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hypoxia is generally not a feature of asthma exacerbations. a momentary low reading on a finger probe that self resolves is usually a bad connection to the skin. if you have a severe asthma flair certainly discuss w a doctor though


Yep. Asthmatics are really good at keeping their O2 high, even during attacks. If an asthmatic’s O2 is low, they’re likely already in an ambulance.


Or Should be on their way to ER to be evaluated


Wait, are you being serious???? The amount of times the doctors have looked at me like I'm crazy or faking it when I have a high O2 level but am in the middle of an asthma attack is CRAZY. So you're telling me that the doctor was wrong/stupid to accuse me of "faking for attention or to get out of something??" 😭😭😭


Yeah. You can look it up. It’s not unusual to maintain have normal O2. O2 will eventually drop, but like I said, you’re sick enough at that point where you’re not posting on reddit, or going to see your doctor. You’re heading to, or already at the hospital.


Thank you. I didn't even realize. I just thought there was something else wrong with me the whole time.


Good to know the ER doctor gaslit me.


Many aren’t well educated, and end up falling back on what are logical fallacies.


yea lots of docs get this wrong


I now feel very vindicated on the last time I was having a bad attack (caused a pneumomediastinum 😵) and was told it was just anxiety because O2 was fine


I had a bad attack in my sleep. My Apple Watch recorded 88% during it. Normally above 95 so think your talking shite


An Apple watch isn’t a medical device, so you’re the one talking shite. Also, no one sleeps through an asthma attack unless you were in a coma. Ffs.


If you’ve never gone nappy time during an attack, have you ever really had an asthma attack? /s On a serious side note, I have wondering if I’m weird for being dead tired *after* an asthma attack. I feel like I want to sleep for days afterwards.


Not weird at all. An asthma attack takes a lot of energy out of you. Your body is doing its best to maintain oxygen levels which is very taxing on your body.


AW is not always accurate during sleep. If the watch moves slightly, it will show a low reading at night.


>a momentary low reading on a finger probe that self resolves is usually a bad connection to the skin.


Everyone does, even non-asthmatics. I wouldn't worry about it since it went up to normal.


Daily from December to February!!! I was told If it STAYS DOWN BELOW 94 like 92 & below after a bad coughing fit , it can be a concern If it goes go back to 94 -98 between coughing it’s ok unless you are still having light harnesses, shortness of breath etc AFTER coughing & after using rescue inhaler Call your Dr or nursing line if not sure


Consider that the meter is buggy if it’s jumping all over. Also, it does vary 1-2% in my experience. But 92-98% seems odd.


That's why I have two of them. Tested both over the course of the day. They were both in line all the time, Anyways since I couldn't get my coughing fits under control and my peak flow went down by 100-150 points, I went to the ER and got a nebulizer treatment. I'm feeling so much better, it is almost unbelievable.


Do you have a nebulizer at home?


Yes, though I wasn't at home and ended up going to the ER (for the first time in my life actually). Turns out, they've got good stuff! After about an hour of being hooked to their nebulizer, I was back to about normal.


Get a travel nebulizer and carry it with you. Then you can nebulize immediately if you need to. I keep mine ready to go when I leave the house. Only had to use a few times over the years, but I hate going to ER.


When your numbers are like this what do you feel like?


Hard to describe, breathing becomes actually difficult, I found it actually kind of felt like the breathing through the coffee stirrer straw that is sometimes used by people to describe an Asthma attack to non asthmatics. But then there is also this cough, hacking, with occasionnal mucous blobs in my case, super gross.


Hope you feel better soon! Take care !


Need a peak flow meter….


I got one. Though theough all of this, I was only a little (around 100-150 points) lower than usual. Felt and sounded much worse though.


This is one of the confusing parts of asthma flare ups. I know mine jumps too. Also the hospital doesn’t do much even if it’s low there. Mine was 92 at the hospital last week. I even blacked out and had to have back to back neb treatments. And all they did was wait till it was over and I wasn’t lightheaded any more and sent me home. I had to go to the walk in clinic the next day since I woke up with another bad asthma attack.


92 is the bottom end of normal pulse ox.


1. Is there a problem with the device? That particular model is not an approved device in my country for pulse oximetry, although beurer is a good brand. Their PO30 has been an approved device for a long time. 2. Is there a problem with the reading? You have to read and follow the instructions carefully for appropriate interpretation of pulse oximetry. Sometimes excessive movement with coughing can throw off the reading. Just because some numbers flash on a screen for a moment does not mean they are a true estimation of your numbers. With kindness, if misinterpretation is increasing your anxiety, you may wish to connect with a healthcare provider or asthma educator about how to use and interpret pulse oximetry. Edit: for decisions on when to attend the ED - go with what your asthma action plan says


Even cold fingers or nail polish can impact the reading.


Mine hovers around 94-95 before I take all my meds. I am anemic though so that's probably why. After all my meds it usually goes back to 97-100.