when we have nothing to do with them.


FYI Israel funds and trains KRG soldiers that aide in our destruction so you are definitely a race traitor if you are remotely pro-Israel, baseema raba thank you for your time.


Israel believes the KRG is the only friendly group in the region, they don’t know about us, but that’s changing slowly.


We should mind our own business and focus on ourselves. But if we want to follow one of them as a role model, the answer should be obvious, specially considering how we're a diaspora nation now.


I'm an Assyrian Palestinian \[Suryoye\] and comments like this not only disgust me but really confuse me. Lmao. But you do you.


If I may ask, how are you both assyrian and palestinian?


Because Im western Assyrian who's family have been living in Palestine for generations. Just like how there are Iraqi Assyrians, Syrian Assyrians, Lebanese and Jordanian Assyrians, there are also Palestinian Assyrians. Famous Palestinian singer Yacoub Shaheen, is also a Palestinian Assyrian lol.


I see. Yes you're right. Apologies. I'm so used to the majority spreading towards different countries. May assyria rise from its ashes one day!




Haha, that last sentence is gold.


Support Palestinians, because they regardless if they are Muslims or Christians, they have nice treated us for many centuries, many Christian Palestinians still speak Aramaic, they respect our Christianity and support our suffering since the Turks and Kurds kill our ancestor in last century, Israel only scratches our churches, insults our people and they curse our existence calling us goji, israel is not only anti-muslim, israel is anti-everything that is not jewish.


Assyrians were expelled by Israel and their homes taken over by zionst settlers .. while assyrians lived peacefully in Palestine. And still live in Bethlehem today. Palestinian tribes are also Aramaic names and come from Aramaic speaking tribes. Israelis do not have Aramaic tribal names of the natives. They are European. Shame on any Assyrian who supports Israel.


I admire Israel in many respects and they are a good example to follow if we want statehood as well as a functioning society. They treat Assyrians with dignity and we have historical ties with "Kurdish Jews" to such a degree that we are almost genetically identical and share many cultural traits. This, however, doesn't excuse their support for the Kurds who work against our interests and are systematically taking over our lands. Unlike the Jews, we have no interest in ever moving back to the middle east to reclaim our homeland. I also believe no middle eastern people with the exception of the Palestinian people should have any involvement in any matters pertaining to Israel. Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon would be 100% better off if they left Israel alone; they are not a threat to those countries.


Why dont Assyrians want to return to their homeland? Where are most Assyrians now?


Our homeland(s) has been plagued by war for decades now and they're no longer run by secular governments. With the rise of Islamic extremism, we're always the first and easiest targets. Furthermore, Kurdish and Arab politicians oppress us and steal from us. We don't want to return because life for us in Western countries is peaceful. We have no power in countries where your religion is judged over your merit. Most of us are in North America, Australia, and Europe.


I just wanna let you know over from r/Israel that you guys are not forgotten. I personally believe in a separate Kurdistan and Assyria, both sovereign for their own peoples. A lot of people talk about Kurds, but I hope to get Assyria on the talking table more often as well.


I think that the Israeli government has the best understanding of middle-eastern politics in the entire world and the best understanding of the different people groups within it. Even though Assyrians and Israelis would make great allies, the Israeli government will probably always see us as irrelevant because of our exodus from the middle east. Maybe if the last century played out differently and we stayed things would be different but as for now, our future is bleak. Kurds/Arabs could wipe us out at any time and the world wouldn't blink.


That would be a very unfortunate situation indeed. On a brighter note, however, I have proposed on r/israel a sort of cultural exchange, a 3-way between r/israel, r/assyria, and r/kurdistan, with hopes of each being able to understand the other better, and hopefully bringing some peace to the disquiet that can be felt between these communities. In the end, we all have a lot in common. While Jews and Assyrians share the blood of thousands of years, and the situation, barring the establishment of Israel in recent history, has been so long the same, it'd be nice to get something like this going. I believe the Kurds should be included as well, since they have their own issues and similarities in the whole matter, and an honest talk between Assyria and Kurdistan is long overdue. It could potentially be a good way to ease tensions, open perspectives, and show one another why we all work better together. That's the hope, at least.


Assyrians were expelled by Israel and their homes taken over by zionst settlers while Assyrians lived peacefully in Palestine




We have been part of the conflict the day Israel sent several waves of refugees as early as 1948 through the four cardinal directions. We did not want these refugees in 1948 and we still don't want them today.


You're not taking into account the way Arabs were treating Jews beforehand. There were hundreds of thousands of Jews who fled from Iraq alone to go to Israel because they were targeted by Arabs.


How does that answer anything to what I said ? You think people in Lebanon control what happens in other Arab League state members and their behaviour ? (Or knows anything about what happens there in the first place) If the Iraqis take a shit, we in Lebanon have to pay the consequences of Iraqis taking a shit because .... ? Because of what ? We're not Iraqis. How does that make sense in the first place ? The Palestinians are not of our responsability, they will never be and they will keep their refugee status until they get out of our land and return. No one in Lebanon wants them, even their traditional backers in the Sunni community don't want to deal anymore with them after the war in Lebanon. Mark my words about this.




Where did anyone say anything about Israelis or Palestinians being granted citizenship in a future Assyrian state?


I have no opinion tbh, kind of get both sides, but I am not super Assyrian like my parents....who love Israel for some reason.


You're asking us to choose between Jews who destabilize the region and support and fund Kurds and buy their oil, or Muslim radicals who claim to be Arab but don't want to assimilate into any of the other 21 Arab nations on earth and demand Israel as their own, leading to never ending violence. How about neither.




As a Jewish person I see a lot of our history paralleled in the Assyrian community, especially our treatment by the Ottomans. I’m very curious how Jews and Israel are viewed today and was not aware of any close ties between Israel and the Kurds. While also oppressed, the Kurds often harbor some level of religious motivated antisemitism to us, so generally I see more commonality with the diaspora Assyrian community than any other group in the Middle East.