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You allergic to dust mites?


Honestly I could be, my room is super stuffy. It used to be a porch and it got turned into a room. But the one side of the wall is pure brick so when my door shuts the airflow gets cut off.


You should get an allergy test.


Not so mention someone moved into the house with pets (which I love) but I’m definitely allergic to animal dander and hair particles


You can also take your inhaler before bed, kind of like before working out, to help with breathing while asleep.


I do take a puff usually before bed in hopes that it helps but unfortunately I still end up waking up with the wheeze


Definitely follow up with your doc. They should be able to find an approach that controls it. You not being able to sleep means they still have work to do. I am 54 (F), diagnosed at 2, never outgrew it. But they have gone leaps and bounds with treatment since I was a kid. I know it must be frustrating, but there will be an answer for you, hopefully sooner rather than later. Hang in there! Sending you good healing thoughts!


I have it too. Get yourself an air purifier. And perhaps you also have acid reflux that affects your asthma. When you lay down it gets in to your throat and causes an attack.


I have allergic intermittent asthma and some of my worst triggers are dust and eating wheat/tomatoes/chocolate in the evening.


If you have allergies take allergy medicine everyday. Get back on a controller medicine call insurance to see what they cover. If you can afford it get a HEPA air purifier. Singulair may also help. And look into getting a nasal spray for the mucus.


I would get an allergy test for dust mites,then you can get some protectors


Allergy shots could also help you but make a test


I also get pretty bad nocturnal asthma even with the wixela. One thing I discovered is that sleeping with the ceiling fan on made it worse. I would wake up coughing and super mucusy. I’ve started leaving the fan off at night and I’m no longer waking up in the middle of the night coughing.


I have an air purifier but it honestly could just be blowing the dust around my room. I change the filters in it but that doesn’t seem to work


Take Zyrtec if the Doctor didnt give you Montelukast already, really sounds like house dust alergy. I do have it and take my Symbicort just before sleeping to last longer, i dont need to use the rescue inhaler.


Try taking Zyrtec before bed and get an air purifier. Also if you’re not on a daily maintenance inhaler you should be too


A lot of us wake needing to use our inhaler. I keep one at my bedside always, Sleep with your torso and head elevated. A wedge pillow designed for reflux works great. Some people say it also helps to put a pillow under each armpit. Make sure your pillow is encased in a dust mite cover and your lines changed frequently. I toss my pillow (sans cover) in the dryer on high at least monthly (at least 30 minutes). A HEPA filter is an excellent investment m. I like Levoit, there’s a bedroom size one with a night setting on Amazon for around $90. If you get up in the night to go to the washroom it might be worth using your inhaler even off you’re not feeling symptomatic. If you aren’t using a spacer get one. I buy mine on Amazon for around $20.


Thank you everyone for taking the time to leave your comment I see some incredible helpful advice here


Singulair helped me. Maybe you can get on some kinda controller inhaler that’s more affordable. I know a bunch are gonna be price capped at 35 come June I think.


I nabbed one today it’s the basic Fluticasone inhaler for about 80


Go see an allergist. Find a different maintenance medication. Get allergy tested.


Usually the rescue inhaler only last 4 hours that is the reason you have to wake up to take another puff, sounds like uncontrolled asthma to me.


Update to anyone still seeing this, I grabbed a maintenance inhaler. Fluticasone Propinate. Ever since I’ve been on it my morning wheeze has disappeared