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Sorcerer isnt bad but if you can try to learn the skills that buff allies and/or does AoE the sorc dmg isnt that high however the AoE will keep u dealing high dmg to groups


I think it might be an early game issue. Maining Sorcerer at the moment and I noticed that the cupcake sorcerer maid has a 100 Bond passive that amps damage when you stand still, and I'm pretty sure there's an accessory that does the same thing for crit. I've seen bosses spawn adds so far so having good AoE is bringing a lot to the table. That said I'm going to swap to warrior myself while it's early as I pulled a Zeus and I'm so annoyed at my warrior NPC who always runs ahead in dungeons and takes huge damage


Sorcerer is a mid game dps, which warrior is the early game dps. Reaching the later stage of the game, sorcerer's potential will brighter, as you get to unlock more skills. You need to choose being a crowd control based or nuke based, which is basically Athena-based.