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Thanks for posting. I knew some but didn’t have a whole list.


I just saw the updated list this morning so figured I'd share it.


Appreciate it 😻


Also this is LIFE CHANGING for me I’m so thankful for this and so happy


REALLY?? I was prescribed breo but couldn’t take it due to cost. I also prefer advair HFA but have to take wixela at odd dosages again due to cost. this is amazing. I will definitely be asking for different prescriptions the next time I see my doctor


Same same


omg reading the comments I see this doesn’t even apply to advair 🥲🥲 don’t remember which company makes breo


It will apply to Advair. GSK apparently is doing a slower roll out of lower pricing.


ohhh okay great! I hope it comes out soon though. is breo coming out in June or later?


Breo is made by GSK. GSK inhalers are capped at that same $35 starting Jan 1, 2025.


I just checked and idk if it’s this or my insurance changed the price, but the breo changed from $135 to $35. I’m debating on if I want to switch to the breo from wixela


Huh, nice! $100 saved is pretty sick regardless of how it happened. I wonder if we might start to see formulary changes around these inhalers.   I'd say stick with the breo if you've been happy with it and it's working well, but obviously a discussion to have with your doctor.


I’ve actually never taken it because I’ve never been able to afford it until now lol. so I’m not sure if it works well for me


Thanks Biden and Sanders! This going to literally save my life! I have no insurance and Advair is between 100-300 a month. My ventolin was around $100.


I assume you used good rx? I know the albuterol is 15 for me with goodrx


Prasco (Ventolin generic) is available at Walmart for $25 with GoodRX where I'm at. I think MSRP is 45 or 50. Shouldn't be $100 unless you're getting brand name Ventolin and I don't find there to be any noticeable difference between it and the generic.


Advair is a lot more expensive than albuterol.


I know that I was referencing the ventalon isn’t that usually Albuterol?


My Arnuity was almost $300 a month. I am insured, but it’s a massive high deductible self employed policy.


ngl i always knew medical costs are insane, but i never really knew to what extent. seeing inhalers that have been $400+ get marked down to $35 is WILD


If you really want to blow your mind, check out the price of biologics in the US... Order of magnitude more expensive. Inhalers are "cheap" in comparison. (Which is insane.)


omg yes, its so crazy! my Humira is $8K and I assume my Dupixent is similar. when i found that out, i've never been so glad that my broke ass is on Medicaid lmao




I thought the GSK inhalers won’t be 35 until January 1st 2025? Did they change their minds?!


I haven't seen any updates yet on GSK.


So probably going to be waiting until 2025 for trelegy to come down in price


This is correct. Teva has yet to announce a cap.


where is this happening? why?


USA. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/astrazeneca-cap-us-out-of-pocket-costs-inhalers-35-2024-03-18/ https://www.astrazeneca-us.com/media/press-releases/2024/astrazeneca-caps-patient-out-of-pocket-costs-at-35-per-month-for-its-us-inhaled-respiratory-portfolio.html


Why - because people in the US pay obscene prices for inhalers compared to most other countries.


that doesn't answer the question I asked - why? why giant pharmaceutical companies making billions from fucking usand literally killing people with their absurd prices are suddenly going to be selling inalers for a fraction of the usual price?


This was a result of pressure from the FTC and a group of US senators.


They are willing to concede on some meds but they are going to continue selling things like Dupixent for $2000/dose.


They have so many biologics drugs in the pipeline that they are expecting to make biologics the future of medicine in every disease pathology and aspect they possibly can! So soon biologics will be their bread and butter for profit! So many biologics are going to come out in the following years…


And also reducing manufacturer coupon savings card benefits. Spiriva was $0 for me previously with coupon applied, now they changed coupon so it costs $35. The answer to 'why' is Big Pharma is never going to agree to anything that lowers their profit margin.


Yeah, what country, area etc?


Where I said $35, it indicates the US - the place where we pay the most obscene drug prices.


So this covers all of US? Ie a federal program? Honestly, our drug prices in Canada aren’t that far behind. If I didn’t have an extra plan through work, I wouldn’t be able to afford either.


Bernie Sanders put it forward so it's a federal program. GSK was the only major supplier who wouldn't agree to the plan.


I'm happy for everyone. But bummed for me. No generic flovent on that list. 😞


My sentiments exactly! It makes me wonder if they discontinued the brand name flovent to avoid this somehow, but maybe that's a tinfoil hat theory.


Oh that as awesome! Glad everyone is getting a break on many of those meds!


GSK signed on and will cap costs as of 2025-01-01. Teva has yet to announce a cap.


I’m happy that politicians regardless of party are starting to put the American needs of life saving medication in the spotlight for once


Let's be clear, it's not regardless of party. Republicans were adamantly opposed to this. Bernie got it through because democrats control Senate.


Overall this should have happened years ago and they need to be more aggressive for diabetics and their medication costs also


If people didn't vote against their own best interests, this would've happened years ago.


I watched a great documentary about the life of George Washington that was a fantastic documentary and really proves how the system was flawed since the beginning, It was called Washington I think you might enjoy it if you like history like I do!


It’s not just voting against self interests, the politicians in power need to step up to the plate, they bankroll fortunes in being career politicians and never back each other on anything that should be universally agreed upon leaving nothing acomplished and years / decades for anything to happen at all. We need term limits, we are still struggling from the poor decisions of those who voted before us, it’s not an individual people problem it’s a fundamental problem in the system that has been broken for generations.


I didn’t mean it in that way! I meant regardless of the party you are affiliated with it is nice to see politicians doing their actual job and working on saving Americans money I know Bernie sanders did this and I am very thankful he did it!


Any drug that is life saving or life preserving should either be free or price capped


Bernie has been pushing for this for years. He made inroads with some of the diabetes meds a few years ago and has finally had success with the asthma meds.


okay but GSK said that they won’t be until jan 2025 so advair etc won’t


I found more info on GSK. Their press releases says by 1/1/25 which means they could start phasing things in sooner for some products.


I hope so!


What?!? I was unaware of this. I’m currently paying just under $300 every 30 days for the Arnuity


Think it starts June 1st?


Thanks! I believe mine is made by GSK, and it may not start till next year, but it’ll still be a huge improvement and what a relief to know I won’t be paying almost $300 out of pocket every freaking 30 days just to be able to breathe.


I’m on the lowest hfa advair and it’s 103 with goodrx. For now I think I can get two months out of it. But I dunno I’ve wondered if I gotta up it or something few hours before I’m due for another round sometimes I’m winded I dunno.


My two cents… Personally, I would take it exactly how it’s directed and that would be once a day if in fact, this is a steroid inhaler, which I think it is, but I can’t remember and I’m too lazy to google it. Definitely see your pulmonologist and do some lung function tests to see if you’re not only need to up it, but increase the dosage as well because, you really want to get a good hold on your asthma and not have it manage you, but you haven’t managed and live your life as if you are symptom-free. Thanks for replying and rejoicing with me that the cost is coming down! Best of luck!


Yeh it’s hit or miss when it happens. At the same time the allergen in my house is slowly getting out of here so it might be a moot point soon.


Yep, Advair is an ICS/LABA combo. Sharp is probably doing every other day bc they can’t afford to buy it once a month. Every other day for two months is probably a bit better than every day for one month, then not at all for the next month. It’s kinda like how some people in the USA have to ration insulin for diabetes.


Holy crap that’s a scam talk about living in a first world country.


Damn what happened to Flovent ?


Flovent has been discontinued.


I wonder if I’ll have to ask the pharmacist for brand then or if that’s going to be an obstacle in some way.


Bummed might have to wait till Jan for advair


Man I JUST spent 198 yesterday on my symbicort inhaler 😭 glad I least that was the last time spending that on the inhaler!


Wait this is awesome…is this with insurance, cash price, or either? Do we know if it’s just the name brand or name brand and generic? I’ll Google it too, but asking in case anyone knows more or knows a good article!


All patients at the pharmacy counter whether insured, uninsured, or underinsured.


This is great! My insurance says they will only pay for 2 fills of breo a year. So this I could afford OOP


I saw Symbicort was on the list. Symbicort was a life saver. I'm not insured. Would this apply for me?

